Other urls found in this thread:
Didn't watch
Post something nice
Degenerates out
They good boys.
what superpower is this and how do i attain it
Why do white """people""" act like this?
Not taking existence seriously (sincerely maybe), instead enjoying and loving this crazy bullshit that is reality and humanity.
Begin with jewboob related, then whatever on the right sidebar catches your eye.
Because we get bored waiting for the chinks, the blacks, the spics and all the rest to catch up. This is why we do this, we want off this planet but noooo since 80% of humanity is fucking dumb and can't into avant-garde erotic art.
who's got the james brown remix of this one
where can i watch the rest of this
this girl makes my dick so happy
I only got this
play stupid games…
top kek is better with audio
Fucker, the whole point is to hear the satisfying CLONG when the stacy gets her vapid, empty head smashed in by an inanimate object.
fucking kek
Is this real? What did she hit? Did she live? If so, what were her injuries?
she died. hit just a pole or sign or something, happened a couple weeks ago. just search russian woman hit pole
She got nearly decapitated and died instantly.
She's dead, Jim.
literally none of that is true. she died in hospital and head was intact
this was poor word to use
I usually like watching people getting murdered, die in an accident, or die by their stupidity, but this one is kind of sad. Maybe because she was young and hot. Maybe because I could see me or one of my friends doing something stupid like this. Or maybe just because it was a 'happy' event happening. I don't know.
kys tbh
shame about those boobs though
Do you see it? Do you see it?
Do you know how gross the average person is? She's hot relative to that.
No. What?
So a morbid interest in watching things that already happened, things I cannot control is sick? But you wanting someone to kill themselves for doing something that hurts nobody is justified? That's some pretty inconsistent logic you have there.
same argument made by CPfags
I would argue, but I think even you know that's a pretty clear false equivalence.
legalize it
God bless this man.
What song is this?
that's hawt
Lizzy - Not an easy girl
My bad, actually it's Hong Jin-young - Love Battery, Orange Caramel just sing it here.
The actual file from LiveLeak…
End thyself
didnt watch. Whats this about?
u know whay they invented those stockings with black toes? So we dont have to look at disgusting toes
I don't know maybe they did originally. But her toes aren't disgusting, and those black parts in contrast with light skin look very nice.
is this the show, in which Kan had his debut? Is that Undertaker throwing Mankind off the Hell in a Cell and into the spanish announcers table?
its still better without the toes
toes r the source of disgustingness of feet
I would suck her toes
u r a part of the problem
There is no problem
Oh, come ON! What is a webm thread of any value, that does not include this golden oldie and a classic?!
Better gas muslims just in case
what's the mv? i searched stellar but can't find it if that's them
nvm got it. Stellar - Sting, if others are looking
this was a very good webm thank you
Thought she was Maki Yoko for a few
too fat
i'm very picky
this is tragic, where is the fuck video?
Found the whole thing ages ago but it's just 10 guys cumming on her face while lil' bear looks on, It's not worth the hour it'll take to look for it trust me.
da fuk
if David Lynch did porn
(((technical reasons)))
Still dumping
I fucking hate when this happens.
Keep the streets safe H!
Happy Halloween, Holla Forums !
Someone post a cp webm please i wanna see a video of a small child getting fucked in the ass.
Literally reddit-tier
Gas yourself, famalam.
I've already posted 2-3, you absolute faggot.
enjoy your ban, m8
Fuck off SJW i just wanna fap come on.
Check out Masterchan.
jesus christ, he loves her, but doesn't even fuck her? or even jack off on her tits? nothing? i though cuck beta was just a meme. holy shit
Doesn't exist anymore.
What are you some kind of faggot
It's called called ccluster.com now.
How does that make me a faggot??.
fucking saved
What song is this?
Exactly a shell of what it used to be pedo stuff isn't even allowed anymore and Gad became an SJW and sold out to the Dutch government the site is now a honeypot he also banned all Outlannders.
Aight dawg, well Holla Forums isn't the place for it either dude.
And now I have none left that I'm not hoarding
wow, user. this really jogged my treadmill
Here you go user (warning 18+)
Back to Cuckchan moral faggot.
Cant check phone is broke if you have a phone dl shazam and try it
Holla Forums is for content that is legal under US law.
diaperfags must die.
Holla Forums rules are more restrictive than US law, user
I got you covered buddy.
Found the moralfag GET OUT Le Reddit and Halfchan are better homes for you hugbox faggot.
Nope, we had this discussion three years ago now, and it was decided that the only global rule is that content must be legal under US law.
It has nothing to do with morals, and everything to do with the practical consideration of keeping Holla Forums operating.
How fucking new are you?? do you have any idea how much illegal shit is posted here everyday??.
Anyone know what IFV this is? The even axle spacing rules out most things you would expect to find in Africa.
I've been here since September of 2014 my dude.
THat is pretty new even for imageboards.
