Heads up

"I personally witnessed four sexual encounters that the" 13 year old "Plaintiff was forced to have with Mr. Trump during this period, including the fourth of these encounters where Mr. Trump forcibly raped her despite her pleas to stop." - Eye Witness ALLEGED


FFS, kill yourself.

y-you too

stop being autistic.

I'm bringing this up as the liberals might use this to attack trump

Part of the fempire, run by tranny goons and SJW manchildren.

you have to go back

Oh yeah? Well, I was raped by Hillary. What do you say to that?

I hope Trump's campaign gets on this quick. It has almost 2000 upboats. I've never seen evidence so compelling.

Absolutely pathetic and desperate. I understand OP is just giving a heads up but I don't think we should give this shit attention.

And Bill Clinton went to Epstein's place to fuck underage girls several times. So this is the line of attack they want to take?

didn't biden say to a girl she makes him hornya/

getting desperate?

they are just trying to counter Bill Clinton and Jeffery Epstein issues on the Clinton side

and you're giving visibility to hearsay. Until something more impressive than "i wuz totally raped guyz!!!" comes up, threads like this belong in the shitter


Indeed, this may be a tactic to make the "Bill`s a rapist" attack have less claws.

"But Mister Trump, you have been called a rapist too!"

And I met some space aliens one time.
Turns out evidence is required to convince people of things.

Are you sure you belong on 8/pol/? you might be more at home on 4/a/

Oh you were just pretending to be a retard?

Who's in the wrong here?

Value of the thread: 0

You Amerikikes need to learn how dirty these people play, read it through archive and start developing arguments against it.
Defend Trump

OP is a faggot and deserves to be banned because no archive and allegedly thinking the reddit post holds any veracity.


Waw lod!!

Did it actually trigger you?



You're epically pissed off about it.

epik truly epik b8!

Why do you keep trying so hard to bump this shitty thread?


Why do you keep pretending not knowing how to sage is some kind of b8?

y u mad tho?

I'm not I just don't see much humor in pretending to not know the basics of image boards.

Well it didn't work the first time or the second time, but I'm sure this narrative will work the third time! Is this the fourth time? lel

And yet I successfully derailed the shitty anti-Trump thread by doing it.

Go figure.

flinging around wild accusations is pretty fun

No one contributed anything of value to begin with especially you

Exactly. So why are you trying to bump the thread?

You tell me you were the first user to do it.


You're more autistic than the average assburger, aren't you?

So you were pretending be ironic not retarded?

Seriously, why aren't you saging? You do know I'm going to sagebomb this thread and match you reply-for-reply with a sage, right?

The reddit thread is painfull to read.
Somebody testimony is important, especially if she is risking something on it.
But, Trump had already several failed assassination attempts.
Also an assassination would most likely bring a civil war.
Now that trump is winning, after slowly climbing and not a surge, suddenly this case comes up, like by magic ?

What would stop someone from any position that would hate trump start making such shit up if assassinations are a bad idea?

Also no evidence .
Most likely a smear attempt.

The don has in that case a simple defense, she should have seen the emperors sword. She then should guess it size, if she doesn't say it's full three can glory, and the dons opens his zippers, she has directly lost the case.

Because according you not saging is epik b8

It's funny when you do it once, not when you're bumping a shit thread 10 times because you're CTR, faggot.

Oh you're a total newfag its starting to make sense now, that anchor next to the OP post means the thread won't be bumped regardless.

I think we know who the newfag is.

The threads been on page 3 for the last 20 minutes but whatever you want to tell yourself to feel better.

Thread created an hour ago, bumplocked 28 mins ago. Bitches don't know bout my logs.

Also, who the fuck even scrolls through the pages? Use the fucking catalog, moran.

Is anyone suppose to believe that

top kek, m9.


And your time was wrong