It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Unleashes Death Squads

It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Unleashes Death Squads

The kikes over at Foreign Policy are getting real scared. Isn't the current year great?

That's a really nice direct link there. Also very nicely summarized OP. Try harder next time you make a thread.

All druggies deserve nothing but a final pill made of lead


Archive is right below you blind kike


Masons are trying to stage a coup they are terrorists this is a false meme

I am a retarded nigger who can't read

Get gassed disinfo kike faggot, it doesn't matter who started it. We memed for death squads, and death squads are being delivered.

Trump Duterte 2020

You are saying it is true? Why would you want rwds by people who call the highest stage of magic JEW?


What do you need him to quote the entire article instead of clicking the archive, you goddamn retarded nigger? How fucking stupid do you have to be

Oy Gevalt!

Yes. If he can't be bothered to summarize what he wants to say in OP, I can't be bothered to read his shitty articles. One of the kikes' potent weapons is overflow of information. I won't read everything on Holla Forums because I don't have the time or will to do that. If every OP will just follow this faggy OP's example, then we'll have a lot of information loss. Then if he direct links them, I just lose interest altogether. Direct linking is pointless, because it just brings shills in here. All he needed to do is remove the https or put a space in the middle of the link. Webcrawlers, misclicks and what not.

So Holla Forums, how is the Phillipines actually doing? Like, is crime down, economy up, and so on? Give me a not-pozzed run down of there. Any flips give us their opinions?

You're right Chaim, I don't want JDS anywhere near me, the Palestinians have certainly shown me that much.

And cue the switch to concern trolling, from the first post shill. The article is such shit, that only the headline matters, and got some sweet dubs for grabbing the only good pull quote, so the hive mind works just fine. GBT ovens, plz.

Thanks for sharing you impossible cunt


Yes Schlomo, clearly the answer is that I came straight from reddit. You could have read the article in OP in much less time than your low-effort shill-posting.


Jews rock!

I like this guy already.

Christ you fucking newfag, your OP was terrible enough but you've really succeeded in shitting up your own thread with your inane kvetching. Stop posting and lurk, faggot.

If they do that, i'll officially pull back everything bad i have said about them.

He's killing the meth dealers, the rapists, and those who prey on the weak? Fucking A! I should've moved to manila when I was a kid!

RWDS are the future. Karl Marx was right about the historical determinism, but he was wrong about the outcome. It isn't going to be gommunism (a meme ideology). It will be galactic fascist imperium and RWDS. We takin the entire milky way bitches.

Yeah, it's hilarious that these kikes think people are going to sympathize with junkies.

When RWDS come to fruition, we should take time after long glorious hours of exterminations to grab one of the older ones and ask, "Remember, you could have had a Ron Paul Revolution, but instead you preferred this chaim."

We have to understand that kikes won't roll over. Israel would rather purge the world of humanity than allow Jews anywhere to be "oppressed". If they think anudda Shoah is coming they will try to summon winterchan


I've read the first paragraph and stopped, it seems that the writer doesn't know that duterte kept saying that there would be bloodshed if he was elected and the people still voted for him because they wanted it.