Backup Plan in Case of an Holla Forums Shutdown

We need to find a good backup strategy. Where do we go if Holla Forums gets shut down or if Jim goes full shekels? This thread is to discuss possibilities. There was a thread earlier talking about it, but it had a clickbait title and was full of zeronet shilling.
Real options that I can think of to start us off:
Another imageboard similar to Holla Forums but using the lynxchan software. Currently features very large file sizes, will probably be brought down with more activity.
A fork of the old infinity software. Closest to Holla Forums in layout, but will probably end up breaking with too much activity just like this place.
Absolute freedom of speech. However, this means a lot of pedos.
Decentralized chan. Nodes on i2p and tor as well as clearnet. Does not allow sharing of images between nodes to cut down on cp.
Coming soon, will run on Infinity Next. I don't know much else, but they have a development channel on rizon #nextchan. Maybe some Holla Forumsie from it can explain more in this thread.
A BBS. Very safe from normies, but obviously no images.
similar to BBS in being good at keeping away normies. I don't know what server its own though. Maybe someone can clarify.

If anyone else has suggestions, feel free to post them. Hopefully we can all get a clear idea what we need to do if we get (((shut down.)))

Sorry for the generic image, my /home/ partition got fucked and I lost pretty much everything.

Other urls found in this thread: -directors

I think you mean when. I think our next step should be on danknet.

the streets

sike everybody here is a larper


what are you going to do when all of your precious archives are lost when goes down?

Why though? What makes it the best choice. This thread is supposed to be for discussion. What makes endchan superior to, say, nntpchan.

We should probably start uploading things to ipfs as a backup, since they're usually news pages, which are static anyway.

What about endchan.?
I hear they are big into privacy and security & have a good tech board

By censoring us Jim would kill the site and lose his shekels. Also his son would be mad at him.

Also Jim is in Bed with the Ethno-Nationalist ruling party of Japan so I doubt that he's on (((their))) side.

But yeah it's always good to be safe.

No to libre chan… & no to masterchan.
Too many pedos. I want nothing to do with those ppl

I think the real question we need to be asking is:
Who runs these alternative chans?

I wouldn't mind going to librechan. Yeah there's pedos, but it does advertise itself as an Holla Forums clone.

It would be the most familiar tool for the lurkers and the people that frequent us. I guess I haven't checked the other options OP has mentioned, and for that much haven't checked librechan since it started either.

Has to be a place for images too. So no dice for the BBS sites.

Endchan and Libre make the most sense to me.

Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.

I know if one where I'm going to go but honestly I'm looking to cull the herd again if we were to move so if I find you there then good.

How in the fuck is jim in bed with the japanese?
Got some proof?

He runs the largest web community in Japan that's used by around 8% of the entire Japanese population.

2channel is just as extreme as we are except they want to gas the Koreans.

Holy shit, really? I didn't know there was that much enmity between them. I thought the nips hated the chinks

stay lvl1

He doesn't have to censor us. He hand over everything to the feds, for example. Or just shut down the site because it isn't profitable. It's not too far fetched. Imageboards don't make profits typically.

Librechan is Potion I believe. Endchan is Odilitime iirc. And is Czaks. nntpchan has a rizon channel where you could ask, but it's federated, so you would just choose a node. Nextchan also has an irc where you could ask. There's a tor node maintained by a Holla Forumsie. Think it was started by someone from Holla Forums. The BBS is done by someone named smj. Not sure about the newsgroup.

My problem with Librechan is the poor souls stuck on University internet getting v& for accidentally stumbling on CP. I wouldn't mind if pedo boards were text only.

Actually op, I was wondering more about developing a ham radio and irl comms protocol in the case that the globalists would just cut power to prepare to invade in a german revolution of 1918 way.

I want to see the feasibility of developing protocols so that user outside of major metro areas can assemble and mobilize using iff, ciphers, challenges, freq tables and codes in order to defeat any communist insurgency that may be coming.

If Trump wins, the kikes will drop the floor out of the economy to 1933 the world. Reduced funding for law enforcement would make us vulnerable to communist insurrections in most of the white world. If Hillary gets forced in, we all know that it would be civil war.

