Harass Trump supporter.
The hat is apparently unsafe and racist and thus not allowed at MRU Calgary.
MR used to be slang for Mentally Retarded
Harass Trump supporter.
The hat is apparently unsafe and racist and thus not allowed at MRU Calgary.
MR used to be slang for Mentally Retarded
Other urls found in this thread:
White women, again. White women are the most anti-white filth in existence. They've been the most destructive force in our entire history. I hope one day I get to witness firsthand, a white woman being raped by niggers or Muslims or something. I'll fucking laugh in her face and walk away.
The bitch and the stick faggot that got the hat should have been laid out cold.
Can't say I disagree, user.
(((porn producer))) please.
you're gonna love your gas chamber chaim.
hello Chain. Forgot your penis glans ointment again?
Beta cucks coming to the rescue of their precious white wimminz. Hey, when you're done taking a strap-on up the ass, you mind turning around and seeing who it is fucking you? Grow a pair you little bitches. This is entirely your fault.
This shouldn't have to be posted. White women are a destructive force if they are not subjugated. Even white women agree. They can and should be totally held accountable for their actions.
Are you roosh?
Common filth was right tbh
Every fucking video that comes out like this its always a white woman wtf
The Arab guy who talked shit about white guys? No, but I'd love to bash his head in.
Fucking retards never even heard abut Mao's Cultural Revolution with public shaming (struggle sessions) and the "Current Year" obsession (the Four Olds).
A video like this might help if you can link Fascism and Anti-globalization.
Can we get a nose check on this one?
IRL trolling is best trolling and it hurts my soul that I can't get in on it
Why the fuck don't speakers like this exist anymore? Christ, two generations back they had such amazing Nationalist speakers. We have a faggot named Milo and Trump, who I like, but he can't speak worth shit. There's Nigel Farage, but he's baseline red-pilled, and he too, although a good speaker for modern times, is a fairly average speaker in general. Not even actors can deliver a speech the way they did back then.
Because it takes effort and passion for one's people and land, something that is lacking in modern Western society? I dunno.
Id like some motherfucker to try and take my fucking hat.
This faggot bought a shitty chink copy, and not even the "good" ones.
Fuck that was fast, user are genius tier
People don't read anymore, so they cannot speak or write properly.
The educational system has declined considerably. Oratory skills used to be part of a basic classical education.
Those great speakers operated in an era without even television as a medium. Their audiences were either in auditoriums or listening over radio, so effective speech was the preeminent form of communication.
While modern speakers are mediocre in comparison, they have far more effectives means to communicate visually. As strange as it may seem, a good meme is far more effective than most of the speeches those great men gave.
I know that feel user. I was thinking about shipping a MAGA hat over here just to piss the marxists and socialists off.
Nigger in her profile pic. Absolute trash confirmed.
Apparently she is the voice of Goku in a couple cartoons.
I got a big ol' Trump pin, but it seems as the election gets closer I'm going to need the proper hat to add onto that.
-t west coast cancuck
I went to MRU for a year and a half before transferring those sweet cheaper credits to the University of Calgary.
MRU used to be MRC until quite recently, and even then it's still pretty much a college at best, not a university.
In practical terms MRU has always been a somewhat glorified continuation of high school. Small campus, a barebones STEM faculty, and known only for its above-average business school and mediocre liberal arts degrees.
This didn't surprise me in the least. Looks like it was taken in the main hall of the largest building during clubs week, so the incident was probably witnessed by a good portion of students who weren't in classes at the time, but had classes shortly before or after the incident. This will be exemplary to people inside and outside MRU about the threat SJWs pose to any sort of free speech.
i get more compliments on my MAGA hat at uni than anything. no one has done shit to me. feels good to be in a red state.
I found it on the YT comments.
I am a quiet person (the "gentle giant" archetype) and when I get some passion in me, my parents tell me to tone it down because I can seem "too radical" or be intimidating. Are people really this weirded out by passion in something that they don't know how to act or am I an autist who can't control his emotions? Being told to "calm down" a lot throughout my life has had the opposite effect and put fire in my soul but then everyone around me doubles down. Fuck them, I'll do what I will.
Coal burners need branding.
Makes sense. A lot of English dubs use Canadian actors.
I heard the original Japanese for DB and DBZ (the only anime I can tolerate, since I grew up with it) and the men sound more feminine than her. It's horrible.
I have a real Trump hat and I am nervous about wearing it out in pozzland because I don't want some numale faggot swiping it. What does one even do in that situation? The obvious answer is to beat the shit out of him but I'm not down to become Tyrone's fucktoy in prison right now.
They have a lot of weird quirks about them, they tend to reveal themselves.
You can buy a chink replica on amazon if youre really fucking desperate
I know i was
I needed to signal right away
I'm in frenchfrog cucknadia, barely anyone "gets" the hat. Its saddening
Fuck dudes, this is her voicing Goku. Childhoods ruined.
Similar happened to me. Worse though. I was an aggressive kid growing up. Never committed crimes, just high testosterone I guess. I was taken out of my house by the state for fighting with my brother, and a second time for something else. Really killed that "spirit" in me, and now I'm quiet and mildly depressed. I don't have the motivation to do shit anymore. Maybe that's the goal. Who knows. Worst part is back in school I tested above 95% of my state, I was great at sports, and now I just sit at a PC wasting my days away.
