Some of the people who risked their lives trying to escape that country said that as punishment they work in the mines to death. They have little protective equipment, are fed little food all the time, and forced to do hard labor in the mines. They are basically human beings waiting for death.
Think of being held captive without due process or not be able to see your family, children or relatives. Think of being humiliated, deprived of sleep, placed in extreme temperatures, sodomized, urinated and defecated, threatened and psychologically wounded … I'm actually describing how the prisons are in North Korea.
Are concentration camps supposed to be more sanitary and humane, Mr. Shill?
Kevin Carter
DPRK is not just not communism, but not socialism, it's just a horrid country. I understand what you are saying, but what's the point? No one here supports the DPRK, I know Jason Unruhe does though, so you can try commenting this on one of his videos.
Carter Bailey
because our free market prison system is a paragon of humanity and compassion
don't you have pictures of trump you should be jacking off to?
Matthew Rivera
What makes NK communist? Or even socialist?
Look into the Nayirah testimony preceding the Gulf War.
Lincoln Bell
Owen Mitchell
Examples like North Korea, Venezuela, Khmer Rouge etc. etc. are really situations where that's absolutely true. You people should be embarrassed for trying to present these open anti-communists as being even remotely related to us.
Ethan Edwards
Well, than what do you expect me to say? It isn't!
First of all, I'm South Korea myself and I am fully aware that North Korea is a terrible state. I have read about conditions in North Korean labor camp, and my god it's terrible. It's a hell on earth and it must be eradicated.
But what I'm also aware is that Communism is economic system where means of production belongs to the workers under stateless and moneyless condition. Do you think North Korea is stateless and moneyless? I don't think so.
Jeremiah Wood
Anthony Peterson
You should read about "Juche" and what it is. but that would require you reading something and we both know you won't do that
Grayson Campbell
Easton Nguyen
Okay, now tell me:
In what country did socialism/communism actually worked?
Nathan Young
Isaac Myers
Holy ad hominem! Irrelevant. He was a theorist. Sure if you ignore the mountains of material he wrote and the fact that he worked for the New York tribune. That has more to do with the application than the theory itself.
Levi Young
Look buddy, you're clearly only getting all your information on politics from Holla Forums jpg's we've all seen a million times already so I'm not sure if reason can work on you. But if you want to learn some alternative views I suggest you read this text and check out some of the threads on >>>/marx/. Some of us here acknowledge the achievements of 20th century communism. If you want to hear anarchists moan over the capitalist USSR though feel free to stick around here.
Lincoln Nguyen
Aaron Phillips
But it was state socialism.
Nathaniel Stewart
Claims absolutely no-one. Even ardent Cold Warriors like Conquest claim less than half that number of deaths, about 5 million. Sure, if you ignore the various journalist positions he held throughout his life.
Jose Myers
It was both, my man.
Colton Martinez
Not sure it was, comrade.
Luis Richardson
speak for yourself reformist shill
Asher Reyes
What do you mean? It's obviously impossible for a communist movement not to be socialist as well.
Charles Jenkins
In the same way it's impossible for a capitalist state of production to derive from itself socialism?
Alexander Harris
why are leftist memes so shit? we need to fix this
Thomas Perry
Kill yourself, CIA agent
Gabriel Robinson
David Williams
It's an appropriated/pol/ image.
Josiah Barnes
what is Gitmo? what is Abu Ghraib? what were Tuskeegee and MK-ULTRA? what is the NDAA?
Luis Nguyen
not him, but there's also this version, which is more likely to generate polyp raeg.
polite sage for doubleposting
Josiah Clark
in which of those countries was communism ever achieved
Jose Myers
This is all nonsense at odds with observable facts. These stories are fabrications of the imperialists and their collaborators in the south. Thanks to international sanctions mining has to be low technology affair in the DPRK.
Also, kwaliso is not a holiday camp.
Parker Allen
Jack Miller
when will this retard get banned?
Cooper Thomas
Fucking capitalism indeed.
Andrew Garcia
You know, when the government essentially comes out and says
You can't keep holding it up as a shitty example of communism.
Carson Morgan
Isn't North Korea literally fascist tho?
Matthew Fisher
They aren't quite Fascist, but they embody all the features of Fascism Holla Forums obsesses over. You'd think they would hold up the DPRK as a model for the world.