In both cases power will be a luxury, meaning that if our efforts are to continue in those scenarios we would need comms that are mobile, standardized, and esoteric enough to keep normies away.

I am trying to reach out to ham operating anons to see which frequencies are vacant enough to test data or voice transmission. What kind of gear would be needed? Would we still use the 8 of diamonds to determine visual iff?

They want to gas them too.

Asians fucking hate each other like Europeans used to.

That's a very good proposal. I don't see things degrading quite that quickly, but that is an excellent idea. Hopefully someone here can help you. I still think having an internet backup is good as well though. It's much easier to be discrete with "just browsing on my phone lol" around hostiles than it is while listening to the radio in such a situation.

I think a irl location would be beneficial.

It should be something in many places. Like a fast food joint, or a type of park, laundromat, theater, whatever, co-opt a public space and use it as a front to. With some code to designate the correct "place" in as many places as possible?

We would need a definite code word/handshake/etc to filter out the normies or unwanted individuals.

So the operators of these chans are mostly anonymous / semi-anonymous??

Is there any way to know if there are jews behind them?
I would prefer, if we did switch, that we didn't go to a board that would be sabotaged when / if we grew too large.

Yeah but what if some Iranian style censorship turns on. Look how the (((Iranian Spring))) was squashed by effectively bricking phones by denying access to websites.

Out of all of the factions operating in Syria right now, now many members of any of them are even capable of using social media, even if it is Facebook lite?

We need to think worst case scenario because with ham we wouldn't need isp middleman, we could be able to broadcast our own messages using a rotation freq table that would allow us to dodge authority and normies

What in KEK's name is that repulsive fucking inhuman creature on the left?

They're mostly known by internet personas as far as I know. I mean you could ask for an FAQ or a Q&A or something. Potion for example was the BO of /hebe/ here before they all left with that drama when a whole bunch of vols quit.

I'm not saying it isn't something to develop. It definitely is. I think we need a multitude of options. I mean I personally wouldn't be opposed to using a lot of these options simultaneously. Ham Radio, the BBS, nntpchan, etc. They all have their place in my book.

Exactly. I remember hearing that visible 8 of diamonds playing cards would be used to show allegiance, which was previously a 4 of clubs. But that's only one form of iff que it would only really be usable in the day time with optics at best. I'm guess the nsdap salute would be too on the nose, but we need challenges like the lightning/flash of ww2.

But we also need line of sight and atmospheric comms protocol to be able to communicate Intel to friendlies in nearby metro areas to facilitate logistics, rendezvous points and chimp/commie mobs.

I for one am for accepting the four of clubs also. In such a world, I doubt we can be so choosy. Yes, cuckchan is cuckchan, but they are still cousins, of a sort.

That's exactly what I thought, considering that a large chunk of us came here by way of Exodus from cuckchan. What would people think if we just used bane posting as challenges? I think it's a second language to us already and its still esoteric enough to evade normies. I just wish we had any ham operators who could help us in the comms front. I remember some user recommended me a BaoFeng radio but without someone to test things with its been reluctant to try one out

I think we've already discussed this and agreed mostly on at the time.

Very few pedo filth.
Little traffic to derail.
Obscure enough that hardly anyone other than anons know about it.
Very similar to use.

isn't it based in france though?

Why over endchan?

Again, that's assuming the kikes are kind enough to leave the lights on during a happening.

I like the idea of baneposting. It really is a good way to show if someone is a big guy for you.

Wasn't Czaks a little shady or something though? Plus I thought the regular infinity engine would break eventually. I'm playing devil's advocate here.

I'm a Vol over there on pl/pol/ and it's slow as fuck. I go check on it once every couple of days to make sure it hasn't gone to complete shit, but it will never become the Trump echo-chamber that net/pol/ has become.

There are already a few active users there though.

We're talking about a backup plan too, not an exodus.

I'm sure it would only be until we find a better place, but it looks pretty comfy there already.

tfw no japanese genocidal gf
just a joke goys cool it with the race trader shit

Awesome, so as if his we have a rudimentary iff for rendezvous if shtf:

-8 of diamonds of 4 of clubs playing cards
-General bane posting to use as challenges for allegiance

How what to do about comms? I'm doing some research about ham and see how it can be done and what the capabilities would be in regards to it

What kind of map referencing system would we use? Decimal degrees is too mainstream, can I assume that everyone here is familiar with mgrs and land navigating? If not, I suggest downloading the gps status app and set it to mgrs and find your grid some designator. Mine is 17SNU. Anyone else?

