The Jewconomist had made an article about us, and the 'alt right'. They are too scared to say Holla Forums. The shill like crazy and the (((author))) is too cowardly to even write his name to it.
We are making waves and (((they))) are shitting bricks anons.
Can some make an archive of this.
Hey fellow kids, 'Pepe and the stormtroopers' could be a good name for a music band.
inb4 OP is a fag.
(((The economist))) Pepe and the alt right
Other urls found in this thread:
straight into the bog with you
Post the archive, faggot.
Just type alt right into your browser. easy to find.
Archive exists for a reason.
Just like the frog prince, Pepe only needed a kiss from god emperor Trump to transform into a god.
why do they always go to faggotry?
That means we're gaining ground.
Why is she so perfect?
Jesus fucking christ this year's been wild.
Wow, it's 2005 all over again
How does one even connect to the internet without one? It's the current year ffs.
Actually it's because NO ONE knows about Holla Forums and it's relation to kek, normies think it's a 4chan thing because faggots from here go to 4cuck and take the memes there.
Just look at the leddit thread where they try to explain its origin and if it's actually a nazi symbol, not a single person mentions Holla Forums but everyone is %100 sure it's a 4chan thing.
Heres some stuff I found while trolling liberals on twatter
soem bruddy gud oc
Looks like we pissed off (((their))) royalty.
THE JEWS FEAR KEK!!!!!!!!!!!
Because you're perfect with her, user. Just like me and mine.
how about them dubs?
woo woo
The Rothschilds' official international policy magazine is talking about US.
Is this our fifteen seconds of fame, or do we catapult into something bigger?
The only original thing in that entire article was the initial picture, what a waste of time.
Tried to de-faggotize the image they posted since it might affect our mana.
Are we the Jews in the shadow running the world now?
meme it
We now know exactly who is Jewing who.
Nice boob dubs.
I wouldn't be too worried about it. As long as we aren't promoting actual faggotry like Milokike, some light homo-shit is acceptable in meme context. Like how baneposting is the homosexual death cult, or the daily dose.
Both the edit and the original seem like decent meme fodder to me.
Does Pitchfork Pat have to gut a kike?
Did we really start this? Or was it a parallel thing? How long has 4chan been going at it?
I got it
have them looking at the statue of liberty minus the added line about "bring us your decripit niggers and broken faggots" and make her a sexy bikini pin up girl.
because the greatest fear of the sniper is the counter sniper.
This must read like insane drivel to normies. Amidst all the other ongoing crises, THIS is what they choose to focus on. The rest of the MSM pushing gaykike Milo as the face of the alt-right undermines TE's attempt to make it appear dangerous. I'm surprised they're still trying to milk the fear response; they've been overworking that teet since day 1 of the Trump campaign.
or not the statue of liberty, that's always been pozed and too cliche, just make a really hot blonde chick that represents America under a Trump admin. This is sure to trigger the fuck out of them.
It really isn't.
Probably the only accurate and non-biased part of this article.
Yes, because I love living in a mongrel, feminized democracy instead of the white American republic that much of my ancestors got to live in.
You lying fuck. I used to think shitheads like you were unaware and couldn't put two-and-two together, but now I know that you either don't care or are actively working against the rightful white demographics of America. Either way, you're a cancer, you nasty kike.
Just according to Keikaku
Man, the journokikes have really been kicking it into gear lately.
We must really be making their brows sweat.
Parallel, but mostly because of crossover posting I think.
The only entirely separate but parallel meme I can confirm that I know of is Winter Chan and Ice-age Chan.
Halfchan made some discoveries and their sheer numbers are beneficial to certain aspects of meme magic, while we've made a lot of discoveries and our smaller focused nature (and slightly less shitty mods and site admins) are beneficial to other aspects of meme magic.
Generally the pattern seems to be that we repost their best gets and their occasional discoveries, and they plunder us for fresh OC and dank memes.