What I want to know is which supplier will give me a made in USA one and not a Chinese knock off.
You need to start lifting if you're asking that question.
Just buy a set of dumbbells and watch exercises online.
Once again, redditor MGTOW cuck, you cannot blame women for the failure to uphold healthy ideals and culture anymore than you can blame a child for being raised poorly. It is the parents who are at fault, just as it is us men who are at fault. We let our civilization succumb to kike degeneration, the women of today are nothing less than the victims of our past weakness in defending our civilization.
Blaming women is the easy way out. Blaming yourself is the way forward.
Wherever there are good men, you will find good women. If you can't find any good woman, it's obvious where the trouble lies.
She even has that nigger lover face. Why do they all have those fat faces and that hip-hop video white trash look?
I too wish to see a white woman get B L A C K E D
Intimidating people never need to fight very often. Obviously you chase after the guy and force him to return your property, but at least put the fear of god into his eyes.
Here's an example of a fan stealing UFC fighter Lyoto Machida's hat. He took one look at the beta and it was swiftly returned to him, didn't even break his stride.
It's insane how brainwashed she is.
The audacity of the faggots up here knows no bounds. I'm sure their feeluns would override the logic of stealing something from a large man knowing the (((law))) would be overwhelmingly in their favour should any retaliation occur. In USA at least they have to worry about you CC'ing or something, here is a different story. No one has ever had to learn "talk shit get hit" the hard way.
It's an echo chamber. 1 more post.. saving the worst for last.
looks like 4chan is already working on doxxing her, tbh
I think the better way to put it is fuck the LEFTIST women and coal burners. Let them suffer in the misery of their own arrogant fuck you whitey ideology.
Never even had an account on reddit let alone used it, and I think MGTOW is retarded. I just acknowledge that white women have been the blunt instrument behind every attack on Western civilization. I know society is terrible now, but women are largely responsible for it. Not men. Men made the stupid mistake of giving them the vote. After that women sided with the government and just destroyed everything and stripped men of our power. This can't big fixed, in my opinion. Like the Left says, the old need to die out so new ideas can take over. Well, I believe these women need to die out and young girls of today and the future need to grow into proper ladies. The bimbos of today can't be made into proper ladies. How are we going to do it? No clue. It takes a bimbo and a man to have a child.
Gas yourself.
If I were a leftist cuck I would gladly play that game of chicken in hopes that a couple days in hospital would yield enormous media attention (in my favour) and at least a year in the slammer for the other guy.
Then again I'm not great at pretending to know how those people could act.
Serious question, if we had speakers like that today, need they worry about feeling (((suicidal))) all of a sudden, if high power levels were reached?
The coal burner helmet that shitty, soccer mom haircut; you know the one I'm talking about that they were is a strong indicator.
Same here. I should stop with the Vybrid, even if it helps with depression. I feel little to know passion anymore.
Oh man, we might have another lulcow in the making. Adding to that that she's the dub voice of Goku… so much salt.
I live on the border of your country and I can say that Canadians are kinda spoiled brats. I love ya guys but too many Canucks have that fake niceness about them.
The real problem isn't her level of brainwashing.
The real problem is the systematic brainwashing that's occurred on the "right wing" where they eschew any and all violence and remain loyal to a state and military/police that empower, embolden, and murderously defend Wiemar scum.
Figures, just felt like posting what I found.
What I found is
These people are absolute ==DEGENERATES==
It's simply disgusting what these people do.
I hope their parents weep.
Those kids have no future.
How does this have anything to do with the topic? Are you just trying to bait into a "USA vs Canada" shitfest?
>she felt assaulted, even though there was a 99.9999% chance nothing bad happened
How can these people even breathe without choking on the fucking air, guys?
No, I'm just agreeing that not many Canadians have had to learn about "talk shit, get hit".
Tell me about your mother.
fucking hell
im like you i think
im not a big guy so i try to avoid conflict as much as possible but when i see some real injustice i tend to rage out regardless of consequences
i would have 1 hit that twinky thief if i saw him take his hat
My apologies then, buddy.
I've never taken anything. The state mandated that I take therapy for "anger and depression" (at like fucking 12 years old). I always told them I don't have depression, and I never took their pills. Fuck that. Even when I was young I was against medication. The years have been a bit harsh on me, so now I can admit I might have it a bit, but I'd never do it in person because my ego and pride wouldn't allow me to confess it.
Righteous anger is something that's been demonized in culture by you know who. Don't ever doubt yourself just because others are worried about "stirring the pot" and keeping your head down regardless of reason or justice. Hold your tongue in your family's company if necessary, but spare no others.
Women aren't responsible for anything. You give a child the "responsibility" to run your household, and he runs it into the ground. It's you who's responsible, not the child.
I don't care where you've been or where you're coming from. You're a cuck weakling unwilling to take responsibility onto your own shoulders. The path to saving our culture is clear: set an example. People will always follow the strong horse. Take on a role of leadership and signal loud and clear to your local network that sluts and degeneracy are undesirable, the women will listen. At the end of the day, all their programmed for is maximizing the reproduction of the best genes. Their mating strategy today is to fuck degenerate alpha bros who sleep around and find a beta cuck to raise their child in the long term, because this is the hedonistic practice the alpha bachelors have laid out.