The site admin is a pretty good guy, too. He's always on irc and will actually talk to the people about shit and make changes as he can.

Also, he hates Jews. All Jews.

owner of .pl/pol/ here. I check in on it every now and again too to make sure it's maintained in case of a .net/pol/ meltdown, but it's pretty much dead for the most part.

That was a joke user. Think alt.right

But Holla Forums.pol would work.

What's this about nextchan? Does it have anything to do with Josh or at least the finished version of infinitynext?

Czaks would sell out in a heartbeat. He doesn't care what happens on .pl as long as it doesn't affect him. If .pl ever gets the notoriety this place has then he'll want us out.

.pl/ is a trap waiting to be sprung.

You and the rest of the moderation are some of the biggest spergs I've ever seen. .pl/pol/ could've been great but you're so inconsistent with what's allowed and what isn't that nothing gets talked about at all. One moment you're /liberty/-lite, the next you're Holla Forums-lite. Make up your fucking minds. Case in point:

I'm genuinely curious to know why people think that kikes would only nuke this chan if they were attempting censorship. With a cinco a mouse they could kill them all. We need to think of a true worst case scenario of no INTERNET as opposed to no

Well, it shouldn't be a joke. We honestly should have a newsgroup thing imo. It would be a great backup strat that's fairly normie-proof, just like the BBS's

Yeah, that's what I thought I'd heard about Czaks. Nextchan isn't sponsored by Josh at all. Josh hosted an instance of next as but took it down because of server spam or costs or something, I'm not really sure. There's of course a lot of drama about it all, as there usually is, but I'd be willing to give it a shot, especially after finding out the full story of infinity never and all that.

Reminder that Endchan is goon approved

is librechan an actual option? same for masterchan.

I feel like putting on tinfoil every time I go there. I doubt it's actually safe.

I read this b4. is "goon" owner of endchan??

So I think everyone agrees its either endchan or pl chan.

So what are the pros / cons of the two?

Because we shouldn't put all our eggs in one basket. Yes, it's important to have a plan if that happens, but for now, the internet is our main mode of communication, and having a backup here is not a bad idea. Holla Forums going belly up (or Jim going full shekels) is more likely than the entire internet going down, and easier to fix for the time being.

Owner of 16chan. my mistake**

There used to be a really good chart comparing endchan, .pl, and 16chan (RIP), but I don't have it. Anyone here still have that infographic? Also I'd still vote for nntpchan if I had to just choose one.

Justin Beiber?

16chan is dead, son.

Visiting librechan will pretty much get you put on a list.

we didn't want people endlessly talking about .net/pol/ because Holla Forums is about politics and current events. It's literally that simple. When .pl/pol/ was fresh and people were migrating over there, threads about .net/pol/ where fine, but after a while they just started cluttering everything so we started bumplocking them.
What the fuck are you talking about? Neither I nor any of the other mods have ever advocated PR-faggotry.

The board software is already out there. It seems easy enough to create a kekchan but I wish Jim or even Hotwheels addressed us.

I also demand more Kek vs Moloch drawfaggotry and OC memes like so

Enjoy being killed.

obligatory mention of 76chan

Also obligatory finalchan mention, though their posting style doesn't really fit with Holla Forums and they hate legacy board names, so I didn't include it.

You're the fucking best. What kind of bandwidth could we manage from out of the air data comms? Would it just be easier to develop code and just use voice comms. I'm not a developer but I would love to at the very least four a channel that we can all this info on the case of a happening that would require it. Are there any ham frequencies that can use a combination of 14, 88, 8, or 4 to use for such a thing?

76chan doesn't have a Holla Forums. They really need to add one, though

I vote Endchan. We've been there before and it's pretty comfy.

IDK man. I still say endchan.

We should get an AMA between the owners of PL and End, and have them discuss which is better.

The part that gets me is that it's been a few weeks and we still don't know why he gave it up after all the trouble he went through to finish what he started. Did Jim threaten to have him suicided? 16chan was starting to look decent and then the next thing you know it's gone and he gave up on it.

