Cat Kicking Niggers Arrested

All over the world, niggers love kicking cats. They are soulless sociopaths who revel in harming the weak, trusting and defenseless.

These ones are living in the UK. No muh slavery excuse for their degeneracy. It is hard wired and identical in the US, UK, or Africa.

Londoner Tyrese Collins, from Catford, posted the videos on Facebook

It is not clear whether Collins was involved in either filming or carrying out the kicks himself, his recordings receiving a combined 1.5million views

Many have criticized the young man for posting the animal abuse online

Other urls found in this thread:



fuck cats, they stupid selfish and literally infect your brains

"fuck cats" if you want, but inflicting gratuitous violence on a living being is unbecoming of a real man

there is worthy living being and not.

Dogs worth dying for, cats are parasites

That is not a nigger, that is a mexican


I hate cats, like, I really fucking hate cats.

But I hate niggers more.

Officer…they were niggers.

We outed that faggot as a spic a few weeks ago.

Some universal nigger behavior seen all across the world regardless of culture.

Harming small animals
Catching people on fire
Using scalding water to discipline children
Sucking air through their teeth

Fuck cats. Do you know what it's like living with cats around your house during mating season? They keep screaming and fighting each other every fucking day usually in the middle of the night, always waking me up and then I have to wait 30min to an hour for them to shut the fuck up. At those times if I could I'd put on boots and crush their heads but that't impossible because they are eaither in my neighours yard or running on top of roofs.

Niggers lack empathy.

Kill yourself faggot, mine regularly brings me tributes in the form of dead moles, mice, and even brought me a small bird at one point.

The moles are actually a huge problem here and it wasn't until a dipshit family member brought me a kitten they couldn't care for that I understood the value of owning a cat.

I also have a rescue German Shepard that stares anybody darker than a certain complexion down like he's firing lasers from his eyes and will lose his shit if they get to close to the yard but is otherwise incredibly well tempered and chill in every other situation.

Hey fuck you I'm a spic but my white step dad made me get rid of all my pets.

Just makes loathing niggers easier.

Why even live?

literally "my wife's son" tier


get a slingshot. I had pigeons shitting on my balcony making it unusable, tried putting sticky and pointy stuff so they cant land but fuckers did it anyway. After slinghoot and couple days of practice they gone, 3 years pass and fuckers remember not to land on my balcony, neighbor's balcony full of shit, they probably havel pidjeon myths about me passind down from generations


Kicking cats is a fundamental part of the Bantu genetics, I have an entire folder of nigs kicking cats.

Goddamn. What's stopping you from pasting them into a compilation and spreading it on the normiebook?

Lmao you fucking neckbeards, I've seen plenty of white animal abuse ranging from cat kicking to dog fucking. you faggots also do plain cruiel things like spurring horses and letting birds pick all their feathers out fucking faggots

We hate niggers. We will see them wiped from the planet. There is nothing you can do. You will be slapped down if you try. We will become god before you.

Sound like a fuking jew…

I bet this doesn't get even a quarter of the attention that the video of an old white woman putting a cat into a bin got. even libtards are subconsciously aware of how subhuman nigs are

Niggers are the real animals here. Pieces of fucking shit.

This fucking board its filled with sociopaths, well, you cant expect more from paid shills, menorahs and fedoras.

How does it feel knowing that one day we're going to hang your spic ass from a lamp post?


Spic here, i love cats, go fuck yourself.

That sounds like niggers. Have you tried calling the police?

I went away for a summer and came back to a balcony with 8 inches of pigeon poo. Wouldn't have thought it possible. Idiot sister said "oh, those are love birds". After that summer, they kept making nests and laying eggs on my balcony. Of course I let them and punted the spawn like a cat when they hatched. They didn't fly so good.

Fucking tard, a single cat can keep your entire house clean without showing yourself as a alt right meme psycho.

