What about you guys? What problems do you have in your lives?
Normies out tbh fam
Tits or gtfo
With that haircut, and living in a trailer, I'm sure your father visited you every night when you were young.
good one
Grow out your hair and go to church. Don't fuck niggers because that's how you end up dead.
ayo, hOeP, you a boy or a girl or prof. Oak?
sagenigger is right, btw he means church of Satan ofc
at least you make a cute trap
yeah, okay
ok who is this girl actually and are there more bics
Her name is Robert Paulson, and no.
You look like a bitch.
basically have no friends… i mean i do technically, but i'm not close to any of them, i don't really have anyone i can just go and hang out with, we do things together sometimes, but if there's nothing happening i have no reason to justify contacting them.
have only ever had a few short term gfs.
haven't had sex for about 3 months.
can get dates from online dating but once they meet me and realise what a sperg i am they bail.
changed careers a few years ago and it's not going well.
i mean at least i'm fairly comfortable, but i am lonely and unsatisfied. first world problems i guess.
im a sick person who want to kill everything that moves
WTF is wrong with you people?
i need more traps in my life
That girl looks like someone I know and she looks like shit…
a woman is only a virgin by choice. there is no such thing as an incel woman.
What I've come to believe, after a long lifetime experience lived, is that
post pics feggit
my fucking problem is that I had a trans gf who I left because I FUCKING HATE being in a relationship with literally anyone, and she is being super annoying saying that she wants me and I'm like "bihh leave me alone"
holy shit you're cute…
Teach me to do your eyeliner
All the people I love are dying. Nearly all my remaining family are old and frail, and I'm trying to get over losing my gf. Distracted driver ran her over.
gee who could have guessed. To be on topic, I wish i had gf
I was there when she was on fire
and we talked to each other
mfw tbh fam
holy… shtappp this is too cute! where are you from, the states? which one?
I'm sorry to hear that, user.
I'm sorry OP, you look cute and all, but I can't stand your accent, I don't know why, but it's really irritating to me when I hear it.
ehm… so where the fuck do I send my dick cheese? don't have any rn, I don't keep that shit but I can let it grow if you are willing to dox yourself and give us all your address
cant tell if fucking retarded or shit posting
watch her other videos lol
thanks for adding to my aj pic collection
Kill yerself
Ahh, isn't it like one if the worst feelings when you're just getting by in the life. I'm not being a dickhead about it, I literally mean it.
When shit is good, it's good, when you're having rough time you focus on making it through and on improving your situation. But, that lethargic state of not good enough to enjoy, not bad enough to complain drains life out of you.
I have it kind of similar, I'm currently on an extra first year at uni where the stuff they explain is stuff I knew for the past 3 years (I'm so low because my grades weren't good enough, not because I don't actually know stuff) so I barely even go there, I have quite a bit of money from that sweet tax payer funded student loan so I managed to get myself vive and 1080ti but still, because I do fuck all day and I don't have much to do at the uni I have literally streaks of 5 days of not going out of the house. I didn't sign up to any societies cuz let's be honest, fuck normies, so the only people I interact with are my housemates one is a muslim guy other is some ugly Philippine bitch but she's super nice and submissive to me so at least that's good.
I too struggle to get some pussy but for me it's a bit different, girls tend to not be attracted to me from my looks as im overweight (120kg) but I'm quite tall, especially for England, 182cm (~6ft) and in general have this bear/get the fuck off my way appearance which makes most of the guys scared of me which in turn drives me into the alpha position especially with my "newly" gained confidence and this is when I notice that girls get interested. The problem is, I've never even had a real girlfriend (I'm 19) and the last time I had a thing going with a girl was about 6 years ago (still a "kiss less virgin" if that's somehow unclear although I was at some point in my childhood molested by two teenage girls so technically I've been getting my hands on teen puss since I was like 6 but after that things went dry) and after that didn't work out I kind of closed off and alienated from people to the point I feel cold even to the closest, and only, family - my parents.
The thing with girls is even though I notice their signals both through body language and the tone of the voice(I'm very technical about stuff so I watched shitload of pickup guides and stuff and remember a good part of them), I treat them like I'd treat any random guy (Hi, talk about whatever I need to talk about, fuck off our own ways) so I don't really allow any room for things to develop and I guess one of the reasons as to why I do that is because I just don't know what comes after I tell her some sweet things, or even for that matter, what sweet things to tell her, I haven't given anyone a face to face compliment in years.
Right now I just don't know where to go from this, I've been redpilled by mgtow which makes me even a less of a fan of women especially with vr porn at hand (although I've been trying to cut it out and go nofap). I've been hoping to save up some money after I finish my degree, after that come back to my slavic 3rd world country and grab myself some 16-17 tumblr suicidal teen with daddy issues and make her wet dream of a rich knight coming out of nowhere to fuck her and take her to nice places come true. The problem with that plan is that it leaves me pussy free for another 6-7 years.
I guess getting /fit/ and fucking whatever sounds like a way to deal with that but all this still doesn't solve that problem of stgnation in mediocre life I'm currently living so I've been thinking about just getting a job and living no free time to myself because then I won't have time to worry about this stuff.
Any thoughts anons?
TL;DR - rundown of my life and asking about thoughts as where to go with it now.
i would love to be ur dad
As an oldfag, I just want to say don't try so fucking hard. You're still young and have a lot of time to figure it all out. These are the years where you are supposed to figure yourself out. All the chads, stacies, jocks, geeks, foreigners, normies, gaymers and fucksticks all feel the same way. They are hiding the same insecurities. Try to remember that.
Just slow the fuck down and figure out who you are. If you think life is hard now, just you fucking wait.
That bitch got me bent from halfchan.
Life is difficult. Once you accept that life is difficult, it's not difficult any more.
separated at birth?
Meh, Josh looks like a more handsome version of Maisie 'Quasimodo' Williams
their eyes are.
she's gone, op
deal w/ it
You look fine you're a chick your fit if you don't want to be a virgin anymore just get out of the house go meet someone its not hard for chicks srsly. Avoid married men people a lot older than you etc. or women if that's your thing. Since this is likely click bate(spelling on purpose) I'm done. Srsly though if hyou just look you'll find someone.
are you a man?
I'm smug as fuck most days because I have control over my life unlike most normies. I think when guys reach the point I'm at in my life then they develop a void that cannot be filled. This is a good thing because we give up and focus on happiness through wealth and power. Only problem is I'm having a lot of Chads leftovers hitting on me.
But as for OP, don't think "she" is really OP because "she" will need to post a fucking timestamp.