TGWTG Episode 2: Fork You

Jim's new video.

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I never got the spoony meme


What ever happened to the gook he fingered on the livestream?

whatever happened to kingofpol?

Oh boy some Jimkino

He got raped by muslims

Jim81jim's videos are kino.

At least be honest when you try to shill your videos Jim

Jim is still with her.

Literally who?

She lives with him. One day she will carry Jim's mongrel offspring and they will name him Elliot.

She's buried in Jim's cornfield.

Hmm what's this?


I remember when Spoony had a positive article on Encyclopedia Dramatica, something that basically never fucking happened in the history of that place. Back in those days when no one had social media and people actually put out edited videos instead of streams it was often difficult to know what a person was really like. But social media eventually ruins everything, and it allowed Spoony to be seen just exactly as he was by everyone. The result was a spiraling downfall of nearly Greek tragic proportions. It's been fascinating to watch, to say the least. I'm glad I never fell for his (or anyone else's) Patreon meme.

post yfw spoony's dog wanted was about to have sex with a man


He should go back to Missoula, Montana.

I'm bisexual and I can't fathom fucking that either as a man or as a woman.

gay shit from a cult

Why can he not write a script and stick to it.

I feel really bad for spoony

But to be honest every person o TGWTG is a miserable tale about rise and downfall of internet "celebrities", wasted chances and ruined lifes

I just dunno if we will see current "celebrities" like pewdiepie or h3h3 or some other faggs share the same fate in the 10 years

That video easily could have been cut down to 15 minutes.
Jim's a decent speaker, but he can't tell when he's made a point already.
He must have said "the people who hate Spoony were his former fans" four or five times.

maybe he's taken video creating lessons from Totalbiscuit

pewdiepie has his business model down and adapts well with the times. He may have some hiccups but he'll stay succesful. H3h3 however is gonna crash hard once the whole neo-edgelord channel (ie. them, idubbz, filthy frank etc.) phase dies its inevitable death.

at least H3h3 can fall back on their jewishness

Well i agree on pdp, he is too big too fall
He already got so much money that he is safe to pursue other bluishness than yt, it wasnt the case 10 years ago for tgwtg because it simply wasnt as profitable as it is now

And when it comes to faggs like idubbz or h3h3 i agree that they gonna crash and burn, it seems like they are hilariusly bad with money and dont have any backup plan for the time when their channels die

not sure if that'll be enough to pull them through

pretty much all youtubers are bad with money and time management, and it seems to be the fate of all of them to either die out in a blaze of glory or slowly decay into nothing. even yms and rlm are decaying and they seemed the most steady at one point. the only truly lasting youtube channels seem to be griefing channels, and even then it's only some of them.

H3h3 isn't really "edgy", his channel is mostly full of dumb sketches and reaction videos.
I miss his old .exe videos, they were good.

At least Ethan has an excuse, he's being sued by a man more Jewish than he is.
The expenses for the lawsuit are $51k each month.

Does TB do the same thing? I'd like to see some examples, I never watched TotalAsscancer and the only thing I know him from is a recent video where he defends NuQuake by going "SHUT UP YOU DON'T PLAY QUAKE NOBODY PLAYS QUAKE".

all TB vids I've watched have been at least 10 minutes longer than they need to be because he keeps repeating things. the man is obviously in love with his own voice.

It seems like its best to do youtube as a side thing than as a career. It doesn't seem stable as a job.

Northernlion seems to be doing very well for himself, and he's been at it for over five years

What does he do? videogame streaming?

This should be quite obvious, when your paycheck is at the mercy of a whimsical audience you have everything but a stable job. Your completely dependent on the viewcount, if you get disconnected from what your audience wants it will melt away and you'll be left with a few stragglers. In that situation, you're royally fucked, since you have no meaningful job experience, so finding a job is going to be even more of a nightmare than for the average Joe.

those and let's plays, mostly of indie roguelike type games

Huh interesting. I wonder how long he'll keep going.

hopefully for a long time. he seems like such a great guy all around.



top cuck

Feels bad

She would only abort it anyway.

and make a movie about it.

And here I thought he would go after Phelous because he enacted that scene from the Nguyen guy.

I wonder if thats the new fiance watching while todd bangs her.

She seems like the type insecure enough to need more guys.

