Donald Trump first said 'Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.' - September 11, 2001

Trump went on to say a bomb must have punched a hole through the building.

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Hi nisky :D

He's got to have major deep state back up.

Good find. Means he's been on our side (or we on his?) from the very start of the post-911 days.

Which goes along with the narrative that he's also going to go after the people responsible for 'hundreds of friends' lost at 9/11. Mind you, that was only a short while after family tragedies occurred in his life.

He didn't say anything about jet fuel not being able to melt steel beams. What he said goes hand in hand with the "no planers" who claim the planes couldn't possibly have penetrated the towers and it was all CGI.

Expect "Clues Forum" autists to start flooding this thread…

Fuck man, what if Trump is working with rogue deep state who knew 9-11 was Israel and neocons and opposed it?

What a rotten goy! How dare he question the official narrative. Who does he think he is to think up his own theories? What's next, he's going to revisit the holocaust?

He was happy a kike married his daughter. Nice try JIDF

He keeps his enemies close

It was implied, you gay homosexual


There have got to be multiple secret societies and mystery schools in play in the world and some of them should have goals similar to ours. I mean can you honestly think that there would be no whites fighting back when in absolute numbers there are more whites geniuses than the entire Jewish race?

Makes me think that imageboards and Kek is all part of their game to crush the current global establishment.

Good thing his friend Lucky Larry wasn't one of them.

I think with Jews, Jewing, the closer they get to ultimate power, the power they infight, like a yiddish Highlander.


When the powers are in the hands of a few, they can dictate public awareness, they can dictate public discourse.

Having millions of Geniuses means nothing if the information being fed to them is bullshit.

about this "can't melt" part
not only it can, in conditions where heat concentrates
but there's not even a need to reach the melting point to have a steel beam lose enough strength to fail under stress

pic a lot related

jes' sayan

Insurance and perhaps naivety, he often says his weakness is that he's too trusting but that he can't forgive or forget.

He's not even implying it though. He is just saying that a plane on it's own could not have punched through the steal that made up the exoskeleton of the towers. He's talking about the initial impact, not the weakening of the steel that "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" refers to.

So there was enough fuel in the plane to melt the entire building?

That's not what "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams refers to." It refers to the molten metal seen streaming out of the towers prior to collapse, as well as being found and photographed in the rubble.

Thinking that Jews make up the entire rather than most of the power structure is foolish user.

Has that stopped 1-2 million Holla Forumsacks from existing?

You overestimate your enemy and in doing so you give them power.

Molten metal existed on the days of 9/11, check it

The interesting thing is, people always get stuck on the Twin Towers. Which due to the various forces acted upon it, did the fire suppression fail, did steel beams fail, did it get hot enough, and misinformation spread, the removal of evidence at the site post 9-11 makes it a difficult case to argue.

It's far easier and more straightforward to talk about WTC7.

WTC7 came down in a textbook demolition in 6 seconds. The owner of WTC7 said in an interview, the decision was made to "pull" the building, due to fire damage. How was a building of that size organized to be demolished on the same day as 9/11? Engineers must be called in, to determine structural weaknesses, to identify the best way for the building to come down upon itself without toppling into nearby buildings. This process takes weeks, along with setting up the explosive charges along certain points, taking out load bearing walls etc…

Secondly, who takes that sort of job ON 9/11 with buildings having planes exploding into them?

So why doesn't anyone talk about that?

Good call. WTC7 is crucial, especially also the too-early reporting of it falling down. This alone should bring down the narrative, though there's also the lost trillions, whose documents were stored in a wing of the Pentagon which got hit, and in WTC7 itself.

I suppose I should clarify and say with 'ultimate power', that they're getting close to their ultimate goals. At which point like Sysifus they go too far and watch the boulder roll all the way down the other way - to the Right side of the mountain.

Do you have a video / article of the WTC7 owners saying that?

check em


I think it's best to just to focus on the mountains of evidence linking the Mossad to it and putting the physical aspect on the back burner.

Even if two planes did manage to knock down three buildings with the power of Yahweh, the jews still did it.


