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This is great and all but I have a feeling the polls are going to 'magically' favor the hag right before the election. The psyop game is strong. Don't fall for it.
Yeah. Remember, they're called (((polls))) for a reason.
Hopefully it holds up. Looking at the electoral map, I'm still seeing a tightrope to victory. The non-performance of Republicans in the Mid-Atlantic and New England just makes such a razor thin margin for victory that basically relies on over-performing in the Midwest.
I predict Trump is going to win Iowa and Michigan, two states that haven't gone Red in a while
They tried that in vietnam, and look what happened.
Now imagine the same scenario, but with retired veterans training and supplying rebels, all of which more clever and capable than the common gook.
He can very well take Pennsylvania and NH.
I can't believe he's up by 4 in Colorado. If he can carry CO, he's pretty much got it!
Yeah, we hope he can. I think he's got a better shot than others have had in the recent past, but he doesn't really have much choice, does he?
The republican party tanked after Bush's second term, Democrats tanked after Obama.
What a surprise.
I've talked to (republican) people from PA, and they said there was little chance it would go red. They say there's just too many people in the cities now.
Polls show Hillary is somehow up in NH by 3, but I find that hard to believe, considering all the time Trump has spent there and the vocal support he gets.
also the fact NH is the only consistently red leaning New England state.
There are just too many of the medium-sized electoral states that are hard, hard blue. This is the result of trying to shill subhumans into loving the constitution and using them to break labor instead of keeping the country White.
The amount of things that have to go right for Trump to win is very long.
Thank you for correcting the record.
Are you serious right now?
[polite sage because I don't want to flood the thread with bumps of shill accusations]
All of your posts have a very concern-trolly vibe to them.
Would you rather be told that it's all wrapped up, don't worry about it, the election is in the bag, and 100 million shitskins will evaporate instantly the moment Trump takes the oath of office?
Bear in mind, party identification doesn't necessarily mean turnout.
Not really. I think, given the current data, and me trying to be as pessimistic as possible, Hillary tops out at 269. Which could make it a tie, which would also fuck us. But if CO is looking red now, that would be very good for Trump!
Tell me where I'm going wrong.
Remember one Maine Elector always goes Red for some reason
Why? The GOP is the majority in the house.
And Paul Ryan is the Speaker.
Do you trust Paul Ryan?
Watch Hillary fucking squirm:
I have a feeling she was going to hammer Trump about it as a main talking point in the debates, now her campaign is scrambling.
Archive, pls. I hit a paywall.
I don't think that's right. I just read that Maine has never split. And Nebraska only split once in 2008, where Obama got 1 vote.
I think Maine is very much in play, but I'm cautious after how they cucked for Cruz despite their based governor's wisdom.
I never said you were wrong. I said, very clearly, that many medium-sized electoral states are hard blue and a lot of things need to go right for Trump to win – not that they can't go right.
I'm also not as bullish on Iowa or North Carolina as you are, but I'm also not looking at the latest polling. That's why my first post in the thread talked explicitly about continued Republican non-performance in the Mid-Atlantic and New England as a constant drag on the party.
You can't give away New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia every election, especially when the small states in New England roughly cancel out the small states in the West.
Really? I have a vague recollection of Maine splitting like every time
forgib user, this is a no bulli zone
Whether I trust Ryan or not is irrelevant. Paul Ryan would never in a million years lead the GOP house to vote for Hillary. Maybe in some bizarre alternate universe where actions have no consequences.
It would be romney.
Trump is up 8 in Iowa right now on RCP. The christian/redneck vote is gonna be monster this year and I think that plus Pence's campaigning there will push it over. Same for NC, which is closer, but was firmly red until Obama. But we won't have that same monster black vote this time, which I think will bring it back.
Trump has spent a heck of a lot of time in VA. He won the primary handily and is making a serious play on it. I think it'll probably go blue just because of Kaine, but the polls are showing a tossup.
