What's the cure to nationalism?

Nationalism is obviously a problem, and it leads to non-cooperation, xenophobia, and close mindedness. It leads people to take pride in things that they had no part in, it creates needless disputes, wars, all of that.

So what's the cure? How do we get people to start seeing people from out outside lines drawn on a map as human beings?

Also, what's causing this? Why are people so god damned in love with this division within our species? Am I taking crazy pills? Am I the only one who thinks that saying "fuck those Syrians/Mexicans/Iranians etc." is crazy?

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Nationalism cannot be defeated because it's built upon the strongest emotion of all, nostalgia.

People get mad when their cities/hometown where they lived, where they had their childhood become shittier due to immigrants.


Socialism is bound up with internationalism and communism can only be a world thing. Anyone who tells you different is ignorant or a charlatan.

I would say that clearly nationalism can be used to cooperative ends, but the cooperation ends at the border.

TBH I have no idea OP and Slavoj ZIzek, celebrity philosopher of leftypol thinks actually we should try to just keep respectful distance of 'others' instead of doing the liberal thing of really embracing people.

I think if a couple countries can achieve socialism, an internationalist perspective can win out among them and a fundamental change between socialism and communism will be the effective break down of borders, the realization of the liberal dream of coming to terms with ethnic/religious differences, etc. or else I don't see how we can have global communism

They must realize that the nation-state is a relatively recent invention in history and that, like all other previous forms of existence, it shall be overcome.

Obviously not everyone is capable of this realization, those people can listen to their betters and be educated. But anyone who is remotely intelligent should understand how the dialectics of history function.

This is a decent book that examines the recent invention of many things that we find 'traditional' like nations:


You mean the same home towns where working people have been exploited for years, where there are starving children next to stores full of food and homeless people next to homes with for sale signs and broken infrastructure where the masses live that look like they've been bombed in a war while the rich parts of town are more pristine than a bleached asshole?

I'm sorry you live in a shitty hometown, but even those shitty hometowns now get shittier with immigrants.

Same thing that will also keep sexism at bay–direct, practical day to day struggle against the concrete problems presented by capital along with a widespread consciousness of capital's concealed peculiarity.

Romanticism was a mistake.

It's certainly going to not be ok when Ahmed kills Tony and rapes some women in the way.

Immigrants aren't the problem, im from a city of millions of people, immigrants from what I've seen bring good food, music and are generally nice people. The problem lies in work, cause you see if people come to an area to live and there is no work (there is always enough work actually, but that's a problem produced by the system we live in and not so much that there isn't anything to do but that the master class doesn't see fit to employee people to do necessary work which could easily be eliminated if workers controlled there own labor.) they will do what they need to survive, same as you and i would which mean criminal activities. What you see as an immigrant problem is really a problem of control people have over there own lives.

So non-immigrants dont rape or kill people? Or is it just the brown ones that talk funny?

Immigrants, especially the brown ones, do more crimes than the native population.

Heck, the brown ones that are native do more crimes than the ones who aren't brown.

You guys are literally retarded.

stop responding to the polyp

Well, Ahmed is younger, can't speak the language correctly, worship a foreign religion and is generally ruder to everyone. And worse, he gets more welfare than Tony.

So yes, Ahmed is going to pose a problem unlike Tony.

Why do you think that is exactly? Is it just because they're brown? Or maybe, you know, immigrants an minority populations tend to poorer than natives which means they're more likely to engage in illegal activates. But i already know what you're gonna say, something about genetics or some shit right?


I dunno, because chinese, korean, jap, even vietnamese immigrants do not cause as much crimes as the brown ones, despite them all being minority.

And let's not mention the arab princes, poverty isn't an issue for them and they are arrested for public deranged acts.

t. grandad

I assume you do not live in an asian country then.

I live in Vietnam and the crime rates here are lower than Mexico.


No but seriously stopping the pigs from abusing the goverment to invite a cheap workforce and offload the cost of integrating them to society is an important start.
Social benefits for them is almost like a second paycheck, the capitalists don't have to pay for.

Thailand technically lives in a military junta dictatorship right now.

Still lower crime rate than Venezuela.

Mao will answer all your questions:

Nobody cares you culture-blind autist

petty bouj out

Holla Forums

It's mostly cultural. They're more likely to kill people, steal or work as drug dealers because it's the easiest way to live like a rich person, "la vida facil"

It's especially awful in Venezuela where you can get 1-5 minimum wages by stealing one phone.

It's especially awful in venezuela where *material condition*

dude genetics lmao

I'm not talking about genetics.