It's not impossible to find a traditionally raised, virgin woman, marry her and raise 10 children. The hard part is that you first have to become the rare man who deserves one.
these fucking commies. where are the fucking RWDS?
Is English not your primary language?
Believe me faggot I fucking looked into this real fuckin hard
Unless someone actually ships it to you, no retailer will ship you one, it's against the law
burn it all
Women aren't fucking children you white knighting cuck. Get the fuck out.
Oh I don't hate her, I love my mom, but she took me to every state mandated therapy session I had around 12 years old and encouraged me to take medication I didn't need. She also had me circumcised. She never taught me discipline, proper eating, structure etc. She also voted Obama twice. Just saying… My father was working 12 hours days and came home to a messy house and wild kids. A drunk. But he provided 100% every day. Women are filth. White women are filth. I don't necessarily hate them all, but I admit it. You people need to admit they're filth as well. They can't do much of anything right, and they are responsible for most of what has happened to the West.
Lurk 2 years before posting, redditor.
g-g-g-guys….she's a total nigger lover
All's good. Holla Forums is for friends.
Fuck this current government. State mandated shit at 12? And people complain about the "tinfoilers" who say that shit's messed up.
Truth. And thanks for the encouragement, user.
When I think of inner city white trash I picture those facial features. Every fucking time, I swear.
Canadian here. Will trump ship hats outside the US or do I need to get a bootleg?
Sounds like very typical sort of woman, still, it doesn't have to be that way, my mom is really nice.
Don't degenerate into a muh dick muh wymyn mgtow.
I am 99% positive microchimerism has a bigger impact than is thought, because coalburners almost always have a certain fucked up look about them.
She's fuck ugly too. Let her feel the burning fires of…
This is me, you projecting cuck. You wanna pull rank? Show something for it.
He's not even wearing the legit product. He probably got it from China or had it custom made at a random hat shop.
Those are some horrible genetics.
Is 4cuck on this? They can be useful idiots for the cause.
Nigger, they're not responsible for anything. Everyone knows women's suffrage wasn't just a massive fucking mistake, but a clearly designed kike plan to plant the final nail in democracy's long forged coffin. You can't blame them for being easily lead by emotional manipulation, it's their nature. As every successful society in the history of civilization well understood. Women don't belong in politics, their realm is in the household and only the household. Hatred of women is just another part of the kike plan to eliminate white birthrates. Their inherent femininity is what we need to preserve, not eliminate. It's your dad's fault for not putting her in her place.
Yes, it's not fair that both you and your dad has to work that much harder to undo the damaging culture ingrained in his wife, who in the past would've been raised right. But that's the kike's doing, not your mother's or her father's.
It is natures way of thinning the weak psychologically degenerate women from the herd.
If not then they have truly fallen.
Are you fucking slow? I said they are in the process of trying to doxx her
Obviously you needed 3 years, redditor. This is an anonymous imageboard: that screencap was my post, faggot.
N-No. Just tired.
ok who left the door open again?
I won't. I want kids, I just don't want to put forth the effort of dealing with modern white women. I did hear some good talk about Mormon women though. But I don't know if I want to deal with that… I do not trust white women. At all. I don't see that changing. Even my own mom has fucked me over. I don't see how you can trust them to do anything of any seriousness. Maybe I'll find some Mormon community and find a woman. At least the community will help keep her inner-whore in check and provide me a decent mother for my children.
I know that, but yes, yes I can. And I do. I will always hold it again them. I hold grudges. That's me. Fuck me over and I hate you for life. Women are responsible for what they've done, even if manipulated. They're still responsible. I'm not saying kill them all. I just want their rights revoked. The problem is we as men don't have much power in society anymore. It's the government and women and minorities against us. So the question is, what the fuck do we do about it? We're not raising a generation free of these ideals. Everything needs to collapse, and from that white men need to rise to the top, like always, and instill new ideals. Where's the collapse? It's nowhere in sight. Trump is nice and all. He's good for everyone, regardless of sex or gender, but he just prolongs the collapse. We can't revoke their rights without a collapse. We can't teach our children to be proper when most of their lives are spent around people other than their parents, and women being half of all parents, and propagating these ideals, just makes it even harder.
Looks like theft of property to me. You can start making Canada great again by taking this mugger off the street.
Did he report this?
Im in love
The oven door you mean?
Look at me everyone, I'm so important I'll sperg out if someone misses my post!
No, you've got mommy issues and are torn apart by the conflict of desire and hatred. You won't have a good relationship with any woman if you can only view her as an enemy to keep in check.
I see three faggots.
Oh well. Let's hope the collapse happens within the next 30 years, because if it happens after that I'll be too old to do shit to benefit our people…
Im 25 and I look 18.
There's someone on cuckchan who claims to have her nudes
I'm 26 and I don't know what the hell I look like. I just know once I hit my late fifties, physically, I won't be worth much. Although I could still use a gun no problem. So there's that.
Can we make the term "hay pusher" slang for any woman who would make an excellent wife?
Sounds inherently negative, not positive. "That woman's a hay pusher!" It just has a slur sound to it.
This. I'd rather use "waifu" or "good woman" instead.
You guys need to raise your standards a few notches.
I want a country girl so bad, I just don't know how they make enough money out in the country where jobs are lacking.
