As upcoming fine young men, it is our duty to present ourselves to world as best as possible. I don't mean in a "muh PR" kind of way, I mean aesthetically. Fitness, dress, posture. We will ALWAYS gain more followers if we look good. This thread is about making Holla Forumsacks as aesthetic as possible.

Other urls found in this thread:

oxfordsafetysupplies.com/product-sub-category?cat=2&subcat=116&range=Safety Footwear&products=Safety Shoes

Gonna start off with some videos on posture, both body and face.

This guy has a lot of good videos, basically good jaw/tongue posture/swallowing technique will give you maximum jawline gains and cheekbone definition.

stop slouching, user

dumping statues/fitness goals

Unrelated tip: stop using jew shampoo and start using something natural. I use aloe vera and it makes my hair thicker, smoother, and glossier.



If you haven't started lifting yet WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING

check out scoobysworkshop, or if you don't have weights start doing bodyweight exercises

Also, if you can, grow as much of your own food as organically as possible. You don't have to pay a bunch of money for soil either. Start a compost pile and ALWAYS use a mulch. Less watering and constant decomposition = building soil = more nutrients = better food

also add in shakes to your diet. oats+bananas+peanut butter+honey+olive oil+milk = massive gains

Here's a good guide on lifting (from /fit/):
If you want to start lifting weights, but don't even know where to start, it's a good resource.

Also, is there a similar guide on fashion? I'm not planning to become obsessed with fashion, I just want to figure out how to not dress like a pot smoking teenager (which is what I've been doing for my whole life now)

I'm going to do something unthinkable. I'm posting a picture of myself on an imageboard. I do however think that I'm disguised well enough and that the number of people who can recognize me IRL and who browse 8/pol/ is pretty close to zero.

r8 my hats lads

Try to remember, that the old statues and buildings often had some color


Colors were a mistake.

I lost my fashion folder on my old computer, but generally I go with jeans, some sort of t shirt, and a good rugged jacket (like a bomber jacket, or something leather or denim.) Bonus points if it's got a good vintage look (vintage but not hipster if that makes sense) A little military surplus is good but don't go full-on LARPer. Generally, get things that look tasteful but can take abuse, even better if they look better as they age. For haircuts, I like to look at old greek/roman statues (especially because I've got curly hair - I try to emulate Michelangelo's David)

Nigger I'm 6 foot/185cm.

Good thread .

Try building an aquaponics system .
It combines fish with vegetables and maybe some types of fruits . It appears very easy to make.

It looks good. It would look even better if they did proper shading, which they undoubtedly DID do because it appears in all their other art.

I propose we break through the stale renaissance realism and return to the hyperrealism of the ancient pagan A E S T H E T I C . No more grimndark, but a garish celebration of light and colour. We can further culturally enrich the essential beauty of the classical form with the bright and beautiful floral art designs (both folk and high art) that we have accumulated in subsequent centuries.

For an age of virtualistic noise, art that speaks loudly.

silk suits for fun

eat shit lanklet

That red shining suit is absolutely degenerate if you're not a quiz master.

Wow that's fucking bad. It's so bad you had to put it in incremental order of gayness.

left to right
decent decent reeeeeeeeeeeeeee wtf

last pic is a joke the models look gay as fuck, I'll give you that, but the first two look much better with a little wear and tear as they form to your body over time. Also POST SOME ALTERNATIVES YOU MASSIVE FUCKING FAGGOTS

My summer look, inspired by Asterix and BO

What, no SS cap? I thought this was Holla Forums.

Hugo Boss is ubermensch as fuck.

Old hunting/fishing magazines are great references if you're into the outdoorsman look. Personally I'd love to bring it back.


Can men pull off cossack hats? If so, what should go with it?

I need to completely scratchbuild my winter wardrobe basically, I don't have anything that isn't old and shitty

Go to style when you're a manlet.


Anyone who wears a varsity jacket I basically write off instantly.

are we trying to attract homosexuals or future soldiers of the imperium?

