pic related made using Pinta - much easier
>basic, but it just werks
So, if I want to stick with Linux for graphix-type stuff am I better off running Photoshop in a WINE environment?
pic related made using Pinta - much easier
>basic, but it just werks
So, if I want to stick with Linux for graphix-type stuff am I better off running Photoshop in a WINE environment?
I don't know what have you been smoking when trying to work with GIMP, but I've never had any of the problems you described. Did you RTFM?
Are you running the dev version or something? This has never happened to me or anyone I know.
apt-cache policy gimpgimp: Installed: 2.8.16-1ubuntu1.1 Candidate: 2.8.16-1ubuntu1.1
My question still stands:
What is with these low effort OPs lately? Are we getting raided? Every thread lately has been obvious bait and people posting D&C bait.
I'll answer these anyway in case a newfag is lurking and doesn't know OP is a faggot;
It runs fine in WINE pick any version you'd like or use a VM if you'd like. You have so many options to run Photoshop and you ignored them all.
It isn't bad if you RTFM. It ain't photoshop/paintshop pro/paint but it just werks if you have a few brain cells. If you absolutely can't read the manual then you can use one of the many themes made just for faggots like you that turn the GUI into a photoshop clone. Take your pick of these three or hunt down one of the others floating around.
htt p://doctormo.deviantart.com/art/Gimp-2-8-Photoshop-Tweaks-432736644
http s://github.com/draekko/gimp-cc-themes
http s://github.com/doctormo/GimpPs
Then stop running shit from the dev repo and/or using a shit distro that let broken software slip into main/lts. Like 99% of the tech support I do your primary issue is between the keyboard and the chair.
Install krita stop using GNU crapware
Have you RTFM ?
Ask this question again after reading the terms of use of adobe
note: English begins at the page 96
and the privacy policy
This again
This is either bait or you're retarded.
I'll say both.
GNU software today tends to be terrible bloated crap riddled with bugs made by 5000 programmers adhocing code for years without a clear design in mind or actual refactoring.
GRUB, glibc, GCC, GDB, GIMP, Bash, GNU Coreutils, etc. All bloated and filled with problems. They were the only thing we had at some point and it was ok, but now we have better alternatives (With varying degrees of success) if you are on x86 or ARM: Syslinux/LILO, musl, clang, lldb, krita, fish/zsh, busybox respectively.
Literally nothing you said makes sense, and Busybox isn't even a proper replacement to the GNU coreutils. If GNU and it's 3 % market share is too much for you, stop using it. Go to BSD. It doesn't have any "bloat" (because it has nothing besides a text editor and GNU programs cross-compiled. Thank POSIX for that.)
Or better yet, go back to Windows to be "post-ironic" or whatever cancerous bullshit is trendy now. Replacing GNU programs in the GNU operating system for inferior ones just to be hip is retarded.
I think your problem is Linux not gimp
But it does
But it is
I don't care about market share
POSIX has nothing to do with that
I don't follow
It's not a GNU OS if it has no GNU software m8.
Are you retarded?
Yet another example proving that FOSS will always be embarrassed by proprietary software.
Please stop posting dogshit greentext and "just werks" memes. If you want to start a thread, just explain what's bothering you like a normal human being, tell us what you're interested in, and start an actual discussion.
Halfchanners are starting to roost on Holla Forums and they're trying to bring the 4chan low effort culture with them. It's fucking annoying.
Polite sage.
5 rupees have been deposited in to your Microsoft certified shill account. Thank You.
yet another poor bait thread
gimp is actually okay considering the garbage that is the rest of the GTK+ programs
That would be the HURD, ya done goofed.
I work for Adobe these days, can you make sure I still get paid?
It isn't. It doesn't have all the functionalities and commands of the GNU coreutils, so you still still need coreutils or some programs won't work.
Also, it is not a coreutils replacement but a binary based on coreutils for embedded systems.
Because BSD is where all the autists that acre about the 3 KB of "bloat" that GNU has in it's coreutils, compared to traditional UNIX systems; are.
The only reason GNU and BSD can share software without needing extensive rewriting and porting is thanks to POSIX and portable languages.
That's a retarded thing to do.
HURD, like Linux, is a kernel. The operating system is called GNU.
You forgot the piece of shit that is the text creation tool.
Install Gentoo
GIMP's text tool is literally the only reason I ever use GIMP. Unless Krita fixed that in the last couple months, I'm going to stick to GIMP to clean and typeset.