I could have sworn it had split in 2004, too, but I just looked it up and it never has.
i think it would be ryan over romney, but they may actually vote trump to avoid civil war
A few points:
*Trump is currently ahead in Iowa
*Romney won NC. There's not a state that Romney won that Hillary will win this year.
*The GOP isn't giving away Virginia. The newest poll shows Trump and Clinton pretty much tied (when you factor in the MoE)
One thing to keep in mind is that Hillary is projected to underperform (turnout-wise) compared to Obama, while Trump is expected to easily outperform Romney's turnout in 2012.
They're easy to manipulate and the narrative they'll construct right before the election is an illary SURGE just like they tried so many times in the primaries. They hope to demoralize you so you won't show up. Be ready for it and don't let it work! Even if you're in a deep red state, vote to create a popular vote landslide to delegitimize the globalist bullshit.
They would. It's also why they didn't steal the nomination from Trump (even though deep down they wanted to).
Well, shit. This is just going by the latest rigged msm polling!
We're already in the black!
That's good to hear about Iowa, but it's still a smaller state. When I say "medium-sized electoral states" I'm talking about ~10-20 votes – and Democrats have too many essentially locked up. And they are locked up, like I said earlier, because of chronic, unabated non-White immigration. Virginia shouldn't be a battleground state, but an infestation of Israelis, spics, gooks, ragheads, niggers, and corporate communist lobbyists have done the same thing there they did in New Jersey 15-20 years ago.
The dems were so unsure of VA, they had to pick someone from there for vp. I think otherwise, we'd have it. But I don't live in VA, so I don't know how bad the immigration is. My only experience is in the western Appalachian tip. The state sure hasn't done us any good lately, I'll say that.
That isn't too crazy a scenario but honestly, I'd love to see Michigan go red.
Fingers crossed! It's possible, but we can't bet on it right now. He's trying to get it through their thick nog skulls up there.
I bet he would get another 10 points over all states, if he decided to legalize weed.
He's taking a "leave it up to the states" stance, which is about as close to legalization as a republican will get. Not sure what's Shillary's stance is.
I hate looking at this map because so many majority white states are voting dem, still.
Obama, while in Poland, said that white people are going to be exterminated across the globe. Why are they still voting for dems?
Fucking based, AWM
Whoa, whoa, slow down. Where's the thread on that?
Did anyone see the New Jersey poll? It had Hillary up only by +4, this was before the deplorables and health episode. NJ will go red this year and dems will have a breakdown.
White people have been convinced that voting doesn't do any good. Holla Forums is complicit in this propaganda.
This board has, what, 3000 people on it? Take away the people who can't actually vote on Nov. 8th and that leaves around 1200 people (based on the numbers involved in the various European generals).
Instead of shitposting "le meme frog", maybe you should get out there and register people to vote (talk to your county clerk).
Some people are also not motivated to vote.
I got three of my friends that liked Trump in the Florida primaries to actually go vote in exchange of buying them pizzas and beers afterwards. I was technically 4 but he admitted to voting for Cruz after all…
I put my dick on a slice of his pizza, it burned but it was worth it.
there was a study done that said that, trump will win because of obama
thought Trump's media announcement was going to give them another hit piece to attack him with 24/7 for the next 53 days.
They thought they had finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally stumped the Trump.
Their excuse to rig the polls making him "drop 15 points for his comment" right before voting day has failed and they are totally rustled.
Logically speaking since WW2 the only "third term" of a party was elected was George HW Bush but Reagan had an 80% approval even at the end of his presidency… while Obama is at 50%.
If it were a generic Republican versus a generic Democrat, in 9 out of 10 scenarios the GOP would win.
Virginiafag here. It's fucking awful. Especially in Northern Virginia.
Spics, Niggers, and Muslims are literally everywhere, White people only make up 1/3 the population where I live.
This poor state, it's so sad.
WHO tried WHAT in vietnam?
I can confirm.