Looking AESTHIC is what you do when you're not shooting ppls

pls respond, I can't think of anything that doesn't involve extreme ostentatiousness which I don't like

>tfw one pair of shoes for regular >implying use

we're not so different you and I

If you've got a good jawline and/or don't look 14 I'd say go for it, especially if you live somewhere really snowy.

Get /fit/ m8, it makes all your clothes look/fit better. Chicks love seeing good chest/arm bulge and definition. Even if it's in something plain like jeans and a t shirt.

I'm a manlet but have been blessed with truly action hero-like features.

Any suggestions as to a nice coat style? Like I say my winter wardrobe is a blank slate I intend to fill in in the next couple of weeks.

This, you'll look better with a t-shirt and shorts than 90% of hipster fags

Why not? Homosexuals should be soldiers, it's not like they breed. Nothin to lose in the long run if they die on the front.

The thing to lose is morale as people don't know if their squadmates are homosex.

We should have separate homo battalions tbqh. The Dirty Dozen. They go where other men fear to venture.

It depends on what kind of style you're going for/how casual or formal you want to look. Wool is a great material though.

sweaters inbound

That's probably the most embarrassing thing about the KKK and RWDS. They're always fat or have huge beer bellies and look retarded. They might not be the crowd we appeal to or want anyway but the rule still applies, looking like trailer trash taking 6 different pills for diabetes with a huge beer belly is a turn off.

Any food i can grow indoors in an apartment? Dont even have a windowsill but have fairly big windows getting direct sun in the morning.

Can't go wrong with

Classic brands, classic looks. All in style (aka no sperg) but still leaning towards either fash or american prep.

Converse are cuck tier. Avoid sneakers in general if you're not 16, 70 or exercising. If you have to get walking shoes, go with New Balance.

How to fix spinal problems? I've lifted for years and my clothes are normal for where I live (slacks and polo with dress shoes and belt at work, basketball shorts and tank top/logoless fitted t shirt for casual) but my lower back is curved inward pushing my stomach and butt out and my head is tilted forward rather than being straight above my spine. My shoulders also curve forward and it takes conscious effort to pull them back to the proper position.

Just standing around causes my spine to hurt and I'm pretty sure my neck vertebrae are fucking with my nerves because my neck is often in pain. I've been doing some stretches from a YouTube video to try to fix lordosis but I don't think they help much. What do

Sweatercore: dads with attitude

Also, if you're into the military look, check this place out. They've got some really nice looking surplus stuff.


remember that the first step to dress well is to be fit

I can get fit, i can go to shower and i can lift but what can i do about my acne ridden face? Do i have to wear a balaclava?

I've got just the thing for you. There's even an Elliot Rodgers/Supreme Gentleman cameo.

tried embedding, wouldn't work

make a paste from fresh squeezed lemon juice/baking soda, rub it on your face leave it for 30 seconds and wash.

sage for doublepost

Stop eating shitty food, sleep more, and don't get stressed out.

6'5 lanklet here, how do I get big?

eat big to get big, come on

make lots of smoothies

Just go outside more, I have a bit left over and lifting and shaving makes it worse but on the rare occaision I can go outside for a day it always gets better.

Thanks, I'm at work but I'll definitely check it out when I get home.

You don't.
t. 5'7" manlet master race

Shower twice a day with hot water. Use a natural ash soap. Run cold water at the end of your shower to close your pores. Use alcohol wipes twice a day. Don't touch your face. Drink 3L of water daily. Cut out all sugar, juices, etc, minimise carb intake, minimise greasy food. Take a comprehensive multivitamin+mineral daily. Exercise regularly.

Beyond that, suffer patiently. When you feel shit, work more, knowing it will afford you laser surgery and a scalpel if the legacy of your acne is that bad.

Get the John McClane look.

Wool is best material. Wool keeps you warm even when it's wet. Wrap yourself in a sheep.