We're like the head and they're the body, while shitholes like r/The_Donald are firewalls that help our meme magic spread to the rest of the internet while preventing most shit from hitting back at us in any major way.
As much as I hate cuckchan, it will forever be useful to memetics, at least as long as they allow somewhere like Holla Forums to exist in any form, if for no other reason than that they have gets. Even if somewhere on reddit was allowed to go full 1488, their lack of gets would render them largely useless to meme magic, other than as a dissemination point.
The comments are distressingly civil…
You don't need an account to upboat those comments.
This is the best comparison I've seen.
We need to better utilize this to our advantage somehow.
Hillary can't even stand on her feet or go two sentences without hacking, and the best they have to attack Trump with is a fucking cartoon frog. It'll almost be disappointing to see this ride end.
Translator's note: keikaku means plan.
We have 4-8 years of this ride coming up.
Is it gay if it's a frog? These are serious things that they're bringing up that we must discuss.
Frogs can change gender, according to Jurassic Park.
Separate ride, user. This one ends at Trump winning the election and then we get on a far better ride.
of course it's fucking gay.
it's a leftist shaming tactic even though their whole position of muh tolerance.
Leftists can be racists, sexists, homophobes, etc. if they are attacking someone outside of their cult.
I'm not certain what your dubs are implying. Also, in the books, birds and lizards were used too.
This is only the beginning.
We will crush them underneath our waves of smug.
They love doing this. They always question your sexual prowess or size of your dick. It's only recently that the right has realized we can dish it out too, and went at them with the cuck stuff.
I don't think we should go back and develop a presence there, at least not much more than any of us currently do. Splitting valuable energy between here and there seems like a waste and they really are cucked by moderation and unchecked shilling over there.
But I agree that we probably could leverage our relationship slightly better. Maybe spend a little more time over there, just not at the expense of here. Maybe something else that we haven't thought of yet.
Either way, I'm not too concerned. The fact that they continue to be useful in their own way despite all the shit that's happened is impressive enough and is proof that maybe we don't need to fix anything.
They certainly deserve our continued scorn, but if even reddit and facebook and twitter are viable weapons in our arsenal now, further weaponizing 4chan can't be a bad thing.
I think that for me, the mental block is that I have this image in my head of old/pol/, and every time I go back there I just see a disgusting mockery of that. But if I can get over that, and see it as something completely unrelated and new, it's definitely a useful vector for meme magic.
IIRC in the books the breeding velociraptors were hermaphrodites because of frog DNA. But the last time I read that book was when I was 13… so I might be remembering that.
Thanks for the fresh frog
Whoever made it din't realize that Kek is the female form of the god, and pepe is a lesbian.
enough of that crap
They shifted from female to male. They weren't that specific about the frog species that caused that.
I'm starting to feel like we're actually turning the tide.
We're going to fucking win
when I read such Jewish hounding, I want to give all jews a pounding!
now there's a slogan
I respected the economist before 2016. Not anymore.
First search result when you type Pepe into
…I kinda feel bad for Pepe. being chosen by Kek is a tough burden. Just look at his face on the right. He didn't want any of this.
It's not, Kauket is the female form and you a faggot that should do some research
I think so too, but I wanna keep pushing. I want to see Communist blood running on the fucking streets. Fuck civility, I've tried to discuss and debate with people like this or get an idea of their arguments but it was all nonsense. They run on utopianism and passive aggressiveness.
I wanna get blood-drunk.
Kek is the male form and Kauket is the female form.
Read up before shit posting lazy nigger
Kek's female form is Kauket and she is a snake
that thread was beautiful. I'm glad I was there to share it with you all.
So we also worship a Monstergirl?
It gets better.
Not bad, I like this.
Normalfags user. We aren't on cuckchan anymore. You can be gay, just don't be a fag.
I can't wait until Isis blows up a statue of Kek. They've been destroying artifacts & it's bound to happen. The fallout would be unheard of.
Don't you mean KEKaku?