I went to high school in central VA and the bus kids in my area were 80% nigger and spic. The school also incorporates a lot of better off white neighborhoods though, so the school is about 60% white, and if you're in honors classes you won't have to be in class with the mud hordes.
You're the retard for thinking they would end their careers so willingly.
Posting rare Pepes AND you got dubs.
Which is the correct stance, constitutionally and just from a common sense perspective.
My country's media resort to activly lying about an election we have nothing to do with. This is why I never trust norwegian media anymore.
Other headlines consists of:
As if to say, "look at those losers!"
The floundering is great, but boy am I mad at times, fucking christ.
Probably in this video.
He says something along the lines of:
True, don't think it's over yet. We will have the debates and then Bill's convenient death on Nov 3rd so the media can run Clinton nostalgia pieces 24/7.
Here's what it looks like today. There are nine states up for grabs…
New Hampshire
I honestly think Wisconsin could be up for grabs this election. The last polls there were weeks ago and it showed Hillary's lead there dropping like a rock.
We must keep planting the seeds of skepticism even after the election
The USSA controls the world's media unfortunately.
Possibly but I'm not comfortable putting it in the grey yet.
Don't forget Nixon in 1960- the vote was less than .5 percent for Kennedy. Given his alliance with LBJ, notorious for vote fixing in Texas, I think Nixon was the actual winner.
Also, if it hadn't been for Ross Perot, Bush Sr. would have made it 16 straight years I think Perot had the right idea, though.
nigga pls
None of these elections are at all relevant to today's population because they didn't take place with well over 100 million shitskin invaders rampaging through every corner of the country administering it on behalf of the foreign nations who own us.
Unless something big happens, there’s no real chance it will be.
Pennsylvania hasn't gone red at a national level in decades. The only thing that's happened since then is the state has become even more non-White.
Checking these digits.
On the upside that would kill the Republican party and allow a fully nationalist party to take its place.
Obscene vote rigging leading to revolution .
I know, kikepedia and all, but this one is very hard to censor.
Have you read most of the Trump threads on this board? The clear majority of his supporters are bluepilled as fuck globalist-lite.
Nah, fuck off "blackpilled" faggot.
Just because we're voting for Trump doesn't mean we need to delude ourselves about what his newfag supporters are shitting up the board with.
I do know even people within the system don't trust Hillary. I know this 30 year old redhead QT that works in Homeland Security. She won't admit to it, but whenever politics come up, she always says she finds "immigration" and "the borders" to be very important issues.
Lads, even people in the government don't trust this bitch. Somehow I think we might be okay.
The legendary Mann is here!
they did the same with brexit
I'm feeling pretty good about being an Arkansan honestly. I like to think of it partly as vengeance against Hillary dismissing us as country bumpkins for all these years, that stuck up bitch.
Not anymore, there's been an endless influx of Boston liberals who are leaving their shithole to go to actual good places like New Hampshire, while doing everything they can to change New Hampshire into the same shithole that they just left. Never underestimate the cognitive dissonance of the left.
NH went from solid hotbed of conservatism to your average everyday liberal state like Wisconsin or Minnesota in the course of 10 years.
Canadafag here, boy do I know that feel. Nice dubs btw.
Iowa is almost guaranteed at this point. The last poll had Trump winning by 8 points.
NH has been fluctuating wildly. He was averaging a 5 point lead there back in July. Maybe the polls are unreliable, or maybe there are a shitload of undecided voters there.
You're forgetting that Trump is winning big in Maine's 2nd District.
You really can't see Hillary winning Nevada or NH?
Michigan has a decent chance of going gold this year, I'd say. Major oversampling of dempogramsocrats due to the massive wayne county vote of 08 and 12. No one likes hillary here.
Maine C2 Polls are pretty good for Trump, while he's losing C1 pretty bad
Funny when Trump's Home State is going to be the closest since Reagan while Hillary's Home state is voting against her Harder than anyone has if you don't know the specifics
Reminder that it takes a week to 10 days for a poll to take place so we still havn't seen the poll results from Hillary's fall
Even with the Skewing it's all up from here
What happened?
