Would you do it?
"Shoot the Dog"
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Only a nigger/kike/subhuman would kill a harmless animal.
He didn't do it, right?
I forgot the purpose of the test.
The purpose of the whole movie was the church scene.
Did he?
The point was that Brits are sociopaths, Mark Millar is a hack writer who shits himself and will die alone never visited by his children and missing his ex-wife, and Matthew Vaughn is a talentless hack who should be punched in the stomach.
This "test" is seen in numerous British military movies, Dog Soldiers being another example. A soldier is told to raise a dog, and then after several months having grown attached to it is ordered to kill it. It's to see if you'll obey any order you're given and what kind of psyche you have. I once dated a girl who tried out for the Australian central intelligence, and she was told as part of the sign up that she would have to agree to leave any partner she had and abandon any children she had with them to get in. She ended up becoming an analyst iirc.
Whether or not British soldiers are actually tested in this way is unclear to me, in the shitty movie as I recall, he refuses to shoot it and fails the final test as a result. The female applicant shoots the dog, but we later discover the guns contained blanks.
Personally I find the entire concept of the test flawed because a soldier who has no loyalty to something he's grown to love and care for will have no loyalty to you either, and could very easily switch sides if the price is right.
Overbred useless dogs are better off dead. Just like white people.
everybody is better off dead tbh
the planet will not be safe as long as humans exist
I'm not ATF, so no.
You guys were still chucking spears in france while the Sumerians were inventing astronomy and writing.
And shitskins are still destroying everything while white people have moved past their spearchucking.
Sorry you're still a lesser ape.
The only way the white animal was able to civilize itself is by pretending common courtesy is bullets and to visualize themselves gunning other people down in the street.
Kingsmen confirmed for not kosher and triggering.
Please include trigger warnings in future posts that are about this subject.
We may not have been the first, but we are the best and we're never going to be matched.
Fucking this
That's a pretty good thought.
El em ay oh
What did the dog do?
Well we've known that ever since the massacre of Glencoe.
That's backwards. It means a soldier who is willing to sacrifice something he's grown to love is the most loyal. He ignores personal feelings and attachments to obey the will of his country. None of this sappy bullshit, where do you even come up with these interpretations?
The whole raise and kill a dog schtick was to test whether a soldier was willing to put nation before feelings and was willing to do sick messed up shit. It was to weed out pussies and normies for special forces.
You make it sound like you're not a giant pussy or normie.
That will only lead to despair and personal accumulated hate
No wonder your "special forces" jump ship and join mercenary groups, the jew, the chinese and most often, killing themselves
voted drumpf
War crimes
It was a pet at Buchenwald.
I thought the Kingsmen would reward him for not shooting the dog because their whole training had stated not to leave your teammate behind. Nope.
Quick, before he changes his mind.
I wouldn't shoot my dog.
Now a nigger..
They don't have a gun pointed to their head. They either do it or don't. Those who do display an ability to kill remorsefully and shoot to kill. This video explains it a bit: youtube.com
nobody had a problem with killing this harmless animal
Topkek, m8
The whole scene is garbage because anyone who's had formal firearms training would have checked to see if the gun was loaded when it was handed to him.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Maybe in movies. Some people aren't wired to feel that guilt from doing twisted shit. They can compartmentalize it, enjoy it, or just ride the wave. That's the point of the test. You aren't looking for someone who can put their emotions aside and order his men to take the hill. You're looking for the 1% of the 1% who won't crack. The closer you get to the tip of the spear the more people are canned for bad knees or backs not ptsd. That's why you have stuff like BUDs or Hell Week. It's a version of shooting the puppy. They're meant to break you mentally and emotionally. Only willpower gets you through.
It's been a while since I've seen that copypasta on Holla Forums.
How exactly do so many 'American citizens' end up in places like Yemen?
I mean really, if they've finally made it to America and somehow falsified citizenship, why exactly do they ever go back to the thoroughly pozzed negholes they came from?
How do you think US trains their puppet insurgencies, if not by sending sandnigger nationals?
I don't know what bullshit some of you are looking at, but the biggest thing they try to hammer into officer training in the US army is to always do things morally/ethically. I can't tell you how many times I've had some NCO tell me "do whatever the fuck your boss says, no matter what, as long as it's not immoral and doesn't violate the US Constitution".
Then again, that's what America is the good guys.
*that's WHY America ARE the good guys.
Fucking Hell, you amerifats are dumb.
Oi aint dat roit innit m8 pip pip guvna gunna fuck me won uv dem li'ul gurls now
Yeah, I'm sure that's what they teach at WHINSEC.
lolis are for kissing not for shooting
You're half right.
The point of that test and without disclosing anymore details that would get me in trouble: yes it still happens in some parts of the world is to test where the loyalty of the soldier lies.
See, the dog (or sometimes one of your mates blanks in this case, guess that's where they got the idea) is someone that has value for YOU. Not for the country or, more specifically, the military structure. Which means that when you refuse to fire, you are putting something YOU value above something the military and the country value.
On a more modern paradigm, there's two situations. If the country is stable and the military is well established, then you can assume whatever orders the soldier receives will have passed a successful chain of command. Which means that the soldier WILL NEVER RECEIVE AN ORDER THAT ENDANGERS THE MILITARY OR THE COUNTRY. Thus, whatever he is told to do, is right.
In this situation, people who shoot the dog will advance more quickly and be eligible to "special operations".
People who DON'T shoot the dog are kept in the back line, prevented from advancement and seen as a liability: under stress, the soldier is liable to NOT respect the chain of command and act on information he currently has and perceives (information that can and most certainly will be falsified) instead of relying in information and orders that came down from the chain of command.
Now, a very different situation applies when the country is in turmoil, spies are a legitimate concern and the military structure is incomplete/defective: soldiers who SHOOT the dog are seen as a liability. One wrong order (that can come from infiltrators) might spell doom for him, his unit and possibly, the country.
Soldiers who DON'T shoot the dog are seen as people that tend to think before acting, access the situation and act accordingly. When the chain of command can't be trusted or isn't agile enough, this lets each unit and each soldier form mini-chains of command that decide and execute orders on the fly. Coordination suffers, but results don't.
Of course, this is valid within a certain time frame of conflict: drag on for too long and the mentality of people will diverge enough that two units on the same side end up considering each other enemies.
For example: in WW1 a lone battalion of English troops was cut off from supplies for a month. After a few died to famine, the survivors turned to cannibalism. They attacked and killed enemies not because of military objectives but to get sustenance.
After two months, when a second unit of British troops reached them, they came under fire from their comrades and refused to fight back. They lost a dozen men before retreating and every hail failed. After a few hours, they discovered the fate of their fallen comrades: chowder for the starving soldiers. They opened fire and killed the cannibals.
The whole thing is marked by a small stone on the place the cannibals perished, not from starvation, but by "friendly fire".
It's not a story the British like to tell or hear though.
what a wacky and edgy person!!1!
not saying its bad to kill a nigger, but its obvious your trying to be le edgy memer!!!
That wasn't me. Though I'm curious as to who the scatfag is.
how much would you have to be paid to do scat?
Nigga I ain't playing around with shit for any amount of money.
nah, slip 500k and id eat my own shit.
Absolutely not. The country is an extension of the kin. The dog is kin, the one issuing the order not.
The loyalty to a country doesn't lie in loyalty to the chain of command, but to its people, its culture and its customs.
Also, I don't want jews issuing me orders.