I'll start teratoma
Disturbing things you didn't know existed
That is pretty disturbing - I learned something new today, OP. Cheers!
I have nothing to contribute aside from a bump, but lurking because I like to make my skin crawl.
Ectodermal Dysplasia, Harlequin-type Ichthyosis & Treacher Collins Syndrome
I got really fucked up teeth too
are you jewish
teratoma are tumors left behind if an unborn twin merges with a child in utero.
Those teeth you see in OP's pic? Those didn't come from the patient's mouth.
my teeth are blue
Welcome to 2004 nigger
This is the mystical blue waffle?
I purposefully avoided it all these years for some reason, and that's all it is?
Damn weak shit.
what you non contributing nagger I'm grasping for straws trying to keep thread going
i saw this shit in 7th grade when some retard tricked our teacher into googling it while the projector was on
Man, Andy Samberg is looking a lot better these days
Ugh c'mon man spoiler that shit
Not a lot better…
If you piss in the amazon river this will swim up your stream, into your dick and the barbs on its head will keep it there while it eats your dick.
I've always wondered what the blue waffle actually is. Yeast infection gone wild?
Pic related
sounds /comfy/ tbh
sounding is patrician
Bump for more weird shit
Everything you just said is very controversial and most likely not true at all.
there is only one documented case that definitely happened; but the risk of it is likely very overstated by people who say "you will guaranteed get a fish up the peepee if you make pee inna amazon". but i do think that there have been many more historically
t. expert professional scientist
why can they not just institute sleeping pills or benzodizepenies or a whole slew of pharmaceuticals to counter the symptoms of insomnia?
Nothing appears to work.
shit that is terrifying
I knew about that, and it's something I'm pretty terrified of. Especially the hallucinations, because I have PTSD (no, not from child abuse) and easily hallucinate in the dark. All it takes is a noise that reminds me of the shit that I went through and I'll see and hear shit and get really paranoid. If I can sleep, it usually fixes it, or if I turn the lights on, but often I'm too terrified to move to reach the light switch. So just waiting for it to end, or if I'm in bed waiting to fall asleep, are the only ways to stop it unless I feel brave enough knowing it's not real. If I couldn't fall asleep, holy shit. I'd go totally insane.
That guy sounds like a cool dude tbh
I bet all you did was sit in the corner and pout about it.