How come Holla Forums supported Ron Paul? I understand it more if we are talking about 4/pol/, but I even here a lot of people do. Yes, I think he was a very good candidate, but I don't see how it was good for Holla Forums. It would be good for changing things, but some of the changes will make it even harder to achieve the 1488er goals 8/pol/ more firmly holds.
Ron Paul and Holla Forums
Because he wanted to tear the kike banks a new asshole and actually wasn't an open borders cuck like the modern (((Libertarians)))
Libertarianism died with his 2012 campaign and now we're Nazis.
He was the only candidate talking about the Fed and Israeli wars at the time.
Now I have realized that demographics are more important than any particular policy.
He pozzed himself for his wife's son.
You will never understand. Its intrinsic. We do whatever the amplified wave directs, vetoed of course via a mediated form of executive control.
We dont make the memes, the memes make us.
That wouldn't be very honest to say. While on halfchan it is mostly just chaos now, wouldn't you say that they have been enforced trends here? People screaming shill or other stuff aside, there has been deletion and banning of certain opinion. It is not like I am a fan of Holla Forums, but I don't think it exists only because they want to circlejerk, but because Holla Forums has become sort of a circlejerk as well.
Yes, it become echochamber and hugbox mostly, but it still have other people then nazi LARPers. People like OP make it circlejerk.
We are using trump to elevate our opinion.
Is very old, meaning we have either always been this way, and it is not new behavior.
Anyone implying otherwise has not been here long enough.
We have always been like this.
I think his supporters were drawn to his stance on bringing back the gold standard, and not fighting wars for jewish interests, among other things.
Holla Forums left of their own volition after being BTFO over and over.
Most of used to be sky-high minded idealist lolbergs at some point. Then we grew up.
I advocate national anarchism and anarcho-capitalism now. And gassing jews.
You would live in pointland.
This. Same with /liberty/. Even if the later made more compelling arguments they simply got tired of nobody taking their jew-inspired free-market (((whitetopia))) visions seriously.
To be honest I hold more animosity towards /liberty/ than towards Holla Forums because they were sore losers/ Instead of defending their position or gtfo like leftypol did, lolbergs bit Holla Forums's DnC bait and spammed along shitposts and "rulecuc k" namecalling for couple of months before they realized they only made their position worse.
Honestly we've become so hugboxy because it's an election year and we're playing to win. Any alternate views are shot down because this is now an activism board than than a neutral place for political discussion and debate.
It was inevitable and it will mostly go back to normal after the election.
Anarcho-nationalism sure, anything [insert ideological label]-capitalism I am skeptical with.
This too. It's no time for resource burning. We have a loose but pretty discernible consensus and now it's time for action shitposting.
Both are circlejerks fuckface.
Only Holla Forums is alot better.
Ron Paul was a shift against the Jews and their banks
I don't think it will. At this point this board is not Politically Incorrect. It is a specific type of politically incorrect. Especially when it comes to the outsiders it is either Holla Forums "the nazis" or /leftypol "the communists." I can't say for sure what is completely to blame for this segregation (though I have seen some very bad bans), but it is one segregation I wouldn't have liked to happen. I like people throwing shit at each other and throwing shit at people myself.
The only reason for this is probably that people just float to higher post counts so you can still see slightly more political diversity on Holla Forums.
I would prefer Ron Paul over Donald Trump he really is the hero that America need but don't deserve.
There are still plenty of libertarians and anarcho-capitalists on Holla Forums, you just don't notice them because they hold similar viewpoints and goals to Holla Forums (think Stefan Molyneux) however with desired the use of the free market to achieve them rather than the use of a forceful authoritarian government.
Is that still word-filtered?
Long Live Holla Forums!
His biggest fallacy is supporting minimum state, as he think it will be guardian of liberties. He forgot that USA was such state and goverment grew and took more liberty away, step after step. Goverment will always grew up like a cancer.
What I mean is that once the election is over we'll go back to discussing Classical Liberal economics vs NatSoc economics or the benefits of monarchism vs a limited Franchise democracy.
Not saying that we'll ever be left wing or that commies will ever be welcome.
This is why the tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of the tyrants and patriots.
The biggest threat to a weak government is subversion.
All future political discussions on Holla Forums will always have to account for subversion and corruption rather than ideals.
In contrast to Holla Forums moderation handing over permabans like fresh buns we did not force anyone to move out though. At worst we bullied them to self-exile.
