is it fair game to fuck a 12~13 yo girl who pretend to be 18?
Is it fair game to fuck a 12~13 yo girl who pretend to be 18?
You're probably full of shit, but in case you're not, statutory rape is a no-fault crime in most states. That means that you can be convicted regardless of whether or not you were aware that the person was underage.
T. Non pedophile
what if i wasn't obese?
WHY ARE ALL THE LETTERS ALL CHINKY AND SHIT? The numbers are still English though so that's good.
Use custom css to avoid it's antics.
There's no need to pretend, sweetheart…
No question
What kind of monster would say no to a 10yo loli?
Ignorance of the law is no excuse tbh
"Children have the right to choose their sexual partner"
Keep your lousy commie deceptions to yourself, comrade!
I don't know, is it gay to fuck a man pretending to be a woman?
I bet she really is 18.
No of course not. Fucking a man in the ass is fucking straight and red pilled.
that's fucking retarded. that's saying that IT IS THE OLDER PERSON's FAULT. it's implying they should have made sure the person was of age and they are at fault for not having done so. they still go on the sex offender registry for the world to plot murder against
Yeah why even care? The gov just your money
If her age is on the clock…