if young girls film themselves naked, that means they are pizza producers. should they be put to jail for their actions? or should their parents suffer the consequences?
Who to blame
no, only the people who look at the films are criminals
CP is a serious crime according to the law so they should go to jail and their parents too and perhaps their school teachers.
Gas 'em en masse. Preemptively.
Pedo scum gets the rope. Noose them up with the rest of the degenerates.
not even worth a (you)
t. Pedo
cute girls will convince you otherwise
Child fuckers like you who abuse children will get the rope.
Those are children, if you see them as women you are sick
I'm really curious as to what the consequences would be for a girl who did that. Would the little girl be labeled as a pedo?
then back to Holla Forums and go shoot up some pizza place.
I literally never visited pol, and I don't live in USA and can't get a gun.
try harder, faggot
I'm not trying anything, degenerate
How sad.
I tihnk you mean "How safe"
>>>Holla Forums
get a load of this faggot!
What the fuck are they good for then?
ask the kikes who control them, user
Corrective rape works
its always the kikes
stop child pornography at the source tbh
Females are always the victims. Period.
I was eating some lunch with my mother the other day and she purchased the lunch so I only found it right to eat with her. So as we are eating she puts on one of her daytime talk TV shows. It had this 15yo girl who was shaking her ass (censored of course) and eventually got completely naked and humped her bedpost and masturbated. They showed the pixelated images all while the poor girl cried.
The reason she was on the TV show was to bring a light on bullying. Her 17yo boyfriend (that she hid from her parents) "made" her send him that racy video and then he sent it to one of his friends, who sent it to one of his friends, so on and so forth and by the week the majority of her peers at school were mocking her for that video. So her bf bullied her, got charged with distribution of child pornography, was sent to juvie until he is an adult where he will then face many years in prison unless he finishes some type of therapy course. And of course the 15yo gets to go on national TV to tell her sad story and how evil boys are that do these types of things….
….yet I'm here questioning the whole time why she didn't get charged with PRODUCING and ALSO DISTRIBUTING child pornography. But I guess I'm just too stupid to see why pizza affects one gender and not the other. By the end of the video my Mother was holding back tears for this "brave" girl to have to go through what she went through. How everyone at her school found out she was a whore and that her video was being distributed online at various sites with her name and handle. How each and every viewer "rapes" her when they look at her naked body on display. She did NOT consent for anybody to see her naked body….no……not at all….
They should be put in male prisons so they can be raped like other CP producers. Zero tolerance, no exceptions. See how they like bunking with Bubba!
possession is big crime because it's powerful blackmailing tool
you're autist faggot
he's right tho. the pussy pass is real
Is this considered illegal, then?
that doesnt have anything to do with it, why would that be illiegal