So, as of late I have been needing something new to do. Video games have completely just lost their appeal to and I just can't find anything else to do as not a lot peaks my interest. So I thought I ask the lot of you on what I should try and seek out and try to be invested in.
So I kinda need a new hobby
Literature is always a good time sink. Have you tried visiting your local library?
also this OP
I just have a hard time siting down and reading, I never really grew up reading though people really keep telling me to read manga and that I would enjoy it, I mean, just am not big anime buff, but I will say I have read hentai manga, and they were clearly better than any video or movie I saw, so I guess it wouldn't hurt.
Join a Neo-Nazi/Antifa (whatever floats your boat) organisation and attack strangers
That's just your attention span being shriveled up from too much internet, you can get past that with time.
reading is for beta nerds. unless it's nonfiction and it helps you improve some skills that'll look good on your resume or perhaps influences your political or philosophical ideology.
i'd suggest hobbies that will improve your quality of life in the near future. like maybe learn a new language? i'd recommend french, spanish or mandarin because they're next on the list of most popular languages after english. or language of the country you want to emigrate to.
Well that's true, am actually reading a manga right now. Phantom blood jojo, Am actually enjoying. I guess I really do need to broaden all my interest, I have Spanish friends so I could learn that. It's easier to learn than Japanese, just do a little here and there, of each thing and find a balance between all of them, I have to say you guys came in with flying colors, thanks Holla Forums and Holla Forums like the first actual time you really helped. By the way. Dio is a fucking asshole. Christ.
If you want some manga recommendations I got some. Try these:
Thanks user, you fucking rock.
graphic design is fun
Take up classical guitar or pee anus
build scale models
Become a chronic masturbator
Shit sucks man. I don't know how to deal with that shit. I've got some exercises to help strengthen my finger joints, but that won't make them larger.
expensive af tho
rock climbing my dude
No it isn't. I'm poor as fuck too, just get creative. You don't need name brand everything to work on a model. At its most base form you just need a kit glue, and paint. This is something you build up. You don't start by buying every tool at once. You buy tools as you go. Been toying with them all my life, got serious recently, and still haven't bought an airbrush. There's so many tutorials on how to do things too, and that's almost a hobby in and of itself.
recreational exercise is great too
thats more of a passion.
electronics is a pretty good hobby.
smh tbh famalam
I see. Well I was never really interested in it, so I only ever saw those expensive warhammer models.
It really is. Wish I had a proper job I could hold for more than a couple months so that I could go back to the gym. fug
Learn a musical instrument - the most fun way to escape reality. I kill a huge amount of time playing the guitar/bass/piano even if I suck.
btw you can get real cheap but good quality instruments from thomann if you're in europe (like 150 eur for a fretless jazz bass or a solid bodied classical guitar)
Pick up golf.
Pros: you are outside, kinda active and the people that play golf are usually a little bit older, polite and out of touch with the world. This means they will likely see you as an eccentric rather than the non-functional autist you probably are.
Cons: Tho it's by far not as expensive as most people think you need a little bit of money. So if you are a super poor fag you are out of luck.
Btw, there are no 2D anime girls on a regular golf course. Don't get your hopes up.
I'd love to be able to play one, but I'm
I'm also am terrible with keeping myself motivated. Is there some kind of structured program you can do by yourself to learn an instrument instead of getting a teacher?
Masturbate, never gets old
If you have a big backyard you could follow in my footsteps and start breeding pigs. Never run out of bacon, pork chops and sausages.
Learn valuable skills that will help you become a better person.
Realize your actuality and proudly proclaim "I am. I matter." in the course of your actions.
Can you elaborate please?
There are valuable skills out there which will help you become a better person.
I am suggesting you learn some.
Can you give some examples of skills you would recommend learning?
Ones which would help you to become a better person.
Billiards (pool) is something I enjoy a lot. Making accurate shots always gives you nice feels. Some pool halls allows minors if you're under 21, just give them a call. Also there is usually a pool table at most apartment complexes just check the cabana.
Such as…
Billiards is the superior hobby when compared to any other hobby
cooking or programming or something.
Maybe dabble in electronics while you're at it.
One could argue that yes. Watching professional players like Ronnie O'Sullivan play is incredible.
Best advice in the whole thread.
Browsing at the library will not only open your eyes to what your options really are, but it will help you focus on things that are of interest to you and which suit your abilities…all before you even open a single book.
In the time it has taken this thread to give you this basic information, you could have already established answers to many of the questions you have and gotten some real solid direction for your future, OP.
So what are you waiting for?
Get to the library.
try picking up a programming language
More manga:
And I highly recommend reading Freesia. It's heavy shit tho.
Haven't read Berserk in a long while. Kinda anxious to go back to it.
You say that now, but you wait until you have to watch a Peter Ebdon match.
Hes pretty good but O'Sullivan is better hands down.
ok im done here