All you need to know
The only hope for German is if France or Sweden falls first to show them the error of their retardation.
They are terrified of the right and demonize them as best as they possibly can, from right violence, to AfD to hypothetical terrorism.
It's election year. Can't give them a fair chance, now can we? Wonder how many AfD votes will get counted "accidentally" for some other party or outright dismissed.
We're going to get another great coalition because they won't manage to get a majority otherwise. This country is fucked.
"Pure coincidence."
It's a shame this is kike/sadnigger propaganda and not reality, people should actively be fighting the traitors in power and the foreign hordes.
Just burn shit up when the moment comes
In general, it is Germany that has always been the problem.
This is like the third time in more or less 100 years that they screw up everything big time. First world war, second world war, and now the european union and muslim invasions.
Remember how awesome the world was when Germany was split in two? So, imagine how awesome it would be a world without Germany. A world free of their degenerate cuckoldry and submission to the jews.
A man can dream.
You mean when the kikes took over the US from within and you were either under the burger boot or the Soviet kike boot? Good times.
Nice try, kike. But it has not and will never work. Our resolve is too strong for your Judaic presence. We are all united in this struggle together, no matter how hard you may try. Bongs, Krauts, Poles, Slavs, and any other member of the glorious White race under the sun. The only way you can divide us is if you kill us all.
Should have dealth with these krauts when we had the chance.
Its based on real facts though, neo nazis and the extreme right are responsible for 99% of crimes on the world.
Leave. We're not going to ask you twice.
I think you should leave, mister
But without Germany there would be no best girl.
make me, bigot
Sadly no, whites aren't United (yet). That's why we're losing. If we were United, Europe would not be the way it is right now. Germans are cucks, they want to be wiped out by Abdul and Muhammad. Even today my grandmother was telling me a story about when she was stationed with my grandpa on a US army base in Germany, and how American girls would avoid the American Army niggers like a watermelon-stenched plague, but German girls were all over them, even though they were married, they loved BBC. Louis CK would have had a field day there.
Poland, Hungary, Italy, Norway (maybe) among others can be saved, but Germans aren't going to wake up as long as the elites run their media and education. They REALLY believe Neo-Nazis are the big threat and not Muzzies working for the gems. Whites are too divided at the moment, we are divided by (((them))) along cultural lines thanks to their ownership of the media. If we are going to save our people, what we need is someone to remind the world "Once you get rid of whites, you get rid of society." The French, Swedes and Germans are too repressed by their (((governments))) to work towards this, but perhaps the 60% of white Americans, Russians or Poles could start a movement.
Problem is we have fags like Richard "Homosexuality is an implicit part of white identity" Spencer trying to lead the charge. It can't be one faggot, it has to be a nationwide movement that will win back white land. Think "Wrath of the Awakened Saxon", whites have to collectively realize the danger imminent in their destruction. We must all be awakened Saxons if we are going to win back what is ours.
every fucking time!
The only Gemans worth their salt fleed to western Argentina anyways, much like the true vikings everywhere else in Europe but Sweden, leaving behind a country full of ignorant peasants.
They basically left the continent to rot away, and all this shit proves them right.
disregarded for that alone
if there is a god i will pray to him to allow me to personally shove my thumbs into your eyes for these jewish tactics you practice
germany did start ww1 retard, the kaiser wanted to conquer europe, then hitler went full retard and started ww2 to try conquering the world
t. leftycuck
Stop replying to bait, dubs.
Mmmm how many neo nazi terrorists attacks have there been in Europe?
fuck right off.
b-but NAZIS!!!!