It will be very hard to convincingly rig after Kek striked her down on 9/11.
Praise Kek
Get out
Nah fuck you faggot. Go to reddit if you want me censored.
By Hillary's fall I mean her Collapse on Monday, and seeing as that it proves what we've been saying
I'm not advocating for the mods to censor or ban you.
I'm telling you to fuck off or kill yourself.
Yeah, the real damage was done on the 12th when she said she had pneumonia. At the moment the most recent poll is from 11th-14th (Trump +1) and the second most recent is from 9th-13th (Clinton +2). We have to wait until we see polls that started on the 13th.
jesus fucking christ faggot, search "hillary fall 9/11"
Fucking make me, faggot.
Kill yourself
Well that actually might of been because of something the week before, seeing as it takes a bit to do the polls, I'd say it's next Wednesday where we'll see Trump getting even more gains
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
kill yourself
Kill yourself
kill yourself
Kill yourself
Hey faggot. Search "hillary 9/11 fall". We're not going to spoonfeed your lazy pathetic ass anymore. Stop acting like a whiny 5 year old.
Why don't you ALL kill yourselves, or at least stop shitting up the thread
Nah :^)
Minnesota might end up being a bizzare result this time around. It went Bernie/Rubio, but if you get reluctant Republican turnout + pissed off Bernie voters going Trump to spite Hillary, it could go red.
Or we might go Gary Johnson and really fuck shit up.
kill yourself
kill yourself
538 has Trump with a 21% chance there, and that's with him being 2 points behind nationally. It could well happen.
kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
Get the fuck out here autists
Daily reminder that it will get worse and that the fight is never over.
Since this thread has some debate about a tie scenario:
Remember the D.C. Madam Lawyer? He's still trying to fight the courts so he can release his info, with his reasoning being the dirt will affect the people who would decide the winner during a tie. I'm disappointed that he didn't release them anyway like he threatened, but there is still time for him to make it happen legally. Also, hopefully that info would help Trump, not hurt.
Nevada, Iowa, Florida, and Virgina are all Trump's. No doubt in my mind.
kill yourself
It's hard to see how anyone but Trump could be elected in the event of a tie. At the moment 33 out of 50 state delegations in the House are majority-Republican. Maybe if Hillary won the popular vote enough Republicans would defect to swing it for her, but I still think Trump would win.
That collapse in New York had
the same results as if Hillary
had died. Everyone saw it on
social media. And no planes were required, just 4,000 gallons of
inflamatory memes. A well
known journalist called Sean
O'Rourke said yesterday: "Donald
Trump might win now! And it's all
because the media didn't take him seriously". Which is funny because
O'Rourke is the media and he
spent the last 18 months laughing at Trump. Now he's suddenly realised
it's no laughing matter.
"Once the Germans Jews laughed at my prophecy. I do not know whether they are still laughing, or whether they are laughing on the other side of their faces. I can simply repeat — they will stop laughing altogether, and I will fulfill my prophecy in this field too".
I'm going to make it clear that all polls should be ignored. Remember BREXIT? Go out there and vote like the wind, boys.
If anons live in a swing state, should we do something IRL? Peaceful demonstrations? only normie-passing and attractive anons should do that. Or walk around with MAGA gear to shill for the emperor.
I know massholes get a bad rep but I didn't know there was a reason. Tell me more about boston and NH?
Thank you, AWM
Because of "the long march", Bostonians have been on it for a couple of generations. N.H. was rural, as so , conservative. Im from the south, it's the same situation here, Californians to Texas, Chicagoans, to Arkansas.
Florida is going deep red this year.