So it's not a replacement but it works as a replacement? Some programs depending on GNU won't work, hell you will probably lose performance, it's the same with GCC being the only way to compile Linux, or glibc specific behavior. None of that means it's necessary. You say I can thank POSIX for portability, so busybox should be enough as it's POSIX compliant.
Most GNU software is unmaintainable really, if you ever tried to read any of its code. While it has mostly to do with age, it's still true.
I can't highlight my text, and then press down on the keyboard to cycle through fonts and instantly see what ny text looks like with them. If I resize my text, and then start typing any prefix, it's at 18pt again. Applying a stroke to text is garbage selection enlarging bullshit. The magic wand is also a piece of shit in my experience. Even with feathering, it's never clean. GIMP also has shit (25x25 pixel boxes lol) or no preview boxes for most things, which is fucking disgusting.
I heard they spent like $20k on a UI/UX consultant, and then discarded all of the resulting ideas. Anyone know anything about this?
Having said this, I've exclusively used GIMP, not Photoshop for the last 7 years for any graphics editing. Inkscape for vectors of course.
Really, you brought this all on yourself.
I always get fucked up on the mismatch between the current textbox styling and what I assume is the global / default one.
Altering the color opacity seems fucked-up; this can be done within individual tools but bucket-filling a selection reverts the color to 100% opacity.
I can't wait for the Gimp 2.10 milestone. What's significant about Gimp 2.10 is that this is the milestone when they complete porting Gimp's image operations to the GEGL engine. GEGL makes these graphical features trivial to implement. Not only that, all kinds of long requested features will be easier to implement.
not using korourpaint. smh...
Install the Photoshop theme for GIMP.
It will fix the user error you are experiencing.
Most of GIMP works, some of the "demon tweaks" are just rather obfuscated. Overall I'd say it's just cumbersome more than downright broken, though I have also experienced the occasional unexpected closure of the tool I was using.
It's summer.
Gimp is to linux OSs as MS paint is to Cuckdows.
Use krita. krita.org
Stop using aids adobe.
Good job.
It has been summer for 3 decades and I want it to end. My point stands though seems like more than just summer, seems like goons or other boogeymen. Every time I find a comfy board they have to invade it with their stale memes, bait, and indentity politics.
just came to drop my daily sage
Hello brother!
Bumpity bump. 😉
What's that cube supposed to be?
Are you a shill?
This looks 100% like a shill thread can confirm this is how it works
And that's why I'm still on windows
why does 10 bit color matter? Isn't 8 bits per channel sufficient?
What version of gimp was mint on?
I guess linux is for my thinkpad and not my desktop.
I guess it's "sufficient" as in [email protected]/* */ is "sufficient" but going above 8 bit color is beneficial.
Does photoshop even still have some sort of must have killer feature that hasn't been emulated a 1000 times over by now?
Do shill spergs even have a case for photoshop?
is this what you meant?
This whole 10bit colour thing seems a bit memeish
To me it seems more like you haven't experienced the evolution of color in computers.
10 bit makes difference, 12 bit makes a difference and i don't know if above that does because i don't know of any monitors that support it and i haven't tried. In fact some 8bit monitors can even accept 8bit+ input so they can have a better idea of what exact color is actually best and apply dithering and whatnot.
oh ok, question, if you produce 'art' that uses that colour range but the average pleb screen can't render it in all its colour glory, then what is the point?
For editing purposes, the lack of color precision accumulates and causes significantly visible artifacts in your image as you do your editing. It's fine for the final output image to be in 8 bit color depth, the end audience won't be expected to edit that image with high quality.
I feel you. I don't know how Krita managed to be even worse for text but they did.
It's annoying at first but you get used to it. I don't really mind that much now but it fucked me up when I started.
What really pisses me off is that the floating text box will disappear off the screen if you have it near the top, and you have to zoom to like 5% just to be able to adjust the text size. At that point you can't even see the text so you have to repeatedly do this until you're satisfied. That could be mitigated if the text settings on the sidebar weren't global settings, but alas.
Opinion disregarded.
makes sense although it makes me think the conversion process will still lead to some artifacting.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
libv did nothing wrong
fuck off retard
Your point?
Linux is the shortened, or common name, for GNU/Linux. Mostly because it's easier and faster to just say Linux, as opposed to GNU/Linux. That doesn't change what it is, just how we reference it.