Imagine 100's of acres… Forests, farms, family… True inner peace..
Holy fuck, someone pass the popcorn. I think I know where this story goes from here.
Where the fuck was I when this happened? It's like I'm not even from the same place.
although maybe for the best since I hate being publicly recorded
Thats an actual woman, not some useless flabby piece of shit cunt
praise kek
You need to lower your autism a few notches faggot
Have you even seen a woman up close?
This is more of a reason to abandon white women, tbh.
I'd be willing to sacrifice the future of my race if it meant women like in OP were gone.
Get into the first position. Cut to the chase. Say, "Or else what, cunt? What the fuck are you going to do?"
Grow a spine, faggot. If you won't even defend yourself, then you are completely worthless as a man.
It's almost as if you're only allowed in if you express a certain ideology…
Look who's talking. Do you not see your own posts at all?
I swear if I had to deal with people like that I would snap, I'd smash the bitch in the face and beat the shit out of the gangly looking faggot.
That's what a real woman looks like, you little queer
Nice try, canadian chaim
Go back to west island
Me too dubs-user. Trump better invest in a fleet of helicopters for what's to come.
honorary womb
Oh jeez here we go.
aesthetics=/=wife material
Don't be a degenerate shit, if you only care about looks its not hard to go to a bar and pick up a makeup caked broad there.
Dubs tell the truth
I feel you brother
Kike detected and confirmed
Came across this video. You city schmucks should give something like this a try. Although when the shit hits the fan you're dead. Your everyone's target.
The fact you even have to ask tells me you're not ready for a country girl, city slicker. Country people wake up at the ass crack of dawn and work all day, there's so many jobs to do.
They don't sit around waiting for some asshole in a suit to make a job for them, they work the land. They raise their own livestock, they farm the land, they fish, they hunt. Haven't you ever driven through the country and seen nothing but huge, multi-acre estates with big houses and tractors and four-wheelers everywhere? Big truck and car in the garage. That shit didn't come from McDonald's.
We need to dox that whiteknight faggot who stole the MAGA hat
These leftists think they're safe, so they get away with this shit. All it will take is for some of us to literally fuck them up to shatter their delusions. I bet they never do that shit again.
Appearance is one thing, so is the potential intelligence of offspring, but idealizing someone who pushes hay around is about as desperate and spiritually degenerate as it gets.
I want it to boil over on Election Day. I want Trump to sweep the US and then have a Kristallnacht of leftist places. Fuck 'em all, let the lefties burn.
Because they would be dead. JK FBI
Florida, my man.
Not only do we have sweet gun and knife laws
Not only do we have spics gunning down niggers with no consequence
Not only do we have the world's best wild oysters
Not only do we have key lime pies
But you can work in a city that is equidistant from both the emerald beaches and your farm and forest homestead.
Not to sell the other southern coastal states short, same goes anywhere, just that the only state that really gets that blend of country and caribbean is florida.
Oh yeah it's just great living in America's retirement home, where every staff member is either a nigger or a spic
Sounds like paradise to me
Yeah, and there will be niggers everywhere.
You're right. I was planning on saving up to retire. I also wanted to make enough so that I could buy some property in the countryside so that I may tend to my plants similar to in that video.
Which white knight is worse? The faggot in the video or the faggot I'm replying to?
The answer is the faggot I'm replying to. Traitors are always the worse. They hide among us just waiting to stab us in the back.
I have 2 real MAGA hats
I'm in Adelaide, Australia
Paid big to get them shipped here
If I wear it out someone will surely grab and run
plus I don't like drawing that much attention to myself
It's a real shame how cucked Australia is.
If I had a real one i'd keep it in a safe and wear the chink one outside, which is what I already do
On that topic, it was said long ago in more traditional times, probably going back even to the ancient greeks, people who read would read aloud, which exercised the larynx and practice their verbal enunciation. Back then it was seen as strange to be reading to yourself quietly.
People were perhaps a lot more confident in their speech too in those days.
Why do we need to ask this question
Interesting, I do remember reading that the ancient Greeks took pride in being charismatic.
I am going to start doing this when in privacy.
That makes a lot of sense. I'd feel odd sitting in my room reading aloud though…
Reading aloud is to make sure you read and absorb every word of the text you niggers
Some people are visual and some are audio
these numales have seen their mother leech and thieve every single man that has stumbled into their lives, topped off with the govt running a train on their biological dads at her behest, all without consequence.
its quite dysgenic imo.
one day this kid is going to steal a hat from someone who likes reenacting scenes from american history x.
can you imagine going thru life as a guy acting like you have the "you cant touch me, im a woman" card?
Women aren't built to be smart, that's your job. And it's not purely about the physical labor aspect itself, it's about the fact that they acknowledge that it's something worth doing, which indicates a good base for values. A woman's main function is to raise good children, not debate philosophy. And so long as the woman isn't a literal retard and wasn't raised in a fucking trailer park the average intelligence of a white woman is plenty high enough to make a good mom, assuming they aren't tainted by liberal propaganda.
You can go ahead and have fun courting a modern, "educated" woman. I'll stick to country girls.
"Wife material" has been around a long time, anons.
I know, it's weird. But we know that's not the case. If the entertainment industry started selecting its talents based on arbitrary things like nepotism and personal politics as opposed to actual talent their product would start to get really terrible and they'd lose millions of dollars as people lost interest.