Spoony's has been shit since his FFVIII review.


Be honest though, do you think he even fucks his own wife? How often does Kate cuck him?

After Episode 1, the anime reviewer formerly known as Hope Chapman or Jesuotaku is in Panic Mode and Damage Control


how rude! Kate is a pure, chaste woman who only sleeps with her husband

Who will be after Lindsay? Obscurus Lupa? Todd? JewWario? Linkara? Jesuotaku?

what's she so afraid of?

Her transition into a tranny and probably what happened between her and Spoony

He specified at the end he's not going after any of the minor people. You have to have been involved in some major controversy or make a general asshat of yourself.

He said his video on Linkara is going to be over an hour long, and that his next video is going to involve "coat hangers" so obviously Nostalgia Chick is up next. I'd bet after that he covers Angry Joe since there's a lot of shit he's linked with, but beyond that is there really anyone remotely amusing to discuss? TJ maybe? He was on the site for a while, and there's enough shit on that asshole to fill a two hour video, but he still has a following so that would probably lead to an internet slap fight.

That Jim is able to do this at all is kind of a testament to how dead CA's fanbase is. A few years ago they would have angrily set their fans after him instead of hesitating to even mention who he is.

And you have to wonder what they think he'd talk about, why they're so ashamed of their past work. I don't think he said anything about Spoony that wasn't already public knowledge, we know what he's going to say about Linkara. He's going to mock the embarrassing skits a bit, perhaps his extremely childish persona, bring up the Sonichu-tier Lightbringer comic, the tranny girlfriends, the "HmMmMmMmMm…" stories and cap it all off with the "I'm a nasty cockslut" fetish stuff. Honestly, he'll probably be fairly reasonable about it because while it's all really funny shit, Linkara doesn't come off as especially malicious, and Jim is on good terms with his ex Liz, who also still cares about Linkara.

Jes becoming a tranny is just sad, not funny. Marzgurl as far as I know is only really known for being THICC but wholesome. I mean, I'm saying this as an outsider though, I never watched either of their videos and my CA knowledge is mostly just the controversies.

It would be nice if that Diamanda Hagan sperg got mentioned, just because they're emblematic of everything wrong with CA. Tranny, edgy atheist, narcissist whose character is literally themselves but an all-powerful god, doesn't actually have much of a fanbase, pushed by the higher ups who made the others do crossover videos to promote him anyway, totally unfunny, etc.

TJ video wouldn't really fit into a TGWTG series, he made like 5 vids there and just fucked off without getting involved into drama there. He scammed lots of $ from idiots but that was outside of TGWTG.

i know where my money is

How come there's a silhouette of a square jawed alpha male in the opening although doug has a round face and jim is a fucking fat pig?

Being in a relationship with the owner of Anime News Network for her job. There was also that kickstarter for that visual novel which I don't think has come out yet. Her departure video from CA was met with comments about not of her departure but of her views from some obscure blogspot I think in the comments section. Major thing turning into a Tranny and the trigger for the downfall of Spoony.

That Chick with the goggles will likely get a minor mention since she did very little videos, did a brief stint of cam whoring and did a video about returning but it was just a let's play and she fizzled into obscurity. Paw Dugan was a cuck cautionary tale never to marry asexual vampires.

Phelous was big for CA but he was really nothing much to talk about in terms of drama. He was the meta guy. He did skits. He left CA. He does mostly videos about bootleg toys and terrible animated movies, dropping his original horror movie review start. With some topical political jokes that don't belong in the review and just there to vent his anger. Similar to Brad Jones and most internet reviewers. I think he took Obscuras Lupa from a former internet reviewer named Apollo Z Hack. I heard some bad shit happened to him during the filming of Kickassia. Apparently they didn't know that deserts can be extremely cold, despite it looking warm and weren't properly equipped.

There is 8 planned and I can only really think of 5-6 major players of TGWTG that'd deserve a sole video about them. The last 2 will likely be all the minor contributors and what happened to them. The old school contributors up to around LordKat and the ones after that.