Long years of working-out and eating well

Yeah, golden age Willis is kinda my go-to style guide though I have a more impressive chin. I'll probably go skinhead like he did when the family male pattern baldness kicks in, luckily no problems so far

Curly shampoo & conditioner is great - most lack silicones and sulfates that are really nasty for your hair and also weigh curls down. My hair basically looks like those statues.


If anyone is unsure of anything posted in this thread use this. Keep it clear, don't wear any gay fucking shit: combat boots, suits at informal occasions, fedoras, etc.. Look fucking normal.

Interdasting… didn't know they were xenos.

What is your stance on long hair pol?

how do I earn self-control.

I sit too much on the computer

Oh, great, another faggot thread. Just what we need.

Keep it short until you reach a state in your body that you deserve, afros are absolutely unacceptable.

I already have mid-long hair. It's golden blond.

I wonder if jews can get fit and look good

i want to shave my head but im afraid of what the shape of my head will look like

Anybody have the ID of that jacket that subtly looks like a Hugo Boss NAZI jacket? It was in a fashion thread we had probably 9 months ago and lost the bookmark on my pc.

Jews can look good if they're mixed white or something close but by 30 they become goblins.

Same, my friend shaved his and his head was polygonal like a 90s video game.

Yeah, I'm the Jew. It's not the faggot that saves 4 gigs worth of pants pictures and gay models on his computer and shitposts here every week.

The fucking autism is unbearable.

It's nice aslong as you are keeping it well groomed, and if you don't work in a hygiene related labor. Such as in medicine, restaurant surgery etc.

The key of Holla Forums exterior look is to stay balanced and decent. You are supposed to keep the attention focused on your ideas not on your "shell".

They fit the rest of the outfit, make you look more gruff/tough, it accents everything better than say sneakers or Timbs.

Seriously? I'm supposed to eat 190 grams of protein a day?

Hard to judge without a pic. I have chin-length, thick, curly brown hair and a scruff beard and get called jon snow all the time (xcept my hair is curlier and my beard is full and not patchy in places). My long hair looks good. On the other hand, if you have super thin, straight hair with zero volume that hugs the side of your head, it most likely looks terrible.

Find an analogue and post it.

Some people look really ugly when they are shaved. This applies to beards too.

I think beards evolved to hide the ugly features of the face.

If you live like the average person, yes. If you sit in front of the computer 24/7 you could probably be without food for 2 days and not feel a thing.

No, they don't fit the rest of the outfit unless it's covered in hay or cow shit.

Don't wear cowboy boots unless you're actually a cowboy, you fucking autist.

It's 1 gram of protein per KILOGRAM of LEAN MASS. It's the most widely mis-cited of all broscience.

Damn, I don't know how I haven't seen this Xavier pepe before

I play sports and work out daily, but that seems like an unheard amount of protein. I'd be needing to eat steaks all day and like 8 scoops of protein.

That seems MUCH more reasonable. Thanks.

I'm not concerned about my image. I'm just asking for your opinion on having long hair in general. I expected some denial but it seems it's not bit deal.

Only twinks eat that little protein. I eat 1.5g per lb. Since I'm 220, it comes out to over 300g. If you're eating less than 250g, you aren't trying.

Yes, and your body fat doesn't need protein, either. Generally eating too much protein won't hurt you, but there's no need to indulge and be forced to by Shekelberg Conglomerate's overpriced milk industrial by-product.

Can any anons share tips for avoiding the common cold? I don't get sick all the time but if someone is sick near me at work or home, I will likely end up getting the sickness

Vitamin D-3

No thanks


Unless you actually train. Unlike /fit/ plebs and their Rippletoe routines.

Apple cider vinegar, most assuredly, when in the cold season, plus zinc.

In fact, blue jeans are Jewish period. Don't wear them.

You can't really go wrong with one of these.

Good thread btw.