Holla Forums has only been around since 2013 you autist. I've been imageboarding since 2008.
I was talking about imageboards all together and 2008?? yeah you're a newfag you're apart of the project chanology le Anonymous protest on the streets era which was the downfall of Holla Forums you came too late buddy.
True. ;_;
So on that note coming from someone who has been on imageboards since 2005 pedophiles and pedophilia have always been apart of imageboard culture and they aren't going anywhere anytime soon so get the fuck over it.
If anyone posts actual CP here it will be removed and they will be banned. Get the fuck over it.
Really nigga??.
who is that? i don't recognize her, but she's cute af
fucking niggers, can't even maintain respect at a goddamn funeral
Chechen war if that helps, got from webm thread long time ago
Shill detected
CIA niggers out
Top fucking kek
Hex is forcing me to post this against my will, because Joseph Smith told him to.
Yes, is this kentucky fried nigger gluten free?
(((white))) people
Damn, how is he still alive at that moment?
Serves him right for trying to steal shit tbh.
holy shiit that girl is a mess
cool get fam
totally not samefag
have to del have this instead
whyd you del it?
Yeah just post it faggot.
I haven't seen it
was just some shitty webm of a drunk bitch that OP raped
lol dumb bitch did dieded
You da real hero!
Got more pics or dox of the drunk bitch?
you creampie her at least? post some pics of her feets
How many ppl cummed on/in her that night?
lookss like 1 tbh
i woilud bite your dick off if i were a gril who hated mens
you da real jew
Hex is forcing me to post this against my will, because Joseph Smith told him to, in a wet dream - this is the sound of Donald Duck having a stroke.
No idea looking for sauce on it for ages
last line : that was cool though right? when he licked it at end
wtf these guys can't shoot for shit
How accurate are you at that range? What if the target was running?
Should've called it a shit and run
i am a comedic genius
What's the joke?
The owl shit and ran, calling the webm "shit and run", would be to accurately describe what happened in the video, how is that funny?
similar to hit and run?
Oh, now I get it LOL
is dis a good maymay guys?
Nah, it's impossible to tell where the missile was fired from, but it's definitely nowhere near the recording sandnigger.
But even if the car really was 900 m away, these goatfuckers are just randomly shooting all over the place, their tiny brains just don't seem to comprehend that the tracers flying in the sky are supposed to be hitting the target. At 1:27 one sandnigger actually tries to shoot at the guy with tracers (the first shots that actually look like they were even aimed), but they promptly resume just making whitey's boomstick go bang.
tone deafness is such a boner killer
What are you talking about? She has voice on angel
interadesting how girls can do anything without it being seen as awkward or cringy
I have absolute pitch and I can tell you it physically hurts to listen to it. She's hot though, despite her awkward body movements.
I was being sarcastic
okay but still it comes off that she would get away with it just by female energies
Swell! Who woke the oldfag from his torpor?
Seriously though, you say that like it is something you are proud of.
do we know any more about this grill's lyfe
relevant vid
You shouldn't enjoy those things…
Anyone have the webm of the AMV with a duet of a guy and girl and they sing about how they're into each other but then it goes to like "Do you want to fuck me in the ass" it's got an acoustic guitar.
found it but not Webm
what a blessed individual
Hex is forcing me to post this against my will, because Joseph Smith told him to, in a wet dream - this is the sound of Donald Duck having a stroke!
bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark for jesus bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark
Kill that cyka with fire
sound version
Impossible to watch
Me neither!
It's impossible to conceive that he managed to slip his own fist THAT far up that little girl's bottom!
The Weimar Republic rides again. Hitler is coming.
I'd never thought to know what those Germans in the 1920s felt. Reset soon.
this tbh fam
whos this song by again? it's on my spotify somewhere but i cant find it…
your video? carbon based lifeforms
Fucking hater. You don't need to wait if you want to live in a dictatorship. Come here to Russia, or to some other shithole like Venezuela.
holy shit what a fucking badass
song name ?
Alan Watts is a faggot fur real
whats the song here?
Daud - Sanstorm
my weakness
Markychan, 16 yr attention whore who has nudes
Fam? gtfo nigger.
I like it.
By the way i accidentally the whole day again, better luck tomorrow i guess.
Would be better with Primo Victoria
the sad song one or the techo one?
Elliot Smith: Between The Bars
hate to be this guy but anyone has sauce?
What even happened here?
He's climbing out of a high voltage transformer, no idea what he was doing in there but he shorted it (either with himself of with something conductive) and it blew up.
I'm an electrician and this scares the shit out of me.
that looks fake as fuck dude
Who is the singer?
It is, this isn't.
that's better.
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What anime song sounds like that??!!!!!
What are ya talking about ya fuckin idiots? Don't you know that vulgar humor is a state of being for most Whites on the bell curve?
If you are right surely that must be one of the most popular shows, I seriously doubt that.
That video about a french ballet lesson?
The latest sounds of the Holla Forums mating call