But we know that could never happen.
Why not that too?
People who act self-righteous like that faggot makes me want to put them down hard. It baffles me why someone that pathetic looking would be doing this if anything other than to try and impress people.
Maybe by trying to act a big guy does he feel he's compensating for is lack of masculinity.
That's pretty funny. Although if the guy with the hat had been a few inches taller, stood properly, and was bigger the little faggot wouldn't have touched his hat. I don't think it's so much he feels he's untouchable, but just that guy so blatantly gives off an aura of passivity. If I got one thing from my dad, who grew up in Philly and worked as a carpenter in Philly, it was a mean look. No one ever does shit to me. Even when I got placed in youth detention, the niggers never touched me. They went after my brother, but they'd only say little comments to me. I even had one throw a shoe in my direction, without even making eye contact (he missed), and then he ran away. By all means I don't want to fight anyone. But I look mean. So that little faggot would have never touched my hat (if I wore hats, but they look like shit on my big genetically Polish head).
Turn off the TV, son.
The vibe i'm getting from the hat stealer is I think he might be on the spectrum anons. The way he grabbed the hat out of nowhere, jumping into an argument he wasn't even really a part of, was about as socially inappropriate as the "who bitch this is" girl grabbing onto shinblade.
good advice - I'll get a reasonable looking cheap one. I find the white one sits in that nice zone of missable at a quick glance but on double take it's MAGA MANIA
How much did they pay you for this post, Schlomo?
Now I'm angry. Would Holla Forums kindly post videos of justice being meted out.
Did the white knights beat up the guy in the second video?
Wish it was me because I'd beat the living shit out of that faggot if he took shit from me. And I'm not even a Burger nor do I particularly care for all this Trump stuff.
The way I see degeneracy is its not the same as having a fetish. If you have fetishes you're not a "degenerate", its when you start publicly parading your fetishes and sexual preferences and doing it specifically for attention. I think the attention seeking is what turns the act into degeneracy personally.
Dildo bingo would be degenerate, you're doing something that's uncouth specifically to get people to pay attention to you, and more specifically your gaping gash. People who post on fetish boards act like standing against degeneracy is standing against them when that's really not the case.
having a waifu or whatever isn't degenerate, carrying a daki and listening to j-pop while rubbing your cock on it is.
Don't ask, don't tell.
No. Because the man was ready and willing to fight and white knights are fucking cowards.
“Lesbo gets knocked the fuck out”
Well you have to understand, this was in Canada. The entire thing is like San Francisco or some shit…
pretty much yes they are shit
you are just as bad as that bitch though, if thats what you want. You cucks should get over it fast or get gassed.
Calgary is pretty "conservative" by Canadian standards. California is considered right wing by the same standards though.
Everyone has fetishes, big or small, so I'm fine with fetishes. I'm just old school about it. Especially if it's bad. Fetishes are like secrets to me. Keep that shit to yourself and don't tell anyone, not even your wife or girlfriend. A bad fetish can poison a marriage (as so many cucks learn).
I like women that speak in binary
Got to love deprogramming videos. Because that's what these are. It looks harsh but remember, there women are being made better. All it takes is one good stiff lick to rollback years worth of kike "stronk womyn" propaganda. Note how shocked most of them look/the gasps that arise from the crowd that you would dare hit a girl, meanwhile they see nothing wrong with them behaving like absolute fucking animals.
I like to think some of these women go on to be productive wives and mothers to good, strong children. Their illusions of feminine invulnerability gone, left with the unassailable truth that you talk shit, you get hit, what else is left for them but to go forth and be better.
JIDF plz go
user, it's like you think it's 2006 or something.
Both the jews and white women are to blame.
There's no sympathy for race mixers. They get the rope automatically.
Do you have any videos on black knighting?
Does anyone have the Russian gameshow? They are leaning on a car, she hits him in the face with her shoes, he knocks her the fuck out on live television.
We're not there quite yet.Soon.
Is it wrong that I want her killed for crying as a result of receiving consequences for her actions? I mean, women like that (white included) just don't deserve to live… There aren't many things more disgusting to me than a woman's manipulative crying.
Continued. Found it.
Skip to 5:00.
thread has been co-opted by MGTOWs.
We get it. Men shouldn't hit women. WTF does that have to do with the OP?
*i mean women shouldn't hit men. whatever. just shut up.
At least you tried, Schlomo.
You don't understand, user. The slobbering, debased hambeast so foul she'd spit in someone's face that went down to the pavement won't be the same as the considerate, more even-tempered young lady who rises from it. She's been made better. A bitch slap isn't a miracle cure but I promise you this cunt will think twice before pulling some shit like this again in the future.
You don't even know what that word means. Those men putting women in their places get more pussy than your white knight ass ever will.
It's time to bring back the patriarchy.
If she were white, maybe. Maybe. I can't say for sure. But a nigger woman, no. She'll be fighting with another guy later that day.
Then the cunt understands how it work then?
Chavettes really need gassing tbh.
Why do people keep arguing with these retards. Just tell them no and tell them to get the fuck out.
If anyone is the kike, it's you.
Derailing a perfectly good doxxing thread.