I wasn't insinuating that all spics automatically hate cats, you thick mestizo. The spic I was replying to is the same beaner who constantly comes into threads and spams cat hate, who we outed as a spic in a previous thread as mentioned, because the dumb wetback doxed himself. So get your spic undies untwisted, pour yourself a nice tall glass of whatever shitty beer you taconiggers like and relax, bueno?

It's called being a human being.
Blacks (not just niggers) must be physically removed.

They got that right.

Btw, the only time i ate a taco was because an american ex buy one (well, i paid it, you get the idea) and shit wasnt that great, but she loved them. Tacos are a mexican "american" thing.

Back to important things, killing cats isnt the solution, if you kill every cat then another being will replace it (this is how nature works) and shit will be like when we first meet cats a gorillion of years ago, parasytes wouldnt made you a fag if you eat crap and vote bernie, they will kill you like chickens and pigs are oing right now in China.

if you kill all the cats the black plague comes back.

This needs to happen. Cute animals are white women's weakness.

Whites are the animal abuse experts, at least in the West. Niggers are just stupid enough to post it online.

Cats suck anyway. The typical leftist companion. Enjoy your toxo catcucks.

Never Forget that Dusty was abused by a white man.

Its a possibility, better beat the crap out of fags and whores than closing cities. Nice dubs btw.

Dubs confirm.

Came to see the cat that kicks niggers.

Am dissapoint.

If you eat some cats poop yeah, you might get infected

Jesus save my soul from killing these niggers on sight.


He had a flashback to his jungle origins and thought it was a lion.

Daily reminder: Vegans are animal fuckers.

who cares, cats are for tumblrfags anyways

user, why do you have an entire folder of these cat kicking niggers?

Do you perhaps indulge in the sport?

and it was white males who brought justice for Dusty


reported for being a beaner

try living on a farm without cats retard

sorry but teenie tiny whities need not compete with big black meat ;P

if you white "men" (aka 6ft tall children) want to fight you need to start exterminating these people of color like they have been doing to you since the 60's lol

did I trigger you? Frogs are better pets than fucking cats

I dunno normalfags dont even care if its white women being attacked and raped. But I guess it is worth a try. After all white women love victims. Cats are a victim class beneath apes. This might finally get them to vote these apes back to africa into their natural habitat where they can try and kick the local cats.

Spot the nigger lover!

Absolutely disgusting. Ever noticed how subhumans do not have pets? Only humans keep pets. Subhumans abuse animals for power trips.

I dont even need to be a Moshe Shekelberg to object to that

I love animals but live in an apartment. I don't have pets because I want them to have space so they can be comfortable and happy.

niggers will always be niggers

literally no one in all of existance has cared more about animals than the White man

meant for

white trash and beaners keep their dogs in yard. good owners share their bed with loved ones

sorry didn't mean to respond to you, niggers are disgusting, there's a reason dogs hate them. I bet cats sense the wicked ape in them too.

I don't mean to leave a dog outside all day and night. I think it's unfair to a dog to keep them cooped up in a small apartment.

are these all different niggers or just one retard who has his buddy film him?

if it's one guy, even if his faggotry is spread on faceberg liberals would just say "this one guy is horrible, has nothing to do with a whole race" etc.

Where is the line between abuse and antagonism.
There is nothing wrong with terrorizing animals, just don't be a nigger about it. Pets deserve to be uncomfortable from time to time for your amusement.

Does torturing an 8 lb. animal make you feel like a man, user?
especially one that trusts humans & is an easy target?

Does it make you fell like your balls are larger than the pea-sized pellets they really are?

Sadly, this is not exclusively a nigger thing. I've known whites that tortured & killed cats for no reason other than their innate hatred for them. It is a disgusting & dishonorable thing, no matter the color of the coward that engages in it.

Some whites are niggers on the inside.


i wish i could have pets but im poor as fuck. a single cat or dog is hundreds of dollars in maintenance. im thinking maybe i could volunteer at an animal shelter or something.

also correct me if I'm wrong but haven't niggers not once tamed animals? Aren't all tamed animals descended from wild ones tamed by whites or asians?

that why you walk your dog at least 2 times a day and try to 3 times.

