How old were you when you outgrew this board? When did you stop doing childish things like changing the default language on the menu of your TV as a prank to pull on your family?
This board is shit, Dysnomia made it this way, and that is why everyone is leaving.
Good riddance, Holla Forums.
I sure as hell won't miss you when you are gone.
How old were you when you outgrew this board...
He does seem to be getting more and more immature as this place gets more dead.
I wonder when he will activate a background wav file of nothing but fart noises?
Pretty much just now when I looked at the catalog.
WTF…so the mods are deliberately shitting the place up, is that what is going on now? Fucking why not just shut the damn board down then? Why even bother?
Fuck it, I have wasted enough time here already.
Probably about ten minutes after he reads your post.
It's the classical pattern of a trole as people begin to ignore him
You know it is pretty bad when the mods are reduced to bumping threads just to keep the place looking alive.
Endchan is even more active than this now, for fuck's sake.
you are the problem user
8ch needs new blood and pedos make this site a no-go area for any newfag with two or more correctly connected synapses.
You need to lurk more.
8ch doesn't need new blood. It needs to be buried and paved over.
Make a throwaway email I'll send you where everyone went.
Let this place become Trumptard chan as the globals intended.
ASAP nigger
23 after 7 years of Holla Forums. Should have known the exodus wouldn't work. Never became like the old days again. Now I maybe check up like once a month to remind myself how shit this place became.
Dysnomia, you should probably look at what you are doing with your life.
What do you want to be effective at?
bring back horseposting tbh
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