How can he ever recover?
did she sign a prenup?
I wonder if it ended after 17 years
imagine having to do shit like meet the faulkers to pay for the future of your family. giving up all artistic self respect so you can mime getting hit in the dick. imagine going through an entire career of being a whore making the shittiest comedies there are. then imagine your wife leaving you so she can get a few rounds of dick before she turns into a granny
Take solace in the fact he's a joo. We can take his life shambling apart with a light heart, unlike Brendan's.
Hair shoops when?
I love it when they get a taste of their own medicine.
It's time.
The Jew wants you to cuck him. His kikess steals your genes. It's like being happy a Facehugger grabbed a Predator instead of a Human.
Is his name seriously Jay Electronica?
Well it is a rough transliteration for his true name which is only pronounceable as a string of clicks and whistles
…What if there was a professionally made porn series about "hunting" by name the wives and daughters of all the Jewish porn producers and making them the subjects of the filth they make along with portraying them as weak, ineffectual cuckolds? Like, the daughter of the piece of shit responsible for Blacked is lured into a 50 nigger bukkake.
Why do Jews always make that face?
This face?
No, Tyrone.
Nah, it's too obvious. Besides, the Jews already uses Jewesses as "white" girls in their films.
I'd rather see white men hunt Jewess, but give them no sex gratification at all. Like forcing her to wear an extreme amount of clothing.
The best case is you just give all these kike jewess producer wives drugs and film them getting high.
I'd watch the hell out of that.
she wants that bbc everyone's talking about.
Shrek Recently did it see
Was that intentional?
Of course.
The hip hop producer? I can barely remember him working with MF Grimm or something, or maybe that was someone else.
What sequel?
Nigger spotted
Cable Guy