In my experience people with long hair think they will look like Aragorn and end up looking like shaggy. Keep it nice and don't be scrawny and you might be okay. I prefer crew cuts though. Bought a 30$ razor kit from Costco years ago and saved so much money by just getting a girlfriend to buzz it down when it gets over half an inch.

This seems a bit low but I gave up on meeting protein requirements years ago. Just eat meat, beans, and drink milk and you should be fine. In my experience getting enough calories is far more important for gaining mass.

that better be grass fed organic milk or you're getting a nice dose of estrogen

The Hitler Youth cut and its variations are the best, in my opinion. Clean and masculine.

I give it 3 years before going full Jonne becomes hipster-cool

Definitely am getting estrogen, fat stores primarily on my chest now. It's my main source of calories and protein though so I keep drinking the bovine jew.


Onions are good too

These posters are homosexuals and autists.

agreed 110%

don't dress like faggots, idiots

i bet you wear t-shirts and jeans and have at least one tattoo

The bright colours look better under the kind of poor internal lighting they had back in the day. Reproductions of medieval furniture look like kindergarten furniture under modern artificial light. Lit correctly for the period (candles, oil lamps, light filtered through curtains/shades, etc.) they look glorious.

Yes, yes, and no.

Excellent point.

The most important thing for aesthetics is taking steroids. Just watch out for acne.


Too late. My posture is perma-wrecked.

Both drinking and smoking are degenerate


Wouldn't kill you guys to dress a little upscale white. Stop by Ralph Lauren or Calvin Klein during a big sale and pick up a polo shirt.

Scandinavian black metal shirts are cool, but only get us made fun of.

Calvin Klein is a jew, user. It's best to avoid the brand.


Wearing this jacket from time to time.

Also, how do you pull off wearing your shirt or t shirt in your pants with a belt? Or is it useless?

If you spend more than 20 minutes in the bathroom each morning, you are a woman or homosex.
If you have to carefully deliberate what to wear and what would match the best, you are a woman or homosex.

Take the god damned dad pill already. You'll thank me when you're older son.

He's even subduing a jewess in that second pic. Very professional.


Fur cloaks when?

Obligatory Tracksuit-American chic

Then how do you explain the fact that the OUTSIDES of ancient buildings were brightly-painted, as well?

My theory is that bright colours and dense geometry is the base human aesthetic, since it's the one you see in all tribal cultures. It taps into hardwired code to look for vibrancy and visual complexity in nature, as these indicate that an area has biodiversity, a temperate climate, and places to hide. Ie are good for living in. Subtlety was a later development. A product of civilisation.

You can see the development of subtlety in subject matter as well. Primitive stories and traditions, as well as visual art, are full of battles, rape, black magic and horrible creatures: these being what a childish mind can - and typically wants to - render.

That season is upon us.

Post non-autist non-faggot clothes so we can mock you

gb2 Twin Peaks lad

Probably never unless the Maunder minimum anons are right and we get our Fimbulwinter. It's going to be 85 degrees this week where I live and it's the middle of september. Fucking global warming.

You've probably just overdeveloped certain muscles and underdeveloped others. This can be fixed if you really want to.


Have you guys any idea for a uniform for a French royalist party ?
A guy in fr/pol/ was asked to find a design, so feel free to propose.

Bydlocore. Not even normies dress that normie


Holy shit you fucking faggot.

No, you're the freak trying so hard to look normal. Someone wearing off-the-child-labour-line sneakers + 80s fit/wash jeans + a plain text print t-shirt + a varsity jacket + a baseball cap is BOTH a massive fucking faggot and autist.

It's not the look of someone who isn't trying to stand out, it's someone who's trying very hard to fit in.

PS fuck off and kill yourself in any order

Yes, adidas tracksuits are the ultimate Holla Forums attire.

You certainly have issues.

Says the person who invaded a thread where he isn't wanted and started calling people faggots and autists for what they wear.

I bet you got slapped around like a little bitch in school.

Slacks. Plain t-shirt for casual (scoop neck is preferred). Shirt and tie to look a bit better. Cover with wool sweater vest in colder weather.