I'm not completely sold on endchan but Josh listing it as an alternative to what he had isn't really a big deal.

Librechan is pretty spooky. Potion has never given a complete rundown of why you should or shouldn't trust him and the site. There's a thread that's been on their /meta/ since Librechan officially launched asking for something like that. And the response was, "we went over this in the pre-launch phase." As if it would be too much trouble to go over it again after you advertised and brought in new users.

After a while translates to hardly a week. People were still looking for a way out, Holla Forums was falling apart, and people wanted answers and a reason to give up on .net/pol/. You inadvertently defused the situation and then started adding arbitrary meta rules to what was allowed and what wasn't. You and your team handled it like professional sperglords. You at one point had more posters than endchan/pol/, which by the way still allows cross-site meta, but you gave that up for autistic quality control. I'll say it again, you gave up the reason that would convinced people to leave. And right in the midst of the move to boot. Maybe this was a good thing because even then and now czaks isn't the admin we need.

What's finalchan like? I completely forgot they existed.

Jesus Christ! I clicked a link to that place once…
It wasn't even the pervy swimsuit type stuff it was full on kid porn basically. I'm all for free speech and expression but I don't want nor have to be near the people who are into that shit. I say we should be on a tor based site, in fact with our numbers we could give the tor network a big boost for both bandwidwth and popularity.


Having been a reddit mod I can tell you it's very hard to be consistent.

I think he underestimated server costs.
It's super comfy for random discussion due to having actual random discussion on a different board from shitposting, but doesn't fit the Holla Forums vibe at all. The irc there is probably the friendliest I've ever seen, and the admins are very responsive. If they had a Holla Forums, it would no question be my recommendation, but they hate legacy board names.

I'm a board owner here and for first few weeks of the board, all anyone ever talked about was the 4chan equivalent. It's a natural part of forming a community. Posters discuss what went wrong on their previous board and decide what they want to be done differently.

I checked in on half/pol/ last night to see
what it was like and there's nothing better
about either Holla Forums right now. What the fuck
are we doing guys. Every thread I've been
in tonight gets a (1) response saying
something shitty and defeatist. I'm not
talking about bantz I mean this is just shit.

This is complete bullshit. There were multiple threads that weren't bumplocked which were made at the beginning of the migration, and which were used by both myself and czaks to talk to people coming in. There were just too many people making threads about .net/pol/ after a week, which kinda defeats the purpose of Holla Forums. .pl/pol/ was always just meant to be a temporary bunkerchan for people to use while .net/pol/ was having problems.
What fucking nonsense. I know for a fact you're making shit up, because we have never banned posters for the sake of some autistic "quality control". All we did was ban spammers and obvious Holla Forums shitposters, and bumplock blatant bait and non-politics threads. .pl/pol/ was meant to be an escape from Imkampfy's modfaggotry. The reason .pl/pol/ lost all the users was because .net/pol/ stopped being a total clusterfuck and actually got fixed. There was no reason to stay there after .net/pol/ was back up and running.
What are you even talking about? Like I said, we had multiple meta threads in which I and czaks talked with new arrivals to clear shit up. We didn't need fifty threads about .net/pol/ at a time.
.pl/pol/ was never intended to be a permanent replacement. It's hosted in france, which is already a big enough problem for us.

How long do you think it would take until this place is the same way? 2 years?

yeah, and we had lot's of that discussion going on. We didn't ban and delete everyone discussing .net/pol/, we only bumplocked low quality shitpost-tier threads about it discussing something already covered in the multitudes of other similar threads.

did you get a visit yet?

Hah, nah but you wouldn't anyway. Mostly honeypots and stings are to catch the producers or people making money. Generally people who either seek out just to look or get baited into viewing CP are left alone.
I remember back on halfchan in the early days when you couldn't go an hour or so without some fuck linking really sick shit.

IDK how much you care about being anonymous.
But if you wan to be user, then you don't want to use TOR anymore. -directors

Our next stop is 420chan. They'll never suspect us there.

Serious Question

Have you guys ever considered creating / using a chan that had a login system?
I mean it would seriously cut down on shills, wouldn't it?

Yeah, it's called Stormfront.


