How do we stop pedophiles?

Just permanently blind them, they aren't going to be fucking kids if they can't see. same way a thief can't steal if he doesn't have hands. These sick fucks shouldn't even breat air, but people can put a stop to it by gouging their eyes out.

You could also remove age of consent laws and change the verbage/dictionary definition of "pedophilia" therefore all sex would be legal and you wouldn't have to worry about this anymore

There would be no more pedophiles if all sex was legal
Win-Win in my book
Imagine a very near future, say 2020, with NO pedpohiles!

t. ox
youre getting creative with your threads and i respect that.

fugg lolis, tbh

Who can blame them?

find a better loli to shill.

im using the good ol 'call everyone _' and eventually youll be correct tactic. dont take it personally, kraut.

You should just be publicly executed sir.

If we are all anonymous, how can you tell which threads are mine?

Dolls wont put an end to this


kys too

but user is right. the laws need changed and definitions reverted back to their original. the definition of pedophilia obviously hasn't changed. that's an adult who is attracted to a child. what most spergs fail to realize is that the definition of "child" has changed. it's now used as a tool, rather than a descriptor

nope youre not ox.
my sincere apologies.
no thanks im not a coward.

a child would technically be anyone who is prepuberscent. so anyone under 13 would be one and fucking someone over 13 would not be pedophillia . however it is degenerate behaviour that should be eliminated. there is no excuse for a 30 yr old to fuck a 15 yr old.

lolis are hitting puberty at 9/10.

my cousin started hers last month and she is 7
been nothing but crying all day everyday complaining about her cramps

she literally does her "cry" voice when she doesnt want to get out of bed and will ask others to bring her stuff. if you dont help her she screams and cries loudly saying
It is very annoying. This is why
Girls before puberty>Girls after puberty

i'm a guy and i started around the same age. I'm 19 today and still haven't finished. i'm still getting more body hair and beard hair is thickening. also more horny.

Treat pedos just like a bird and let them have all they want until they explode when they get full

T. non pedo

Wanna know how I know you're fucking retarded? Usually this is where the post ends, but I'll help you out. If she's fucking her husband and only her husband (especially if the sex is meant for procreation) it is generative, the polar opposite of degenerate.
If it's consentual and legal, your opinion on the matter is irrelevant. If a 15yo wants to fuck a 30yo, unless you're her parent, it's none of your goddamn business. Suck a giant cock.

Just gonna take a wild guess here and say her father isn't around? Girls hit puberty sooner when the dad isn't around - biological drive to produce more men since men are in short supply. Of course it could also be the estrogen from all the plastics & shit

Child abusers and abusers in general are the ones you need to go after, not pedophiles.

There is a good cure for girls who overplay their cramps for attention and/or benefits. It is called a spanking.

or anal

I like this answer better

we need to legalize child porn so pedos have easy access to it and can masturbate to it instead of abusing children


So… should pedos be forced to kiss little boys on the bottom? Is this is what is being suggested here? I am confuse.