They tried that, but these SJWs operate in groups, harass you and make a scene, try to get authorities involved or just steal your shit.
It's like that Humongous vid. She just follows the guy around because he said one word to her. She even tries to incite a mob against him and get the police to arrest him.
Better question is, why does no one carry? Get a group 10 ten, or even five decently sized guys, open carry, and no one will do shit. Maybe they'll call the cops, but the cops can't do shit if the law says you can open carry.
Biggest mistake though is we on the Right, or "Right" with some of these people, always go in with tiny groups. We're going to be outnumbered, that's a given. So go in when you've found a good 10 or 20 guys to back you up.
They try it with reason instead of authority in their voice. SJWs don't understand reason, but they understand authority. And then within seconds they get sucked into the argument.
The humongous guy was acting submissive after the joke. Never get submissive with these fags.
Asshurt femanon detected
hehehe lefties acknowledge whites are inherently better
Nonces, every one of them. If the fella' in the hat believed he was in the right, he should have had security stop the person from causing a disturbance by getting in his face.
Two types of idiots in this thread:
Here we have retard nr 1. Out of touch with reality. Most likely sad and lonely. 90% of the women he sees during a week are from pornography. There are plenty of good women out there. Find one and make white children. Do also realize the fact that all women, even if only subconsciously, want a strong man and not a chubby nice guy. Get /fit/ and radiate an aura of dominance and the right kind of woman will be drawn to you.
Retard nr 2. While it is true that white women have been used as a tool by the jewish media and academia, they are not all innocent. Look at any political stats where votes have been split by gender. Some women are indeed the enemy. Some. Not all.
it's so difficult for these people to understand that inferior does not mean worthless. Those two types are really the same: they believe one gender is great and one is evil. It's Muslim-tier, middleages-Christianity-tier thinking.
Can't see it being any different from the rest of board.
You don't think a woman can possibly have deep, honest racial and Nationalistic pride, do you? I don't. Every ideal a woman has is superficial and prone to manipulation and change. White women can never be trusted as an ally. No way. They're a tool, and they'll always be a tool. White women are an enemy right now. Plain and simple. They're literally our biggest enemy (in actual size). White women are the powerhouse behind every movement, whether that movement was started by a Jew, a Communist, or someone else. They're the hordes on the ground fighting the battles. Can't wait for the system to collapse so we can revoke all of their rights. I hope I'm alive when it happens, but I doubt I'll be. With Trump's victory it'll probably be another 100 years before the thought of collapse even enters people's minds… If he can make the changes he said.
I am so fucking tired of these shills
I know you will keep posting and I know you're going to hell.
Not a shill, I just know women's collective voting history.
spam wins temporarily
our truth is eroding the very foundation of whoever is paying you to shill.
You can keep on replying all day with terrible posts because you're paid to. Great. I'm saying that you, the actual human being behind that 15" computer screen, are going to hell and no matter how hard you spam our threads now, it's just a matter of time before you bleed
Guaranteed for never having been to the nicer parts of Florida. Congratulations on being poor but Florida is the shit my man. It's been guaranteed the #1 state in the union.
That's nice, dear.
You are waiting for someone else to do something about your virginity.
>No no.. there's nothing I can do about it. The system has to collapse and only then can I get a girlfriend. I'm completely powerless you see? So I'm not really responsible for my own setbacks. It's the system.
You are responsible. If you can't find a girlfriend who either is a conservative or is apolitical enough that you, the man of the house, can make her a conservative, then you can only blame yourself.
Nope. You know that's not true and you only say that as an excuse to shift blame onto society in general.
Does the guy say 'are you kidding me?' at the end? Are liberals constantly worried about people kidding them?
To add onto this anons point, the way to you turn people over to your side is with humor. Make the other side look stupid. I turned my mom from a SJW into a nigger, muslim, fag hating Trump supporter. I let her 'but im not racist' things slide because she's just wanting to conform, but she makes her views clear every time she sees shenanigans on the news.
that's funny
I would definitely press charges and file for a restraining order if Canada has such a thing
I have first hand experience with women with a nose like that. This bitch aint ehite. She's between jew and shitskin.
Fuck off shill.
Follow the noseeeee
The cunt probably behind that Awful Dragon Ball GT RAP in the American Airing
Second pic
"It's not hate. It's not bigotry. It's genuine fear of the loss of a way of life that really only existed for a select few."
Ok, so I was a liberal arts major about 15 years ago. And I keep seeing this argument. But, where the fuck is this narrative about the multicultural past coming from?
He treats them like people still
I would have said, "listen whore, my rights don't end where your feelings begin. If my hat bothers you, kindly fuck off."
It should ring familiar, because you heard it from Nietzche, kike. If you seriously can't tell the difference between declaring patriarchy as problematic and blaming men for allowing our society, women and children to degenerate, you should use your worthless life to die for the cause just like this hopeless faggot:
Just as I called it, why the fuck would any good woman come anywhere near this little bitch who can't even deal with his deep seated mommy issues? Every single time, the fags bashing women turn out to be angsty overgrown children. Chances are he's a halfbreed or full blown spic.
Because traitors like you are always stabbing your fellow men in the back.
Prove it. Punch yourself in the face. Do it, user. Do it now. You said that you blame yourself for the cunt in the video. You want to be held responsible for the actions of SJWs, then go right ahead. Put your fist where your mouth is. It's what you deserve. Punch yourself. Don't post again until you do so.