I'm still in awe of all of this. Are Egyptians white? Do they count as white gods or something?
I recall a series of recent studies that showed they were vaguely related to Slavs, but that they had red hair.
Ancient Egypt sounded boss af tbh famalam.
That image is annoying being a person that has to commute an hour to work in Boulder County. Pretty sure the bicyclists are just a tool being used to further the agenda 21 plans here
You know the saying
"Don't be a Wojak! Be a pepe instead!"
I wish I still had the image, but it looked like a 1950s safety manual.
We love you, Wyatt, keep it up
Jews have a history of fucking with societies and civilizations all for the sake of worshiping their golden cow god moloch and using blood rituals and shit to this day (see circumcision, and their blood letting of animal slaughter). No doubt they have fucked with plenty of cultures, burying, burning, and killing; and religions in order to push their supremacist "we are god's chosen, you are meant to serve us" ideologies (as written in the talmud). I'd imagine with ancient and old gods banished and defeated once by the kikes, are now banding together for a vengeful showdown against the kikes and their god.
Dubs confirm.
That mention of circumcision hurt. I'm cut and I hate it. I will have my vengeance though.
post png with transparency for oc profit
Posting the best 3D waifu.
It's 3 hours long, but give this a watch/livestream it with fellow anons, but give this a watch if you haven't seen it.
Then let your new found anger be fuel to rid the plague on humanity from the face of the earth.
The rothschild owned economist has really turned to toilet paper over this election cycle.
I always take the opportunity to tell anons you can restore your foreskin. It won't be the same as the original, but it's close. Just type foreskin restoration into any search engine. It's worth doing.
It really rustles my jimmies how the (((Economist))) NEVER shows who writes a given article. No accountability whatsoever.
Even the advertisement insults the article writer. He does need to apply himself
Why? Just…why?
All blame can be ascribed to this cunt though.
Zanny Minton Beddoes. I'm pretty sure she is chosen although her wiki does not state her tribal affiliation. Look at her though, she looks like the happy merchant with long hair.
Literally "there are starving children in Africa, so you can't complain about anything".
It won't restore the nerve endings, will it? Ah fuck it, I at least want to feel normal.
daily reminder that all bike fags will be killed during the happening
Wyatt you are a fucking legend.
A fucking legend.
The spirit of kek left the last drawfag and found a more suitable host.
All White Gods. lists her name as The Eternal Anglo, but she could be crypto. Especially with a name like Zanny
Oh boy, oh boy. The Economist writing about Pepe and the stormtroopers. Ahh, can't wait to see what they have to say.
It's a lulzy read, get comfy and soak it up.
Do something about Trump's lips
When is he going to buy us an oil rig complete with a zoo and bipedal deterrent?
I think all thinkthanks except imageboards are bogus. It's telling that kikes who are in all kind of Democrat approved thinkthanks in NY (totally not bogus of course) are discrediting this one thinkthank.
Yep, just cracked open a cold one and settling in.
Hmmm, I wonder why?
No, but it will moisten your glans and whatever remains of your frenulum, which will become more sensitive. You will look natural and have the natural gliding motion. And here's something I would never have believed if it hadn't happened to me: Your scar will disappear completely and become just like the inner foreskin, so there's no telling it was ever there.
These niggers are off to a roaring start.
Got that folks? It's just your imagination. Whites being immigrated out of fucking existence right now, right in front of your very eyes while the media celebrates the browning of America is all a big racist lie.
What a fucking tool.
Woah, get this guys. The alt right might be actual racists.
Did not we have a thread about Sobek's memetic manifestation? I can't recall exactly what it was but it had something to do with crocodile related news.
Holy fuck I'm gonna look into this more. Thanks user!
Come on, user.
Oh that's a nice smear. He's ready for a rope.
I always wanted to be a street samurai with magick that could bring great conspiracies to their knees.
I just didn't think it would be a life of so much bachelor chow and pissed-on toilet seats.