My dog is eternally thankful to me for having a life in apartment than being destroyed. She is such a couch potato.

Just don't get an overly energetic breed, there are some breed like Husky who cant tolerate doing not much for extended time, and start to misbehave like chewing furniture and getting depressed. You can notice if dog will be overly energetic or couch potato even when they tittle puppies.

Niggers have tame cattle.
They never tamed anything else that I know of, but dogs are pretty universal, and they will hang around African towns & villages for scraps, so Africans probably COULD have dogs & cats for pets, they just don't.
Africans will eat dogs & cats, too, so that might inhibit things a bit.

I recall there was an argument regarding why niggers never tamed the Zebra for a draft animal or to ride, and the libtards all spewed that the Zebra was too wild to be tamed, and the horse was only tamed after being bred to it for tens of thousands of years.
Then someone posted pics of Zebras that had been tamed by Englishmen for fun, with them pulling carriages & being ridden as horses…

No animal is "too wild" too be tamed. Some have a much better inclination for taming than others, but repeated tries and controlled breeding will net you a tamed species eventually, guaranteed.

I see those lobotomized retards know fucking nothing about evolution.

Someone needs to get tested for Toxoplasmosis.

How does it feels to exaggerate disliking dirty pest in to torturing them? you being SJW tier

Enjoy our trash.

I see you don't actually know anything about toxoplasmosis. The whole "this cat related parasite controls your mind into liking them" is incorrect and the biological mechanisms for that don't operate the way you think they do. They operate the way they are intended on target species, but not humans.

Wow. Is religious D&C so ineffective that JIDF resorted to using cat/dog D&C? Truly a new low.

people had died from that shit, tell me again how it do not really works on humans..

Someone needs to be tested for beanerosis.

That thing can reproduce on humans

I know, that thing generate mental problems that allow the parasyte to find a new host, more anal sex, promiscuity, cutting, accidents, its basically a "evolved aids".

do you want to see my foreskin in full color and glory ? Can I see yours ?

Dogs are already used to humans, killing them will be a very serious and a really fucked up problem.

i didn't say it had no effect, you illiterate. I said it operated the intented way on target species, of which humans are not one. Parasites do not kill their hosts or they die too, that's a failure. The point was that the idea of "toxoplasmosis brainwashes you into liking cats" is wrong. Explain to me how your point about people dying is a counterargument to that.

Not to mention you just made a claim without posting anything to back you up, you just told the guy "go read about toxoplasmosis." So I'm going to do the same thing to you.

Didn't say it couldn't.

oh shit that made me fecally incontinent


We all had seen a cat lady in our lives and probably more than once. Have you seen a dog lady?

Has there ever been a video shot of an Aryan kicking a cat for fun? I don't think I've ever seen one.

Only a tiny number of people have died from toxoplasmosis, the vast majority kill off the parasite without even knowing they contracted it.
Pregnant women are the ones that have to watch out for it, it can harm the baby.

Jumping to the important part and leaving butthurt:

You are wrong, some of the meds used to treatd mad men (schizophrenia) kill that bug and, well, you know that redditors are obssesed with cats.

Missing the point a little, that thing will target humans someday like siv (hiv), fun fact, now it can reproduce on humans (not sexually obviously).

Still not proved, but check brazilians, most of their people have that thing in them, they are more into anal sex orgies than cats.

Parasites absolutely do kill their hosts, heart-worms is a good example.
The goal of parasite is to spread, not to keep living to an old age, if it can spread quickly enough and infect other hosts than it is evolutionary successful parasite

Thats more like a parasitoid but that definition is so fucked up that it just works in things like wasps or aliens (movie).

"Toxoplasmosis (tok-so-plaz-MOE-sis) is a disease that results from infection with the Toxoplasma gondii parasite, one of the world's most common parasites.

