Why aren't you a misanthrope?
Why aren't you a misanthrope?
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but I am
Becouse being a misanthrope dose not make me feel good inside.
being a misanthrope makes me feel good outside
Sure man. Whatever works for You.
What's wrong with being respectful?
this tbqh
What's Wrong With Being Super Respectful?
Nah. I like humans.
They are cute.
t. alien
I consider myself a cynical optimist, constantly saddened and appalled by the failing of man but nonetheless hoping that a better future is possible.
I'm a misanthrope in that I hate most people as they act now. I don't really attach much value to being human. I like people who do admirable things and I hate people who do despicable things.
I hate every human I don't know.
I justify it; seeing that there's an all out attack on the earth's ecosystem.
I don't want to hate others.. but then others are so stupid that I have to become an authoritarian dictator and enfroce my right path.
…But then I don't want to be a dictator, cause I know my path isn't right..
Leninism is the worst ideology, in the end.
Are we not part of earth's ecosystem? what makes earth's ecosystem so much more important or valuable than us? you're just ascribing anthropomorphic qualities to the entire planet, like if it were somehow beholding the entire impact of human civilization to you, like if you were somehow responsible for it all. Maybe earth should have decided to to make another species the dominant species, maybe she could have chosen those fucking bottlenose dolphins or something.
Make no mistakes, I love this earth, it's goddamn beautiful, Its a fucking shame the thylacine was hunted to extintion, but like… life goes on, get over it.
No shit, but consider the fact that we're an exotic evasive species.
It's more important because life on earth is dependent on how well its ecosystems are doing, aka, earth's life support systems. Humans are creating so much havoc in a short period of time it's causing a mass extinction event; we're essentially killing our own species off.
Humanity is destroying the ocean right now with continually growing islands of non-biodegradable trash thanks to rampant consumerism that's inherent in the market economy.
That's exactly my point
Do you not see the cyclical problem
You never had a point though, you were implying the earth's ecosystem isn't more valuable than humans.
No, I don't, what's your point.
We *currently* can't live without it so we either wreck it temporarily and get ourselves killed or thrown back into the ice age, or we somehow find a way to slow down the degradation and allow earth to heal back. Either way it's pointless to be bitter about it.
So its valuable to *us* because we're a part of it, no point in considering it outside of our needs.
and they say it isn't justified
This, we need to pollute the earth more as a stand against veganism
perhaps we should help turn more people into veganism and save earth and its precious resources for ourselves.
Just like it's pointless to be bitter about capitalism?
What are you even saying?
Fuck off. My ego chooses to save the environment because I find it beautiful. To deny that because it is not objectively justifiable is spooky. Nothing is justifiable. Hidden in your post is spooky humanism.
In a way, are you bitter at your enemies because they exist or do you relish at the thought of their demise and shit like a propper edgelord?
Nature is fucking beautiful, like I said. And to live a life "in balance" with nature would be fucking marvellous I love it. But there is no beauty save the one I savor and there is no nature to protect save the one that serves me. The prequisite for conservationism and ecology is my appreciation of earth and the existance of its impending doom, which is well beyond my own reach… ERGO, if destroying nature means my own death I must save nature to save myself, and if I fail then it will no longer matter, because there is no nature worth saving because I am no longer there to savor it.
So to sacrifice humanity to preserve nature is contradictory, why am i saying this? if we want to save the planet, We need to acknowledge our mastery over it. We want to save it because it belongs to us, because we can use it and because beholding its beauty is a pleasure we have.
Conservationism from the standpoint that earth is somehow worth anything without us because it is older is absolutely ridiculous. if a tree falls in the woods and no-one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? yes, but does it matter? fucking No.
At last, some honesty!
vegans made me a misanthrope
I tell normies they should care because obvious reasons. Other than that, I believe humans deserve their demise because they caused it. It's not edgy, it's being realistic. Why should I have empathy for a species that caused it's own extinction?
When did I imply any of this?
When you used the words "all out attack" i figured that was implied, even if it really wasn't implied it soundes like that.
So pointing out the environmental crisis somehow means I want humans to stop existing?
