Is Dr. Doom leftist?
Is Dr. Doom leftist?
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You mean Alexander Lukashenko?
I mean his country is definitely east of the line where authoritarianism becomes anti-imperialism
He's a benevolent philosopher-king, whose domain of governing is far beyond the petty and insufferable system of capitalism. Doom knows for all, provides for all, and labors for all, provided that they simply recognize his superior judgement.
It's been established that the reason Doom is so authoritarian is because he traveled through time and decided that taking over the world was the only way to save the human race from it's own destruction.
He's probably an unironic Hoxhaist.
Doom can into science and magic he exists beyond our comprehension of the political spectrum
Finally, someone who speaks my language. We are trully comrades you and I my chinese-cartoon shitposting friend.
Doom has the will and the means, he's a true hero.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one here who reads Marvel comics with Doom as the hero.
Also remember when Black Panther's God confirmed that Doom was the truth?
So.. Doom is basicly M-L?
Well, nope! If we have to kill millions to save billions, mayby they are not worth saving.
If people don't want to save themselves, why save them?
You fool! because DOOM does as DOOM pleases!
Ye, ye. Go be edgy elsewhere, Stirner.
You clearly do not understand the full majesty of Doom.
Dr Doom, confirmed Stirnerite.
I've always considered Dr Doom to be pretty lame(because awful F4 cartoon i've grow up with).
How do i get into this cool badass doom? What are the best comics for a newbie?
God secret wars was such a fucking disappointment.
but back on topic, Doom was mainly used as a cold war metaphor early on (which is why he's from Eastern Europe) so i find it funny that so many american comics fans love him and think he's a good guy.
Emperor Doom, Triumph and Torment, Jonathan Hickman's fantastic four work.
Secret Wars (the old 80s one, not the )
Emperor Doom
Avengers: The Private War of Dr. Doom
Dr. Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment
Iron Man Vs. Doctor Doom: Doomquest
Doom is the best villain of all time.
Start with Books of Doom, it's a modernized take on his origin story, coming from a gypsy band, learning sorcery etc.
After that read Triumph and Torment, it's a Doom / Strange crossover that goes more into Doom trying to rescue his mothers soul, which is a big part of his story.
Doomwars is a good story where Doom liberates vibranium from the incompetent Black Panther and his nation of Wakanda to properly use it to save the world.
And if you wanna get close to what's going on right now in Marvel, their latest big event Secret Wars has Doom saving th universe from ending and takes his rightful place as God Emperor.
And remember, if he loses it was a Doombot.
The most leftist Marverl character is unironically Captain America.
Secret Wars was good for what it was. 80s one is overrated tbh, it was an event to sell toys at its core.
How big are yo titties anarcha-fem poster
We shall never know, because these damn females feel nothing but contempt towards our customs.
I want fascists and monarchists to leave.
I was hoping titty monster tbh
Interestingly a Hoxhaist does like Dr. Doom
Hoxha x doom crossover comic when?
No, but the Doom Marine is.
I remember in one of the 2015 Secret Wars spinoff books cap took control of the whole western half of America and turned it essentially into an anarchist commune.
I wish I could get into comics but the Watchmen seemed to make all others feel inadequate in regards to art direction and thematic extrapolation. How do I get into those kinda pretty pictures? :
I didn't read any of the spinoffs, which one are you talking about?
You're not wrong, there's a lot of garbage out there. If you liked the Watchmen, try Sandman or Hellboy.
Why those? They seem vastly different in subject matter as far as I can tell…
Um…just explain to dumb me why you recommend them please!
The walking Dead is good. Till it gets kinda boring, as it repeats too much.
So.. Why not read mango?
Well, it's because subject matter is not the defining trait when it comes to quality, right? Otherwise, you could just read whatever cape series is being shoveled out for mass consumption without any care.
That's why I recommended those series. You said you were looking for good art direction and thematic extrapolation, after all.
I second his recommendation.
I think she asked what you specifically like or think is good about them in terms of thematic exploration and art
It was five issues, called Civil War. It took place in an alt timeline where the civil war never ended.