Just walk away and if they follow you for more than a few feet start punching them till they die.
Dear user, I write to you today with matters heavy on my heart. For you see… I cannot decided who is a bigger faggot in this video, perhaps you can help? Is it:
The skinny beta orbiter giant dressed like a lumberjack with the muscle mass of a sapling?
Is it the short guy that let a skinny giant beta orbiter faggot steal his hat?
Are you autistic? And for you fags brainstorming how to handle an SJW like this, read Zeiger's Hammer of the Patriot.
It gives you everything you need to know to take the upper hand and turn the crowd in your favor. The beta cuck with the hat and cameraman could've put her in her place easily.
His male privilege would have seen him up on assault charges for defending himself.
What's wrong, faggot? Why can't you live up to your own retarded words?
Stop name dropping books, you coward. You said it was your fault, now hold yourself responsible. Punch yourself.
Faggot who tries to act masculine and tougher than he actually is the biggest faggot.
That's it, fuck it, I'm getting myself a Maga hat, even if the shipping costs are high, I've been putting this up for far too long.
Seeing this shit is really making me debate on whether or not to start wearing mine in public.
At least when I get attacked I can pull the race card for shits and giggles.
the eternal canuck
So what do you say Holla Forums, black, or red?
woodland all the way
Fuck it, I'm picking black, fits with most clothes, I'm pretty much being the first one in my town to wear a MAGA hat, since I live in a small northern town in Spain and nobody really cares about outside politics. So I got nothing to worry.
So? Who the fuck cares
Gas yourself faggot, I can go to NH and not have to deal with a bunch of goddamn niggers and spics
Florida shill detected
Stop being a fucking faggot, I wear mostly black all the time, and I got a red one, shit stands out like a motherfucker
I dare some fucking bitch to say shit
You faggot, unlike you I don't wear black all the time, red with more red wouldn't fit you know? That's why I pick black.
I hope you don't do that at night.
It's a terrible way to ruin a driver's life.
Why do pussys like this make videos
I would knock that bitch out..and i'd knock that skinny faggot out that grabbed the hat..then if anyone else wanted to get knocked the fuck out…i'd start knocking their asses out.
U fags just mad I got a MAGA hat and you dont
get on my level plebs
I bet you did not have to pay for the shipping fees, heck, I bet you did not even pay for the cap, I bet your mommy bought it since you were too busy going to hot topic for more black clothing.
Stay mad cuck
Actually no I bought a chink copy on ass-mazon so I could signal as fast as possible
Protip : Its pretty fucking small
Also what the fuck did Trump ever said about kicking out gays and legal people?
Dumb asses.
At first I was mad too
But then I realized, these people wont survive in the real world once the socialist government supporting them comes crashing down
Either because of islam or a fucking capitalist revolution
Fuck these soulless pieces of trash, even if we do nothing, they'll get what they deserve
what do you guys do when sjws bother you?
for me, since it's usually women and i'm easily an 8/10, i just treat it as though they're flirting with me. i get their number like 70% of the time
>i'm gonna get back to _, but i'll talk to you later, alright, sjw?
it has gone almost exactly like this twice before. you might think it would not be this easy, but remember that they do this crap to virtue signal because they're lonely and desperate
I simply agree with them. You can see their mind twisting and turning over what to say when you agree with them about being a racist/bigot/homophobe/muhsoggyknees.
Their programming goes off track because you aren't supposed to agree with them, you're supposed to deny it so they can make a bigger scene, but instead they just start yelling to everyone around about how much of a piece of shit you are while you calmly stand there with a confused look on your face while this psychopath screams obscenities at everyone over what a terrible person you are.
Just like Hugh MunGus. He made a dumb joke, and calmly walked away while SJW had a meltdown. He looked like a normal sane individual, and she looked like a raging lunatic.
Lol, they really do sound like apes.
Nothing. Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.
damn what is she like 20? she looks like she is 28 or 30 in that first pic, holy fuck
That nigger caught that she boon right in the ear with an open handed full blown slap.
Might have popped her eardrum.
wow never knew how lame Holla Forums is that some bitch doing peasant tier haying would make them redfaced. what a fucking waste of hay tbh, fucking low class scum didn't even invest in a bailer because they want to LARP like its the middle ages
Fucking hell she's hideous.
You live up to my words by working toward ubermensch, and certainly not through inuldging in even more self pity through self harm. Be less dense.
You don't have to read it, Zeiger released a series of podcasts covering the book for double digits:
Red's my favorite colour, so red.
just go to the oven.
dubs and you get a home invader today.
a violent one.
sorry bru..
shouldnt run your anti-white faggot mouth though.
better board your fucking doors up 1066fd
Is it legal to punch a theif? Not in cucknadia but in the US.
I take this back, 1066fd doesn't get the angry nog today.
02534a does
my bad.
You're in the clear 1066fd
White women do need to feel the sting of the man's hand. They need to be kept in line.
dubs confirm
enjoy your dindu later, 02534a
MAGA man needed to go after the beta cuck and get his property back. Faggots aren't allow to steal your shit like that.
50 seconds in, "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS" followed by that long pause from the shewitch while her brain tries to catch up.
Fucking golden.
