Those are search tags.
It just means people typed praise kek to look for it.
The first reply, every fucking time. It's not from search, it's a word cloud from the reviews of the kek statue that just happens to be perfectly arranged.
pyure cohincedense
All things happen for a reason, whether we become aware of that reason or not.
Praise Kek
Why the fuck cant you retards understand already
You really think gods don't take up new names when the world or they change? Are you aware of how many gods there are that are just carbon copies of older gods in everything but name? Kek is our new old god.
Because we don't want to turn kek into an anime girl. fuck off weeb. You're practically feminists as it is. I don't know why you're allowed to spread your PUSSY POWER propaganda everywhere but it needs to stop.
dubs confirm
Bro do you even /fringe/? Every ogdoad has a feminine and masculine aspect.
It's already gone!
Go ree to yo mama, bitch.
That's a rare Pepe, expensive too.
gotta pay the bills, user
Fucking degenerates.
I just bought an iron miniature frog that I'm going to keep in my car, maybe on my person for luck. I suggest everyone does the same.
I looked around my room one day and realized I'd been collecting Kek statues for years without realizing what I was doing.
Post pics
Hey, if Jesus comes back you think he wants to see a fucking cross?
The feminine aspect of Kek rules over the early night, the male aspect the time approaching dawn. The female part rules over the time of emerging chaos, the male side then sets order from that chaos.
Jeb was a visionary. Somebody should give him some frogs.
Says the faggot who worships the tool that was used to kill the instrument of his salvation.
You guys sure are sick fucks.
jews trying to equate kek with satan in a typical smear campaign.
Kek is just a false idol without power. Satan actually has dominion over this world in his state as The Dragon with Ten Crowns and as the Enemy to all in Christendom.
Of course, any false idol is effectively a tool of The Dragon to draw mortal man away from the great I AM. There's not much that can be done about it, though. Whether one worships a false idol or none, should they deny Christ, they will fall into the sea of fire on Judgment Day, along with the Jews and Muslims.
you wanna talk about spoop i was reading the shadilay thread earlier and had a text appear on my phone, blocked number just a picture of a frog.
then it wasn't a text
I see the price has changed :^)
I found a Trump garden gnome if ya want a souvenir
and yes this mean I just shilled for them, didn;t want to waste a thread
Have you read the bible. First few pages on New Testament, Jesus the Jew, is literally saying don't bother with the goyim. They are not worth saving.
I can find the verse, I have it highlighted in my bible.
What an eye opener, when you read the bible, and realize Jesus was just a kike who looked down on the goyim.
He had good teachings, but he is not a God. Even the Kikes his own people, do not see him as a God.
If you become a Christcuck you a bastard of the kikes, much better to read Greco-Roman philosophy and follow their school of thought.
This will trigger, the brainwashed Christcucks.
Did you guys realize how smug this Shadilay song sounds?
christcucks will be gassed with the jews that they worship
daily reminded that christcucks passed the civil rights literally because it's worse for a soul to say the word nigger than be raped by a nigger
It looks like the shitposter has a boner too
ah, forgot to post image.
is a frog garden gnome such a thing?
on a trip , I once put a frog out of its misery
And how has your life been since?
You might not notice, but I'm sure your luck has turned for the worst.
Yes. Jewish victim complex is the blood and oxygen they need to survive on.
it was a show of mercy and out of respect. The frog was immobile and dying.
What verse?
….so a bunch of Holla Forumsacks wrote reviews for the item praising kek, the fuck is so special?
They sometimes pretend to be dying so you will leave them alone. Like what's advised to do if you see a grizzly (or black bear, I don't remember): play dead and it'll leave you alone.
So, user…
According to Jewish dietary laws all reptiles and amphibians are considered unclean animals. Therefore, frog legs are not kosher, and are forbidden to observant Jews. Frog meat is considered as haraam (non-halal) according to mainstream Islamic dietary laws.
I think that is just called a "frog statue"
i meant with like, a gnome hat or smthing
This is from an ESV,
English Standard Version which has been pretty cucked, if you go to other versions, it can vary slightly, but the tone of disdain is clearer.
Mathew 10:5
These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans,
Mathew 10:6
Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.
Aramaic Bible in Plain English
These twelve Yeshua sent and he commanded them and he said, “You shall not go by a road of the heathen and you shall not enter a city of the Samaritans.”
Aramaic Bible in Plain English
“But go especially to the sheep that have been lost of the house of Israel.”
You mean the philosophers that were all killed because they called out bullshit? Christ has an entire chapter dedicated to wiping out the Jews and destroying their temple and quite literally killing them all. That verse you are talking about is the SAME SHIT MUDSLIMES try to use to say that Christ was just a filthy Jew. Are you agreeing with the Semitic peoples of Islam? (Yes, Islam is a Semitic religion). Read Paul for once you fucking fedora tipping zog appeasing shill. btw, Anti-christ is Pro Jew…PERIOD
yes those Philosophers, the one who you hate. The got killed because they did not care what plebs thought, only what the smart men thought and lived by their ideas. Ideas which created and let Greece, Rome flourish and therefore the West flourish. All that you are proud of, is based on their ideas of reason. Of proven reason to believe a school of reason, without a doubt, based on refutable evidence ( Euclid's Elements)
When people started reading and valuing Greco-Roman thought and not just Jesus and latin, 16-17th century, science began to pick up again.
There was literally a monk, who wrote over an ancient Greek book of calculus, which took centuries later to be rediscovered.