That's an old pic of pepe, he looks like this now.
A marked improvement from the pre-kek era
Damning the current state of affairs with faint praise I see.
At least they've left the comments section open. Looks like a fatal assrape of the author has commenced.
Kek is the way white people realize they don't need to live in the Berenstein universe anymore
That sounds like an awesome Saturday morning cartoon that would have helpful PSAs. I like it.
Oh, and to add to the story I posted.
I love ancient Egypt even more now.
It DOES sound like insane drivel. The comments on that article are half composed of frustrated subscribers stating that they're done with TE and will not be renewing their subscriptions.
I'm somewhat disappointed as well. One dimensional and dismissive. They will learn the hard way though.
He manifested with the rise of Krokodil, a drug that makes people rot.
It's from William Gibson's oeuvre. If you haven't read Virtual Light or Neuromancer, you are missing the fuck out. Also Shadowrun games.
fuggin saved
Speaking as a bikefag, I'm poor so it's my only option, fuck off.
Also it's not Agenda 21 anymore, it's Agenda 2030 we set them back 9 years
Hitler dubs confirms. I'm gonna have to get on a lot of shit.
(((A Wyatt Mann))) imposter fagging up the threads his forced meme.
Excellent. I've always wanted to be a ship-poster.
The person who wrote this is a subhuman and if he truly believes the shit that he's saying in that article, he simply has no excuse.
We need to meme the Jews back into slavery under Egyptian Empire 2.0
Well said. America really has become a shitty place. White people aren't even allowed to exist. We need to, en masse, say "fuck it" to everything and start embracing whiteness and OUR FUCKING CULTURE. OURS.
Maybe we're to blame for reading this kind of shit and not doing more. These people are fucking criminals. They're fucking evil. For us to sit around doing nothing while they get away with this is a sin in and of itself lads. FUCK.
America was, is, and should always be for
We are supposed to be examples of the European peoples' desires to be fruitful and multiply.
52 days until the election.
Whoever this was you deserve a toast.
And honestly, so very little resistance at this point. Hillary is too sick to do much by way of campaigning; King Nigger is hiding out; the (((media))) is just blindly continuing the same strategy that hasn't worked for over a year now. It's quiet out there. Too quiet.
We'd better prepare for some seriously high sodium boys. Probably enough to breach it's internet containment and enter the real world.
Whites aren't going to lie down and accept death anymore.
the Economist never attribute authors to their articles, at least from what I've seen
Oh no! A swing and a miss.
One and the same
Just wait until these people find out about moonman. If they freak out this much about something as innocuous as pepe what'll they think of an actual nazi racist genocidal alt right cartoon character?
I cannot wait for the day these kikes discover Moonman. I want to see some hook-nosed Jewess with terror in her eyes and a quivering voice start complaining on normie television that MOONMAN is coming to get her.
You're not allowed to check your own dubs, user. Here, let me check 'em for you:
Nice dubs!
Judging by the absolute BTFO'ing going on in the comments, the author must be thanking his lucky stars tonight. If this were back in ye ole days of mob justice when you could smell the burning torches in the air, now would be about the time you withdraw all your savings from the bank and flee the country because things are about to get hot.
Which will then meme Moonman into reality, and he actually will kill her.
Thanks user.
I will shit myself with laughter when that happens. Moonman is my top three favorite memes of all time and there is absolutely no way you can sugarcoat him. I admire his sheer brutality and his love for the White Race.
The Economist is one of the only major news sites that has largely unmoderated anonymous (no real names) comments. You frequently see hundreds of anti-semetic comments from arabs on israel/Palestinian stories.
Old fags running the world
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Ah didn't know that as I don't read The Economist as much anymore due to their unrelenting globalist faggotry.
Oh no faggot, we're not going anywhere. There'll be fewer of us, but we'll make sure to be A LOT less easier to handle.
Articles in the economist never have a name attached. It's the tradition of it forever. Just saying.
