/sci/ redpill me on caffeine. Is it healthy? Is it neurotoxic in higher doses? Are the only side effects physical (jitters) or can it do damage to our precious brains?
It doesn't seem to work for me. I don't even get jitters from slamming down 300mg. I want to up my dose but it's only regarded as safe to take 400mg a day, and that's assuming it's not all at once. I'd slam down 500mg instantly if I knew my brain won't get damaged further, I'm trying to recover from weed brain damage.
/sci/ redpill me on caffeine. Is it healthy? Is it neurotoxic in higher doses...
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this isn't /sci/ dumbass.
shut up asshole there is no active /sci/ on Holla Forums :(
coffee will stunt your growth op
There's a hidden nigger face in the coffee beans
then gbt4chan
I'm 22
Here you go OP, everything you need to know about it is in pic related
except there's hardly any easily found information on over 400mg caffeine a day. Maybe read OP retard.
I think we need to change "not your personal army" to "not your personal source of general information".
Maybe ask your doctor, retard.
Fuck off, if you don't have the sense of a squirrel, then you deserve to die in whatever way you manage to fuck yourself up with.
Maybe you are the one who should read OP.
OP is obviously in need of medical care, not halfassed advice from Holla Forums.
I took 7 NoDoz at once one time, OP.
I was jittery as fuck, but didn't die or anything liek that.
Go for it.
sorry, i assumed you were a little kid based on the dumb question and use of the word "redpill"
Fucking tea drinking faggots - fuck off!
do you realise how retarded it is to ask your doctor something like that?
I can't tell if you're being ironic saying weed doesn't fuck with your brain so this is indeed a thread unworthy of getting serious responses, or you are aware of how much weed fucks with your brain but you think doctors will help with something like drug-induced brain damage, let alone a "light" drug like weed.
Let me explain: weed fucks with your memory. Permanently. It can permanently shatter your short term memory and make you retarded.
I probably wouldn't die by taking 150mg of amphetamine every day but you're damn right it would kill off a lot of dopamine neurons and leave me brain damaged.
Coffee Enema - Step by Step
as long as the ride was enjoyable, the end doesn't matter. brain damage is based anyway
Coffee is the ambrosia of mortals.
ignoring the bait aspect, the main redpill you need to know about caffeine is that when combined with ephedra, creates the world's only truly effective fat burning weight loss compound. when caffeine and ephedra are mixed, it flips a switch that forces your body to burn off its fat reserves
what's a ephedra?
it's the plant that pseudoephedrine (sudafed) is derived from. it's an ingredient required to make meth, a bronchiodilator (helps with asthma), and a medicine that's been in use in china for thousands of years.
it extracts calcium from your bones, making them way weaker => you become short with age faster or you cant grow as fast when in puberty. Really dont get what is with everyone drinking coffee every single day, its almost like a drug.
is this because of the tannins? because if it is, that's what adding cream into your coffee is for. the tannic acid bonds with the proteins in the creamer before they get the chance to bond with the proteins in your liver.
meep meep you don't get brain damage from weed tbh
shameless self-check, but mainly because i forgot to say caffeine combined with pseudoephedrine does not activate the fat burning switch. it has to be the ephedrine compound
you do, tbh, but as long as your use isn't abusive the brain has a chance to heal and rewire the neural pathways - resulting in more complex thought patterns. explains why potheads are stereotyped as being creative thinkers. but you can fry your brain from smoking too much of the shit
the jury's still out as to whether it's neurotoxic. But yes it's scientificially proven in almost every study that it causes long-term and permanent memory impairment
if your caffeine intake is moderate (once a day), it increases your metabolism rate and improve cognitive functions. the negative effects are due to high dosage.
caffeine gives me the shits, yeah. What's a high dosage though?
Caffeine is one of the best things you can do for your health if you routinely have it with food. It is a thyroid-mimetic compound. Negative effects from caffeine are generally from it speeding up metabolism and causing blood sugar to drop from burning glucose faster and then rebounding with increased cortisol or adrenaline levels or from expelling fat from the liver into the blood stream causing essentially the same effects as lower blood sugar due to free fatty acids interfering with the metabolism of glucose.