It's true though, isn't it

lol, no. Nice try, though.

Also, going to the store and buying a t-shirt and jeans is the exact opposite of being a tryhard. Nice try, there, too.

Remember, when you go to bed tonight as butthurt as can be, you're getting your just desserts for cunting up a decent thread.

Underrated post. Everything slav is inherently superior to burger and eurocuck gear.


In reality most slavs wear third rate knockoffs of Western fashion made in India or Turkey or god knows where

Go to the Dermatologist.

Doc put me on Doxycycline for about 3 months and gave me cream. Didn't use cream. No more pizza face. Don't need the pills anymore.

And remember, as you hang up your cossack hat, put away your spats, and crawl into bed with your husband, this was never a decent thread.

Also, your acne might not be that bad.
But since you're interested in improving on it; clean up your diet, stay hydrated, get enough sleep, it usually clears up with age. If it's bad enough to be a medical condition, get a dermatologist involved.
But these days it seems average dudes with normal, average young man acne like to get uptight about their zits as if men rely on their looks for anything.

Sweater vests are stylish and emphasize the male v-taper form. They also look WASP as fuck. Just don't get (((Ralph Lauren))) or any of the other Jew brands.

dumping my greek statue motivational pics



OP is really being a faggot today.

Appearance is secondary. Thinking otherwise, is thinking like a dirty, conniving JEW.

Zyzz dead, yo.

I've stopped using schampoo since reading that "How to not drink from the poisoned well" archive. Just water, no schampoo/gel works just fine as well. Also, plastic bottles, liqourice and mint are jewed as well (raises estrogen)

get some dr bronners if you need shower gel.

You can use the old school bar soap on your hair, it lathers up just fine.

N-no homo?

I stopped using shampoo as well but my scalp produces an infernal amount of sebum; if I scratch up there my fingernails get caked in the stuff

Yeah, I tried and can't do it. My hair gets all waxy and gross.

What a waste of satanic trips.

Reminder that a Holla Forumslack's clothing should be suited to physical activity as in running, punching, kicking and climbing stuff. That means comfortable shoes with good soles, pants that don't limit your legs' range of motion and a shirt or a jacket that don't limit your torso's range of motion.

Dress for deadly function.

That coat is the only acceptable fashion accessory I've seen so far here.

Considering that image, i would like to ask you the following:

You're not adult, are you?

Don't want to get bruised giving BJs huh?

I'm afraid you're cut from the team son.


Shut up, old man.

Not in the free world



People in this thread would be the cosmopolitan officers boozing up every night while the soldiers are trying to stay alive in the trenches. Buncha metrosexuals, I'll tell you.

Presenting yourself as looking far better than the slovenly SJWs dressed like forty year old toddlers is important.

That having been said, a black T-shirt (obviously never any writing or images on it) and jeans is sufficient for casual wear.

I said Lee's, mate, as red blooded American as it gets. Was that supposed to be a reference to that Harry Potter Nazi movie?

Vitamin C, Zinc. Also eat fermented foods, sauerkraut, pickled tomatoes, olives, etc.

Only wear sweater vests with a collared shirt underneath. It gets a bad rep because people degenerate something as simple as prep clothes and just started wearing v necks to show off their male cleavage, too feminized to wear a proper shirt.

lot of larping faggots here lately

Reminder that Holla Forums did not attain success by preening in the streets but by spreading truth online, a far, far more effective vector of information.

Of course. Why would anyone wear it with something else?

This is part of the reason why I don't bother with it.

That and my laziness :^)

/fa/ is pretty degenerate at times but I would suggest you all spend at least some time on there to learn to not be a neck beard. It helped me a lot.
Got a better haircut since the first 3 pics. Feeling proud to represent the white race every day.

Oh, God. How much of a faggot are you?


Less than you neckbeard. When was the last time you talked to a girl, are you happy with your life?