My 88 dubs must be listened to. Checked (myself)
They're busy making contingency plans. I honestly expect to see public figures fleeing to Israel and a surfeit of properties up for sale.
Oh, they think silence is their ally..
Kill yourself, Ari.
excellent work
As user said earlier in the thread: Just as keikaku.
How can they deny it when the FUCKING VICE PRESIDENT publicly admits that white genocide is happening?
Do you have some smug pics right now? Because I need to fill my smug folder. Have a smug potato-nigger qt3.14.
What about the anime, ritual sacrifice and Bane? These fucking journobloggers can't even do 10 minutes of research.
Gosh, we need another eight years of that policy. What could possibly go wrong?
This is beautiful.
It boggles my mind how clueless these journalists are about the intelligence of people posting on the chans. They talk about our growing influence, yet in the same breath seem to believe we're country bumpkins running around in KKK suits.
Half the people here are probably in some STEM field or in serious academic study. Contributors are well read, and there are regular book sharing threads, and information dumps encouraging people to "take the red pill" and learn about the world around them.
Damn right
Checkin this, its been a long road. Cant wait for the endless tears form the media. I hope they have a huge panel of pundits on that are so salty it gives Wolf Blitzer a heart attack.
Leftiecucks are afraid because we are an enemy that they have never encountered before.
The old easily mocked enemy was racist backwoods christfag rednecks larping as KKK members.
The new enemy is neo-nazi hackers on steroids from the darkest reaches of the internet who worship a cartoon frog as the embodiment of an Egyptian chaos god.
Think about that for a moment, to the average normalfag that is so absurd, so out of the ordinary that it is horrifying. Blue-pilled uninitiated people are probably terrified that something so insane could actually exist.
Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
I cancelled my subscription once they came out so heavily anti-Trump. Yes I know, I am paying the Rothschild family, but it used to be pretty useful to get neutral news, at least before Zanny got involved.
Moral of the story: make the conspiracy so bizarre that no normies who reads about it won't believe it.
*will believe it
Time for bed.
It's honestly a fantastic fucking tactic.
Who could possibly believe that a group of 1-2 million frog worshiping autistic weabooes who masturbate to anime could possibly be the biggest threat to the entire world order?
And they won't believe until we're in charge and it's already to late.
It's like pottery.
"…But we are initiated, aren't we, user?"
It's Arrogance and Hubris user.
It's honestly a fantastic fucking tactic.
Who could possibly believe that a group of 1-2 million frog worshiping autistic weabooes who masturbate to anime could possibly be the biggest threat to the entire world order? And they won't believe until we're in charge and it's already to late.
We really do need to start calling all of this kvetching by the media a crazy conspiracy theory. Give them a taste of their own medicine.
I totally fucked that post up, didn't I. Kek.
Sometimes i'm fucking astounded that we exist and yet i'm here every day.
Just like the ancient Pharaoh Pepi I was used by Kek to bring himself into this world so that it happens again the Ogdoad will not let their race because they subsist on our gets.
What if its Pharaoh Pepi II?
Even if you're not a Christian it's an immutable fact. You're going to pay for your acts one way or the other.
Wait so instead of throwing the citizen out of his Palace he just trolled him until he left?
It's great that they're finally telling the truth about us but nobody is listening and it's just damaging their reputation even more.
Feels fucking good man.
This whole universe is a wild ride.
Remember when calling them out as conspiracy theorists to use a mix of what we truly believe in, what the media claims we believe in, and some made up bullshit as well to obfuscate.
The true stuff will make people desensitized to our truth, the media's version will mock their lies and misunderstandings, while the made up shit will keep it from being too easy for anyone to unravel without being initiated already.
Forget Moonman, what about the biggest bigot, the voraciously violent and vicious anti-semite…
Benny "my tire swing is a hanged negro with a hole in his chest" G.
Yeah Pepi II is attested to have ruled for 94 years, scholars debate this but the records show this has got to be the case.