I really hope that this will happen after the election cycle. Though it will have to pass at least 3-4 months and even then it will still be flooded with current news, look at this retarded leftist, and praise kek threads.
I don't think or want that either. There is already Holla Forums for that shit. But otherwise I hope you are right. I hope people stop caring about the "in-fights" as some cardinal sin.
The problem is/was subversion. The true right-wing (this includes most whites, if I'm not mistaken) wants a much smaller government. Massive overreaching government has been (((their))) greatest ally.
This is what people dont understand.
When english army wanted to gun grab, they revolted, now US gov tell them they cant own gun because they commited some crime and you need licence to carry - they just fill up NRA pockets with shekels, instead vote from rooftops.
How can you not believe after all that's happened?
Holla Forums tier shitposts are what are being banned.
Communists and others who actually make discussion in good faith are as free as they have ever been to post here. They just get vigorously rebuked, because they are wrong. Keep in mind that a lot of us were also afflicted with "progressivism" at one point.
You don't go to a math forum and declare 2+2=5 without expecting to get your shit flung back at you. The only place that sort of thing can survive is in a nu-math forum where being correct means getting censored because that's not the narrative those in control want.
Kill yourself in a painful way.
Hey man at least the NRA actually conserves gun rights unlike other "conservatives"
Holla Forums has matured and leveled up.
We used to be edgy libertarians with Hitler sympathies. We still had faith in the people and the democratic process.
The second Ron Paul campaign and its utter failure pretty much pushed everyone towards authoritarianism.
Eventually, we became proto-1488 (nobody used the term at the time - it's a newfound alt-right meme). Some became cliche neo-nazis, and some genuine national socialists with understanding of the underlying theory.
Most importantly, the metaphysical side of things is valued more than it was back in the halfchan days.
I don't see how the government and the media conspiring against Ron Paul could make someone from a Missesian/Rothbarian into a socialist at least economically.
Ron Paul was the best candidate in the two previous elections. He told many politically incorrect truths during the primaries.
Again, remember to differentiate between NS and the marxist socialism. They are two completely different ideologies.
Democratic process got us into this clusterfuck.
Not really.
Universal franchise got into this clusterfuck.
I only know of two definitions of socialism, one if the english book definition of the state owning the means of production and then there is the Holla Forums definition of the workers owning the means of production. I will assume that the second one corresponds with what you refer to marxist socialism and that NS/fascism is state owned means of production. Sure there were private firms in Hitler's Germany but the state imposed both prices and how much you could produce. Now tell me how would one go from a free market capitalism to national socialism economics. If you feel that I misrepresented what NS is, then I am all ears.
hes right about everything. however his talking points are not enough these days.
it takes huge balls to take down the RNC, all of the kike media, dnc the kikes, crash the overton window and also win a precidency.
ron paul is a great guy. his role is something else however.
C'mon lad, grow up. You can't run society on some objectivist libertarian pipe dream anymore than you can a communist pipe dream. The key is to find a balance between collectivism and individualism, both are cancerous when taken to either extreme.
because the oldfags are jaded libertarians and NRx. Both were using Holla Forums before the "alt right" millenials
I mean Holla Forums was created on free market and free speech principles
What are you trying to get at?
Fascist socialism is societal collectivism in the sense of the necessity of class unity vs the Marxist vision of inevitable class warfare, it has absolutely nothing to do with economics.
They had a private economy retard. Libertarian kvetching doesn't equate to the nationalism of the means of production.
There was record privatization under NS/Fascism
Such underrated comments and they're not even shills.
To be honest, I gave national socialism a hard second look after I closely followed Ron Paul being cucked out of the 2012 GOP primary. He should have won or at the very least been given a fair shot, but the (((establishment))) didn't give him a chance at all.
Don't tread on me turned into Heil Hitler.
And these stupid kikes wonder how some of us got this way
He was by far the best candidate at the time
Holla Forums is actually not a circle jerk when it comes to good threads.
The problem is quality has declined rapidly as we've expanded to the point that most intelligent people cannot be bothered anymore. The other problem being that most Holla Forums topics have been covered in detail and there is an established consensus on what is right due to Holla Forums being obsessed with facts and the truth; and the other thread that can generate proper discussion tend to be shilled to hell because they are easy points to D&C over.
Because he was and is an honest, immensely hard working man who cannot be bought. He has honor where few others in US politics do and a lifetime commitment to the same views.
