When did you first realize that movies are shit?

When did you first realize that movies are shit?

When they became shit.

When I watched pic related

You might be tempted to say when kikes took over the movie industry, but they always ran it.

The problem is the quality of kikes degraded. Just look at Mel Brooks vs Amy Schumer.

They were shit long before many of us were born user. The difference is now people's tastes are shit, so shit becomes popular.

The eternal normie ruining everything once again.

Remember back in the 90s and early 2000s when there was occasionally a major release that wasn't a superhero film, or a sequel, or some sort of adapted work? About the time all that original OC stopped and the other stuff I mentioned picked up.


After batman forever.

No because that shit was around in the 90s and early 2000s you millenial nigger faggot.

kys nigger

Around my fourteenth birthday, so late 2002.
My parents took me to see The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and I thought "holy shit this is the most bland, generic film I've ever seen"
Then I check the reviews and saw everybody loved it, in fact it was the highest grossing film of the year.

When I started posting in Holla Forums

boy…comong, there are better batmans.

After watching Double Dragon.

Was he autistic?

It's not what I consider a well-written movie, but for a batman made by literal jew faggot it's actually not bad as far as the production design goes. I liked how Gotham was was caked in neon, and Val Kilmer is probably the perfect live action Bruce Wayne, and a decent Batman to boot. And Nicole Kidman was diamond dick inducing.

It's only problem was Jones and Carrey acting like cackling retards instead of having any nuance to their characters, and the fact that the original cut had more backstory to it (such as how two face escaped from Arkham Asylum). Shame we'll never see a full cut of it.

Meant for

This. Old Jews weren't as bad as new ones.

It was trending in that direction but the 90s still had plenty of original efforts, particularly in the first half. Even more so the 80s, and much less so the early 2000s (although there were a few). Point still stands though, cinema in general is a state of pure creative bankruptcy at this point. Incompetent writers/directors/producers, content saturation…and so on and so on…

It was definitely more of a comedy, i can agree with you.

omg at least they tried and it wasn't just awful and shameless ego centric comedy. Mel Brooks is pretty big though.

When I realized american kino flooded europe and pushed for France to drop their ban american movies, while not allowing french movies on american cinemas.

Reminds me when Amerika demanded a cancellation of the quota tax imposed on murcan movies in Korea
Koreans managed their movies and film school with a percentage of all the money made by foreign movies, when they started making their own decent shit, more people went to see the movies, more went to see their own local movies and americans had to pay big bucks compared to the winnings

They actually accomplished to eliminate it, and Koreans since then have made fewer movies
Thanks, Israel Puppet

a*erica was a mistake

Jews were a mistake

well, america is basically their golem, so

When threads on Holla Forums degraded into calling each other 'pleb'.

t. pleb

When I stopped watching movies and flicks and only watched kino.

How is that a bad thing? Tbh the French and Italians shouldn't even be allowed cameras.

No wonder murcunts call current capeshit flicks "kino"

Eurokino > Amerikino
Always and forever. As far as we are concerned your film industry should crash and burn.


Eurokino all has the same plot: a married person has a homosexual affair and they have to choose between degeneracy and being a human. Amerikino gives us shit like the plane scene or christian bale pointing to the upper right.

Oh go ahead and try to convince yourself most of gaykino isn't american.

Continuous capeshit & retreads

What memes have ever come from eurokino? None. It is useless.

This tbqh

This. The last European movie I remember lots of Americans wanted to watch was The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. And that was a few years ago. Explain yourselves Europoors.

who cares about what dumb americans want to watch

Why do I bother asking when I know exactly what the response will be? Never change Europoors. Never change.

As cliche as it might sound eurokino has more substance and better pacing.
But to your overstimulated brain they seem slow and drawn out.

I'm still not hearing any memes that it made. What worth does it have if it doesn't resonate?

What about experiments that it was based on ?

We need to find better Jews to fight the current Jews.

That's not true. They also have cunny.

How is it bland and generic?

Can you gve examples of films?

The solution is too genocide the Jews that run Hollywood.

Give examples of films.

why not genocide all americans altogether? nothing of value would be lost anyway


He's going to spend most of his late life sucking Mahmoud's cock before it gets thrust into his daughter.

the rich ruined everything, as usual. every movie has to be "safe" for investors.

I love how mad Americucks get.

Neil Breen would spit on you.

Yes, the (((rich)))

I don't watch shit. I watch well produced and directed films and sift through shit easily