Also Pepi started a conquest into Nubia for "pacification", and also because he needed more Africans for the gold and copper mines. He was the last ruler of the 6th Dynasty at his death the government unraveled and there was dark age.
I like this Pep II guy.
B-but we wuz kangs, though, not slaves!
Frogs are a symbol of change from the tadpole/amphibian stage.
Hence the Egyptians taking it also as a symbol of chaos, darkness before the dawn, etc.
There's a shitton of hidden meaning behind it and looking it just as a frog is really mundane tier.
I'm worried people might start to honestly believe this - like older generations spoonfed crap on TV.
So confirmed fake?
🐸 (PBUH)
people that do not put source in OP deserve bans.
Bigger? We're already taking over without even trying.
Imagine if there were more Holla Forums users. It'd be incredibly influential.
To add a starter guide for a mundane:
Swastika, in it's basic sense means
Imagine it as a blender that shreds degeneracy when it spins the way the Nazi swastika does.
The images of swastika and a smug frog may be visually completely different, but in it's symbolic meaning,
Pic related shows it in a hybrid way.
Remember kids: the bigger you are the harder you fall. and that goes both ways
We're reaching levels of kvetching that shouldn't be possible.
The ride never ends.
Even after we die
Apparently he will be brought back to McDonald's. They are going to have to explain the meme sooner or later.
Get ready lads, latest assault is over birther shit.
Are they retarded? That shit was started by Hillary.
It's like watching a fish flail around in vain after being deprived after water.
A literal Rothschild rag.
These bull and owl worshiping heebs really are scared of that frog.
The Economist periodically lays into Japan over loli manga too. It's pretty funny watching them sperg about something they can do fuck all about.
wait til thier writers see our showers, they won't be able to do anything about that, either.
If it repeats, then it'd be using the same time structure too for the repeats.
Which means it loops infinitely but technically synchronizes those loops into the same time frame. Which means all possibilities coexist at the same time.
The Alt right is composed of horrible people.
A circle has no recognizable starting point.
I tend to think of it more related to hypercubes.
don't buy the islam flat earth bullshit.
Also I've seen Saturn's rings and retrograde motion god dammit.
That smug Putin.
Kek launched my sides into orbit
Yeah, gotta give the Arabs some credit for astronomy.
now he is ready to shitpost
The story of my fucking life in three panes.
Just a reminder that the fact that the enemy writes articles like this should only encourage our struggle.
That laugh is so contageous
Was The Economist always an establishment puppet?
I had thought they were respectable but then they came out strongly against Brexit. I couldn't see how that was consistent with muh Classical Liberal Economics, to submit Britain to an exterior regulating body, but then again I don't have an LSE degree.
That was me (Pic related). Thank you for the toast.
The trick to dealing with these people is to mock them while pointing out, in explicitly simple terms, how silly they look.
Shame is an extremely powerful tool. It's why the left has used and abused it for so long. The problem is that it depends entirely on people doing the "correct" thing.
we need to start thinking about alternatives to pepe. Kikes will demolish this dank meme over time. We need to have something in your back pocket for when the time comes when pepe is off the list.
Your demoralization will not work , the kikes are powerless against the might of KEK
Highest resolution I can find.
The artist is like a nega-ben garrison.
i can remember bringing up cultural marxism to normalfag leftists years ago
they are easily stumped
>My fucking roommate of all people turns out to be a Holla Forumsack Although he's a faggot who browses half/pol/
Are Holla Forumsacks like stand users in the sense that we're naturally attracted to each other?
yeah, well, I see that this is a brand. But sometimes creating a new brand can be more beneficial than defending and promoting old ones.
But also, I don't really mind seeing Pepe taking to new heights either. I'm curious where this meme-breeding will all end up in a few months.