No doubt about it, White people are pissed at the disappearance of our White Floridian culture and Cubans are upset over Democrats' cozing up with the Castro regime.
trump should send a personal letter of thanks to every liberal rag that gave him endless coverage in an attempt to destroy him. that shit he pulled with the obama birth certificate thing yesterday just shows how much he can still trick those faggots into giving him free coverage like he has for decades
Meme fuel melts Hillary's beams
I live in NH, and not just NH but southern NH ten minutes from the border, aka Massachusetts Lite. There are Trump signs, posters and bumper stickers all over the goddamn place and before May there were tons of Bernie signs and stickers, but since the primaries started last year I've seen a grand total of ONE Hillary sign in someone's yard. Nothing else. Whenever I ask someone who they're voting for, and I've asked a lot, the person either says Trump or "no one, they both suck."
I have no fucking idea where Hillary's supposed support is coming form in these polls. If even my blue county is this in the tank for Trump, there's no fucking way the northern regions are voting Hillary. If NH goes for Hillary this year then my only assumption is mass voter fraud.
Boston's a shithole. Yes there are very nice places in it like the business districts and the Common park near the state house, but the areas you'd be able to live if you're not a millionaire or a politician are ghetto slums, just like Washington DC. Lower-middle class Bostonians keep leaving because of the shitty living conditions and then move up to NH because no sales tax, and they bring their liberalism, asshole attitudes and Delhi-tier shitty driving with them. Twenty years ago southern NH was a very scenic and easy going place to live, but now anywhere within an hour of the MA border is 24/7 gridlock traffic on every road, laws upon laws upon laws being passed to ban everything people enjoy, and scenic areas being cut down and paved over to build more and more Walmarts and banks.
That would be bad enough, but the niggers and spics that live just over the border but can't afford to move here all flood up and infest the region every Friday, Saturday and Sunday while they buy useless shit they can't afford with their welfare checks because we don't have sales tax. My town goes from 99% on weekdays to looking like LA on the weekends. It's unreal.
Trump is leading in ME 2nd district, which is 1 electoral vote.
I live in Central MA and I drive down the street and see just rows and rows of MAGA signs. Cars with MAGA bumper-stickers.
I have not seen a single Hillary sign, and I only see 2 or 3 Hillary bumper-stickers in the entire parking lot of my university.
Come on, baby. Let's go for the gold.
did your bro lick the pizza sauce off afterwards?
As a Cruz voter he probably wanted to.
As a Trump voter, I wasn't interested.
Thing is you won't meet a hillary supporter as they're only fat old cunts and housewives and female boomers. They're internet illiterate, get their news from msm on a television, or simply vote red/blue because they know jack shit about who is running. Their line of thinking goes, "oooh, a woman!" Not much between the ears if you get me. I have a dyke aunt into all sorts of feel-good new-age bullshit like healing crystals and homeopathy and bullshit. She's mentallyhill. My Trump-voting mother also encountered a number of shillary cunts. They actually no shit still go to tupperware parties and throw cocktail parties every friday, those kind of people. I can't wait until they die in 10-20 years. Once again, boomers are screwing us over. Oh, and there are surprisingly a lot of beta cucklords voting shillary. Apparently a website called 538 has had its record corrected to the point of brainwashing. I've never been but he said that's where he got the mentalhillness.
They exist, they just don't go outside or have internet presence, because that's mutually exclusive to voting for that vile corrupt witch.
Cagers, not even once. If only we could mix time-delayed explosives into consumer gasoline.
Trump has been planning for that, hence his constant dropping of the 'rigged system' and so on throughout this past year.
Everyone has forgotten but when Obongo won again in 2012 Trump went nuclear on Twitter and started calling for an open revolution.
Trump has planned for this possibility.
M A G A 2K16
I have to echo something Sammy "hate-machine" Hyde said. That a good thing Trump did was calling out the media and turning voters on them. He deserves to win and we deserve him as President.
538 is a site with good tools as long as you use their "only polls" and "now cast" options that's ignores their idiotic algorithms of (((endorsements)))… also avoid all the articles like the plague.
But see this graph that basically shows that all Trump needs to do is get Colorado as well as all the red leaning states to win.
Totally wrong.
Yeah, a tie is my greatest concern right now. The House would pick Hillary.