Jim needs to plan because he forgot to mention some stuff like Blistered thumbs and Bar Fiesta. Also that terms video NC he did for the new nostalgia critic and its devolution into skit movie reviews. Also the contempt he shows in his old fanbase within those reviews. Also forgot to mention the bi-polar nature of spoony and the many reasons he says of his laziness. That Twilight vlog breakdown he has with Linkara and JewWario. No mention of him trying to get on Jimmy Fallon. He admits that he could do multiple videos for spoony even based on the relationship with Scarlet and April so I guess he could go back to it later on.

Last time I heard of him, he was suckpuppeting on Kiwifarms to whiteknight for himself on a DSP thread.

I remember that at one point the BT crew made a separate site from CA, maybe they were trying to distance themselves from Doug? But I don't remember what the Bar Fiesta was.

I've only found Yahtzee and Niel Gaimen too have those.

I'm glad you stopped namefagging.

Pewds is a lot smarter than his character implies.

Youtube is no longer based on viewcount bot how many minutes a channel can keep a person on the site. That obnoxious faggot Mattpat has made 3 or 4 videos on how Youtube works.

So was there anything new in this one or was it just the same old shit like last time?

Meant too say that H3H3 made a "Muh Holocaust" video recently.

I don't understand why anyone thought these videos would have some new info, why would anyone think Jim had some sekrit dirt on tgwtg that hasn't been posted on Holla Forums yet? Jim's thing has always been just regurgitating info for normalfags, but usually making it fun enough even for faggots here to enjoy.

KYM at 30fps.

Pretty much.

The way you type, as well as how often you talk of NL, has me inclined to believe you ARE NL, or at the very least Kate.

I'm onto you, buster.

the fact that hes doing worse than DSP was nice at least

Bar Fiesta was a failed web series that would go around and interview the different bars around Chicago. The problem is that the site is full of nerds so that wouldn't appeal to them and they probably wouldn't watch it.

Really? I thought they might shit on him for being pozzed or something?

Most ED articles haven't changed since they were written. Pozzed is a modern Holla Forumsack meme, and it's use on ED would require people too actually still write articles on the fucking site. I hope the copyright troll suing ED leads too higher traffic.

Poor Latza, he's not notable enough to have a Mister Metokur TGWTG video.

Stop speaking in third person Jim. Also Tape 3 when?

I cannot think of a bigger waste of time. I thought you retards were all about self improvement? You might as well kill yourself if you're watching this shit.

I'm not sure how you could confuse Holla Forums with /fit/, but here you are.

t. spoony

Is Linkara the one whose wife fucked a girl in WoW?

No, Linkara is the Nasty Cockslut, who is in trannies and dickgirls. The one you're referencing is Brad Jones, the Cinema Snob.

where did you ever read that, faggot
go back to reddit

Did he marry an 800 pound gorilla woman?

You mean Linkara? He was engaged to one, yes, but I don't know if they consumated that unholy matrimony.

Truly a match made in hell

Fug. Forgot pic

The children can be the in between experiments in the next Alien movie.

Just fucking kill yourself already spoony.

So when the Paymeaton money runs out are you and April gonna murder-suicide or are you going to go back and mooch off of your brother Miles "roll a burrito into a grave" Antwiler?

How is he an edgelord?


He said Linkara would be near the end, if anything, I'd say Todd, something tells me once he gets the whore, he'll go for the cuck. JewWario might just be one of the last ones considering he's the one that killed himself. Jesuotaku just recently went full fucking lulzcow with her whole tranny thing so maybe she'll go last too. He also said he'll talk about smaller contributors too in a compilation episode, so maybe he'll tackle ThatAussieGuy or Erod. Here's hoping he goes for AngryJose.

He must mean the Holla Forumstards crossposting here, who like to RP about how they are totally getting fit and self-improving to the betterment of the white race.

Aggravated Alejandro will be one of the episodes, that's a given. I'd say Todd will be in one as well because of his crossover with GG.

Jim's audience is basically le redpilled Holla Forumstards who take themselves seriously but not seriously enough to actually do anything but watch podcasts. Same people who post on this board, in this thread.

The same who were drooling about WigOnHead before she was outed as a coalburner, and that are now falling for the same kind of shit with Laci Green? Sure.

Isn't there article on Chris Chan still stuck around 2009?

spoopy one

JewWario would be hard to do a full episode on, aside from the whole suicide thing, he was mostly a minor figure with a small following. He didn't really do anything ultra-spergy and made pretty inoffensive mildly enjoyable videos.