Pepe is a lesbian you idiot
Ibin Pippi
Fuckin Checked
lost it at the 'PEPEEE' and also the subliminal HILLBOT.EXE
Here's the webm.
our Pepe isn't Furie's
Schrank probably echoes
Shit, sorry I just saw this request.
Here you go.
You can fix this anti-ben G by making Trump and Pepe look at a hot blonde chick.
I could, or you could while I get back to my regular-scheduled drawing.
Lips are still pursed for a kiss, though; should be modified to be closed in a normal fashion.
Love the frogs-spots. Looks very visceral and gritty.
That was quick! Outstanding job!
damn m8
ur pretty skilled.
Can you make some gory NSFW stuff too?
/d/, pls go.
Doesn't need to be /d/ or porn of any kind, just violent badass drawings. Like a drawing of moonman graphically mowing down some fucking dindus with Trump clapping in the background or something.
I'll see what I can do, currently drawing something completely different.
no, the old enemy was diet-leftists larping as cowboys.
more extensive interview @ occidental dissent:
Also, he was way off in the origins, the "alt right" for lack of a better term is far more grounded in the French "New Right" of the 60s and 70s
I actually like this one the most. it looks more..natural.. in some way. I cannot explain it.
The lips kind of give the image a character. It looks like he's saying "You're fired!" or something similar.
This one looks too normal, and boring. It doesn't have that random energy anymore.
Yep, the media will never understand the actual intellectual foundation of the alt-right is early and mid 20th century European right wing philosophers.
I don't think a single one of us has read a book by David Duke, but I bet a lot of you have read Evola, Spengler, De Benoist, Dumezil, etc
I didn't even know Duke wrote a book
I highly suspect McDonalds is willing to spend tens of millions of dollars to keep Moonman off the TV. For staters, their parody of "Mac the Knife" led to a lawsuit from Bobby Darin's family in 1989 that took Moonman off the airwaves for good. (Though it's worth noting his image remained in use well into the 1990s.) Undoubtedly, newscasters and bloggers would mention this somewhat embarrassing factoid.
Also, I imagine McDonalds would rather not have their logo and name being uttered in the same sentence as "white supremacy" even when it's obvious their character's likeness was never intended to promote such a cause. They know a bunch of people will subconsciously associate the Golden Arches with burning crosses as a result. So, why not threaten to pull ads from the major networks or send cease and desist letters to anyone using images of Moonman, who still "belongs" to McDonalds as a draw to their website.
fucking rekt, requesting an illustration of this story with pepe as pepi and wojak as the anonymous citizen, also pepi should probably be some kind of demigod in his own right
Trojan horse article.
Objective: give credibility to daily shoah (part of the fake right complex including stormer, trs, evalion, Renegade etc) and present Jew controlled opposition Taylor as our "leader."
Holla Forums needs to start recognizing the true purpose of these articles instead of accepting them at face value like a normalfag glued to CNN.
Your shit's fucking inspiring, Wyatt.
is the prophet of kek the next BennyG? he seem redpilled but not on the J question.
I don't have the software where I'm at, but these are my suggestions.
White people are told they are terrible all the time.
Why do you think the undereducated have more pride in their country in themselves, in their fellow whites? Because they haven't been properly… briefed.
So the Rothschild publication doing its part to push this Kek bullshit cult?
A meme to surpass Metal gear
That fourth picture is perfect
they're not the mouth of the puppet, they're the mouth of the puppeteer
But loli manga is bad, user. Just like all hentai and Japanese porn in general. It is responsible to a large extent for the massive birthrate slump in the country, as less and less men feel compelled to look for a mate.
Don't forget that porn is a Jew, and the Jew has infected Japanese civilisation.
Thats not a very surprising thing. But dont forget the shitty working environment and other quality of life shit that makes having kids less appealing, despite the current situation.
i'm not convinced of that. I'm not saying porn isn't bad, and it likely does factor into the birthrate slump of the country, but only a relatively minor factor. There's also nothing wrong with just loli moe stuff since that's all pretty pure as things go, although it's not my cup of tea.