Why would they shut down the Internet in US? Burgers are braindead and get duped by kike candidate 1 vs kike candidate 2 every election (this 2016 one too), they always have had guns but never did shit with them. The guns are just a reinforcement of the culture of violence, no shit that an uncultured country that wages wars perpetually has to have this sham of a culture.

What seem very likely though is a situation where they shut down the Internet or parts from it in other countries to benefit themselves or groups/interests important to them (e.g. happened in Bahrain, the US lent their services to the rulers of the country).

It cuts down on shills, but it also cuts down on anonymity. I'm not a huge fan. Seems better to use obscurity, such as newsgroups, BBS, or tor/i2p.

Oy vey.

If it weren't for the animated red alert text I'd almost think I was here.

That shit was happening here up until about a year ago.

Ok, so I guess we all bookmark .pl Holla Forums?

Shillary has us in her crosshairs and if they rig the machines, this place won't be happy fun times anymore unless Jim can move the server to Russia or something.

You do realize you're repeating back to me almost everything I said but with different words and phrases? Also I never said anything about banning.

Very funny.

How the fuck do I use this
It keeps redirecting me to SDF, I remember watching my father use BBSes from afar when I was a wee little kid but holy shit…

Because GG made a bunch of butthurt journalists and SJWs try to get the site taken down.

Alright, I need to sleep for Classes tomorrow. Hope this thread gets some attention tonight, I really think this is an important topic. I'll post the link to the poll again. if you guys could Report the thread asking the vols to put the poll in the OP so people don't create new ones or miss it, I would be very appreciative.


Here's a little step by step, assuming you're on loonix
telnet> 1337
And it should connect you. Place is pretty dead other than a couple posts I made recently, but I kind of like the feel.

It seems .pl and Endchan are winning in votes.

That second step should be

Except .pl has zero votes m8.

There is literally no reason not to post on endchan Goons are known as interlopers it is a Holla Forumschan through and through.

In a weird way, I vote the ED forums as well, just in case

Shit is comfy and you need to diversify your web assets, goyim.

I think this confirms that using ham is enough to scare shills into entering the thread but I'll bite.

If they could help other nations, why wouldn't the jews help themselves to censorship when they grow tired of the resistance democracy manipulation has been giving them via the alt right movements that reject globalism?

Is not the point of chans anonymity? What better way to do so than with an invisible source that is easy to replicate/repeat/duplicate but difficult to pinpoint?

Look at how simple it is to pass anti privacy laws in the names of equality, we need to turn back to technology that makes us invisible to the naked eye.

I was thinking of 148.800mhz, which is right outside a standard ham band but it wouldn't matter in the case of a happening. His feasible would encryption or ciphers be?

Really ANONS should start preparing for the crackdown if what's being said is true and they attempt to take down Holla Forums and as many of us as they can we all need to have some kind of emergency pack ready to go and be out the door in a second.

If you read my previous posts it's exactly my point. We need protocols for voice or even possibly data comms on that channel. That way we can use iff to band up instead of every man for themselves that a race or civil war would instill in each of our autistic asses.

I have 100 pounds of rice and medical supplies at grid zone designator 17snu, how would you be able to rendezvous with me for barter?

I've already created an account, i am just going to assume that our board is ANONYMOUS, I'll figure this shit out at some point


Ah, I gotcha. You have a valid point sir. In addition to this we should make a Holla Forums approved bugout bag. Or maybe a revised one if we haven't already

I haven't seen that site since Girlvynl or whatever shut it down and tried a failed new one

I like that endchan has a nice sticky menu. All chans should have had that ages ago like the sidebar frame early chans used to have.

Oh and seems like a good place to shitpost about weeaboo stuff without cuck mods if you're into that stuff. I'm also looking for alternatives just in case so if anyone has any ideas.

We really need to agree where to go before anything happens. Like, now.

Those are cool, because the text-only format is a normie repellant, and it also doesn't get crawled/archived by google & friends, so it's more private.
There's also Gopher, which is pretty good for file repository or information dump. It's a bit nicer than FTP for interactive use, in that you don't have to constantly log in as "anonymous" whenever your session times out. And FTP is better for batch uploads, but wget can handle mass gopher downloads just fine.