The key is always to have enough clean fuel in the tank so that cortisol and adrenaline do not spike from the caffeine. Your first experience with caffeine or with a large dose of it is more likely to cause increased stress hormones, and because of this people often associate caffeine with a "wired" feeling that is actually cortisol/adrenaline. Caffeine in the context of adequate fuel stores can actually be relaxing, even sleep inducing (if you are in need of sleep). After caffeine is administered on a regular enough basis, people become more "tolerant" and less likely to become wired. This causes many people who are chasing an adrenaline rush to badly review the effects of caffeine saying that they have become "dependent" and that it no longer works except for extremely large doses. In reality, they have pseudo-permanently cleaned all the fat from their livers (200 mg chronic dose for around a month is all that's needed according to research.) that they cannot recreate the unhealthy state of increased free fatty acids in the blood stream and subsequent adrenaline surge from low blood sugar very easily, and because their livers are healthier from having less fat, liver glycogen stores are higher and can supply more glucose to the body in the presence of cortisol, so adrenaline is less necessary.
Because chronically stressing yourself out with elevated adrenaline and cortisol makes no sense and will cause numerous health issues, the #1 thing that should be administered simultaneously with caffeine is sugar. This may seem counterintuitive to the religious demonizers of sugar, but glucose is the most important source of energy for cellular respiration. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is used up more quickly in the presence of caffeine, so it may be useful to get that at the same time as well. You'll make too much lactate without enough B1, and this can be the source of caffeine woes in some people, so try B1 early and often. But caffeine speeds up metabolism in general, so it could indirectly create an increased need for all manner of nutrition, just as thyroid hormone increases appetite. This is why having it with meals is best, but in my experience you can frequently get away with fat free milk + sugar + coffee (Try adding egg yolks too.) concoctions if you aren't too hungry or malnourished. If you take caffeine pills instead of coffee, a glass of orange juice is a good addition as it supplies sugar and vitamin B1. Once or twice weekly beef liver + coffee + carbs is an extremely nutritious meal plan, btw.
The upper limit of caffeine intake varies tremendously depending on the context. After achieving low fat content in the liver, it is not unusual for some people to take 1 gram a day (not all at once). Over 1 g over the course of a day is where you probably need to tread carefully and listen to how your body feels. People do get heart attacks and die every now and then from very large doses of caffeine. It's probably because they administered it blindly and the adrenaline rush was enough to kill them. If nutrition is on point and you are low on stress, nobody can dogmatically make a hard rule on the exact limit and instead only offer general guidelines. Caffeine improves health by making metabolism faster, but stepping on the gas with an empty tank causes problems.
Caffeine is degenerate. Wholesome pure men rely on their sheer willpower and natural limits to operate.
Interesting information. thank you.
I forgot to mention that increasing salt intake will help keep adrenaline at bay. Sodium is very important. Don't ignore it.
It's a plant hormone similar to thyroid hormone. You may as well say eating is degenerate, because everything you eat contains hormones from plants to animals. Plants don't always contain the same things as animals, but they frequently contain analogs that achieve the same thing in the right context. Traditional diets frequently involved eating whole animals with very little wasting of food, and because of this people would often get significant amounts of thyroid hormones from eating the thyroid gland itself or other hormones from eating other organs. Cholesterol is the precursor to a whole host of hormones including testosterone and DHT. Eating the right things is like taking anabolic steroids, so you better not ever eat eggs, liver, or shrimp, as that would be like cheating at life, especially if you had high levels of thyroid hormone or an equivalent, because they cause the cholesterol to convert to downstream hormones.
Relying on drugs to cope with and/or enhance your natural limits is degenerate. And coffee is made specifically to artificially refine and concentrate caffeine, it is nothing but a vice at this point. You might have an argument if you eat coffee beans growing in the wild.
t. Degenerate
Our ancestors did not consume caffeine until poo in the loo niggers introduced them to it. Coffee is degenerate because its consumption originated in a degenerate sub-species and any mimicry of these pooniggers will contribute to the decline of Western civilization.