Just the raw video without the chubby guy:


no of course not
what happened in the two towers, according to a yuro building engineer friend of my family who worked on a few skyscrapers and made modelizations of what happened for security purposes, the two towers had several structural pillars in the center, made of steel beams encased in concrete, the planes impact fractured the concrete, the fire with fuel and any available combustible material was hot enough to reach the temperature of plasticity of the metal, and the weight of the building above the impact point caused the metal to squish like playdoh, press on already weakened concrete, and when the steel got soft enough the damaged section of the pillar failed catastrophically, letting the building top fall from one floor high on floor just under it, causing them to fail in cascade

the molten metal stories may be explained by the amount of kinetic energy expended by the fall, and the fact that crushed minerals make good thermal insulators, the numbers add up in the models the engineer studied at his company
I don't know about "molten metal seen streaming out of the towers prior to collapse"

in fact, physics explain an awful lot of what happened this day with only steel, concrete and two aircrafts
most truthers inventing bombs or sabotage or ayyliums and whatnot only serve to ridiculize people wanting answers about those who knew what would happen and chose to let it happen for political gain

I think what I found unbelievable was not so much that the building collapsed. But lets say that some of those beams were exposed to temperatures high enough to make them fail. Well then shouldn't the building have tipped or leaned? Why did every single column just implode and drop THREE buildings straight down? This is what has bothered me more than any other fact; an uneven fire in a building just shouldn't cause symmetrical systematic collapse.

Here's John Kerry admitting WTC7 was brought down in a controlled demolition.

No building of those sizes in modern architectural history has been taken down with fire alone.

Linking Mossad documents is easy to dismiss as "conspiracy theories" or "anti-semitism" but when you look at it from a purely objective standpoint, with the evidence, it was planned.

Since it's physically impossible to organize a controlled demolition of WTC7 within hours. It's simply impossible.


Lost trillions? Never heard that part of it. Care to elaborate?


Anyone have a link to the debate moment Trump called out the Bushes for hastily zipping the Al-Qaeda family back to Saudi Arabia on September 11, 2001? I don't know how Bush even got al-Qaeda through, weren't all planes supposed to be grounded?


weeks before alot of place were closed off for "renovation" they removed all sniffing dogs from the builting after that until the final day.

have you ever watched a documentary on 9/11? not only that, you can say what you want but its imposible for a normal building to fall at those speed without being made of toothpick.

to go more in details about his simulations, he studied the propagation of the shockwave in the towers, in the ground and in the surrounding buildings
there were skyscrapers all around the buildings
the two planes impacted at an angle from each other
that means that the shockwaves (polarized longitudinally along the two towers) entered the ground through the towers foundations and traveled horizontally along the directions of the planes
as the planes came from different directions, there was necessarily a point where the showkwaves intersected, this point was wtc 7
if the planes had come from elsewhere it would have been another building

and wtc7 had huge dammages, from the firemen who worked on it
there was a fuel tank in the basement that got damaged and burned, internal water and electricity systems failed, internal pillars and pieces of the lowest floors got fractured/collapsed, then a huge chunk of one of the towers fell on it and tore through the facade, then when the towers fell it got hit by a significant pseudo-earthquake that wrecked its shit so hard firemen had to retreat and let fires burn unchecked

the shockwave even explains why the guy who was giving a conference in the lowest floor of the 1st tower felt an "explosion" or shock coming from the floor close to one second before he heard the plane impacting
sound in concrete goes at above 1100 m/s, and in air it goes at 330 m/s
the dude felt the plane impact transmitted by all the tower and then his floor, feeling the vibration through his feet
and 0.73 seconds later he heard it coming from the atmosphere outside and in the tower

you mean the one (1) screenshot of the bbc, taken at an unknown time, when images of a talking-head chick that was reading hastily-written bullshit that was broadcast in a loop because no one had a clue what happened, cast in front of a green screen where the tv station inserted images that came from other channels or recordings of cameras somewhere in NY, and under which images were inserted a running text composed at an unknown time, and on this text appeared "wtc7 down" while the recording of the chick said "firemen in wtc7" ?
that one "too-early" reporting for which you don't happen to have a certified timestamp that it happened before it fell and not a couple hours later?

what is most irritating about well-meaning questioners is that they invariably follow shills whose only job is to ridiculize the "truthers" by making them search ridiculous ideas to allow the real criminals to slip away behind the curtains

oh, and thermite was found in the ruins
that's because thermite was used in 1971 when the towers were built to weld together the huge steel beams, same technique used today to weld high-speed railroad tracks
and the burnt thermite slag was left in place because it's extremely hard ceramic-like substance that makes excellent concrete filler material

Fucking this. I've entertained this idea with Pat Buchanan being a part of a radical traditional Catholic sect or something similar helping out Trump. There has to be neo-Vril and neo-Thule Societies out there, implying that they went away.