Toxoplasmosis may cause flu-like symptoms in some people, but most people affected never develop signs and symptoms. For infants born to infected mothers and for people with weakened immune systems, toxoplasmosis can cause extremely serious complications.

If you're generally healthy, you probably won't need any treatment for toxoplasmosis. If you are pregnant or have lowered immunity, certain medications can help reduce the infection's severity. The best approach, though, is prevention." – Mayo Clinic

There, argument settled, quit derailing the thread.

Have fun

After using the Bonferroni correction for multiple tests, the personality of infected men showed lower superego strength (rule consciousness) and higher vigilance (factors G and L on Cattell's 16PF). Thus, the men were more likely to disregard rules and were more expedient, suspicious, jealous, and dogmatic. The personality of infected women, by contrast, showed higher warmth and higher superego strength (factors A and G on Cattell's 16PF), suggesting that they were more warm hearted, outgoing, conscientious, persistent, and moralistic. Both men and women had significantly higher apprehension (factor O) compared with the uninfected controls.

Its just starting.

Again, killing cats would bring something worse.

Really? Sterilize yourself.

maybe I've been awake too long but I read that as cats kicking niggers and immediately had a big smile.

All irreverent. Animal abuse is unacceptable.

Two problems: 1) they won't actually watch a video of animal abuse, and 2) most won't make the connection that it's all niggers.

I bet you can't even get wild animals to come up to you and not be afraid as well as not be aggressive to you.


"A lower second- to fourth-digit length ratio,25 greater body height in men,25 longer duration of pregnancy,26 and higher sex ratio (ie, more male births)27 suggest that Toxoplasma-infected subjects have a higher level of testosterone."


Rat Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Norfolk Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Dachshund, Miniature Schnauzer, Lakeland Terrier, German Pinscher

all do better job viciously destroying small pests like rats, squirrels, moles, cats etc. They see it as their purpose their job not as something they do sometimes out of boredom or extreme hunger

Working cats are not parasites. On farms cats serve a clear function - pest control.

I wouldn't even call house cats parasites, as those who willingly choose to own them do so because they do get something out of it.

Pretty much this, all these retards claiming cats are "selfish" don't realize their own cat saw them as such huge faggots they weren't worth their feline time.

Felines are the biologically superior species in every shape and form and. Dogs are like inbred niggers compared to them.
Also felines are responsible for single-handedly genociding literally hundreds of canine species throughout history. The opposite has never happened.

Deal with it faggot. Oh, and keep picking up that shit.

ofcourse you do.

you catfaggots dont even know how animals show affection. Bringing you leftovers is uncompilable to waiting on your grave for years. Sensing you mood and trying to cheer you up or just cuddling and sharing the moment together. Constantly trying to read you face looking for your approval for anything they do, because they care to please you.

and some fags say Toxoplasmosis do not work on humans…

Actually, yes. Where I live it's full of them. And trust me, they are way more dangerous and crazy than cat ladies.

sounds like cats are the only choice for a white man

I don't even have a cat, faggot.

I'm just stating scientific facts. Go watch a documentary on wildlife or read a book instead of spewing retarded shit.

Quite literally the only thing stopping me from getting something like a poodle or a shiba inu (since I have very limited allergic reactions to them) is because I cannot afford them.

Dog ladies are just as bad as cat ladies, they treat their pets like their own kids.
Hey man dogs are absolutely great animals, befriend one and they'll be your bros for life.


keep cleaning shit and piss out of a tub of rocks, faggot

You responded to wrong person faggot. Also there's a thing called an automatic litterbox that dumps all their waste into the toilet as well as clean the litter that cats use. I have one of those, all my exposure to litter comes from occasionally adding more into said litterbox.

you're retarded like most weebs
if you dont live in town and maybe even if you do, it's easy to teach a cat to shit outside.

You can also teach your cat to shit outside by putting a litterbox outside and then taking it away after a while.