What I think would work best are making ad-hoc rally points where caches of ammo and supplies can be made, basically turning the cache into a rwds outpost. Night time would allow for longer range comms to coordinate inter outpost barter, Intel sharing and swap personnel in the case of mobs being made aware of our presence. This sort of cooperation would be vital for no funs countries where numbers would count more.

Typing h should give you a list of commands. It's not any specific board yet. We could make a pol if we actually wanted to use it. I think it's pretty comfy.

That's the entire point of the thread. And the poll.

We will not be doing anything to Holla Forums.

Would it be possible to combine that sort of thing to ham data, to create a beacon style radio message board?

Because it's unnecessary. Didn't the US invade Iraq? Didn't the US bomb Libya? No uprising to be seen in US.

You know what? Finalchan has integrated imagesearch. This is missing from the other imageboards which is retarded because it's a fucking IMAGE board including here. Fuck extensions and options and fucking with all that shit. Should be default.

Yes. There's lots of things that could be used that are low tech.

Mirrors, morse code, smoke signalsretarded and only useful if you are away from cities and know what you're doing certain songs at certain times etc.

But having an individual bugout bag should still be a requirement. Puts less strain on supplies if people bring their own for one thing, two, if someone is separated from the group they aren't totally screwed, and three there are going to be lots of places where the coordination is unfeasible due to either there simply being no other Holla Forumsacks around or the distance between them, such as in Texas, or the western United States.

My bad, it doesn't do gopher, but this one does:

==OH SHI-=

We should be preparing anyway but the reality is that Holla Forums may be left up because the intel they receive may prove to be more valuable than perceived risks. For instance, a person leaks info on cuckchan or pigchan without anything to obfuscate their identity. Jim and Hiroyuki has the data, the alphabet agnecies name their price. They can learn more about their enemies if they let their enemies perceive a sense of security where there actually is none.

I disregarded that because I assumed it was like 4cuck's news board. Good to know they have it.

I'd post on 2ch since my moonrune skills are better but I literally cannot. At least not on the jap parts. Same with 2chan. I want to shitpost about filthy gaijin piggu and how all those contested islands belong to Japan too hu hu

so basically you're admitting to having no argument.

No juden?

Hamanon here.
There are plenty of freq, the issue is it's illegal to use encryption over the ham bands (obviously not a problem during a happening).
To me though it's not going to be useful during a full on societal breakdown anyway. Handheld ham band walkie talkies would be a lot more useful. Also just getting a license and setting up a repeater station would be quite helpful. Ham radio is already the first line of communications during natural disasters.
BTW most hams are older white men. Ham was the autists choice before computers came along and the high enough technical barrier of entry has kept shitskins and women out for the most part.

Alphabet agencies have PRISM. Why would they ask us for data when they already have it?

What happens when the US invades the US? Or the EU invades any country that resists it? Those to me are the worst case, which is why I think counting on the internet when survival is at stake is ridiculous.

Now we're talking

I like your style but I think that it is within the realm of reason that with a fusão BaoFeng it would be possible to scan for general traffic on the freq and find another soul in all but the most remote of locations.

I love your idea of a packing list. I remember in my training making sock balls with boot socks, that enclosed a fresh pair of underwear of underwear for field use. The aforementioned BaoFeng would also be necessary. Weapons, ammo (if possible) perhaps some hard tack. Water bottle, what else can you think of?

Between Jim and Hiroshima, I can't tell who is on our side anymore.

Look up 4chan's /qa/ board and in the archives how he defends Holla Forums

The mods are even starting to side more with Holla Forums as well

Jim is trying his best at least but sometimes I'm really not sure like on the static boards.

But you know, at least Jim talks to us, unlike that faggot Chris aka Luggage Cucklad.

While most of the 2ch boards are japan IP only, there are a few open to foreign IP.


I guess there are around 30 boards open to foreign IP.


b-but… muh PRISMbreak.
how do you know they won't shut you down for good or send operatives to your doors?
do you have one of those philippine four winds shotguns?

Water purification tablets should be onthe list. I used to go on a lot of hikes so I remember a lot of the tips and tricks for packing light. I'll try to get a list made and up here in the next few days. And will try to keep it as lightweight as possible.


Seriously that crap will screw up your digestive system. It's better to pack a homemade one. If you really need it.