It is in my state
Seen this sort of shit on my campus too. Someone set a Trump cut out on fire.
It's modern culture to blame, not white women. All women act exactly the same in the same culture. Women are like sponges.
You don't just STOP at one hit. EVER. You must ALWAYS take matters to the grave if not a permanent hospital visit/life support.
Any fight you get in.
Any altercation.
I don't care who or what it's with.
You take that shit to the fucking morgue.
No mercy.
No remorse.
If you're afraid of some beta fag stealing the hat, you don't deserve to wear it in the first place.
Reminder to filter these TRP/MGTOW-type fags
Conservative and even far-right women exist; infact statistics indicate there are slightly more women who don't accept things like race-mixing and degeneracy than there are men.
But these types INSIST ON DATING LIBERALS and then blame ALL women for whatever they get.
I've dated many conservatives women in my life, currently engaged to a rich nazi woman who is also fantastically traditional.
I still have a great friendship with all of my ex'es, I was never abused, they never thought of caving to degeneracy, they are good people.
Do not listen to AWALT propaganda.
Conservative/Fascist/Nazi women are great, they are out there, you just need to avoid liberal circles/women, which TRPfags are unable to do because they are too faggy, coward and low-standard sewage.
Your right, by 24 the average American woman has had closer to 50 cocks inside them.
Citation needed
Sounds like something straight out of a comfy doujin
They're called married women, yes. Too many fucking manlet white knight cucks on Holla Forums.
Totally this. Also, women generally adopt the views of the dominant males in their lives. They really don't care about this stuff on the same level as we do. They'll be a feminist one day and then just drop it like yesterday's trash like it was nothing.
It would not surprise me one bit if there were a merchant behind MGTOW. It will eventually be shown, I have no doubts.
What's AWALT?
Pussy worshiping manlets.
I don't have to take my memetic threat back. Would you like to be visited by a feral nog today?
AWALT stands for All Women Are Like That. It's supposed to refer to the motivations that drive women to do certain things, like having a preference for men with social status and power over whiny fags. But a lot of guys use it as if this girl is a slut, then all women are sluts. Where it'd be more accurate to say all women have the potential to be sluts for the same reason, but not all of them are. Though they probably will be in the right circumstances.
That's what I thought.
It's a pernicious meme that follows the merchant psychological tactic almost to the letter.
1. Exploit an insecurity or failure, convince the target that it is an injustice and not their fault/just the way life is sometimes. The totality of this injustice must be made to seem overwhelming.
1a. The solution to this is destructive behavior/isolation.
2. Give them a meme that will help them see examples later on that re-enforce part 1.
3. Give them a meme that makes them blind to counter-examples and/or attack anybody who tries to show them counter-examples. A feeling of superiority over the "sheep" is a great one, as it angers/makes defensive those who want to help them, and makes the original victim feel that he has increased his status by re-enforcing part 1.
100 times this, the merchant psyop template is based on finding any sort of exploitable differences of gender, culture, lifestyle, identity, race, etc. and kind of insecurity or psychological attack surface within one of those groups, and then making them hate or isolate from each other with D+C. MGTOW follows this bullshit to a T, and it is the precise psyop process used to create feminists and drive a wedge between men and women.
So they assaulted him and stole his property, yet they believe themselves the hero? All Marxist indoctrinated scum go into the oven.
Agree on that, user. That cunt is clearly ashkenazi.
No. She is not white. She is from your filthy tribe, neanderkike.
Reminder: Kikes using MGTOW shit to derail the thread.
She never touched the guy. The one who grabbed the hat was the beta.
Any progress on doxxing her or the beta?
The Myth by Alfred Rosenberg explains the role men and women play in Germanic society and, European society in general.
His writings basically demolish the MGTOW arguments.
She is not brainwashed. It is her job to brainwash others. She is a kike.
this is new
First. Post. Every. Time.
Holy shit, come to think of it…
You're a feminist.
We know, user.
Why did they have to kill Harambe?
He legitimately dindu nuffin until some nigga broke into his house, he was only standing his ground.
great post Chaim
beat me to it. I was going to say the exact same thing
Renegade Radio and colleagues (which includes Sinead Mccarthy) are feminists and highly active here.
i.e, well spotted.
They're not difficult to out: some stylographic traits to look for:
When will people believe me about shills?
Fuck off, Sinead.
confirmed hook nose
Get the fuck off the call Mikey.
mfw i wear a trump hat everyday and never seem to rustle any jimmies
Is there a place I could download the entire moonman discography in high quality?
And here I thought I was the only one in Calgary walking around with a MAGA hat.
I'd very much like to see some cunt try to tell me to take my hat off because it's triggering her. I would also very much like some faggot to try and snatch it off my head. It's an official MAGA hat
Slusar Name Meaning
Ukrainian and Jewish
New Holla Forums Lolcow, TrigglypuffTier of lulz.
Hi ghost politics
She's fucking retarded
A university should be a place where you shoudln't get attacked
Yet on the video she clearly attacked the guy.
She didnt' come up and ask him to take the hat off. She DEMANDED it. And kept badgering him. Over and over and over. Where is her school suspension?
She's so fucking dumb, she doens't realise, that the reason why no one supported her, is because she was too fucking left nut wing REEEEEEEEE on this guy. For a fucking hat@!
a hat!