There's nothing unnatural about an intelligent species picking coffee beans, drying them, roasting them, grinding them, and extracting the essence with boiling water. It's within our means and gives us something we want: magnesium, niacin, caffeine, and delicious coffee flavors. For mankind, it seems like nothing could be closer to a natural course of events than consuming coffee. If other animals were smart enough to do it, I'm sure they would also if they wanted to and liked it.
You could make the same argument for any kind of drug, degenerate. And it's not working. You will get the noose on DOTR.
Even if you meant coffee alone, I would ask that you give your source that justifies this belief. Caffeine is present in more than just coffee beans though. It is also in tea leaves for example. It is an insecticide, so plants are greatly aided by producing it.
Eating originated with very primitive organisms, therefore it is also degenerate. Nearly everything we have and do has a history of development out of a primitive context. Language probably started as simple grunts and puffs. Cars developed out of carriages and motors. It doesn't really matter who came up with a thing or how. All that matters is the ability to intelligently use it successfully.
Absolutely. There is no reason to not take any drug that does the thing you want as long as you understand how it works, but very few people understand powerful substances enough to safely administer them without consequence. They are tools like any other. Hammers are for shaping the outside environment. Caffeine is made for shaping your internal environment. Tool usage is the hallmark of mankind. Nuclear weapons are tools that are warned against, not because of "degeneracy", but because of the great intellect and responsibility required to use them beneficially. I would apply the same principle to drugs. Some require great awareness and responsibility and I would warn appropriately, but caffeine is babby's first thyroid-mimetic.
See how the addict screams when you tell him the truth of his degeneracy.
I also take aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, which comes from the willow tree, and medicines made from willow and other salicylate-rich plants appear in clay tablets from ancient Sumer as well as the Ebers Papyrus from ancient Egypt. It combines nicely with caffeine.
meep meep any drugs to make eyesight better tbh
But again, most people don't know the correct nutritional protocol to prevent eventual ulcers or stomach bleeding from chronic aspirin usage, so I only recommend it occasionally unless you know what to do.
Above all else avoid polyunsaturated fats. Lower iron intake. Take conservative doses of vitamins C and E.
Vitamin A in the form of retinyl palmitate could be extremely helpful, but also damaging in the wrong context, especially without vitamin E. I won't recommend it as I don't know the specific ailments that effect your eyes. It's up to you to research it.
the additives are what causes the bleeding, not aspirin itself.
Degenerates will hang on dotr.
If someone understands how heroin works, and it does exactly what they want, expect, and nothing more. They should administer it if it meets their goals. You should also kill yourself if you want and that meets your goals. It's up to you. I don't know the first thing about heroin, so I don't take or recommend it.
No they shouldn't. It is destructive to society to allow recreational drug use.
a guy posted on here a while back who was a long term heroin user. he had the funds to maintain it and took his health seriously. he cycled his use to avoid building up too much tolerance.
no ill effects. when other lifestyle factors are controleed opiates can actually prevent aging.
What is best for an individual is not always what is best for society, but I did not mean for my statements to be a rabid endorsement of pure individualism. I like the premise of some degree of societal cooperation, but I really think this is separate matter that is not so exciting for me to contemplate right now.
Depends on what those drugs do and what kind of society you want to create. I understand you probably want to bring up some hippy lala-land next, but imagine other possibilities.
but I imagine other possibilities.
a quick google search implies the opposite. What are you basing this on? I don't suspect you're lying but it calls your other post into question, like maybe you're trying to kill me.
In case yours was the same, my search results listed this first:
Further down the page there is some discussion of the study:
It exhausts your adrenals.
very interesting user. I'll start implementing your caffeine regimine. Are there any other supplements/drugs you use you think will help?
Yes, but now I feel obligated to point you in a direction where you will be able to keep learning if you have further questions or problems arise. I was introduced to clarified nutritional knowledge through this website: raypeat.com
Since you like caffeine so much, the first thing I would recommend you to go further along this road is not actually a supplement or a drug; it's avoidance of certain metabolic poisons. Specifically, if you avoided polyunsaturated fats and maintained adequate carb intake, you would experience increased function of the thyroid axis. This is relevant to you because, as I said earlier, caffeine is thyroid-mimetic, so increasing thyroid function gives you many of the benefits of caffeine.