Then why does she go out so often, and what do you think she does while her husband is just home playing videogames for what Is likely 10+ hours a day? At worst shes cucking him and at best shes spending all his money.

He was a decent person, the only thing he did of note was his whole fundraiser for his Power Rangers-like project that Asalieri ripped apart because "everyone but me is an ebegging scam artist" and killing himself. Maybe Jim could do a video similar to his Doug Walker video, but I doubt since that's not the point of this video series.

Actually, a video on Asalieri would be great (but he's not directly tied to TGWTG, so not going to happen). That crazy sack of lard has so much material for a proper take down.

Pretty spot on tbh

Don't forget about Asalieri's little butt buddy.

He definitely has ties and has caused a lot of drama on TGWTG. Like what he did during the two year anniversary special.

Is that the faggot who defended Oblivion's leveling system?

Yeah, but he's not a member, so Jimbo the faggot won't do a video on him.

I'd rather forget this sissy metalhead exists tbh fam.

t. leftycuck

try again

Maybe not on TGWTG but maybe something else like Hugbox Chronicles or whatever.

Razor and Asa actually had a bad falling out over some bullshit recently.

your all virgins.

Say it aint so

You may as well troll Holla Forums, or call bronies furries, or tell Holla Forums someone is fucking their wives.

Well it is true that this board belongs to Holla Forums.

What happened? Did it have something to do with Trump? I know they had a "debate" over the wall awhile back.

Hey Faggot,
My name is John, and I hate you. You are a fat, retarded, no-life who spend every second of his day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are a faggot who should just kill yourself. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

Is that a younger Lauren Southern?

Well, she has the (((nose))), so… it's possible.

I never heard about this. What did he do?

iirc, he was the one who posted the audio recording of some girl passing out because she was hanged upside down and everyone discussing it.


Holla Forums confirmed to be big guys.


It was partially because of that, though if you listen to the debate it was actually quite civil. What broke them apart was some bullshit involving AlphaOmegaCuck and SilentRob. On the hatebit podcast they made some joke about Rob, everyone including Razor laughed at it, and Asa took Rob's side and proceeded to shit talk about Razor being a bitch.

I tried finding the video where Asa and Rob talk about this, as Rob's privated his videos.


is that first pic real and with who?

Damn, he's one ugly motherfucker.



it's too difficult to say the woman on the photo is Lindsay. Because of the skin color of the man pounding the woman, some said the man is Todd in the Shadows.

That's an autist from leftypol.

Maybe. There was a thread on Kiwi Farms and the info seemed to match. Can't find it now. Most didn't think he was a lolcow. He was really easy to find so it could be planted bs.


Is that really him?

This is JIm81Jim avatar image, so try to compare it

I guess by hanging out with Filthy Frank?

I thought that was Filthy Frank.

I kind of wish he would talk about other aspects of CA later and not just the reviewers like how Blistered Thumbs went to shit. I remember reading some articles on TechRaptor a few years ago detailing the fall of that site and one of the guys involved called Micah Curtis had a pretty negative view of Angry Joe and how that whole site went down.

Also, here's the link to his youtube channel.

Would lordfat get an episode or is he too unimportant/got his life together to be worth the time?

Hahahah, wow. No, he's still a fat, angry edgelord with anger management problems hellbent on screwing himself over petty shit, while surrounding himself in a bubble with a bunch of faggots on his podcast.

He's also a Kiwifarms regular, so that alone should tell you all you need to know about LordFatso.

why is linkara sitting next to a living giant pineapple in this pic?

He wants to shove that pineapple in his poop-hole, since it reminds him of Tyrone.

Spoony is just a latter day Armake21. I want to see Jim do a video on the Cuck King Cinema Snob..

He's going to make more TGWTG vids, so he'll probably get around to that.

what's the backstory of the cinema snob? i remember somebody posted here a webm of him naked with his benis out and another one of him making out and preparing to have sex with some fat whale, what were they about?
also why does everyone, EVERYON at CA have such a filthy, viscid look?

The fat whale was his girlfriend at the time and her cucked him with a teenager girl. He is also a cocaine addict


Razorfist is a faggot when it comes to vidya, ignore all his vidya opinions. He's cool when it comes to other topics.

What's up with his fucking lips?

A lot of why that site went down had to do with the personalities involved and their piss poor management.