Who said anything about counting on the internet when survival is at stake? There is literally no reason to not have both a backup plan for the internet and without the internet. This thread obviously isn't about a full scale happening. You should probably make a different thread about that if you feel so strongly.

There's no need to make a different thread user. What'd be the point? We might as well discuss both as for us they very well may be related. If it were me in the Feds position compared to us, I'd try to nab as many of the posters as well when I take down their primary site.

Actually, you showed you didn't realize what you were doing was harmful to the board. Which only proved my point.

Why would Jim or Hiroyuki want to give up their best source of income? Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Keep them thinking you have their backs so you can backstab them as easy and as often as you want.

They may have PRISM but they don't have a profile on who's literally behind every post. It's kind of like how someone can store credit card information associated with the poster who owns it.

By the way, why do you care where Holla Forums decides to move to? Don't you have a Holla Forums thread to monitor or claim emails to answer?

We dont know.

We are worried about Obama's privatization of the internet, because we are yet unsure about how it will affect free speech sites.
We are also worried about certain anti-free speech political parties gaining more power.

Really man? Why'd you anchor the thread? This is an important discussion. Some of the things like the communication avenues or the bug out bag may be the difference between life and death for some anons here.

Whatever the method Hillary has publicly stated her intention to do away with places like this. What will Jimbo do?

Literal FBI honeypot and those geezers can't meme for shit. When Alphabet agents or CTR comes here without millennials to decipher our memetic cryptic nonsense, the ones they do find turn to our side in a matter of time or are already our mole. The geezers will never understand them or us, we're their own brothers even if they are ideologically opposite or nonaligned. They'll swallow that pill eventually. The world is better off without the boomers ruining everything.

The lack of poz is what makes ham so ripe for user comms. We have to go back to the beginning in case the right wing revival gives way to 1984. I'm working on getting in license but I want to be able to get the best one I can and there's a lot of test material. We have to think the long game because if what we are all thinking is going to happen soon, the kikes have had a much longer time to plan of than we do now.

Nice, hope to hear from you. That would be perfect for give more rural anons living in no guns countries more of a chance.

If the kikes get this one, they will surely just dragnet every other chan simultaneously. We have to think worst case, these kikes aren't going to give us a second chance to regroup.

I didnt anchor the thread. Must have been the BO or a volunteer.
Im going out now, be back in a few hours. You guys can find me easily on >>>/sudo/

They bumplocked the thread.

Endchan it is.

This. People need to stop with this bullshit "muh ask for data".

They already have the data. They know who visits here.

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Wtf why was this thread anchored? Well, endchan has the most votes. I'll probably look at Nntpchan and the bbs as well, as extras.

OP here on mobile. Thanks for dropping by, Codemonkey.

Seriously guus, why would you choose endchan over nntpchan.

They know who visits here but they don't know who is posting what kind of information. Valuable targets are the ones who get offed before anyone else. You can stop apologizing for Jim and Hiroyuki now.

Really? What a bunch of cucks.

Alright, thanks Jim.

No, I explained to you how it wasn't harmful at all, and that you're full of shit. Now stop lying.

We didn't, we just didn't have enough time to discuss before the bumplock. I'll be using almost everything mentioned ITT if I can, just in case. You never know. Remember to save, archive, bookmark damn everything. This election cycle has been crazy and shown the lengths they'll go to scrub things. Not even here will be safe forever, mark my words.

We have a plan. There will be more details in about 10 days.

As for now, you guys should support Ted Cruz (I know) because hes working hard to fight Obama's privatization of the internet at the end of this September.

You mean like on obamacare? No direspect meant jim, but he's just posturing trying to salvage his political career after backstabbing Trump. He'll fail just like all the other times.

The same reason 0chan is not very active i2p and zeronet are not very well known I know it has clearnet and tor access but its a clusterfuck.

Of course it won't. If it wasn't so late, I'd make a thread like this over on endchan since it got the most votes to prolong the conversation. As is, someone else will need to do it. Or try again here tomorrow would probably be more likely to get attention.

Except you didn't?

It already isn't and hasn't been for more than a year. Where have you been?