He dared to exposed why the neconservative was only bringing shit rather than right wing, and made a defiant stance against kike banks, and said Israel more than capable of defending itself without yearly US aid.
He is pretty much a legend. Too bad he is ideololgical on economics, but overall impressive
also this
8 Holla Forums wasnt around for ron paul in 2008 and 2012.
Holla Forums was always a mix of ideologies, but predominantly libertarians and 1488 larpers. Now that the demographics has shifted, the only way to achieve anything resembling a small government libertarian environment is to stop globalist mass immigration that is ruining our nation. So you can see how former libertarians are now fascist, or that some current fashy goys wouod actually prefer libertarian small government if they had the choice, but they dont. Plus as pointed out, lolbergs already despise the politics as usual welfare and warfare that 1488s also hate.
We were undeveloped back then. Ron Paul is a fucking kike libertardian nigger lover who would lets the cartels openly operate in the US. Fucking retards sage this shill thread.
That's right goyim no one would actually seriously believe in National Socialism, they're all just Aryan Brotherhood skinheads. :^)
this tbh.
Libertarianism would only work in a society with a strong social contract.
Ron is Harvey Dent. The hero we wanted and the republic we wanted to return to; but jews didn't want us to have and stole from us. Trump is Batman, the hero we deserve because jews want to destroy this country and we need to play some hard ball.
Soon however, a new hero will rise, the hero they forged that will kill them all when the world unites against the jew.
What if I'm that hero
he was the meme candidate of his election that drew in a lot of interest from the youth
its a meme making fun of americans when they go on rants about liberty and stuff
this mods are becoming huge faggots especially if you say anything about trump or you are not 100% ridicules conventional conservative go die for Israeli
He's been so silent this election. Wonder why
Lurk more.
A lot can change in 4 years.
why isn't muh Holla Forums a complete singular minded circle jerk the thread
Seig Heil
to be fair, they considered paul far more deadly then they do trump.
paul threatened the source of Jewish & Israel's power, the Fed, where as Trump only threatens the exterior branches.
there's been something like ~10 political assassinations in the last 100 years in the US against politicians seriously threatening the fed, JFK being the most famous.
threaten Jew's immigration program? their anti-nation international commerce (job offshoring)? threaten their stiff atmosphere of political correctness? expect universal media slander
threaten the fed? threaten the Isreal/United States eternal alliance? expect death
Can attest to that, I mostly post in the middle of the night while drunk since trying to have any intelligent discussion gets either a tl;dr or someone fixates on a single sentence he doesn't agree with, calls you a kike then ignores the rest of the paragraphs. That's when it's not retards shitting on every nation that is not American or refusing to acknowledge the truth about how badly fucked the current US truly is.
Why bother making a long answer with a lot of content at this point? It's like the current burger election cycle turned this place into Holla Forums with politics.
National socialism wanted political socialism (policies that worked towards unifying the classes), and had a free market with certain socialist market trappings.
Keep up.
so ancap federation and natsoc micronation?
Because less government means we can revert more towards an honor based society. Kikes cannot survive under such a society as kikes have no honor. So even if Ron Paul wasn't the most ideal politician the policies and positions he supported would have helped us rid the majority of them.
"When war comes, you fight with the army you have, not the army you wish you had."
This isn't the same Holla Forums as yesteryear. Old Holla Forums was all facts, statistics, and arriving at objective conclusions. New Holla Forums is a raging mad propaganda machine, the propaganda being in the form of flashy (or fashy if you prefer) memes. Ron Paul was always the objectively best candidate running for POTUS, for many years. None of his policies (besides perhaps border-policy which he doesn't seem well-defined on) were objectively harmful, and in fact would have benefited this country a great deal.
Holla Forums approved
"white priviledge" naturally?
Holla Forums approved
Holla Forums approved
on and on and on.
People started becoming NatSoc and ideological around old Holla Forums when Hitler appreciation based on objective truth (also likely posted by depressed krauts) inspired LARPing in the edgy underage b& from America, with no real thought dedicated to the point that National Socialism and Hitler were meant and designed for Germany.
Current Holla Forums is laid upon the foundations of the previous objective maths and stats posted and discussed on old/pol/, but rather than analyzing everything objectively to arrive at the best/real answers to things, the focus is primarily on emotion.
tl;dr old/pol/ was a mathematician that realized Libertarian policies were in it's best interests, and new/pol/ is his son that's passionately fired up on hormones and emotions about the wisdom his father gave him, wanting to fight for his side's self benefit to the extreme.