"An intensive research effort over the last nine years has led to the decoding of much of the almost-obliterated Greek text. The results were more revolutionary than anyone had expected. The researchers have discovered that Archimedes was working out principles that, centuries later, would form the heart of calculus and that he had a more sophisticated understanding of the concept of infinity than anyone had realized."
I hate that the bible, is just a bunch of myths, people want to believe because they are old. and use faith, as justification. at least the Greco-Roman way is based on reason. They started thinking about atoms, and science and the sciences, in all forms.
You guys just have a blind faith, just as bad as Muslims Jews or any other religion which claims the ultimate truth. It's retarded and just brain washing.
Any blind faith, is dumb. Live by the light of reason which enlightens knowledge, not the blindness of darkness which is immutable.
Not to mention, the Catholics, CHRISTIANS literally let the best genetics go to waste, by making all the smart educated men celibate.
At least the kikes and other religions let them breed good genetics.
So much is fucked with Christendom and all religions. Are you even a neutral bystander? or do you have your ego involved because you have been going to church since you were a child?
Irrefutable evidence*
Sorry for the many typos.
captcha jebqnz
God damn, I didn't think you faggots could reach any harder after that Fox feed shit. I was wrong.
thats a nice ring , checked
Those digits
What sort of sign would you like to see user?
We need to go deeper
Praise kek his magic though exciting foretold order. idol america mislabeled kek believe god time around highest kantwell memetic positive glory trough donald energy work about ago
Always the first post. Always.
Do you feel like your luck has been altered since the event?
You got me. Pre heating my own oven, fam
That's surprisingly eloquent
Nigga what? Did I say that?
ALL Religions are bullshit. They are nothing but human rules created through archaic methods. Hell, Christianity today is people following NOTHING that Christ actually said. It's all Kike ridden now with "Muh go to heaven" bullshit which is not even in the damn bible. I'm saying that Christianity is the only hope of destroying the Jews. THAT IS IT. ANYTHING ELSE, and they will conquer it. THEY HAVE ATHEISM already in their deeply filled pockets. Philosophy is my bread and butter, and everything wrong with this world today points DIRECTLY to the Jews. Nihilism is exactly what these kikes want and "knowledge and reason" is exactly what Socrates and Aristotle highlighted by saying "I only know one thing, and that is that I know nothing". Their crux of wisdom is accepting that we are fucking LOST. We may attempt to grasp it, but we can never truly know. Anything that is physical, the Jew can control it. Can they control your soul? NO, but any knowledge can be rewritten for their selfish needs. Hell look at it. Christianity is all pro-jew now because of MUH SIX MILLION. Before that this place was VEHAMINTLY anti-zion to the core.
Hey goyim do you want to buy my shirt?
Some fresh OC
Also dude, I used to tell and proclaim that Zionism is just pure fucking evil but now I think that after this election, I'm done. All that are lost after that are lost forever. Everyone that speaks the truth will be hated. This is gonna sound really weird, but Christ was EXTREMELY Anti-Religion. The "Follow Me" part of it was how you should act. Jews were fucking evil as hell and when he called them out on it, they killed him. What is faith? Faith has only one component, and that is Hope. Without it, Humanity has no drive, and when that happens, we stop progression and rot away. Also don't negate the Chinese Philosophers. They knew their shit.
Refusing to give Heqet any credit where credit is due and instead just mishmashing this all into a new form of monotheism is fucking disgraceful not only to Kek, but the entirety of the Egyptian pantheon.
there's more to that image and one of those guys kinda looks like Trump.
got the full thing?
It's a Ripley Scroll. There are different versions by different artists. This one is here:
Been thinking about getting something frog related to keep on me recently. I'll probably do it when something synchronous happens (like a frog medallion being $14.88 or something similar). I figure that's the way to do it because memes are all about flow not push, so timing is more important than purpose.
Not that there's a correct way to do all this.
Oreos are our secret weapon.
Good idea. I already carry a 10 Reichspfennig coin minted in Dresden in 1938 with me everywhere.
wanted to post this in the swedish churches deeming crosses un-christian.
G-guys.. We are entering a trips year on the Jewish calendar
Next Jewish year is 5777 and it starts the 4th of October this year.
Are we entering the age of KEK?
Ok, I posted this on cuckchan also, but it's not a pasta.
I'm not much for believing in supernatural shit but since this kek thing I noticed some strange things happening to me.
This morning, after breakfast, I felt something sticky on my head, I rubbed it off with my hand and it was somewhat like a spider's web, but thicker in consistency, more viscous, and very white. The weird thing is that it DISAPPEARED before my eyes, over the course of maybe 10 seconds this thick weblike material *completely* vanished. I'd like to think this was maybe electric static (like when you rub a balloon on your hair) materializing somehow, but I can't find anything like this from a google search. It did correspond strongly to what is called ectoplasm (spooky ghost material) however.
There have been other little things, which could be rationally explained, but I don't think this can.
I'm not some occultist weirdo I promise, I just can't explain this.
Anyone else had weird things happen to them since this whole Kek phenomenon?
Di-did anyone buy it?
I'am curious whats inside lel
Thank You Kek for everything You've done for us. Each day You watch over us from the darkness, and each day you give us something new to celebrate. When chaos erupts, you guide it and show us Your strength by disrupting our enemies' thought-out plans. I am so glad You've come to us. You're amazing. I can't thank You enough sometimes. Thank You, Kek.
Sage because I don't want to bump the thread. I just wanted to post my prayers in an appropriate thread.
Statuette can have a thought form or link to remains of ancient egypt trying to establish some way of contacting you/finding your language.
Or simply your brain is so suggestioned that it's having small hallucinations.
Tip of the iceberg