This is a discussion better suited for /polmeta/

That being said, if 8ch is fucked, any other clearnet site will suffer the same fate. Think of the recent torrent site crackdowns. They didn't just take down the big fish, they took down all the mirrors people would flock to as well.

Ted Cruz pushed a similar bill last year and got the deadline pushed to this year. If he can get it pushed again, then its possible the next president will make a better deal that doesnt cede US control of the internet to ICAAN.

Hey man, can we get a taste of what your cool plan is? Because I'm leaning more towards ham and if rato fails I will kill my use of most of the internet the same way I stopped watching the electric jew.

I want to know what it options are because right now all signs are pointing to doomsday and if ham pbbs saved autists during Katrina then I sadly will have to fall down the same rabbit hole as they did to stay alive during what's coming

Maybe you should learn to read and understand English then, because I did.

The (((mods))) bumplocked the thread because they're insecure little twats who think any discussion of another board is a call to mutiny.

It really let me know just how fucked things are getting. Unless Jim's plan is fool proof AND rato saves the day in keeping the internet American, I'm going underground and living the ham pbbs cyberpunk dream.

Another reason to vote Trump in November. With Hillary, there's a 100% chance that imageboards are fucked.

You're not getting it friend, if rato drops the ball and the internet falls in the hands of the kikes, it's the end of anonymity in the internet. We're talking South Korea/prison school/1984 fucked. Which will also mean that they will fracture us to the point that it would make 1918 basically repeat itself with UN sanctioned wrong think crusades not only possible but inevitable. I'm about to go down the rabbit hole and I can only hope other anons abandon the internet and return to the skies before big brother comes knocking.

Ham radio right?

Yup, if you live in a civilized part of the world you should have a local group that runs a pbbs. Get licensed, get a set up that can completely disconnect you from the normienet, then start preparing for the worst. When SHTF, tell your circle to use 148.800; but since ham is normie repellant, that last step shouldn't be necessary. But you'll never know

If you don't, you can learn to set up your own pbbs that would be completely dark to the normienet and encourage its use among us using the aforementioned iff or challenges

About that BBS thing… Traditionally they have file area, so you can also store images, or anything else. The only problem is that files are independent from conferences, thus an upload isn't linked to a post, so you'd have to say the filename you uploaded.
I guess it should be possible to make a BBS where you can upload files at the same time as you post a message, and create a link so people can download easily without having to go to files section and search for it. That would be pretty close to an imageboard then.

So basically we need to learn to desample content to make them as small as possible to allow for easy dissemination or we can host onion servers that hosts specific content and link to it directly in the bbs? Is that right?

Dialup & telnet BBS are normally self-contained and don't link to outside stuff. There have been networks like FidoNet that forward messages between systems, but typically the file area of a BBS is stored on the same computer.
If you're going to have onion links in posts, a custom client will be needed, instead of just plain old telnet. It shouldn't be very hard to make such a client. Custom clients for MUDs (so you don't have to use plain telnet interface) have been around for decades. You would really just need a basic front-end that scans stdout for anything resembling an onion link and formats/displays it in such a way that you can select & download the file.

ED is full of Holla Forums antifa faggots

Josh currently has beef with another lolcowish guy (Matthew Hopkins) who wants to push his shit in over owning the Kiwifarms. He's currently pretty much unemployable and currently unremployed. Also bump.

/newsplus/ is word filtered for shitskin and is nw properly reddified

/zoo/and /suicide/(some 16 yr old offed himself and his brother was threatening action) are next to go

Jimbo wants 4ch #s

end/pol/ already has a sticky for 8ch meta discussion to use.

Endchan really seems like a temporary measure. They'll come for that too, perhaps at the same time as Holla Forums

Don't know why this is anchored. Can we have another slower board with this thread? Maybe /wrol/?

Wow I had no idea that board existed. I mean maybe, but the main reason I posted it here instead of there or /polmeta/ is because this is what gets more traffic and thus people will be more likely to see it.

The mods don't even visit /polmeta/. It's just a place where grievances go to die.

How about /k/? Operating and innawoods is more their thing anyways.

Anyways, for any who are thinking of jumping down the rabbit hole, try this site. It allows you to see the world through mgrs, making shtf planning much easier:

https ://

List is posted as a new thread folks. It's not comprehensive but it's there