Why did you post yourself here..? You don't have tits.

you have fag taste

you look like a hipster who hangs out with lean chugging white rappers


All my clothes are inmawoods, work out, and work clothes. I have a couple for dates or dinners out and a couple casual/jeans stuff that get rarely used. I also have long hot summers where I live. It all adds up to too little opportunities to be /fa/.

Its a shame you cut your hair, its very healthy.
Ignore the bald edge-lords in the thread.

The next step in your transformation should be to get 50kg muscles + a college degree.

here is a tip user
if you could get away from your computer right now what would you do?

Thanks about the hair m80, I like my new Fashy hair more tho. Am working out more and in my second year of MBA

Cue shilling identifiable clothing/uniform/shitty costume jewellery rings that look like a panel beater made them on a break.
Just fuck off Sinead.

that fag doesn't know what he is talking about, your hitler youth look is fantastic

Heebs and muds; semites scared of strong blond men.

As says, definitely start lifting.

Hi Sinead.

Strong? He's a twig. I can punch him in the shoulder and it'll break something.

he does need some muscle

and leg day

I'm scared of your vanity.

Yeah, that's good. Keep the pressure up. Always do more.

I'll give you a heads up when taking the MBA. You will probably meet some inferior subhumans who will start talking about "stress" and "burning out" and other nonsense that justifies their under-performance. Don't listen to them, always provide more pressure, always do everything better. They are not the same animals as you. If you don't eat 3 meals a day, you're probably lazy and didn't do enough during the day. And if you are not tired when you go to bed, you are probably lazy too.

Glad to see some respectables here

Im aware I am skinny, am working on it.
but reele fit me irl

Its true a lot of student are lazy shits, I maintain a 4.0 GPA while working 20-30 hours a week.

Steroids mate. Get on it.

Strong as in will you dense fuck. Why else would I go on to say he ought to start lifting.

I spit in your nostrils.

don't be a fagot about it

Working out and eating better. Back in my highschool years I was lifting and gained 30 pounds of muscle in a month, could squat 360 too. Just been busy with work/school.

then I'll assume you know what you are doing


kek manlet tier
anything below 6'3 = manlet


a filthy 14 year old made this.

It's absolutely disgusting.

Kek lad. I'm quite fit actually.

I'm not american like you, you're just projecting here.

so far you've contributed absolutely nothing to the thread besides division

I'm calling kike

Get the fuck outta here.

This thread is disgusting. A bunch of homos telling each other how their haircuts look nice and what brand of shoes they need to buy to be "in".

That's what women do, you metrosexuals.

He is a manlet, though. I'm almost 6'6".

I think people need to use Role models in the past as the role models of today are just too degenerate and shit tier. As an example of one of the biggest role models I have for my life it is Anthony Robbins.

His energy and enthusiasm about life is without equal and he is smart as shit. I downloaded his recorded programs and they are all 11/10 in terms of life management and general insight. That's not to mention his true masterpiece which is Money: master the game which you can download on Library Genesis. Just my two cents.

found this

shitpost elsewhere

So lads, I spent the whole summer working a construction job under the sun 8 hours every single day and my arms got super tanned.

It's been a month and it's still very similar, how long will it take to go away? :^)

Alright, lil' fag.

I'd rather project than lie, like you. But I do neither.

Relative to you, yet he's still taller than most people. If you're going to call all else manlets because you're tall enough to risk a concussion each time you walk through a door, that's a bit sad. Especially since we're all white brothers and ought to help eachother, rather than being overcompentsating assholes.

That was fat, nigger.


Am I allowed to wear trendy clothes? or does that make me a faggot

Explains why you're overcompentsating and/or lying

what are you thinking about wearing?

Correct your posture, user.



God. Why don't you suck a dick while you're at it?

What the hell am I supposed to dress in? Suits all the time?

Bad tbh
regular jeans in black and blue or kahkis, but not loose fitting ones thats worse than anything.

kek what a retard. Just use some jeans that fit well enough, give you range of motion and don't show your balls through the fabric.

