Just bought her. What do you think?
Just bought her. What do you think?
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Muh sistas are not for sale cracker.
looks like a tranny
Even better.
sistas disagree
I think you should get your money back, OP.
Good job! You must be so proud of yourself!
Why are you paying to maintain her perm?
Where are the younger models?
Do you have a store of GMO cornfeed?
Can I get some?
too fat, too dark
Not all of us are rich like you plantation owner fucks. Have a little compassion you prick.
Still too fat and too dark. Even if she loses weight, she's still a nigger
Don't know how to feel about this.
Feel pissed at the women for being such cunts that white men refuse to partner with them
blacks are thee worst prostitutes , 90% of them watch the clock and hassle you to hurry up and cum after 5min ,, and usually have their 4 hood handlers near by casing your car/house or if its a incall at motel they literally wait outside the door .. if you have a fat ass fetish just search for the latinas
I think tits and timestamp.
Are there no standards anymore?
Nigger you're on Holla Forums Holla Forums, it's gotten almost worse than reddit. These children don't know the rules.
Africa is still lying ready for us, it is our duty to take it. It is our duty to seize every opportunity of acquiring more territory and we should keep this one idea steadily before our eyes: that more territory simply means more of the Anglo-Saxon race, more of the best, the most human, most honourable race the world possesses. I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit, the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence, look again at the extra employment a new country added to our dominions gives. I contend that we are the first race in the world, and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race…If there be a God, I think that what he would like me to do is paint as much of the map of Africa British Red as possible…
How much did it cost?
You need to make up for your male sins
Yeah i would make up for that, i would dress a boobanimal with huge tits like gif related. Makes me want to coke it.
They look exactly the same, did you know that she is also a lesbian?
sub saharan africans are weird people.
Why do they refuse to live in the luxury of civilisation? Are they retarded?
Maybe we should ask a SJW or some doctorate from an ivory university to answer this question, after all we lack the cultural sensivity for that. Or we ask a retarded mid twenty twitter girl, since they know their shit.
That reminds me, those are the type of people that want people to say n word instead of nigger. As if black people are a protected class, treating them as if they are animals, incapable of dealing with hearing a racial slur. And if they do, something terrible happens.
How did that happen? I remember watching John Lennon talking about his song woman is the nigger of the world, and no one was troubled by his use of the word.
How did the n word happen?
white women that like black dick made laws that make white men go to jail for literally nothing.
feminism is all about replacing white dick with dark dick because dark dick is more dominant then white dick. yellow dick isn't even on the radar.
We wait another 5-10years and i will cum in their faces.
It is "than" you illiterate monkey.
it's still true tho
This is not related to my original posts at all, why try to force your cuck ideology into this?
hijacking your nonsensical post to red pill my Holla Forumsros so they don't fall for the white knight pill
If it's true and you're white then you basically just roasted yourself by implying that you're submissive
Well asian men have the "suave" thing going, i bet they like to touch your hair.
you can just refuse to join the circus
That's what a cuck is user, and you've just seen one post.
Na, joining the circus will make lots of shekels.
Do you think we stay a bunch of eunchs praising the kibbuz, you better run fast.
Go fuck yourself.