Trump Jr. confirmed for baiting the media just like his dad.
I Made a webm and will post it shortly
Trump Jr. confirmed for baiting the media just like his dad.
I Made a webm and will post it shortly
look at him get down on his knees and almost literally beg the ADL to not crucify him
He could have left it at his comparison with the cnn guy saying a similar thing but this much sucking up is sad.
Congratulations! $0.05 has been deposited into the bank account you provided us ending in the numbers 5534!
Thanks for Correcting The Record!
He didn't apologize though. He just said they were wrong in their condemnation. Two very different scenarios you dumb kike.
Donnie is living rent-free in their heads.
Yeah and then proceeded to talk about how much he loves jews for the next 2 minutes.
is pretty much what he did
Double-dubs decide. DJT Jr. must double-down.
Dub dubs confirm.
However, ?POL is and always has been a Jewish board.
I'm obviously a CTR shill but I didn't really like that response.
Thank you for correcting the record
It's cucking plain and simple.
Call me shill all you want but I don't care much for this controversy one way or another.
there's plenty of time for him to reveal his power level later.
He has to break that shit down for the normalfags. He damn near exists within this election for the normalfags so he'll speak in terms they understand or respond as they would. It makes the media and the people attacking him seem out of touch.
God this board is flooded with so many fucking newfags
Why dont you newbie little queers catch on correctly? Why are you all so transparent and faggy?
Fucking newfags these days…LURK before you post you shits. For MONTHS not hours
There's a reason we call it dog whistling. He tacitly admitted he knew what pepe was when his explanation said, "I thought it was a frog in a wig". He knew it was a frog because he knew what pepe was. Kill yourself kike.
It's not cucking. You're not goading the media into a trap if you prove them right. That said, he can't run around screaming gas the kikes race war now either.
Could you be more of a kike-loving cuckold?
Because, you fucking retard, the kike pieces of shit control so much it is an impossible battle yet. Its plain suicide.
Grow the fuck up already and get with the Holla Forumsgram if you want to stay here
To be fair, he has to give an answer that will convice normies in seconds, he can't really explain more than that in public talmudvision
I'm glad we didn't give the keys to our movement to low verbal IQ cuckolds such as yourself. You might have a better time on the disqus boards of the NRO, I suggest you self-deport yourself there permanently.
Well, it's obvious Trump is no longer a viable option. You could've had Cruz you know Holla Forums. I real true conservative. Instead, you sided with a snake oil salesman who is probably a Clinton Plant.
It's hilarious that this is what shills are saying nowadays. Really, Cruz is your man? I guess Hillary really is fucked.
As we come close to november , they will get more and more desperate. they will lash out against us because they know we ruinned their plans.
gas yourself
wtf I hate fascism, white girls in wheat fields, hitler, cats, dogs, space travel, Trump's bants, working for a living, and the 14 words now
Does anyone think its hilarious how buttflustered shills get whenever Pepe gets in the news?
They don't seem to realize that you can't get anywhere in American politics with pissing off every single kike.
And by him merely saying 'gas chambers' showed that by making every single heeb climb out from the wood work to yell HOLOCAUST.
No he was basically saying "These faggots prove my point"
Trump is going to win and that is a good thing, but if you traitorous cucks refuse to call out the Trump family's extensive association with kikes, then mark my words, you are all going to get Jewed.
Everyone knows the only true Conservative™ was Guacman, but instead we chose the Chaos Magick candidate, as Jebbers prophetically stated.
plenty of time to warn us on November 9th
Since you're a newfag or a shill, I'll just remind you that our refusal to attack trump is simply a moratorium that expires upon inauguration.
It's because of the ridiculousness of the situation, we're supposed to be this vast cesspool of Evil and hate and yet our avatar is that of Cartoon Frogs and Cartoon Girls, the shills hate that to even attack us is to make them look even more redicious that we are
Hillary is a Trump plant dude :^)
It's an act, you putz. He loves jews so much that he married one, fucked her, and had a Jewish child with her.
It's not cucking when you're fighting for your own side. The next generation of the Trumps will be Jewish. Donald Trump Jr is a jew. Ivanka is a Jew. Eric Trump is a Jew. When you marry into Jews, you become a Jew.
Anyway way, all of you stupid faggots spent so much energy shilling for Trump when you could have just let Hillary win, assassinated her, and then assassinated whoever her replacement was. Easy solution: no Jewish Trump, no Shabbos Hillary (who also has a Jewish daughter). Have fun spending ten trillion dollars on fighting Iran goyim!
I am still beyond fucking belief that fucking PEPE is in the fucking news. Seriously. Is this fucking real life?
also this
Get the fuck out of here, Shlomo, Chaim and Ezra.
praise kek, brother
Praise Kek
Nigger, I was on watch lists when you were still defending niggers on YouTube comments.
Nobody has ever mentioned this on this board.
To not just shit in this thread, I just had this insight: "I am not a racist" means "I am a civilian". We are all of us soldiers. There are also enemy combatants. Don't you have a measure of paternalistic tolerance for civilians for not understanding? All that we need, to change the tone of the war, is for the civilians to have a corresponding understanding of us.
I really don't think you want to compare oldfag dicks with me, newfriend. You've just proven that you've been here less than a year with this statement: .
Okay, link me to some archived threads where this was discussed. I have never seen this stated before.