Didn't he post an hour long video of him crying about how he treated his TGWTG information, apologizing, and how he was going to quit streaming?

Jillian Zurawski wasn't his girlfriend when this happened. She was his wife.

That was an april fools joke believe, he streamed the next day.

ha ha ha ha

Because he's Squidward.

That name sounds familiar.

Armake21 was the inspiration for Spoony. He did game reviews where he got angry back in the early youtube days. I think his most famous video would be Ring, Terror's Realm (which the SpoonyOne would do later). Disappeared off the face of the map but I think he goes by a different name now. It's funny how their life mirrors each other from rise to popularity to total failure, though Spoony's side of events was much worse.

I'm pretty sure there was drama for Armake21 but I never followed it.

That was the biggest problem with CA, there where too many fucking people after a while, all doing the same damn thing.
Hell, that spoony thing was bound to happen one way or another with how many people started filling up.

Now that you mention him I think I might've seen this guys vids back in the day.

What the fuck. I'm glad it never decided to insert its personal history in its reviews, but now I want to know what happen to her. Since is much rarer to her about woman to man, then man to woman. What happen to it?

Everything she does is to piss off her deeply christian parents

I think some rich guy bought him a crazy expensive PC then he got very lazy. I remember there was a lot of drama. Jim could make a good long video. Internets of Yesteryear Classic YouTube.

Those bewbs. Nice. Snob wasn't shy in using them for thumbnails - not that I'm complaining.

I'd love that but is there enough material? Most stuff I've found say he's ok or boring and don't say much.

He made a video some time back, might have been during the CA/Spoony split, basically telling Spoony that he needs to relax and collect his shit before he lost the plot altogether. Turns out he was right.

Around that same time, Razorfist and some other dude in Arizona invited Spoony to a tea party, which Spoony declined to take part in because of his autism. Too bad, it may have been the beginning of a less shitty CA-style thing.

I now wonder why her parents did to it to warrant such a punishment. What they could have done different to stop her from changing to it. Doesn't even sound like any of its old preference even changed. which means there was really no reason to do the change unless it really just wanted a penis to fuck a man in the ass.

I almost miss the "Me Too" post avgn videos everyone was making.

Severe autism.

That explains her actual name being Hope. Figured it had to be something like that.

I suppose her calling herself Jacob now is probably symbolic in light of that

Pretty sure that's not Jim, I recall The Asian Girl (Jade?) was a lot more squint faced and yellow in the pictures she posted of herself. Of course that may have just been the light but the tone I recall generally wasn't consistent with that.

So that must be why they have a thread up on their board about his content and they are totally in support of an alleged white guy who keeps a yellow woman as a cum dumpster?

Wait, no that doesn't fit at all. Try again, or rather, don't. Jim's audience are people who find him funny and his content uniquely interesting. You can lump Holla Forums in all you like but that's not enough to tie the two together. If Holla Forums had their way, they'd put Jim in jail for being a race traitor.

Yeah, Jade looks different.

Youthful rebellion and a need to "LOOK HOW PROGRESSIVE I AM XD"

By the time she hits 30 she'll regret the testosterone injections, if she hasn't already affixed a broken wang to herself by then.


If anyone cares I dug up Armake's current channel and twitter:
He hasn't been active in a while but I'd heard he's gotten a family and stuff so it's expected I'm glad he's doing okay.


None I could find, she seemed to wipe her internets.
The title of that vid is OOTD Schoolgirl outfit bewb nation, but I think it's a reupload.


Wow…totally worth destroying your racial identity for a dumpy, unattractive Asian.

At least the song was catchy and he had a pretty risqué sense of humor for TGWTG (considering the porn game reviews).

probably true tbh

lesser of two evils?

thirst over logic, every time.


you're missing one thing buddy

So just like Lindsay Ellis


He seriously needs to get a better vest. And wear proper shoes with those dress pants. Either you dress dapper or you don't. You don't do this half-way crap it just doesn't work out.

The only guy who looks good in that old-timey suit shit is Reviewbrah.

Linkara's show isn't even all that offensive. When he's on the topic of comic history he usually gets a decent amount of detail. When he's breaking down what makes certain characters work and why certain comics failed he's on point. Unfortunately too many of his reviews don't cover that stuff, instead being stupid stuff or lately not-comics.
Not that I watch any of it

Yeah, its pretty clear Benzaie always had actual goals in life, and does actual work as well. He had a game plan, and followed thru with it.