Because manga is full of artistic clichés that get really tired after seeing them even a few times.
Walking dead is too scary.
Well, no…
But why is it you like those ones and not others? What about it is interesting to you, dear?
There's a lot of bad manga too, but I'd say you'd have better luck finding good manga than good western comics, especially these days.
Also sorry, I will try to go into why I liked those two in particular later, right now I have to go wageslave.
like what?
the last one I read was either oyasumi punpun or lotte no omocha
one was good, the other slightly charming despite being harem pulp
Uhn huh..May you have a pleasant day!
Read Berserk tbh
By reading them. TBH V for Vendetta is better than Watchmen in terms of art and plot. I'd give Transmetropolitan a try for sure, with Preacher and The Boys up there as well. If you like those, try the Invisibles or pretty much any 90's Vertigo.
I am surprised that no one has recommended The Dark Knight Returns. Great stuff. Has that dark Cold War world building plot that Watchmen had. I remember it being a very refreshing take on the Batman series. Have fun.
DKR was VERY right wing politically. Remember the strawman psychiatrist who convinced everyone that the Joker was just a victim of society? Frank Miller might have criticized Reagan in the comic but he was also promoting a conservative "tough on crime" message about how it's ok to beat the shit out of criminals because they're scum and don't deserve civil liberties.
Year One was a million times better.
DKR while I really enjoyed it is right wing as fuck and shit like it's comments on mental health and how its okie dokie to just brutalize criminals because everything is totally on their shoulders are retarded
tbh Griffith is probably the only fictional character I actively and seriously despise
Like fuck
just seeing his cunty face pisses me off
It's the bangs.
Read Grant Morrison's Animal Man, just do it.
I forgive Kentaro Muira of his faggotry for this one panel.
I want to be her first… and second…. and third…
The pimp hand is strong
I just realized Doom could probably Roflstomp Supes with his magic
i fucking love you yui
Wait, doom is a tankie?
pretty much although it's okay because he factually is going to liberate the world from want and suffering by being the vanguard
According to the lore he is basically everything stalin claimed he was. If I lived in that universe, I would support this guy to the fullest extend, because he is supposedly 100% pure and he alone has the power to save and improve the life of all humans.
Doesn't he only allow hereditary latverians in the country though?
Would he let normies immigrate?
I think so but that's mostly because of his rightful fear of infiltration and subversion
He knows people actually from latveria know he is a great sovereign so he trusts them but others could threaten his plans.
How is doom not a monarchist?
he completely destroyed the noble classes and the capitalist class as well. Literally the only thing about him that would fit that bill would be his title and even that means nothing to Doom
He also views himself as a god-king, and everyone else as a gnat according to books of doom.
(Not saying that he is "wrong" for doing so, just that sounds like monarchist logic to me.)
He's a 6'7" sorceror and self-taught multi-disciplinary master scientist who has bitch slapped dozens if not hundreds of metahuman at least once.
If right-to-rule was ever a legitimate and factual thing, Dr. Doom has it.
Has doom ever implied he would want feudal succession? Yes he's an absolute dictator, but nothing about that is inherently monarchist.
Like with all comic book characters: it depends on the writer.
This, tbh
To be a monarchist one has to have a ruling dynasty, basically in a monarchy the leader justifies their rule by heredity and this is not the case with Doom.
Only semirelated, but would reading triumph and torment be a good intro to Dr strange or is the reader assumed to know much at all about him?
I'm trying to get into comics and rather enjoy books of doom, and thought this might be a good way to continue the story and get some hype for the new strange flick starring bendydick cuminsnatch.
I'd say it's okay as an intro to him but it'd still recommend starting with strange's origin story
after reading books of doom though you should absolutely read triumph and torment it's fucking awesome.
Thunks tovarisch
Strange doesn't require a lot of background knowledge to "get."
But if you're looking for a good intro comic, Ditko's run is a must. I would also recommend the Oath and Into Shamballa.
Avoid the current shit.
According to newest IDPOL comic books every villain or grey hero is secretly a nazi or a communist.