If you were around for /n/, then I am surprised that you sound like such a redditor.
Blunt, but will work. Remember to read your Hammer of the Patriot, boys.
Except I don't care about proving anything to a newfag. Don't believe me, drink a bottle of bleach, it really doesn't matter either way.
to be fair it has been discussed at length for a couple months now. remember: he is not the end, just a step in the right direction.
DJTJ 2024
And Trump knows what the alt-right is. They are just baiting and making Hillary look like trash.
If you are reading this Don Jr, good fucking job.
We are going to be the hardest fucking critics of Trump as soon as hes in office.
Lurk more faggot.
If you are talking about shifting the Overton window, that is mentioned a lot. If you are saying that a lot of threads have said "we won't address the JQ until after he is elected", then I stand corrected.
If that is indeed the consensus, then instead of attacking people raising the JQ as being CTR, it should be directly stated that Trump is not to be attacked until after election. If this does not happen, the message that comes across is "no attacking Jews".
There are no friends to the right.
That is my consensus, fool.
Do you even watch the webm? The interviewer called it pepe the frog before Don jr. spoke about it.
Trump has all kinds of friendly fascists and NatSocs to the right of his positions, fag.
That would imply that we have to go into specifics every time a subject is brought up. Holla Forums is necessarily insular and esoteric. Anybody who lurks at all should understand our position. People who think we've gone soft on Jews because of Trump are usually either trolls, shills, or people who just don't lurk enough. There are a few legit hardcore Jew haters who lurk enough but just don't have a stomach for the real politik necessity of electing Trump, but they aren't very many in number.
We are less than two months away from the election. Now of all times is NOT the time to be tolerating dissent. We have had more than a year of back and forth and Trump support has continued to be the popular strategy here.
Remember that it's also not over until he actually takes office. Until then, we.still have king nigger in place. January 20th is the day the honeymoon is over.
you stupid faggot, you misunderstand.
already stated itt, if Trump is the sword then we are the grindstone.
I just hope the "Jews rule!" mindset hasn't taken hold with all the newfags that have flooded in over the past year. That people aren't still defending massive Jewish ties and "bomb Iran" rhetoric after he is in. That would be the death of the board and a path to cuckservatism. Board culture is very important.
Also, nice dubs.
You have implied no such thing ITT.
Are you slow in the head? Don was explaining why he retweeted it, before the interviewer asked him any questions obviously, and he said it was because he thought a frog in a wig and the deplorables shoop was funny. It could have just been Don making a simple mistake, but I think he's wise to us even if its just 4chan.
let's try your comprehension then
trump win, we critic
he cucks, we reeee
Dubs confirm, we kikes now.
Protip: The conversations inside your head are separate from the ones outside it.
I already knew Donald Jr. was a good speaker, but he still continues to impress me. He tore the (((media))) a new hole once again.
He merely reminded the news clowns that he has facts on his side, unlike the opposition.
I really find myself wondering at times… Why dont you (((people))) stop? Why do you always continue with your bullshit even when we goyim are starting to wake up and realize just how large of a problem you are? There are so many examples throughout written history where the backlash was so severe that.. I just cant wrap my head around the fact that you retards never fucking learn that when you push too far with your kike schemes it results in you being exiled and/or purged.
Well how is Donald Trump Jr. a jew? I don't think his wife is a chosen, am I wrong? Also, even if Don Jr's wife is a chosen, so is Chelsea Clinton's husbando so the 'are the candidates' children jewish' question are equal and thus the candidate of choice must be decided upon other factors.
Indeed, they just never learn. They're never able to keep their arrogance under control. They expose themselves and it bites them in the ass every time.
You guys, Trump put on a talit in a nigger church with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. For those literate in religious symbolism, that screams louder than him ACTUALLY announcing "gas the kikes race war now." You know how much Jews hate self-styled "black Jews" right? The cleanup crew is on its way, we just have to keep the yids from stealing it for Hillary.
What a fucking racist OMFG
I really think it was Don Jr. on Holla Forums, rather than Eric. Eric seems like a lurker, Don Jr. would be a high energy shitposter.
You know exactly who pepe is Don you nimble navigator
I'm really worried we've broken reality. This is all too surreal.
Kek have mercy upon us!
Pepe the frog? Is that some kind of indie book store?
You yids are obvious as fuck.
Lurk moar, faggot.
Recently it was discovered that people called their opponents cucks in the past, but is there any precedence of mascot frogs in politics being take seriously? This might actually be a first.
Did anyone else catch the jewish voice impersonation at about 0:59?
Kill yourself kvetching faggot. We have as many active users as we ever have.
What the fuck is this supposed to mean nigger? There are no enemies To the right. If someone is more right than you, that's your problem.
Solid Trump is Breddy Based.
He so totally knows, probably even visits here.
He handled it pretty well too, he can't exactly say "lol ye gas the kikes 14/188 race war now" when his Dad is campaigning for President, afterwards though…
Keep going Don Jr. Keep on Triggering.
it's a play on that exact phrase fool
the Right, hard R, is what we, anons, stand for. There is nobody to the right of us. Ergo; no friends. When Trump gets in, we will not be his friends, we will be his harshest critics.
Fucking stephanopolis looks like a fucking idiot to normal fucking Americans wondering why the fuck a cartoon is a white supermacist symbol.
lol 4D chess