Red Letter Media Talks About Alien: Covenant - SPOILERS
> Well, Jay. It was great
Saved you 5+ minutes.
Was that supposed to be funny?
Wow, a new video from my favorite cucks.
Really makes you think.
Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!
The prequels are unironically kino.
They spend time editing cuck porn to feature him and his gf, they also found a perfect skin match to shop her onto. They also write cuckold fanfiction about him. I think it's safe to say that they are actual cucks projecting their own filth on him.
It is clearly projection.
Just to elaborate they must watch a lot of cuck porn to pull this off. It's not been posted here but one of these "ironic" shops has clearly had a lot of effort put into it.
That said I don't give a shit about post-80s Ridley Scott films so I can't be bothered something about this that isn't a WebM (RLM or anyone else for that matter).
What exactly made Holla Forums hate them? Because they implied once or twice that they are skeptical of Drumpf's regime?
I wish that the boys would regain their enthusiasm. They mostly just seem to be going through the motions and repeating themselves lately.
They liked the force awakens.
More specifically Mike wanted to see Ray blacked, that was his only complaint.
They wanted to see just a romance of some sorts while being indifferent about the race question.
Did someone genuinely expect them to go "we must boycot this racemixing propaganda" on their show?
You don't have to spell it out plainly to oppose it.
They seriously turned into genuine self hating cucks around the TFA review.
Liking the Force Awakens and being easy on it. Went they went to do a critique of it with Plinkett, it pretty much devolved into saying the prequels were far worse.
you forgot the companion video
>that opening moan