The only people who identify as misanthropes are people who just discovered a word to place on the feeling that you are surrounded by ignorant assholes.
The older you get, the more you take it as a given.
well said.
Nature isn't beautiful, peaceful or harmonious at all, it is dirty, revolting and in constant violent chaos; beauty comes solely from human action bringing some degree of order and meaning to it.
I somewhat am though.
I just try to get along with the few people who are not so bad.
What does misnthrope mean>
You spelt it wrong
This. Nature is a void.
Sitting besides a lake and admiring the placid water isn't a wholesome natural act, it's human domination over nature that frees us from predators and necessity allowing this peaceful contemplation, ignoring the life and death struggle that must be going on in that forest and underwater between all types of animals.
The second picture is telling as well, because its uglyness and creepiness comes from decay which is the product of letting nature take its course unfettered.
Humans are not dominate over nature, you abide by natural law or you perish. What allows for peaceful contemplation is the simple fact that we evolved a conscious.
There's nothing bad about the cycle of life and death. Animals in nature are simply surviving to pass on their genes. Competition and the symbiotic relationships between all life is infinitely more beautiful than humans torturing animals and taking a shit on nature.
The second picture is purely the result of humans, what are you smoking?
Nature is in full order.
For "nature" human is chaotic.
You need your "order" for you cannot see far enough. Go far enough and everything is in order.
Even, look at traffic jams.
Full orderly chaos. The less nature, the more chaos.
because nothing says order like invasive species of animals destroying each other's habitats
You mean wasps and bees?
Human is not "unique". Stop thinking "we are destroying the planet". We are NOT THAT IMPORTANT!
my point was that user was right, nature is unguided chaos that could undo itself on a moment's notice
Where did I, unlike you, made any objective value judgement towards nature? All of this only makes sense for an human perspective, from which nature is indeed cruel and chaotic, and most of our history has been about taming it.
There is a survival struggle going on from the smallest and simple living thing on earth up to the most complex, each day a number of species naturally disappear completely to never be seen again on this universe in a process which is ultimately purposeless.
Any beauty and meaning that you ascribe to any of this is as artificial, meaning created by humans, as a marble bench.
It's chaos, only according to what we see.
When you see the universe as a whole, everything goes in order. But not the order you know as order.
Chaos, then, becomes order.
All Chaos gods are actually in balance, in the void.
our main foundation for understanding the universe outside of the solar system is watching shit get destroyed on a literally epic scale
Are we backpedaling now?
You mean destroying it?
Species go extinct and new species emerge; where as humans are causing a mass extinction event; Is mass extinction beautiful to you?
Obviously beauty is a subjective opinion, but I value nature, the earth, and all of it's species over any single one, and I can argue that.
But is not destruction the mother of creation?
Isn't war the father of everything?
Those evasive wasps and bees were put there by humans.
Wasps were destroying bees' nests long before humans offered bees better living conditions and protection against the wasps.
And those bees still survived, that's called competition. Humans are currently driven bees to extinction, see colony collapse disorder.
Because humanity is fucking awesome. Not every person is awesome, but humanity as a whole kicks ass.
Fuck yeah. Humanity is #1.
Just didn't think it was necessary to state the obvious.
Transforming it, from something ugly and chaotic into something that is beautiful.
If you just lay down somewhere and stay still for a long time, nature will literally start eating your flesh away, human action that changes nature is necessary for you to even remain alive.
Please do.
I won't even entertain the notion that you are implying that natural extinction doesn't occur, I must've misread this post.
What are you even saying?
Again, subjective opinion.
No, we are literally destroying all life on earth, can you stop being vague and retarded? Anything that's living is in motion and species regenerate through reproduction.
Read the thread, all life is dependent on the earth and its life support systems, which we're actively destroying.
There's a difference between natural extinction (pseudoextinction) and mass extinction events. Humans are comparable to asteroid impacts that threaten life on earth.
This thread reminds me of a feminist that told me that babies were parasites. Please, the whole human race is parasitic, don't flatter yourself.
I live in south europa.
I have 2 bee hives.
They are doing fine. All we have is the damned Varoa bug that came from the east.