I'm not really interested in the simulations, or what the talking heads said.

The owner of WTC7 said the building was pulled. The building came down under controlled demolition in 6 seconds. Now assuming the began preparation to demolish the building as soon as the first plane hit, then that means they had a few hours to plan, organize and set up what major demolitions contracters take weeks to do.

So it throws the Twin Towers, the attack, the entire official story into the trash.

The planes hit the towers at the perfect angles to intersect their shockwaves and concentrate enough force to destroy a third tower. Sure. How retarded do you think we are?

If there was any doubt this poster is JIDF, that settled it.

BBC acknowledged that it was legit, although they gave an excuse.

We are the culmination of decades of memetics

no you moron, you got it wrong
The planes hit the towers at an angle, any angle is sufficient, if their trajectories had been parallel this would not have happened, but there was an angle, so it did, and the aircrafts directions intersected on 7 to intersect their shockwaves and concentrate enough force to dammage a third tower, that then got dammaged further when a skyscraper fell on it, and that burned unchecked all morning because it was too dangerous for firemen to stay in, and then it collapsed when firemen decided to "pull out of it"


the excuse was that the time at which the girl was talking, the time at which the images of wtc7 were taken, the time at which the text under the screen was written, the time at which recording of all these were put together and broadcast, and the time at which a screenshot of a rediffusion of this scene was taked were all different
but bbc acknowledged to have broadcast these images
this doesn't make a proof that they knew it had fallen half-an-hour before it happened
also why would british-broadcasting-corporation and its few thousands of employees be aware of something like that (and not spill the beans in the next 15 years) when 100% of other media worldwide have to publish data only after they are made aware of it?


The excuse was that it was bad info from Reuters, and there's a video, not a "screenshot".

a screenshot that moves, same diff

False dilemma you dumb fuck.

And you actually expect people to believe you aren't a kike…

When did Building 7 actually fall? After both towers fell? Between the 2?

I think you'd better start a demolitions company sir, since if you can set up skyscrapers for controlled demolition within an hour or two, then you'd sweep the market.

6 hours after building two.

You know they are desperate when the official story sounds like a conspiracy cover up lol

I know I'm not, I don't expect much from you
but debating retarded theories without doing the hardcore science to know how the towers fell can only help the real criminals
by allowing them to hire experts who can say "those truthers are retarded"
when these same truthers should in fact ask about the insurance deals of the jews who owned the towers, about the date at which was written the patriot act that got signed a couple of months after 9/11 and that morphed merica into a police state with militaro-industrial-xomplex profits increased by 400% in the next two years, about the people who made a killing by shorting the aircraft companies, etc, etc, etc…

Canadians were online after and during the attacks shit-posting against Americans, laughing at Americans dying. I'll never forget that. I can't wait until the day we get to kill Canadians.

official story?? you believe I'm telling you some sort of official story? are you retarded?
you know full well that there is NO official story, because the physics is just complicated enough that most people would gloss over it so it would be pointless anyway, and the fact there is no official story enables any shill to push the narrative in stupid directions where enquirers get lost in idiotic unprovable theories, thus allowing the real culprit to slip away and let hirelings to take the stage for the "official debunking" of the worst ideas

DO THE FUCKING MATHS instead of wasting the possibility to obtain justice because you found it easier to be a "truther"

See you are working from a conclusion and working backwards.

If you start from the beginning, ignore the Twin Towers, there is too many variables to take in, too much evidence was sent as scrap, too many unknown quanities, with the planes, whether systems failed, were there bombs on the place etc etc.

So you go to WTC7. I had recieved damage, and had fires apparently raging out of control that went on for hours. The owner of the WTC told the fire chief to pull the building, the building came down in 6 seconds in a vertical implosion collapse, textbook demolition style.

They had only a few hours to organize this, during 9/11. That is impossible in any reality to have the manpower, planning and speed to achieve this in any reality.

Therefore the conclusion must be, that the WTC7 demolition was planned weeks or perhaps months in advance. And no one was told.

Now why would that be?


He always knew because he's been here before.