When I think of freedom this Independence Day, I'll be thankful of our choices in general and Linux's natural rights specifically. In regard to your post though, that choice is that you can run any operating system you desire. I don't think that dovetails into meaning every piece of software designed should be able to run on all of them. I would think that preferable.. GNU and Linux are not pawns of the freedom of information and shareware - they are making great products and to do this some things need to be proprietary and involve the transfer of money from designer to user. If that wasn't the case neither would be a blip on the radar.
Are you saying that this Linux can run on a computer without Windows underneath it, at all? As in, without a boot disk, without any drivers, and without any services? That sounds preposterous to me.
If it were true (and I doubt it), then companies would be selling computers without a Windows. This clearly is not happening, so there must be some error in your calculations. I hope you realize that Windows is more than just Office? It's a whole system that runs the computer from start to finish, and that is a very difficult thing to achieve. A lot of people don't realize this.
My friend, I admire your tenacity, but I'm afraid there is no authority that dictates how to pronounce acronyms. Using phonetic rules could lead to either pronunciation. I simply reported my observation, but I find the arrogance in your response interesting. Why are you so confident it's not "ganoo"? I'm an expert on these matters, so listen up and listen good - I'll try to keep this simple but it won't be easy, because I am an expert, as I mentioned previously.
A heads up for those of you who have maybe lost your tempers or are about to post in this thread: is basically impersonating a man by the name of Richard Stallman, whose opinions you can see in the first page of this board. The whole GNU/Linux thing is a rant by Stallman that has been copypasta'd across the internet thousands upon thousands of times ironically, since his opinions have become a bit of a joke to many. I just assumed that people would be in on the joke by now (if they actually are involved with Linux) or at least not get so mad that this fag needs to get involved. I myself have posted a fake reply from Linus Torvalds (if you don't know him, he invented the Linux kernel featured in the rant in cause it's pretty humorous to nerds, I think.
I know, it's not what you want to hear. But Mac OS is stable, secure, and has tons of free, easy to use, and open sourced software. There's really no reason to use Windows or Linux, which aren't as easy to use.
What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux. That's the point.
GIMP can do a lot, but it's complicated and overkill for simple things that xpaint can handle.
Curses? I use this sometimes:
memes and crappy pasta
OP, this is not even a question worth making. WTF is wrong with you? Are you a 6 month user trying to run arch?
I have never had anything near close to what you are saying, everyone I know that uses gimp have not a single complain, even my 10 yo sister that is a dumb infant cunt can uses it properly. You not better run anything on wine, you better lecture yourself before complaining. You're just being stupid.
Gimp is shit and has always been shit. Retards still use it and are completely oblivious to its faults, it's like the tards promoting debian and ubuntu.
>it's like the tards promoting debian and ubuntu.
how could debian fag able to defend this.
midway through last year they dialed it in alot on the the git version. the pace of development has been improving, the backend changes are nearly done and then the next cycle is fixing the front end.
Easy, it's an anonymous shit poster. /thread.
GIMP is shit, get paint.net
Fuck you I still love her.
Where did this fresh copypasta come from?
Linux is just a kernal, that's like calling Windows as Ntoskrnl.exe, which doesn't make any sense to be called as an operating system. A lot of people only heard linux as to be recognized as a whole operating system without knowing anything about GNU. They didn't realized that without the GNU project and free software movement, Linux wouldn't even exist. All the great software that respect user freedom and the source code sharing culture like we have today wouldn't even exist if the GNU project didn't succeed beforehand. So be glad with all the wonders of libre software you can get in your computer. GNU/Linux deserve more recognition as a whole operating system rather than just calling it "Linux", unless you're being an ungrateful piece of shit.
GCC is a special case. GCC is a highly specialized system of software:
* it is designed to cover a huge number of computer architectures
* it is designed to cover a wide array of programming languages
* it has been evolving continuously for over 30 years
I don't see many software systems that span the massive scope that GCC covers and is at least 30 years old. Systems like LLVM have had the advantage of cutting edge compiler research from top universities and they've also had the benefit of hindsight from all the lessons learned from GCC. It's obvious to understand why GCC has to deal with legacy design issues and why LLVM is able to improve on top of that.
I'm hyped for Gimp 2.10. The releases after 2.10 is going to make Gimp so powerful.
FOSS has no consciousness, so it can not feel embarrassed. People, however, can. And those who are especially empathetic often feel embarrassed for those who use proprietary software.
GNU is a political organization, just like Mozilla or Google. They hire retards who scream on streats to write software.