MAYBE, if you in the west didn't have that much capitalism, your bees would be doing fine as well.
The human race isn't parasitic. Nor is it essential. The universe doesn't care about us. We are not important to the earth. All we do is feed our delusions of grandeur. We think we are the masters of the universe or the worst parasytes.
We are neither. We are not that important.
Modern man is most definitely parasitic.
I too watched the Matrix, nihilist psuedointellectual
parasitic to what?
Earth? Earth had Dinosaurs.
Other animals? Dinosaurs died without humans.
Again, you overestimate our importance.
Didn't you get the hint with "modern", :(.
sorry, my theory game is weak, i'm just sick of dollar store philosophy like 'humans are parasites' or 'we should just stop polluting' or 'the free market will fix it' and so on
For now.
Ending capitalism won't fix everything.
Are you denying evolution isn't driven by competition? I'm not arguing for capitalism here. Capitalist who argue for capitalism because "competition is natural" are making a fallacious argument.
I'm mostly fucking around, maybe?
Well, I'm mostly talking about how modern man seems to live a overtly consumerist life style where the 1st world consumes most of the resource of the planet while leaving the third world to starve, and let's not even bring in environmental problems with the inane growth of capitalism and technology. It's as if technology is a religious force at this point fueled by capitalism; as in, we will keep progressing technology even though it will kill us all in the end. So, perhaps parasitic in the sense that we will end up destroying the world for every living creature. Yes, all in the name of capital and technological progression.
If the wasps are hunting the bees then it's not competition, competition is when two species share the same niche and compete for the same resources.
Why are we arguing biology anyway?
It will fix the bees.
Yes I am.
Mamoths didn't go extinct because "competition". It was climate change.
Evolution is about adaptability. Not competition.
Parasitic towards himself. Yes. That I can accept.
Wasps and bees compete for territory and thus resources…
Ok, but it won't fix every environmental issue. Consider religion, culture, etc
I never said a species went extinct because of competition, I said competition drives evolution.
They're adapting because they need to compete and survive
They are adapting because the situations change.
What served the cause before doesn't any more.
Having fur when it's not cold, isn't about "competition".
Let me guess… Human nature?
what the fuck, does the word "competition" triggers you?
Try reading that wiki link
Hunter - Pray relation is not always the case for evolution.
Even in the Hunter - Pray paradigm, it's still A D A P T A B I L I T Y.
What served yesterday does not today.
Living in the trees was ok. Now it's not. Humans become humans.
Capitalism was good till now. It's not any more. Communism becomes reality. :^)
Is this gazelle adapting or competing with the cheetah?
Calm your autism, I'm not arguing for capitalism.
This gazelle has adapted to the flat environment and the presence of fast hunters by developing fast reflexes and speed. The leopard has adapted to the same environment with speed. They have both reached a state of ballance. Once the environment changes, the species will either adapt and evolve or go extinct.
Same with humans. Though we're most pobably gonna adapt. There were once 100 homo sapiens left in europa. And we still exist.
And what drove that adaption for speed and reflexes?
The flat and baren savannah.
The environmental change triggers evolution.
Like pesticides make bees go extinct in places where they are overused. Radiowaves may play a role too.
The earth has seen many mass extintions and is to see many more yet. And they shall triggere new evolutions.
Holy shit you're dodging so hard right now.
The gazelle and cheetah drove each other's evolution, aka, COMPETITION.
Yes, but if the environment was different, they may have chosen camouflage as the way to overcome it. Speed is not as usefull in the jungle. Camo and reflexes are.
Others took venom as the path to survival. Other took armor.
Environment is the primary factor on what genes will be promoted.
Hunter-pray relationship is secondary.
Environment is mostly static and doesn't change for millions of years, the relationship between predator and pray is happening at all times. But what ever you say Mr. PhD in biology
I dissagree.
Environment changes pretty quick. Considering the time it takes for species to evolve.
she looks dirty and smelly, I want to fuck her.
I mean, a rain forest turning into a desert doesn't happen often. Pray and predictor relationship is what's mostly occurring at any given time and determining the next generations' genes.
Then my ego chooses to crush you under an industrialist boot, because I find that beautiful.