Why do girls like books like Twilight? I honestly don't understand…
Why do girls like books like Twilight? I honestly don't understand…
12chan pls go
Big fan of where this is headed
If only… Heaven has crashed. Unfortunately.
meep meep because girls get literature from squirrels tbh
Hot men approaching a beta angsty anti social tumlr tier girl and fighting over her gets any girl wet.
Also: Ogi Ogas, "A Billion Wicked Thoughts" | Talks at Google: youtube.com
I actually read the first few chapters of Twilight and actually the first couple chapters were good and then after that it devolved into girl worrying her head off about random guy at school and that's pretty indicitave of why girls would like this series.
Maybe you should give this a chance? It is basically Twilight, but with a male protagonist - it has a very different ending from the original though.
wish-fulliment, like the garbage fantasy books that boys read.
What books?
Asking for an enemy.
A Billion Wicked Thoughts What the World's Largest .epub
Two smoking hot guys fighting over a homely looking girl– I dunno, OP, maybe it is pandering to the female ego or some deeper internal desire to have multiple chances to reproduce.
The real question is why do girls like books like 50 shades of grey. Is it a desire to shed the ego and narcissistic tendencies built up by books like Twilight and Dove ads that make it okay to be obese? Is the imagining of pain able to override the insecurities brought upon them by too weak to fight off cultural Marxism? Or is it pain begin the key to access their sexuality buried beneath the shame which is similarly buried like the salad underneath their mashed potatoes and gravy? Maybe there as so many women who can not achieve orgasm because they settled for security over carnal delights, and they is a curiosity of the effectiveness of bondage. What will women collectively do when they come to understand the psychological operations marketed to them and attempting to control their interests, and what will they do to the people behind such warfare? Are they truly ever going to overcome their masters and free themselves? Will they ever master the female ego?
Op here: The thing I don't really understand is that the "heroine" always has a male crutch…in some form or another. Is that what girls want?
i'm not sure what you're asking here, but does pic related help?
100% agree! Womens be lovin that salad while men's be all like gimme dat steak!!!!
Op here: once again…Sinbad solved it. Thank you for your wisdom, sir. Thread closed.
they only value things that are worthless
This. Vola.
This thread has gone from Sinbad to Sinworst.
Not to mention it panders to girls/women’s fantasy of being courted by two alpha males, who fight for her attention and love. She then goes on to play both men and lead them along, before she finally has to make her choice, ie picking one of them. This is all chick lit 101.
Here is the TedTalk: Neuroscientists explain why straight men like trans women and why straight women like Edward Cullen: youtube.com
Your pic is interesting, but I'd say it's not quite clear enough
Sure why the hell not?
Not the best reader, but you can just have it on in the background while you shitpost or whatever.
I hate pedos tbh
Who was in the right here?