Were there ever any Marzgurl nudes? I know Goggles had some from when she camwhored briefly.

Why would you want them?

Reviewbrah has the face and voice of somebody from the 50's, he's one of those rare people who can pull off vintage suits.

Armake got a family, I think. He must've realised that raising his kids was more important than a stupid YouTube channel.

How the fuck does he do it? I could wear the same thing and pose in the same photo-op, and I'd look retarded. He looks amazing

A bit of a meme answer, but it's very simple: because he wants to. He genuinely enjoys and cares about his suits, and wants to wear them and look good in them. He's essentially just "being himself", and it works.

Jesus Christ

He's thin and well groomed
Look at his hair and face, he pays attention to how he looks. He takes care of his body, he has no chub going on.
You need to look as respectable as the suit you're wearing.

He has some serious swagger going on in that image.
I never thought I'd see a person as young as him look that good in such an old suit.

This couple makes me utterly hate myself, because it's like looking into a dark reflection. I despise everything about their online activities, the way they met and hooked up, the BDSM stuff, the insecure displays of "dominance" doing videos together as a couple, the age difference, the fact that he's a pudgy dweeb who just puts on a veneer of being what young girls from the internet find masculine.

It's like seeing all my insecurities magnified and filtered through a prism of pure hatred. Take away the e-celeb bit, and it's what I've been doing for nearly the last decade of my life. I'm a totally insecure dweeb, but extremely high testosterone. I've cultivated an image of maturity and masculinity. I've trained my voice to sound deep, intimidating and seductive. I go through the same pattern every time I feel lonely. I go looking for a young, pretty girl. I act mysterious and seduce her with my voice. After a month of talking with her pleading to meet, begging to even see what I look like she's already bought into my voice and my persona, then I give her glimpses. By that point she's already sold. It doesn't matter I'm possibly a decade older than her. My gut doesn't matter, the thinning hair, the small dick, she's already all in on her terrible decision. So I relent and go meet her, and I trot her around like a trophy, and people say we're a cute couple, and I'm so sweet with her and she seems so happy.

I know what's going on behind closed doors. I know what a complete loser this guy is. I know she's batshit nuts. How long have they been dating now? Two years? They still never look natural on camera together because he's thinking "See? Take that you bitch, I'm not a loser. Look at this hot slut who's totally into me." and she's thinking "He reminds me so much of my dad, all the good and the bad. I just have to keep him happy. He's my meal ticket. I just have to keep massaging his ego. Just keep pretending he's the alpha of my dreams."

They're both playing characters, and that keeps them at arm's length. They both know as soon as his channel collapses or she finds someone better she's out the door. Neither will admit that's the nature of their relationship though, when it ends they'll list a bunch of other shit that currently isn't enough of an issue for the relationship to end.

Who, WigOnHead? Who else would want some blacked bald mongoloid trash girl? I say she and WhiteKnightSceptic are a match made in the bowels of hell heaven. They deserve each other.

Well, I guess that's one way of not falling into the alimony trap: have your wife be blackmailable through accusations of pedophilia. If she tries to take him to court, he'll destroy her forever. Well played, Brad.

too many thirsty betas ready to pick up this trainwreck

Searched his name. It leads nowhere but to a kiwifarms thread (again, nowhere) and a thread on an archfiend forum dated to 2010, talking about videogame channels being taken down.

Reminder he's made around 3000 isaac let's plays. He's ok but he really needs to play play good roguelikes.

Reviewbrah is fucking awesome. I've noticed only redditors seems to dislike him because of the suit and fedora meme.


Seems interesting that he did Spoony so early, considering he didn't really bring any information that wasn't already well known. Do you guys think he's planning a video on everyone associated with TGWTG? Here's my order

Is there anyone else who might have enough lulz to make the list?

TiTS? That guy is really boring, not much interesting about him.
Linkara, on the other hand..
You could make a movie about that guy.

