Holla Forums Discord, all flavors of anarchism/communism welcome.
Voicing, Chatting, Vidya, etc.
Come join us at discord.gg
Holla Forums Discord, all flavors of anarchism/communism welcome.
Voicing, Chatting, Vidya, etc.
Come join us at discord.gg
Other urls found in this thread:
whats this?
It's a Chatroom/Voicing platform that lots of people are using nowadays, It's sort of like the bastard child of IRC and Skype.
wait? how does that work?
You can talk in the voice channels or simple type in the multiple chat rooms. You can also post images and videos. Discord said they will add video cams soon.
Don't worry, there are no bullies here
yeah but you have to log in with an email, right?
Nah, you don't need to.
I know you can do that but does discord uses the same architecture/protocols as an irc or as an instant messager?
pretty sure it asks you for your email and to confirm. am I wrong?
It didn't for me, I just type in the name I wanted to use. If you download discord then you might have to do that.
The problem is that most of Holla Forums knows nothing of security culture.
dont use this. it doesnt respect your freedom. If you want to chat, use an irc client like xchat. If you want to use voip, use mumble. If you want a bit of both, use tox.
I understand the privacy issues, however sadly unless you just go completely off the grid, the government and corporations will always be able to track you. Security isn't black or white, I like to think of it as more of a spectrum. It really depends on where you draw the line between Security and Convenience. Chances are if you're using Windows, Mac OS, or Ubuntu, you'll probably be no worse off using Discord. I respect the opinions of those who don't want to use Discord, and I can understand why. However, for the rest of Holla Forums, this is simply a casual place for chatting, voicing, shitposting, and everything in between.
There's absolutely no reason to use your piece of shit malware when much better free alternatives exist. I hope nobody on Holla Forums falls for your honeypot.
Check out Jitsi.
I understand the want for privacy, and I'm sure people would jump on an opensource alternative if one were to present itself, but so far all the ones available have shown themselves to be lacking in one way or another. I'd like to understand though where you get the idea that just because software is proprietary automatically makes it a honeypot. Discord is in alpha and being worked on by a small startup, opensourcing their software at this point would be determental to its development. I'm not really worried about such an entity knowing about my political leanings. If you are then be covert about how you sign up for it, or simply don't use it. I think it's also naive to assume that just because you are using OSS means that it's necessarily more secure. Besides that, I question how much security we really need for some voicechat and dank meming. People post on Facebook about being Third Worldist and Nazis, yet I don't hear about the government kicking down their doors or people losing their jobs (unless you have the tact of a monkey).
tell me how discord is better than irc, tox, or mumble. Go ahead, I'm waiting.
Persistant chat, multiple rooms, integrated VoIP & text in the same program, persistant configuration across devices, ability to see and message server regulars. Honestly if mumble's text chat had the same features as discord's and didn't autojoin you to a voice channel upon entering the server, I'd say fuck yeah mumble >>>>> discord any day of the week. Tox is better in this regard, and is getting close to being usable, but group chats are still janky and the lack of persistance is annoying and shuts out those who can't be online 24/7. IRC + Mumble has been working fine for the most part, but to say that Discord doesn't improve on these is rather dogmatic imo.
What about Jitsi Meet or any fucking XMPP server?
Jitsi Meet looks more like it's trying to be a google hangouts type deal. In my experience XMPP has usually been more trouble than it's worth and doesn't really serve to replace IRC + Mumble the way that Discord does. I would just give Discord a shot user, we're just tryin to meme, we don't need to burden ourselves with more cumbersome software just because it's FLOSS. It isn't that open source alternatives don't exist so much as those alternatives don't provide the same user experience. I say this as a person who uses Arch as their main OS.
poor pajeet, getting paid pennies to advertise discord on here. bring communism to india, pajeet.
Use self-compiled open-source programs on old hardware.
Aka install gentoo on a thinkpad
This needs to be pinned/in the FAQ
OP here, agreed.
Mods should pin this, it seems like fun tbh.
Safe space. (Please don't call it that, we don't wanna be gay retards.)
Get in here faggots,you can shitpost in mere seconds.
It's slightly closer to an IM but it really is the bastard child of IRC and Skype.
BO pin thread plox.
PS: Pin thread
Shameless bump post
Good morning everyone. We have hit 56 members as of yesterday, and 12 are online as of this morning. I never expected it to become this popular, but I am glad I was able to make something for people here to use. Just gonna throw in my two cents here in case BO didn't see anything earlier, This ought to be added to the FAQ, or Pinned. Thanks to everyone for joining!
why the fuck is this fbi honeypot allowed
Good job, we have deposited a bonus to your account.