I-i'm sure he had perfectly valid reasons to do such a thing! Poor African americans can't afford the same entertainment systems like privileged white people after all.

Enjoy having to carry a bag of dogshit around every time you take your pet outside

yeah yeah yeah, I'm retarded and all that, meant for
you cat faggots are still objectively wrong

what is the origin of this meme

Are you saying you don't clean up after your dog takes a shit?
You people are scum.

So when you walk your dog and it takes a shit, you just leave it there? Third World level behavior, you fucking degenerate.

Just teach your cat to shit outside.
and torment the hell out of it with duct tape when it's not.

lel, people don't really do that.
Even If I have to do that I feel no shame doing so, its like cleaning after your Aryan baby

oh you poor thing is lost, to go home type in

I don't take my dogs for walks, they shit on my land which is good for the grass so why worry about it

One of the fucking Rothschilds had a Zebra-pulled chariot for fuck's sake.

Dogs domesticated themselves with us in s symbiotic relationship.

Cats domesticated themselves by predation on rodents around our grain stores.

Dogs are clearly the superior companion pet.

If you got a large plot of land then I don't care I just hate asshats that have their dogs shit all over my yard and sidewalk.

that is what I said, I would risk my live for my dog

You can let them shit on your land and leave it all you want, but as soon as they shit elsewhere and you opt to leave it, that's scumbag behavior.

No, we domesticated them.

Sure about that one?

even monkeys have dog pets, dogs warn monkeys when enemy tribe or predators approach and monkeys leave scraps for dogs. So we was good friends with dogs even before we was humans

take your YHVH jew daemon to /Christian

Nothing wrong with removing cats

Niggers confirmed for subhuman apes.

Thats explain brazilian problems, they also got worse reflex and coordination and they look more "cute" so i am not sure, its like they develop as sex machines for both sides.

Well, trees and ceilings will be still a problem, but you have point.

This why we their problems arent fatal to us, even cat bites are worse (infections) sometimes human bites are worse, it happened to me (dont ask please).

Read a book shabbos goy.

mouse problems, sorry.

tfw I personally ended a cat with a flat spade when I would not stop attacking my niece and chopped it in half and looked at the collar and drove over there and put it into the mailbox of a nu-male and his wife

Wow. Edgy.

They're not afraid because they know you're a massive cuck.

Cats are degenerate. Humans are supposed to raise BABIES and FAMILIES, not look after the shadows of the once-beautiful wild animals they crushed and domesticated and turned into little house pets. Pets are degenerate.


I'm going to fucking rape your ass bitch if you come into this gym again you little fucking pussy, fucking touching my weights. fuck you, you little pussy fucking bitch

Being unnecessarily cruel to something weaker than you is baboon behavior. You don't have to be directly kind to animals but being unduly cruel to them is primitive behavior and degenerate. Notice all the pictures of Hitler chilling with animals, petting a kitten, loving his dog, the bird that hung out near him or feeding squirrels. I'm not saying if you don't have a pet you're an asshole, but there is no good reason to make an effort to attack something weaker than you unless you are looking for a meal and even then we have quick, reliable methods to end their lives fast so they do not suffer long.

If you are unkind to those who can do nothing for you, you are foolish and cruel and therefore degenerate.

Cats are the sneakiest, most backstabbing and jewy pet animal out there. Liking them is a sign of weakness of character.

No they absolutely don't do a better job destroying small pests. Cats are if not the most, than one of the most, efficient land predators on earth, far more efficient than any breed of dog. Dog strengths lie in other areas, even if they are capable of pest removal.

Complete and utter nonsense. In the middle of the night, when rodents come out, dogs are off snoozing away while the nocturnal cat is silently waiting to ambush the first mouse that happens by.

My dog couldn't give two shits about a rodent unless he's outside and a squirrel happens by. My cat, on the other hand, is the best god damned mouse control I've ever had.