Damn it, I didn't need to now that Tay was a shitskin dyke.

now THAT I don't have enough data about it
from the videos I remember and pictures afterwards, it didn't look very much like a demolition at the time, iirc the center collapsed first, then the extremities fell on it
and the building got sprayed much wider than its own footprint,
also from the articles I remember it was a fireman chief who used the word "pull" to call back his men, about a half-hout before it collapsed
got any sources that were not rewritten several times by shills?


Of course they used her as the model, it was Silicon Valley that did the marketing. You wouldn't want them to look racist would you?

Controlled demolition has the center of the building collapse first, so the outer walls collapse inward, reducing the footprint of the collapse and minimizing unitended 3rd party damage or toppling.

9/11 happened well before 4chan was even created.

Yeah, does anyone have the video of WTC7 collapsing? I've seen it, just don't have it. Also of the news being reported before it happened.

what would be useful to know what happened would be a report from the firemen who were on wtc7
if the building was damaged enough, maybe a single explosive charge on one of the remaining structural components could have been enough? this could be set up very fast


What the fuck are you talking about?

The only logical explanation is either memes or timetravel. And he/his father/grandfather was in possesion of Nicola Tesla work.

He's John Titor.

That argument makes no sense.

Firstly you have to assume the 9/11 First responder Firemen were carrying explosives into a burning building to fight a fire.

Secondly you have to assume that someone with a small amount of explosives knew exactly where to place them to trigger perfect collapse.

Even in controlled demolitions sometimes go wrong.

None of that scenario sounds remotely plausible.


That requires simultaneous impact of both planes, you physics-ignorant fuck


Why cut it short? It's obviously taken two half statements out of context considering larry silverstein wasn't the developer of the WTC.

The two WTC towers were not taken down by fire alone.
Why are you so convinced that it was a controlled demolition?
Why wait so many hours? Why would the owner make the radio call and not, say, the demo tech? Why does "pull it" mean "controlled demolition"?

That is the stupidest thing I have ever read.

It's edited by some disinfo kike pretending to be one of us.

Prophecy is intellectual, as well as intuition.

Intuition is based on Intellect.

Far too few study the science of mind and consciousness.

Can't read what you posted because you're filtered, you utter faggot.

Another damning evidence. There is no way 9/11 wasnt planned.

That's why you have to remove them from the equation, there is no evidence one way or the other left to theorize whether the planes may have has high explosive or anything else.

All you are left with is WTC7

John Kerry mentions WTC7 brought down by controlled demolition

Silverstein says "The decision was made, to pull, and we watched the building come down"

"Pull it" is a common term in the demolitions industry to describe Pulling it down (a building)

The videos show the building coming down in a textbook controlled demolition, center drops first, pulling the center of gravity of the walls to the center, minimizing the collapse footprint.

Which resembles almost exactly comparison professional controlled demolition

So after going through the various scenarios, I can only come to the conclusion that WTC7 was prepared beforehand weeks or months, to be destroyed.

The owner of the WTC buildings recieved a several billion dollar insurance payout, after signing up the buildings for insurance a few weeks beforehand.

Even with this circumstancial evidence would be enough to call for a trial…. in a fair world.

You must be new here.

After searching for half a hour, here it is, but not as good as i expected originally


Yeah, I don't this is a conspiracy that'll ever be taken seriously. The whole "911 was a part time job" and other shit completely killed it amongst most of the populace. Once an event becomes a running joke, I just don't see going back. I mean you can try, but you'll be met with mockery, and as evidenced by our own actions, that's what kills the beast.

Wow, Divide and conquer against Canadians, AND "Muh 9/11 wasn't Israel" all in the same thread.

That, is a level of shillary I have not yet seen on this earth.

When have we ever been unified?

Hideous captions aside it is pretty decent footage of the "charges" many people claim
Now we only need those of the towers, and those 2 vids with the guys looking down from the plane crash holes, where there's supposedly insane temperatures

All theories aside, the most convincing two pieces of evidence for me were the speed of the building collapse and the footprint of the collapse. I've seen plenty of building demolitions and the way it works is that the building falls directly onto its footprint as much as possible. In a supposed 'plane hitting upper floors scenario', the path of least resistance wouldn't be straight down. Buildings are built with safety factors built into them so one floor collapsing onto another wouldn't crush that floor because each floor is rated to be strong enough to carry the strength of three to five floors. I remember as a kid watching news coverage of the towers and they kept saying there was a ton of molten metal in the basement of the wtc. No idea why that was. Also I never got a good explanation why wtc7 fell directly onto its footprint as well.