Nobody joined my Discord so I'll just direct the domain here for easier sharing
Again, I can respect your privacy concerns, so if Discord is too peepy for you, then you aren't being forced to use it. Anyone using an OS that isn't some obscure privacy-centric linux distro will probably be no worse off using discord. I'm not saying that government espionage is acceptable, it absolutely is not. I am just saying that it exists, and that most everybody is already using some form of software that calls home to the N:^)A. It's just a sad truth.
Stop pretending to be retarded. We both know that using Discord will make it worse and that as radical leftists (especially those who are actually active) we have a lot to fear. This is not about government espionage but you encouraging leftypol anons to voluntarily tell their secrets to corporate overlords for some "causal shitposting." Using proprietary software is not a personal choice, you are inevitably snitching on your comrades. It's like littering in public and when others tell you to stop you respond that it's okay, they don't have to litter if they don't want to.
Listen, nobody is plotting to throw nail bombs at fucking politicians over dscord, get that straight. you're being naive.
Secondly, this chat is just to shoot the shit. There is no way they aren't monitoring you as we speak, right now. But for the most part all this data is just shoved in some folder somewhere nobody gives a shit about, we're not that important.
I honesty don't see the harm in having a chatroom for the people in the board, not actual leftism itself. If we don't have a sense of community here and we're restricted to Holla Forums, we'll slowly grow apart. This keeps the board alive. And you're not going to stop it.
You're literally saying that "we have a lot to fear" in a website that anyone can visit to gather information. You're the one who's snitching on us, genius.
No anarkid will ever get that part.
Nobody is against having a chatroom for Holla Forums. In fact we already have one, it's even mentioned in the FAQ thread: #bunkerchan on the rizon IRC network.
The harm is in having a chatroom using proprietary software that requires proprietary software to participate.
Maybe you aren't. Some of us are however.
It's not even about being important. Be at the wrong place at the wrong time during a demonstration and they will get you, and they will use the fact that you participate in "extremist discussion forums" against you. Of course if you are just an Internet Leninist who never leaves his mom's basement you don't have to worry about things like this.
The leader of Lulzsec was caught because he was using IRC without using Tor, and now you're encouraging us to use it?
Listen, nobody is plotting to throw nail bombs at fucking politicians over IRC, get that straight. you're being naive.
come on, it's painfully obvious that this is an advertisement
"I've got nothin to hide" =/= "We are not that important"
Sure we all got things to hide. Sure if they wanted they could catch us, just like that, but at least in my experience, noone cares, unless either you become dangerous, or too famous, or annoy a lot of normiez.
I've been "in danger" but only after 6000 complaints from normies to the cops. And still, I wasn't. The poster on the blog we had got.
So, sure. The more "active" you are, the more carefull you should be. But I don't know if they'll need to use leftypol against you. They can frame you far more easily. .. having CP for example, if they have to go that way.
They do it everywhere and I'm fucking sick of it.
Of course, the inevitable shill arguement. What are we, Holla Forums now? I'm just another mildly autistic NEET like everyone else here. I sincerely hope the rest of Holla Forums isn't this accusational and paranoid, or there is going to be a serious shortage of tinfoil.
Shill is getting upset now that people are calling him out on being a privacy-hating fuckwad.
Are you sure you're not the shill here?
Just read this thread or the many similar threads that push this proprietary garbage on literally every single board on Holla Forums and even on other imageboards. I hope they pay you for doing it because you really deserve it.
Do you know that using a tin foil hat actually increases the amount of electromagnetic waves that go through your head?
Doing this for free would be so incredibly sad I'd rather believe in conspiracy theories.
If I was a shill, I could do a hell of a lot worse than simply offering a chatroom for shooting the shit with other leftists. I thought I made it rather clear that I'm not trying to force anyone to go here, I'm just providing it for anyone who wants it. For someone who is against the government being in other people's shit, privacy elitists like you sure like getting in other people's shit.
anarkiddes LARP is an underpreciated form of WEWUZing
You are offering a chatroom that will sell our data, spy on us and run code on our machines that we have no control over, when we already have one that works well and can be used with trustworthy clients.
"Marxist"-Leninists collaborate with the cops 'AGAIN, what a fucking surprise.
Bump with OC
I kinda forgot about this
get in fags
Who drew that? It looks really good quality.
Last bump for the night, BO should pin this as many have stated before in this thread. Goodnight everyone.