So this just happened…
Are you retards intentionally sabotaging Trump's campaign or just stupid and dickbrained?
So this just happened…
Are you retards intentionally sabotaging Trump's campaign or just stupid and dickbrained?
Other urls found in this thread:
How is this damaging his campaign you autistic tool?
Get the fuck out of here, newfag.
This is porn someone from the internet just draw, Holla Forums has nothing to do with it you paranoic retard
It's Shadman. He's a degenerate. What's that got to do with us?
fuck tomorrow he'll probably have futa-Hilloli
Nice try, but Hilldog was never that cute.
Holy fuck you actually deleted de porn parts out
How do you even know Holla Forums
Please fuck off and kys
This dumb faggot thinks Holla Forums made this and that it's was a good idea to come around and moralfag about it.
Thanks for sharing though
Fuck me for recognizing Shadman's art from the thumbnail.
Ban this newfag
wow it really makes you think
It's alright, I still managed to get one off to it.
Reported for porn and general faggotry.
Gas yourself kike.
Holla Forums created this, Holla Forums has nothing to do with it
4kanker thread
This guy should really be making a successor to UAB
Go back to 4kanker
Fuck off CTRetard
OP is a >(1)
OP made the comic and came here thinking we'd beg for moaaarrrr.
The one mistake OP made was that he didn't name it "Mupee Arr".
Shadman gets a shit-ton of traffic. He's degenerate; he's not a loser and he doesn't need to beg here for hits.
sage and report
t. once fixed a performance problem on Shadman's backend
Surprised Shadebase didn't make Hillary Clinton a trap.
He's capable of damaging his own campaign just fine.
Being a gigantic racist piece of shit will do that.
sage fuck fug goddamnit
We are absolutely getting raided
ur welcome
What the fuck does Shadman have to do with Holla Forums?
Fuck off, Shadman shill.
What's The odds making fun of Hillary Clinton will finally get Shadebae put on the Sex offender registry?
If shadman was here, I'd have probably killed myself by now.
0%, because nobody's going to care about her when she and Jeb complete their suicide pact next year.
Please post more, this isnt like that animu drawings about canada reverse raping Usa, but is still funny.
Wait a minute.
Guys I think she's meant to be sucking off Trump.
So you read at a third grade level?
Jew fucked up, ese.
Mummy says I'm very good.
Wow that was funny
Thanks, you too.
Where's the rest?
This is tame and incomplete
WTF! Trump doesn't drink.
Want to know what I actually find arousing? The thought of hanging you degenerate pornographers and masturbators from their own fucking entrails.
Sasuga gaijin
Thats not logic.
All this does is remind everyone how disgustingly unsightly, weak and unappealing the real shillary is.
Anyway welcome to rule34 and the internet in general. Cant wait till you find the ones of lactating dickgirls eating each other alive
Now fuck off newfag
For a guy who's known to draw dicks on everything, breddy gud
Also, the fucker's swiss, not burger
OP sounds like a 12-year-old girl.
I miss /d/orses
muh PR doesn't work here, Jew.
Shadman's a WN/Trumpeter?
Guess I'm a libcuck again.
OP stop being a fag and sharing your shitty porn
Hell no. But I got a damm good laugh outta this
Shad is neutral. He's not even american.
He's a Somalian.
absolutely disgusting
where's the happy ending
Probably on the next page to be released
he's a faggot, but he doesn't sound like a nigger
Did Trump marry his daughter off to a Jew just so he could cuck one?
I need sauce on the full uncensored comic.
Cucking jews isn't hard, just expensive.
Hell, they basicly cuck themselves with the IDF
I always assumed he was a Swede considering all the interracial "BBC" cuck porn he draws.
disgusting, how can anyone find this arousing, it's so unaesthetic it hurts
im guessing this fucking stupid shill saw this in some other thread somewhere and doesn't know who shadman is
we're talking about a guy who played fallout 4 just so he could fantasize about mutants fucking his character
With all those migrants heading to swede he'd *spoiler*make a nice wife*spoiler*.
That's hot.
Yeah.. we the organization of Holla Forums are really just Shadman posting as different users.
U got us/me..
Go back to whence you came
Fuck, been here 2 years and I still don't know shit about red cap and spoilers.
Is that the loli express train behind the agents? Are those missing kid posters on the tree people who clinton murdered?
in those two pages, Hilloli's skirt/panties haven't been removed yet. this might still be futa. if anyone fapped to this, you might be gay.
Zero people believe you.
I'm guessing because of the notoriety of this one we're probably going to get an update right?
OP is a faggot.
This is his theme song.
He's as degenerate as they come.
uncensored version?
It make sense, most pedos are fags.
If you can't figure out the source after reading the thread, maybe you should stop masturbating for a while and get your fucking head on straight.
You're mixing it up.
Most pedos are hetero.
Most homos are pedos, however
Hey dumbshit, he's not from Holla Forums. Shadman is a mullato from a Scandinavian country unaffiliated with US politics.
He did it to rustle jimmies.
Lel, it didn't even get posted here first. This was posted mere hours ago on Holla Forums.
Needless to say, my will to visit Holla Forums again dropped to minus levels.
He's drinking pepsi
Interesting, it was a joke about Bill btw, just check hillary 18 years old pic, she was a qt.
OP confirmed for Autistic.
RETARD, that lame shit reaks of the DNC and their mentally ill, lame ass advisors.
I don't know what's more pathetic, them or you imagining one of us would do that. Most of us hate that shit but it's clearly meant to make you like her not as an insult and that's being said with her having a dick in her mouth.
OP can't tell the difference between Holla Forums art (MS Paint) and professionally made cartoon porn.
Seriously, no Holla Forumsartist would add censored boxes.
Hilarious, though as usual his scribbles are worthless
where is the uncensored version?
Thank you for correcting the record. But this meme attempt is even more dead than hillary at 9/11/16
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Can I have some of what you just described?
amusing, but that is all
10/10 modern art masterpiece, will sell for millions.
Original pic from Shadman, he's really based. Also made one about Anne Frank
Fapping to lolis I can tolerate but fapping to freaking hillary is beyond my comprehension.
eastern art*
This is clearly "nose-tier" subversion.
Also sage these threads. They slide REAL threads.
Lets be frank here, Hillary fucks everything on this planet but Bill.
this fucking thread is dildo tier fuggery.
gas your selves pls.
Okay this one I had to save just for the faces, she turned into a fucking muppet!