Why would you have to "prove" anything else? If WTC7 was taken down with preplanned demolition, impossible to set up in a few hours WITH fires raging for horus and Firemen wandering around, then the hole in the story is blown open so wide you can fly planes through it.

It's a pre-emptive thing.

They are using D&C tactics to prevent anyone from teaming up against them.

If we can push this, expect a military coup should the election be rigged. A large number of our special forces lost their parents in that treasonous blast, and they're gonna be furious.

wat, why would you want a damn plane going there when you have all those factors already
Unless you wanted to justify it, which it seems wasn't worth the time for them

Okay, well I don't give a shit about Canadians. My rout to my first Nationalist red-pill included loads of arguing with Brits and Canadians about past wars, like the war of 1812. My "red-pill" ideology involves disliking them.

I think this would be a better red pill:

Remember, History is written by the victor, and in the past several hundred years, that has been the (((Globalist Bankers)))

Do you think this wasn't known at the time? The 9/11 truthers have been resoundingly defeated, culminating in the release of the 28 pages with all the interesting bits redacted. I don't know if you're on the younger side but we have been blaring airhorns on this issue for a long time to no avail.

It's not so much the wars themselves, but the interactions regarding the wars. Similar to why so many Brits hate Poles. I don't blame citizens for wars. But when your Nationalist views involve you speaking down to me, well then I could kill you and not give a shit…

Yes, but talking about structural engineering and how buildings should fall is hard to explain to people, they have no experience with it. Plus you have to deal with 15 years of melted beams, fires, now explosive aluminium is a new one, the theories keep coming, once one starts to look flimsy.

It's easier to start WTC7 because it's a straight, its on fire, then it completely collapsed resembling a perfect controlled demolition, they admitted it. And they fucked up, because you cannot set up a demolition of a building that size in the 6 hours after the twin towers fell, with fires, and firemen wandering about. That takes weeks of prep. Each building has to be reviewed individually to have its weaknesses identified and charges laid and timed correctly for the building to collapse with a minimal footprint.

The problem is the Warren Commission still haven't released information, indicating they found things people didn't want to find. The government will keep attempting to block things until every person is dead.

FIlter. Obvious shill dragging out old shit that everyone knows is wrong. Constantly moving the goal posts, making false assumptions, etc. Stop interacting with this shill.

I really kick myself for not saving this but there's a video somewhere on liveleak where the first half of the video is a guy checking different circuits and then the second half of the video is FLIR camera footage of the WTC. Definitely one of the spookier videos I've seen.

There ARE disagreements between nations, when the majority of such disagreements have been made by the very (((Group))) who has made all of its profit and power, pitting nation against nation.

I understand what you mean about the interactions between wars, and these are social interactions, influenced by social engineering practices that predate many of the largest wars of this recent age.

World war 1 and 2 were wars for bankers, and despite which side won… the bankers grew in power and profit.

Attempting to pit nation against nation as a nationalist ideology while simultaneously attempting to use nationality as a rallying cry to defend against the D&C tactics of the bankers is probably unwise; as our division is the bankers profit and power.

All nations share the same fate if we fail, and all nations are subject to the same tactics of behavioral conditioning in the lead up to these struggles.

Nationality can be a great cohesive force to unify populations against the globalist threat, as the globalists seek to institute tactics of D&C, dividing nations against themselves, to weaken them to make conquest assured.

But to grasp the unification strength of Nationalism, while simultaneously pitting nation against nation, only aids the globalists tactics.

What we need is to unify people by nation, and to unify nation with nation to stand against these internationalist cliques.

(((Their))) power lies in money, deception, and the dis-unity of their prey.

There is a very good reason that they want us divided, and fighting with eachother….

They FEAR us.

They FEAR that we shall unite, and overthrow their tyranny.

They are but a few people, their power and wealth stems only from the silent and ignorant consent of the masses.

If we unite against them, they will be utterly powerless.

And what is more, they know it.

How exactly do you think this would happen though? If people decided to meet, spread news that would result in such unrest and threat of uprising in the population, then I'm sure the internet kill switch or self DDos is ready, to make communication impossible, enabling the Military and National Guard to swiftly crush the lesser organized citizenship.

The probably even have a Government reviewed report and recommendations on what to do if the citizenry decides to rise up.

I have a meme for this one already. lol.

that's a lot of brainwashing to undo.

She looks scared.