The only problem is last time he brought the fucker into my bed while it was still alive.

Here ya go.

my last home's previous owner was a "dog lady". she slept in her car while the dogs were given the house. about 150 of them. she would just throw a bunch of bags of food in a few times a day. house was still a steal even after replacing everything

I'm very skeptical of the black-and-white dogma you're asserting here. Who is to say what is "good" reason and what isn't? Why not everything in moderation? If the long-term biological health and evolution of humans is the goal, then surely there is not a single path but many.

Humans are part ape and always will be. We can be incredibly soft and nice to other animals, but we can never go all the way and defy the principle of life and survival; they would destroy us if given the opportunity.

Humans are becoming incredibly squeamish to the point where most Westerners can't stand to see an animal die and some are starting to cry over plants and trees. Is this squeamishness healthy? Does the suffering of an animal that is about to cease to exist really matter?

I suspect that we have evolved this moral attitude towards animals as we have evolved it towards ourselves. But there is a limit to it. If humans become too cucked they will not survive, and they will be replaced by stronger, fiercer humans (or other organisms).

thats a sign he really likes you

gas yourself cat fag

Perhaps I need to be clearer, say you and your son are in the woods. A cougar approaches your camp and decides to try and take your child. You absolutely use any means you have to prevent that and protect your own, that's common sense. If you're hungry and you're stalking a bull elk you do not spare the bull elk for your own life or yours, you make the kill. I'm not promoting veganism or anything.

But take that guy in the OP video, he was walking along and kicked a cat who was approaching him in a friendly manner. We as a species have the wisdom and foresight to create diplomatic and symbiotic bonds with animals, cats can kill pest animals in our stead, aid us in home protection and hunting and provide comfort or companionship when we'd otherwise go without. It's foolish to spit in the face of a foreign dictator in a place of power, so why would it not then also be foolish to kick a creature that may benefit you? I get what you're saying, there's a limit, but even at the bare minimum he could have completely ignored the animal and done nothing wrong.

I live in an apartment and cats are the best defense. get a couple of savannah F1's around that are trained well, and that's better for close quarters.

When I move into a ranch with a lot of space I'll get dogs, they're obviously better for that setting.

Kill yourself cat fag. Terriers were bred to dig up rodents. Your lazy cat catching one every 5 years is worth nothing.

Cats are for numales anyway, not that im saying a human would kick them.

I shoot feral cats on my property with an air rifle. Sometimes they have collars. All of the bodies go in the trash. Sometimes the bodies are still twitching around in the garbage can. Yes, it's legal in my area and in general.

How about not letting your cats run around outside? They shit and piss everywhere, dig shit up and make fucktons of noise and baby cats.

Not really. This is an example of the black-and-white dogma that you're espousing. It's not smart or foolish. It would depend on the circumstances and what you're trying to achieve.

How would the cat in the OP's video conceivably benefit the nigger? It wouldn't. The enjoyment and stress relief he got from kicking it is probably the most benefit possible for him to get from that cat.

We have the ability and intelligence to form a symbiotic bond, BUT in my opinion it would be foolish to do so indiscriminately or exclusively.

My kitties are rustling.

Nah you just hate animals because you are a subhuman nigger.

Lovecraft was essentially a NEET philospher.

subhuman detected.

We can agree with there being something wrong with doing something like that. The difference is, there's something wrong with any white who would do something like that and there's nothing wrong with any black who does the same.

I think there is something odd about Hitler's cat in that picture.

Closest I saw were slavs and chinks doing fucked up things to cats, never saw one with western European whites. Worst I ever saw in my life from a white person was in high school one of our group saw a toad on the ground, picked it up and then threw it as hard he could against a tree killing it. The rest of the group said "what the fuck is wrong with you" and were ready to kick his ass. That was the beginning and end of that.

Cat is the ultimate beta male pet. This is a win-win situation; niggers got arrested, cats got shoa'd.

suck a shitty cock numale