Immigrants will always be justifiably feared unless there is a state with over 50% of the world's population as natives, which would be an Orwellian nightmare in the first place. I support multiculturalism (to an extent) but it must always be rational and realistic.

Also, i'm not

No. Catholic meme go die.

Spook busting.

There's nothing wrong with communities organizing for the common good. What's wrong is allowing yourself and those you care about to be harmed by the concept of a nation


You Holla Forums idiots are fucking retarded. Even Lenin promoted nationalism.

This is why you're going to lose.

i dont care they have to live somewhere

if it's within my set of arbitrary borders so be it

also, the Center for Immigration Studies said there's no evidence that immigrants commit more crimes, and they are anti-immigration.

one of the few studies on the illegal immigrant crime rate actually found that illegals were less likely than natives to commit crimes

whenever people say they are proud to be from x country/state/city i want to kill them

Globalism. Now bow down to Porky you pleb.

Because you're a social reject who can find no quantifiable relationship between themselves and the relative world around them. People have been proud of being from their tribe for thousands of years. The greatest civilizations of our history has been achieved through nationalism. It is an inherently human instinct and you're fighting against it because of mental and psychological ineptitude.

different user here

I am against state/big business enforced multi-culturalism, but I have nothing against minorities in my private life. It's not so much that I am pro-Nationalism, except for the fact that I don't want to see nations or civilization get destroyed

The nation-state was invented in Spain in 1492. Britain did not establish theirs until 1649, and France did not have one until 1792 when their empires were already firmly entrenched. Germany did not establish one until 1871. Nationalism never built any great civilizations; it just latched onto existing societies.

Both of them were incredibly nationalist.

Likewise. I used to be incredibly left, but after studying for a while and coming to a basis of understanding that I believe the modern left will allow enforced multiculturalism and thus bring about the ruining of civilization, I had no ideological or political choice but to go full fash.

meant to say: *not pro-nationalism

brown on the outside, red on the inside

but always an authoritarian

whyyyyy? :(

A loosely alligned collection of city-states situated on the Aegean Sea.

A classical empire in which the Italian Penninsula claimed dominion over various other Mediterranean provinces. The provincials did not become Roman citizens until the Edict of Caracalla proclained so by fiat.

That's a fucking laugh! The Greeks happily bowed and scraped under the Macedonians and the Romans. The Romans frequently enticed various tribes into the empire with promises of free land. Also, the afore-mentioned Edict of Caracalla made every Gaul, Briton, African, Egyptian, Syrian, Armenian, Dacian, Thracian, and Arab in the empire into "Romans." The Praetorian Guard and most of the army were not even from the Italian Penninsula during the imperial period. They couldn't give a flying fuck about "nationalism" a milennium and a half before it was invented.

Funny, I used to be fash until you look into all the "studies" Holla Forums propagates and realize how nonsensical they are.

You guys always come here, try and convert us and it never works.

Right, but nationalist make the mistake of conflating their nostalgia feelz for home with the nation state.

Not only this, but the Greek city-states only occasionally had situational solidarity with one another. They spent more time fighting one another than they did fighting any sort of outside threat, and really holding nothing back when it came to shitty treatment of their "fellow Hellenes." Hell, they'd go so far as to join forces with invading empires and barbarians if it meant they could get a one-up on their "national brethren."

Yet the modern nationalist would claim that Greeks have always had a cohesive, unitary identity that lays the foundations and legitimacy to the modern state. It is but one of many examples of how artificially constructed national identities are, and how the appeals to some historical precedence is usually all manner of academically dishonest in its interpretation.

It's caused by jealousy. When loners who can't get a girlfriend, see how north african refugees can easily fuck them, they get triggered like hell.

You know what, user? You are right.
I like ya and I want ya. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Doesn't matter to me.

So what will it be boy? I want that manbutt. That booty.




What's the cure to cosmopolitanism

Well, luckily, there are statistics that prove those studies wrong.

Nationalism is inevitable.

I'm sure Russian people have nationalistic feelings about the USSR, for example

Yui is a faggot, but he is right about that. See:

satan pls go

Their nation state is the one who keeps the border for their home.

keep moving the goal post
when we tell you immigrants aren't the problem, you claim they rape and kill, when we prove they don't do it more often than other people, you say that their difference is the problem, now we gotta prove to you that cultural differences shouldn't divide the proletariat? Jesus fucking Christ what kind of shitty leftists do we have among our ranks?

Uh, but they do more more crimes than normal native people>>751021

Species-wide genetic modification to improve our brain architecture and remove the maladaptive evolutionary baggage like tribalism and spite.

We're a few hundred years short of that technology though. In the mean time I guess we could just murder them all.