I'm gonna level with you, I've seen maybe five of her videos. I can't stand her or Skeptic because of the whole fence sitting faggot thing. Their political opinions are garbage. I gave up on them both after I tried getting through their Ghostbusters review where they tried to argue if you point out the problems with the Thor guy's character, that he's a blonde male bimbo and outright stated just to be there as dumb eyecandy for the frumpy female characters you are "just as bad as feminists" who inaccurately point out when this happens with female characters.

Where's this wig thing coming from? Are there pictures of her being balding or something?

As for who she'd go after, pffft I don't know. She'd probably try to get a job as a correspondent for someone like Gavin McInnes, some network channel that pays well. Can you think of a youtuber who is both more successful than Skeptic but also insecure enough that her charms would work on him, who claims political neutrality, has uninspired opinions, talks more about media stuff and portrays a BDSM dom type persona?

I'd like to see Suede video but he's nothing much to talk about. He was deified when he left TGWTG for Morman missionary for two years. Came back. I'm sure he did some stupid stuff but the only one I remember that people bring up is his blaming of bronies for Donald Trump winning.

I don't remember what its called but she has some headcase condition she admitted to where she pulls her hair out and wears wigs to cover the damage.

Well the internet "Skeptic" boom seems to becoming to end because of all the infighting and people realizing they regurgitate each other's bland boring opinions. I'm betting the next big Youtube "Trend" will be video Essayists or whatever they're called. So…

It depends on how much edrama there is surrounding the person, how well documented it is, and how much of a meme inspiring infamous lolcow they are. Right now it looks like the lineup is:

Linkara is obviously the one that inspired him to do this (followed by probably Nostalgia Chick) and will be the grand finale. The rest on the list are big and noteworthy enough to have a decent amount of material to work with, but I can't imagine who the last one would be. Maybe ToddintheShadows or Lupa, but you could just as easily have them as a subsection of Nostalgia Chick's video. Most of the funny shit involving them is where they're accessories to someone else's edrama rather than the focus of it since no one cares about it.

I doubt JesuOtaku even bares mentioning outside of context for other videos. There was nothing particularly bad about the content she made or her as a person. The only noteworthy thing about her is that she's a guy now, and that was discovered very very recently once anyone had long since stopped caring. Same goes for Goggles and Marzgurl to an even lesser extent, though replace "became a tranny" with "dabbled in camwhoring" and "got chubby" respectively.

that not how it works.

all their videos on that subject are getting much higher views than their normal ones.

Is it? I don't really care. It just seems they're becoming more and more irrelevant. I suppose drama does gain views.

what the fuck are essayists

it's the sjw and the femminist that are getting more and more irrelevant
the sgebtigs are actually gaining traction from it, and it will go on until the sjw will die for good, leaving them without material

well apparently she blew him on stream at some point


lookin good


Teach me your ways, sempai

You don't wanna be like me, kid.

Oh /leftycringe/, you're so cute when you try and shitpost. Like a little kid using swear words he doesn't fully understand.
Now go back home.

I do. I'm even pretty close on my own, I could just use a little coaching.

It was a pateron prize won by poll

Do you know what the other options on the poll were?
I know basically nothing about TGWTG and Channel Awesome so none of the current shit he's doing matters to me. I want to know what we could've gotten instead.

That's a good name for them.

i cri evertiem

Bottom line: He understands cuff length, cut, fold, and fit. All of the hallmarks of understanding how fabric drapes off the body and address your natural contours. Always go to a tailor when buying a suit. Buying off the rack shit is for fucking plebs.

He doesn't wear the suit. The suit wears him.

…sounds kinda cool.

Pdp is a well adjusted human being. Him and Doug Walker are going to around for a very long time.

What I heard Asalieri explain in one of the podcasts was that Razorfist was kind of cold and treated the wall "debate" reunion as strictly business. Not sure if this was before or after the aforementioned event.

Spoony never had to do the movie, he could have just did his usual thing.

He is absolutely right.

Has spoony commented on this yet?

Is that Hitomi?

Did he want some candlelight?

He is too pissed about Donald Trump to even notice that. I checked his Twitter and m8, this guy is addicted. He makes 20 tweets per day about frivolous stuff. He is way past caring what people think about him at any rate.

God, that was depressing. Desperate tweeting for attention but mostly ignored.

you haven't seen pathetic tweeting

^This tbh. The fallout will be amusing once it crashes to earth.

i can beat that

Holy shit I thought you're exaggerating but I checked and he's tweeting all day every day and a huge part of that is replying to Trump. It goes on for weeks, probably months and years if you go far enough. That's just sad.