Yeah man.
Blaze it 420.
There's nothing wrong with having some fun dude.

Than why are you here?

I think you mean "then".

I'm for the anti-globalism, nationalism and traditionalism. Being half-white doesn't help me with the racialism thing, though.

Nothing wrong with you being here if you are aware of the short comings of race mixing and the genetic differences between races.

you could totally bang an honorary and nobody would bat an eye assuming you're already half honorary

Webm related

That's it, after this thread dies I am going to make sure there is always a lifting and self improvement thread from now on

Wanting to look your best and most respectable and dignified is not MUH PR.

imkampfy will just bumplock it like a fucking faggot

Don't eat like shit.


Avoid psychiatric drugs like anti-psychotics at all costs, they make you fat in weird places and rot yer mind.

Thank you, because of this I'm now getting the jacket pictured.
While we're doing fashion, any advice on a good pair of boots/shoes in brown or burgundy would be nice?

see pic for reference

these tend to last me about a year


They look great but I'm a dirty britfag, can't seem to find them over here. The oxfords at least.

Hitler, get your hands out of your pocket.

The fuck did you just say, you little faggot? This isn't cuckchan. Reported.


Dubs of truth

You are not a cowboy. You are a gay hipster. Jamal and Mohammad are not impressed by your stylish cowboy boots.

Dress for a fight. Wear cargo pants, steel toed boots and be armed.

Pedro and Trayboon won't be scared by your stylish pantaloons. Don't end up the best dressed hipster in the hospital.

Benzoyl peroxide 10% is over the counter and very effective. Start once a day and work up to twice daily. It burns a bit at first. It also stains clothes and possibly hair. Will make you sunburn easier.
Working up a sweat every few days helps flush out pores.
Insulin like growth factor causes an increase in acne. Avoid sugar spikes by avoiding carbs.
If that doesn't work see a doctor for antibiotics. They have antibiotic creams which avoid the long term damage antibiotics cause for your stomach bacteria flora.
Accutane is not the worth the side effects and the risk of long term health effects.

The only legitimate use of anti-psychotics is when someone is violently delusional.
World Health studies from years back found Schizophrenics in the developing world outlived shizophrenics in first world countries. They were less compliant with their medication.
2013 study from JAMA to confirm

Healy has some videos on Youtube of his university talks that are very good. He talks about the massive outright fraud in the pharmaceutical world, with specific proven examples and papers.

I'm pretty much an addict to anti-psychotics, can't get off them without awful symptoms which were worse than what I got put on them for in the first place, which was pretty much sleep deprived anger. Before them I had visual daydreams which were sometimes positive sometimes negative, after I hear voices and thoughts which are only ever negative.

In the end whether it works or not depends on being socially grounded, whether you're an outsider or in an in-group.

Eternally trolled I be. Let me sacrifice myself upon the lulz of the normies Kek, and rebirth me as the antichrist.

Oh look…another helpful thread that got bumplocked by imkoony.

That cunt needs to be removed.

fam you need to work on your google foo and quit being suck a spoon fed fag

googling "red wing oxford work boot britain" got me this a s a first result


and here are some nice looking boots

and this

here are your closest redwing dealers according to the burger redwing site, could probably give them a look

now I went the extra mile for you as well and just looked for "britain oxford work shoes" and noticed that a lot of british oxfords are usually in a kind of shiny plastic style that are a little too dress shoe for my taste and not work shoe enough either but here is some stuff I found that may fly with you, after going through at least 8 results

this one comes in multiple colors as per pics

here's another only black and brown

And then I started looking for safety shoes after I saw a good result and had way better luck

oxfordsafetysupplies.com/product-sub-category?cat=2&subcat=116&range=Safety Footwear&products=Safety Shoes

but most important user is that you go to some shoe stores in your area, find a style that you like and then have them size your foot and order whatever shoe you find and like but in your size

tl;dr go shopping in real shoe stores for nice shoes ya dumb fag

good luck with it fam