If I look at that picture for too long I start to get queasy in the stomach. I'll tell you the best way to undo the brainwashing of that pair of faggots: bullets. Plenty bullets to go around and they get the job done in the fraction of a second.


It looks to me like she is trying to fit into the Mainstream media's social proof expectations of her, by submitting to these smug looking fools.

She is scared of being abandoned by civilization if she doesn't fit in with what the media says is expected of her…

But just look at her eyes, she doesn't want to be there.

IT is best not to look at them as Faggots…..

It is best to look at them as female eunuchs who are angry at that fact.

It is far more accurate.

Same deep state that did 9/11, sure.

post the original, user, not the one the jews altered

Why do you

do this


They are basically, Mentally female, but physically male.

They are envious of Cisgenders, because they know that life can never be theirs….

And so, in their jealousy, they seek to destroy it, so that the knowledge of such happiness's existence will never again bother them.

Look at their faces, the look in their eyes; I have seen that look on the face of women many times, when they finally destroy some mans happiness.


Of course, these men don't know the real reason for their envy, jealousy, and hatred…

They are completely clueless… and so this void of ignorance is taken advantage of by the (((Globalist Agenda))), to turn them and their envy, into a weapon against western civilization.

To make them seek to destroy the reproductive capacity of the western world, in order to take revenge for what the globalists did to them while still in the womb.

Classic false flag.

Funny, brainwashing leading to actual brains being washed off the ground.

It is possible to cure these people with proper hormone therapy and the correct information about their condition.

Of course, they would never accept help, as they are far too bitter, and propagandized to believe that theirs isn't a perfectly natural state of being.

But deep down inside, they still have reproductive instincts, and those instincts have been turned from the path that may have sought to aliviate their suffering.

They have the body of a male, and yet the mind of a female.

Their physiology seeks a female mate, and yet their mind recoils at the possilibity as completely unable to satiate their instinctual reproductive instincts.

And so, the psychological tension pulls apart their minds, and leaves a nice little crevice for the propaganda poisons of the mainstream media to begin to corrupt.

You guys know the divide and conquer strategies of the (((Globalists)))?

They don't just attack Straight white males.

They attack everyone, while pretending to be the group they want THOSE people to attack.

It's false flags all the way down.

even on imageboards you inspire pity

That's terrible news user, hope you get better.

How fucking new are you?, i've seen you post all over Holla Forums and it's becoming more and more clear you seem shocked by old info we've seen for ages here.

These things do not match up.

So was he the first one that mentioned it?

filter all tripcode faggots

I'm not sure if its a person or a bot now

Donald Trump, Larry Silverstein, and WTC7 (9/11 Documentary)

I'll call bullshit on that one

Can somebody post the video of the OKC Bombing news report when the woman points to the bomb squad behind her and says they came here to remove the additional bombs that were found inside the building?

The molten metal was spotted falling out of one of the tower corners before they collapsed.

What could possibly cause week-long furnaces to form, though?

Even if all the jet fuel had been concentrated on one floor, and the ancillary fuels taken into consideration, the heat would have only reached the point where the steel would have lost around 30% of its strength, not enough to fail.

There have been high-rises that burned for over 24 hours that did not see structural failure or collapse.
And this does not even take into consideration that most of the fuel, being liberated from the disintegrating tanks in the planes, would have burned away in the atmosphere in seconds.


Let's make a thread of:

"What should Trump talk about in the rallies?"

someone create it!

two things
a. various forms of thermate & other explosives used to destroy the structure
b. backpack nukes in the basement to make a hole for all this shit to fall into

There is no way in hell that friction from the materials falling could have produced that much heat.

well my record is certainly corrected

I often just ignore new york all together
the pennsylvania crash and the pentagon were clearly not plane crashes

What you don't get is that nearly everything can be explain very simply.

Buildings shouldn't have collapse IF and that's a fucking big if THEY WERE BUILT PROPERLY.

Question why would a jew slumlord that made it big, would EVER build something up to code?

That's probably the only conspiracy behind all of it
1) the terrorists where backed to some level by KSA with Israel perfectly being aware of it (and actually did informed the FBI… which can't find his ass with a light torch) = embarrassment maximum, the US people will ask for the blood of the main US ally in the middle east (which is not Israel but KSA, Israel is a basically an US oversea territory. KSA is the one influencing the entire region for the US) then proceeded to classify/kill/bribe/use their influence to bury obfuscate.