When you have to point to another movie's faults to justify a criticism of a movie you're defending, you lose the argument. Not like arguing about movies is exactly high quality discussion, but the point still stands

In my opinion: the prequels had good effects and decent acting but poor dialogue, characterization, plot management, and flimsy exposition. The idea was solid, the fight scenes were cool, but everything in-between needed to be drafted a few more times to give the characters more personality and the movement of plot elements more directional clarity so it wouldn't have to be made up, so much, of speculation on the part of the viewer. I like the idea of the prequels, but I don't like the execution. If you enjoy them, good for you.

Sage because off topic.

After the stream he did with Jim he started getting ridiculed by a bunch of people and Jim plus Jim's friends all seemed to drop him like a rock.

Instead most of Jim and his e-friends just stopped using social media for the most part.

KoP has never really revived as some major internet figure despite trying to put his feet back in the pool a few times with some streams/videos.

Helps to keep in mind that KoP mostly got popular because others were talking about him and supporting what he was doing, so once they all stopped he was frozen out of really doing anything anymore since he was mostly doing streams with others to talk about current events or doing interviews. So once Jim and e-friends like Black Face Kermit and Whiskey Grenade went silent it screwed over KoP quite a bit and he hasn't ever recovered.

It is kinda true about who Jim's audience is. A lot of them seem to think of themselves as cool or 'redpilled' because they like or disagree with Jim and then sperg out a bit if you disagree with them about something.

The people actually on 4&8/pol/ don't seem to give a shit about Jim anymore, but he still has this audience that's followed him around due to having done remarkably well about cultivating his image.

Oh hi KingofPol.

The true reason is that KoP sperged out and claimed he had a bunch of facebook posts from Nick Denton saying that GamerGate was destroying Gawker, and that he had an inside source at Kotaku. Hotwheels vouched for it all because KoP claimed to have talked to the source, so people thought it might be legit. Naturally it was just an email from 'Stephen Totilo' and KoP looked retarded when other people saw his evidence. Hotwheels was pissed off about it.


You know, it's completely within the realm of possibility that it IS really KoP white-knighting for himself, AGAIN. A couple of weeks ago he was caught on Kiwifarms with a sock account (that he insisted was just "a fan" of KoP, lel) trying to troll shield and defend himself from a couple of posts calling out his sperg and oportunistic involvement with the DSP drama community.

KoP is a spic manlet that needs to disappear from the face of the Earth. The sooner, the better.

C'mon, WigOnHead, we all know it's not German the language that makes your panties wet, but actually the de facto lingua franca of Current Year Germany - Allahuspeak.

It's not Jesuotaku.
He said Linkara would be towards the end.

He's really doing a video on Todd?
What's there to talk about with him?

Have you seen his twitter? Especially around GamerGate when he said "JewWario wouldn't support it."


You can generally tell that someone is KoP when they say they are a 'fan.'

I find it hilarious that of all the shit internet reviewers from the old days Urinating tree might be doing the best right now.

I never understood how KoP got so popular when GG started. I mean I guess in the vaguest sense I agreed with him politically, but just his name was so god damned pretentious. It would be like someone from /r/thedonald making their online handle "Trump'sLord&Master". And he had an extremely annoying laugh.

But I found myself watching his streams because somehow he was always able to get really big guests. I remember at one point he was having a meltdown, and in the middle of it he brings on some gamedevs and I was like "Why in the fuck are you coming to THIS guy for publicity???" I'd understand Jim or Sargon with their audience sizes, but KoP was so unstable.

I figured he just had really good behind the scenes interpersonal skills, which seems to be the case since he fooled Hotwheels the way he did.

Kinda felt like he'd be better with a straightman keeping him in check being the voice of reason, or in a behind the scenes role.

True, he has gotten me vaguely interested in sportballs.

That's a recent pic of Lauren Southern, she tweeted it sometime ago.

Nah man, Jade is way uglier than that.

Most of them love jerking it to Stacey Dash.

Jesus Christ, does having yellow fever mean having no standards at all?

To be fair, I think she was already more popular than him at that point.
Skepdick needs to lose weight, he looks fucking pregnant.

fucking this