They don't know it now, but stealing the election from him and from us sealed the kike's fate. When the time comes, they should be reminded it was the fate they chose.
He was going to rip the globalists to shreds with his isolationist policies and destroy the Federal Reserve kikes.
And really he was an very intelligent man, just a bit misguided.
so what is Holla Forums in that painting?
the ocean of piss?
that's kind of a meme. The serious implications behind it would have actually been easier to achieve with Ron Paul's liberty ideals
yeah this pretty much sums it up. i think this is a bait thread though
Pauls brilliance was actually the reason why he didn't win. He could talk for hours on complex geopolitical issues and have all the right answers but none of that would get through to the typical American.
Everything Paul expanded on got picked at by the media and rewritten. Talking about the fed and gold standard turned into "crazy old man wants America back in the stone age" and then you would get another long response from Paul on that issue and the media would take a 5 second clip of his 10 minute brilliant explanation and use that against him too.
Trump talks in sound bites. Build the wall. Better deals. Take care of our veterans. You watch his speeches and there is barely any detail. Not only is this incredibly smart but whenever Trump needs to give details on a policy he writes the fucking thing out on his website so the media doesn't have sound/video to play over and over to take out of context and use as propaganda. Ron Paul never understood this and gave the globalists too much ammunition to be used against himself.
4D chess indeed.
He was right about most things. It blows my mind when I see threads here about how marijuana is dangerous and needs to stay illegal. You'd have to be an idiot to believe that. People here must know how dumb that is but they just like to be edgy and contrarian.
Trump is pretty cool but stealing oil from the middle east, intentionally murdering the families of terrorists, and torturing prisoners without even the pretense of calling it something else don't seem too smart. But yeah, he doesn't want to nation build so he's better than Hillary I guess, but if some of the things he's proposed he actually goes through with it could turn into WWIII. Which doesn't really serve the US' interests.
No he hasn't, he's talked multiple times about how terrible he thinks Trump is
It's funny that in the Bush years Holla Forums was complaining about less intense versions of the same sorts of things being done by the neocons, and now just being a little wary of Trump repeating those actions makes me a shill. Holla Forums used to be against torturing terrorists because they understood that they could be the next ones declared 'terrorists.' I do like Trump, I like that he wants peace with Russia, I like that he doesn't want to nation build, I like that he wants to pull out of other nations unless there's something in it for us, I like that he doesn't want to fight Assad, I like that he's against TPP, I like that he's pro-gun. I don't have problems with his immigration plans. He's better than Hillary. But yeah, I could see things going really wrong under him in certain circumstances.
14/88 is just satire :^)
Just write him a letter and maybe he will change his mind on those issues. He seems willing to change his mind on issues if he sees that his previous opinions were wrong.
Yes goy, just satire, as is Holla Forums
I don't care if torture is used to protect Whites. If your government is targeting the people it's supposed to be protecting, you have a lot bigger problems than what types of interrogation techniques are allowed.
fuck off, we all know 8/pol/ is a mix of larpers, and people who are the real deal. 10 years ago it was more larping and trolling. Now it's leaning towards actual support. I was talking about 5-10 years ago.
That's besides the point, you stupid fuck, you dismiss people who believe in a particular ideology, i won't deny you lolberg autists believe in your ideology. The stance you retards take in just dismissing everyone as hurr durr Larpers is just fucking weak! I won't deny that leftists believe in their bullshit but fucking autists like you insist on labeling everyone who isn't a lolberg/ancap as being someone who just wants to wear Hugo Boss suits rather than genuinely believing in the ideology itself, just kill yourself if you're not willing to entertain the fact that some anons believe in the ideas of National Socialism!
and this is why you are larping
lel, troll harder
Who the fuck are you quoting??? You know what, don't answer that, just:
Not an argument. Also
You kikes are truly pathetic! You lack basic understanding of your opponents!
I went full 1488 Gas the Kikes when Ron was cucked. He wanted to audit the Fed and fuck with the big (((banks))) which even Trump backed off of He tweeted he would, but I don't know what happened to it, I think he backed off of that sadly Rand is a disgrace.
Sorry for Jewtube link
nice links though, not sure what you intended with it but can be used to shut up those that suck hitler dick
did you ever have an original point you were trying to make or did you just want to trade edgy memes with me? people can troll and role play on a chan, case in point, you. what are you even arguing?
