We have 46 days to make Pepe the best selling Halloween costume of all time

It's perfect.

1) Increased exposure for Pepe.
2) Makes Halloween an election issue, with our side dictating the conversation, right before the election.

We even have the perfect way to sell it: Pepe is super-scary, so of course he should be a Halloween costume.

Let's make this happen.

Other urls found in this thread:


"Dear pol, do X for me b/c it will be good for us."
Me, offer input? Oh no no, you don't understand how this works
I give you plan, and you do work. Now go slaves

Many hands make light work, user.

I've been doing the work. I called several costume companies today asking if they were going to make a Pepe costume, which is a way of indicating demand. I will be calling more.

If we all call some costume companies, they'll start making the things.

Another idea: Search for "Pepe Costume" on Google and Amazon, that should seed some marketing analytics.

… Especially if combined with a few other searches for Halloween bullshit.

Pepe is already exposed. Mostly to people watching the news cycles.
But honestly, all of my relatives who watch either msnbc / fox everyday, have never even heard of pepe or a frog, or anything.

Then you put that in the OP…
Ask people to call costume companies demanding pepe.
Ask people from 8ch to bump a 4chan thread until it gets trending on 4pol.

Maybe make inquiries with chink mask factories.
Maybe they'd make up samples and shit to have on hand if others call.
It'll be tight getting that shit to the USA before Halloween - gotta go fast.

Filtered. Why is the first post always shit?

Don't be upset user.

There is also an Android app!

Halfchan thread exists.

We can meme this into reality.


bumping because this would be great


Are we an advertising agency or a memetic kabal? Keep it up and in 3 years Kek will have gone the way of trollface.

Plus, what political end does this achieve, publicizing a cartoon frog? Aren't their better efforts to work towards?

There was a guy on /bmw/ that made Pepe masks and then fucked off to who knows where.

You should remind him Halloween is coming. Maybe he'll smell the sheckles and make a new batch of masks.


Fuck off. You are the reason we can't have fun things anymore.

Funny idea OP. I can imagine all these faggots running around in Pepe costumes and the lugenpresse getting triggered as hell. And of course all the cucks giving out candy will get super triggered by seeing a bunch of pepes.

They will be pepes and the butthurt cucks will be wojaks. That by its self is a poetic meme.

This is a good kids outreach idea OP.
LEt's convince normies to put them on and terrify the normies.

The answer to your questions can be found in:

Learn how to count you fucking sub-human! It's October 16th. Holy shit-fuck you're dumb! Lol!!!!!!!!

Nobody would buy them even though I was selling them basically at cost. Anons wanted a custom mask for like 10 bucks when in reality at least $60 worth of materials not to mention hours of time went into each mask.

I would buy one in a heartbeat, when I get money and place an order on etsy will you delivar?

Yeah that's what everyone said before until I actually put them for sale. Then of course nobody would put their money where their mouth was.

Way too nice. Anons want that floppy rubber shit you find in every supermarket and drugstore. Or at least, that's all they want to pay for.

DIY vacuum forming machine, negro. You already know how to sculpt the mold. This guy's making homemade Devo hats. There's shit tons of tutorials about that.


It's not October yet, lol.

Hand out free tshirts.

unlike you record correcters, many of us do this for free.

that mask is way too good for a quick sale that relies on numbers.

focus more on quantity effect with low price. that's what user is willing to bother with.


make it happen.

Yeah, anons here really can be shit-tier sometimes. They beg for shit, and expect it for free, instead of trying to support the people who aren't fucking NEETs and trying to build their shit that they ask for.

Remember the Kek rings? Barely sold over cost, and anons bitched.

Fuck pepe I'm going full blackface


Because the mods are paid shills.

You can't lose.

So will Kek make halloween great again?

I know about vacu-form machines. Vacu-form plastic isn't really well-suited to masks and it would only be able to be a half mask that way too. Also I'm not going to the trouble of building a whole vacu-form machine when anons probably wouldn't buy those masks either. Also it would be a garbage product and I don't do garbage work. Anons gotta save their autismbux for anime sex pillows and tendies I guess. Mask Pepe will be the rarest Pepe now. There are only two in circulation.

Instead of trying to sell I think I'm gonna start doing meme street art sculptures. I'm getting close to finished with a lifesize Trump bust. If I plop those down all over my city right near election day I bet it would cause an uproar.

Working on an Ebola-Chan figure too…


Or instead of a mask just paint your face green and wear a blue shirt and a bald cap


You could go greenface.

Bumping for epic triggers.

first post every time

take pre orders only


Nice !

Epic triggers or derb niggers? Here's Bobby Shmurda's "Hot Nigga". Please observe the triple K in the URL.

This isn't reddit faggot. No one's going to shell out cash out of goodwill for your epic effort. Make low cost guy fawkes tier masks in bulk, not muh tryhard handpainted shit.

That's actually really good work.


Get your head examined


If anyone remembers what happened to EFG during Chanology you DO NOT want to this to happen.

Image the teenage newfags and plebbitors wearing pepe masks during protests and events.


This shit isn't lulzy, it's pure undiluted cancer and first signs of meme death

it's fitting… unleashing a plague of frogs upon our enemies.


I support wearing Pepe masks in public, but only if you also wear a white tshirt with memes written on it in sharpie.

Buying & selling Rare pepes is literally a thing now & I cannot stop laughing.

How about making this pastern into a shirt? Would that work?

or that trump mask


Such short sightedness on your part. Chanology brought in shit ton of inept meme spewing faggots. This will happen once mainstream catches on

Secondly it was all fun and games before the muh PR faggots and moralfags, Thanks to Chanology cancer we have WWP, Occupy movements and SJW in this collective.

You need better bait than that, sonny.

Using chanology as an argument not to do anything outside of shitposting like a pussy behind a computer is weak.

But I agree, wearing meme costumes outside in streets for attention is is childish.

Go to work. Work hard, then you can go out and sperg in public, because you have something of value to back up your actions.

Halloween is a sad, destroyed, coopted and distorted European tradition.

However according to the lore the worlds of living and dead coalesce in a manner of speaking during this period, possibly making memes more powerful.

That's a really good Pepe mask user. I'm surprised nobody bought it.

Looks great for a high end suit but we need mass produced plastic/rubber masks similar to president masks or the standard rank and file Halloween mask.


Make halloween great again