2) The entire WTC plaza construction was either done by cutting corners or had a per-existing design flaw (nearly all skyscrapers designs abandoned the central supporting column type the WTC had, and the WTC was the tallest and biggest one made using that type. Mainly because lots of people argued it was unsafe and structurally unsound…) and the BILLIONS in insurance shouldn't have been being paid and the (((owners))) being sued for even more. Which then proceeded to bribe/use their (major) influence to bury obfuscate even more.

Those two simple explanations explain everything that's weird about 9/11. From the explosion sounds in the basement (sound of the knots joining the superstructure of the buildings to the foundations breaking), to the seemingly perfect (it's not) collapse to the WTC7 (if the plaza foundations had been fucked enough it's not surprising the thing just went down on his own, and it's also normal the others were still standing being much sturdier, stable and lower buildings. Basically the table moved under the card castle).

It also explain why the fuck Trump a NY real estate guy has an axe to grind… because he probably piece together enough to know all the cops/fireman and a big part of the civilians died because the building itself was flawed and that it was covered up for the (((greater good))), which would piss off anyone.

And that's the thing that never come up in any of the disinfo, any of the so called inquiries and tinfoil hatter.


No doubt the towers where a sloppy build to save money. Who would ever suspect planes hitting the towers?

:^) sure thing sholomo

If that were the case they would have toppled, atleast a little, go down perfectly flat and land in a nice neat little package in the basement.

What about the entire united states airforce being diverted far enough away that they would not be able to respond to the threat? huh?

not go down

its hard to type and wipe your ass at the same time

Keep in mind Egypt and Jordan told the USA, in detail, that Al Qaeda had 20 men in the USA planning an attack using aviation, and that 4 of those were taking aircraft training.

I want to know why these warnings were not heeded.

The UK, France, Germany, Egypt and Jordan all warned the USA of the attacks.

Germany intercepted cells, MI6 operatives were clued in, but the biggest were Israel's two neighbours, who even with their inferior services, had such immense detail, and then, afterwards, after those two countries had told the USA, Israel jumped in and reaffirmed what they said in less detail.

Anyone got the video of the spaz who start screaming about 9-11 being an inside job at a Trump rally, & Trump doesn't remove hims but rather says "he's one of us"

No they wouldn't stop spreading disinfo, shill.
The WTC was built using a central supporting column, if that where to snap in the foundations it would "cave in" from within with the center of the building going down slightly faster than the exterior and pulling down everything with it.
Which fit exactly what you see.

Because the US alphabet agency are fucking incompetent, that's why. Several people from that left soon after said so. They had basically subcontracted all the intel in the middle east to KSA and the ISI (pakistan).

If you still haven't learn that after their COUNTLESS fuck up, nobody can help you.

FFS those are the same guys that fought that giving access to their ENTIRE classified communications networks to 20-y/o something junior analysts on the field was a good idea.

That sub-contracting on the cheap sys-admins for their ultra classified data nodes without any sort of of serious security screening or formation.

That running guns for Al-quaeda never gonna backfire (Benghazi).

And that's just the three most recent… I can go on for hours.
The CIA the FBI and the NSA are to intelligence what the DMV is to cars. Incompetence in suit forms.

You are forgetting that there were also multiple trucks filled with explosives driving around on the same day, with one that was stationed under a bridge for later.

That's not a simple explanation at all, its a more complicated one.

One that have little if any supporting evidence. There is no reason to go with that at all.

I have not read the whole thread yet but this fucker here 414afe

Is spreading some world class disinfo

There is nothing in his posts that is remotely based in fact.
here is another prime example

I don't know about "molten metal seen streaming out of the towers prior to collapse"

Avoid this cocksucker like the plague


You put up some good videos user

The sheer fact that Trump doesn't denounce him is proof that Trump knows.

I concur

Reminder that the sperg in the video was actually an anti-Trump shill. Sure he's a truther but he accused Trump of being a zionist. Apparently the nuance of not being instantly kicked out for dropping a red pill was lost on him.

You got any sauce on that?
I have never actually heard what the spergout said tbh.
At least that part of it calling trump a zionist

I get a sinking feeling that the media is going to use the debates to force Trump to talk about things like this.

One of my conspiracies is that a deep state organization realizes the danger demographics change has on the country and has connections to Trump somehow.

melt… snap… what difference does it make now?

schlomo yer nose is showing


Fuck that brit faggot