Well he's basically against big, centralized government, which is the opposite of what the kikes and globalists have been pushing for the better part of a century now.
Ron Paul touched subjects that nobody would touch with a 10 foot pole.
1. Stopping foreign aid to Israel
2. Abolishing the Federal Reserve
3. Ending birthright citizenship
4. Abolishing the income tax
5. Ending welfare period. For banks, citizens, milfare industrial complex, corporations etc.
6. No bailouts, no subsidies
Ron Paul is a policy-wonk, who actually haa a chest full of policy proposals that would return the US to greatness. He is not a typical politican who just spouts meaningless, empty feel-good slogans. Ron Paul a man with a vision, a truth-teller and politically incorrect.
btw guys, would Ron Paul's changes really "make it even harder to achieve the 1488er goals"
this is why >>>/politics/ exists
You haven''t made a single point besides claiming every NS is larping.
see above, goes for you as well.
I never actually claimed every NS is larping that's the other poster. I did imply that everyone who supports nonwhite genocide is larping, for obvious reasons. Yes, literally advocating 1488 is indeed supporting nonwhite genocide. And yes, the idea for national socialism is not for nonwhite genocide, but when you equate NatSoc with 1488 which you've done multiple times, it does end up being the same.
Notice how I actually explain myself instead of sperging like you? In your own idiotic words I could have said this instead:
Who the fuck are you quoting??? You know what, don't answer that, just
The progression goes something like Ron Paul → Hoppe → Hitler
What obvious reasons? We will need to kill most of the human population. This is just inevitable.
whatever you say larper
The average Holla Forumsack just follows the crowd. Read any thread where people talk about their past ideologies. "I went from Republican to Democrat to socialist to libertarian to ancap and now I support Trump"
As for Ron Paul, I support his ideas now more than ever
One of the all time greats
Would you say his ideas are against the ideals of National Socialism?
Lack of viable options really.
And where have i called for non-white genocide?
What? 1488 is used to signify National Socialism, that's it! Just shut the hell up, you clearly don't know what you're talking about.
Christ! The fact that you have to ask this PROVES you don't what you're talking about
He was, for better or for worse, "our Sanders". His platform was to put the banks in their place and to defend personal freedom above all. The (((powers that be))) didn't like it one bit. Just like Sanberg was cheated out of the nomination by the DNC and Shillary, Ron Paul was cheated by the RNC. Now we're going to Make America Great Again and they can't stop it.
There's no way to tell what will come afterwards, once whites have become comfortable with the thought that we have a right to exist.
Oh the irony. Learn what 1488 refers to before you post about it. 88 refers to Heil Hitler while the 14 words signify that anything must be done for the preservation of the white race, including genocide
I know what it means. It isn't at all inherent to the ideology, you fucking mongoloid. You going off on this tangent about muh poor non-whites when i'm not even mentioning them until your dumbass brought them up, leads me to believe you're some shitskin with a persecution complex. By all means keep pulling shit out of your ass and strawman this point like you did here , no point in going on with you since you continue to argue in bad faith.
One last time:
A fallen legend.
Which ideology? It's inherent to "1488" as I have just proved. No it's not inherent to the general ideas of NatSoc but I already said that too.
Instead of sperging maybe you should actually respond to what is being said? Oh right you realized how wrong you are and just diverting the conversation.
Where do you think you are?
Both elements are utterly required. Old/pol/ could not have predicted the rise of socjus and the rapefugee invasions. When those and other things started happening the shift began. The conservative cucks have our origins spot on Social Justice was a fucking headache and we responded in kind. They are wrong about the solution. Getting rid of socjus now is merely a beginning. And mass immigration should never ever be allowed to happen again. So we're at an impasse with the world. We want white nations of upstanding moral peoples. And they want the west to be a global shopping mall for every sin they can indulge in. Quite radically different goals. But I'll take the TRS standpoint. We can cross the bridge of economics and social policy once we've dethroned the kikes.
Trump, many months ago, said he's going to audit the fed.
I think he came on too strong there, even if he's fundamentally correct about Trump's authoritarianism. Plenty of people at Mises are happy for the anti-PC populist backlash that Trump represents, despite disagreeing with Trump himself.
Kill yourself.
that's like asking why Holla Forums like Pat Buchanan
I smell CTR shill