I heard several times from various lurkers from that this website is now seized and operated by the intelligence agencies since a year ago or so? Is this true, also did the same thing happened to 4chan?
Is Holla Forums compromised?
The Internet is a honeypot tbh.
Pretty much…
i don't think ran by, but definitely not withholding information when inqnuired about from the ABC agencies
there's a pic out there detailing some stuff about 4cuck and their sharing of details with intel agencies for threatening posts and stuff like that. as well as hiro and his datamining scheme that was exposed at 2chan which made japanese anons hate him, now owns 4cuck. also, yes there is definitely resources allocated to having an online presence here; what that entails is up to debate but it's not a stretch of the imagination at all to say on boards like Holla Forums there is at least a small effort to have influence. i think sites like reddit and other more visible sites are targeted with way more fervor; and chans are more heavily monitored
Imageboards have likely been monitored very closely by intelligence agencies ever since Chris Harper-Mercer went on his rampage on Oct. 1, 2015 (4chan's birthday). He even posted about it the day before.
heres a picture of op
did the FBI even confirm it was him who actually made that post? from what I remember it was just a story the media ran crazy with that screengab from /r9k/ and reports that the FBI were "investigating it"
Yes. 8ch & 4chan both are very much compromised–I come here to study & confirm federally directed posting habits on the "alt-right/Nazi-shit" & "antifa etc" alike– both propagated by them to fight each other; splitting the countries/worlds attention to left vs right politics.
You will never see a serious response on any Imageboard regarding anything the FBI, CIA, NSA, Gov might be doing to manipulate opinion for the purpose of intentional in-fighting.
Any "shilling" is done by
"Le reddit"/"9gag"*
(or other site-rival)
"The Jews"
(new)Nazi-ism & Antifa were both started by feds through memes and continued by Anons/others and then re-started again by feds.
No we can't tell where– because we WILL be infiltrated.
fake and gay
Whatever enables you sleep at night.
I was v& about 2 years ago for making a thread on 4chan implying I was going to shoot up my school; I was literally v& and now have a police record for shitposting.
that's what you get for being a retard
fuck off, Igor. no one believes your bullshit.
proofs pls
That's discuss-able.
What else does no one believe?
I'd like to know everyone's opinion so I can be apart of it too.
shut up Vlad
I'd like to know. Help a brother out
What's a snownigger? I'm almost certain you want me to know what it means but you haven't elaborated on any opinion for me to know what you mean by this. Or is this everyone's opinion too?
Let me know so I can be apart of it!
Don't have any, but I'm sure you can find the threads I made if you look back at the archives. I'm from Ireland btw, so I was under the assumption the 4chan (an American-based company) wouldn't go out of their way to contact law enforcement outside of their jurisdiction over a literal shitpost, but obviously they did.
Zhenya is a snownigger
It always has been you dingus
who else would spam cpshit?
scandinavians are snowniggers. slavs are just niggers
Tyrone please
not my fault you didn't even know what a snownigger was
Says who?
You have no accurate assessments whatsoever.
here you go
am i a snow nigger?
this is now a snownigger hate thread
8ch isn't compromised and I doubt it is because I of all people would have been v&nned by now for leaking stuff. Now the discords, the random websites, the jewtube links, the alternative chans, and cuckchan are honeypots . Don't click those.
That has nothing to do with the narrtive of what was being discussed.
Now you're backtracking– you said my words make me a snownigger.
Thank you for telling me what snownigger meant to you. I'm glad to know everyone knows this absolute information.
Your mother is compromised.
сука блять
Fuck off (((zionist)))
What have you leaked?
Post it now!
Oh my fucking god, can you not ever stop fucking lying.
motherfucker can´t even link a post right. smh
this website is operated by the KGB tbh
There is no such thing as KGB fam.
You're the faggot who deleted his damn post.
&You still haven't responded to half the shit I posted.
I assure you i haven´t deleted shit. Im not even OP, dick sucker
Using dick sucker as an insult is offensive to those who live happily with genitals behind their teeth.
Has Hillary Duff not taught you anything?
he is a nigger, and he got offended
if those are, then this definitely is
What's a nigger? I'm almost certain you want me to know what it means but you haven't elaborated on any opinion for me to know what you mean by this. Or is this everyone's opinion too?
Let me know so I can be apart of it!
They are for surveying 1st and are honeypots 2nd
What was in >>7508753 that was too cancerous for Holla Forums of all places?
Ok. It's essentially a howto on website honeypots. Essentially the coperations domains by proxy, markmonitor, perfect privacy LLC/democratic national convention, network solutions LLC, dynacorp LLC, and the endurance group international are all the same people who make honeypots.
so an ex-military sexpat is kgb? he's aidan if anything
what am i looking at here
This is very interesting, honestly. Would you be willing to post more info that you have(this topic or otherwise). I'd be more than happy to idle for this.
A Democratic national convention member website directly linked to a pedo website and a shell website for the United nations.
I honestly forgot what >>7508753 was; I had to refresh the page and it's just gone.
Asians and Russians get along very well.
I have an idea
The feds were operating pedo websites for extended periods of time. (Child's play for 11 months and one time in 2015 for about 6 months or something idr)
I think there's a connection and sinister
I'm going to scan the website with a bunch of hacking software I've burned. I want to see what it says for the knowledge
I'll be back in thread once I'm done.
'sgreat buddy. ever see anything about authorities and this site, considering its importance? it would have lavabitted if it wasn't cooperative.
They need to ban pedo threads on here. It fucking pisses me off when I see them.
Hide the threads, you dumb ass nigger
Not good enough, just ban the pedos.
Not going to happen, we were before your black dumbass got here. This is our home. If yu dnt like it, hide it or go back to Reddit or cuckchan
Before Gamergate?
Dafuq you talking about? Gamergate happened in 14. 8ch released in 13. Check your dates, user
Just look around, the rabbit hole goes deep.
cheeki breeki
But wait, it gets worse. Don't use bittorrent if you know what's good for you.
The authorities have larger targets to focus their resources on than a Ceylonese tea leaf art bulletin board.
What the fuck do you think those "larger targets" use to communicate? Pedos? Skids? Swat'ters? DDoS'? Dox'ers?? Raid Organizers? Nazis? "I'm going to shoot up my school lulz"?
/baphomet/ & /lolcow/ Have been on the news ffs– Hotwheels dealt with costant DMCA & legal threats over the /younglove/ board for CP.
Not to mention fed-shillers.
Me again
u fucking faggot
It was only seized by a money grabbing Jew. However he's worked with them on extracting data in the past and we're not even talking 2chan right now. Also, HW started logging IPs and posts before Jim and Jim let it continue, this is something they admitted. They'll give you ip/post pairs if you wear a police mask and say you're from the Venezuelan police department and are investigating a school shooting.
You absolutely no idea what you're talking about, user.
I do not think they are top priority but the feds do. Period.
fbi tbh
Big if true.
Can confirm. Fed here ama.
This would not have happened if those despicable and immature pedoshits didn't flood this board with borderline cp pics daily. They always ruin good imageboards.