The major factors are the insanely stressful lifestyle/culture and horrible work environment. People live in tiny places, have constant and strict demands from work and family, and the passiveness of the japanese psychology magnifies the shittiness of all of that threefold.
I'd like to visit Japan one day, but I would never want to live there, let alone work there. For a large chunk of the population, life in Japan is hell. There's a reason that country has a ridiculously high suicide rate, life simply isn't worth living for a large number of people. Tragic, really.
You're retarded
The reason for the decline birthrate is that Japan has had a stagnant economy since the 90s, with their Gen X and Millennial equivalents unable to get into the workforce due to "position for life" among their parents
Not to mention that the "career salaryman" is what all Japanese women expect when they look to marriage, knocking an entire generation out of the sexual/marriage marketplace
I think the social disconnect between guys and girls and the awful family lives that the Japanese wives have factor in. These are your choices.
Porn, doujins, and eroge are not the disease, but a symptom. I'd even say a lot of hentai taking place in high school is due to the men wanting to go back and do it over, or hoping for a better time even from the beginning.
Do you really think they wouldn't be better off without their porn? Stop making excuses for degeneracy just because it doesn't come from hooknoses. You fucking weebs WANT degeneracy. You ARE degenerates. This is why you constantly make excuses for Japanese bullshit. You want to feel like the moral police for shitting on the jews but you won't say anything bad about what the japs produce. Delete this.
Doesn't make it any better.
one (you) has been deposited in your 8ch gold account, thank you for participating!
Yes. Law of attractions.
Don't really care since I'm not a jap, but trying to link their declining birthrates with the eternal contest between loli and ara ara, when far larger and more obvious reasons exist smacks of severe and highly contagious autism
Checked and Kek'd.
We'll made it to the Oxford dictionnary /
Who except the one making these jokes will fucking understand what it's about, fucking lampshades m80s
How can you be so jewish?
All of those pepe news recently must be so fucking confusing for the average normie. What the hell is this frog? Why is it so important? White nationalism? Image board? Dark force threatening Clinton? (along with a flaming faggot spewing meninist shit), just what the fuck? Why don't they cover Hillary's near death experience or her total lack of consistency?
It must be strange to not be a channer these days.
Great! Astonishing job. The best actually !
This just gave me an idea, if mods don't want to ban degenerates, then they should at least do funbans for a couple of days that somehow always redirect you to a board called THE BOG and you would have no access to anything else on Holla Forums until the ban is over
Cyberpunk just wouldn't be the same without them.
You guys know that the Rothschilds own that bitch right? No one reads that bitch. Even in the financial industry has changed MASSIVELY the past decade. What they do has no real place in anything. Jewberg and FT round out the establishment in the finacial space. Shits all dying.
The secret behind communism isn't awful.
I couldn't let this die, so I did what I could. I'm too lazy to fix the hair though.
Get your head examined.
looks like your script fucked up, forgot to sage this time.
thanks for correcting the record
god she's an ugly bitch
Get your head examined
get your python examined
Looks like my Junior English paper, slow down with the pseudo intellectualism you faggot
this auto-shilling really takes shit to a whole new level. Also we're getting bombed with camwhore threads
It absolutely does. I work with normals who were calling Hillary insane in our work IRC room. These are Hillary supporters and they can't believe she picked a fight with a cartoon frog. They know pepe from being online over the years, they know there are tons of pepes. Some nazi pepes and all kinds of others. They don't hang out here so they don't know about kek or meme magic, it's all just plebbit and cuckchan memes to them. And Hillary started a fight with one of them.
Imagine the average normalfag reacting to this. After 12 years of chans it's hard for me. What would be the mental reaction?
Move closer to work and vote for better bike infrastructure. Instead of painting a cycling lane that no one likes, they should expand the side walk and have the new section be for bikes.
Segregating bikes and cars is best for both, integration is a disaster.
Poor ForChant. All's they want to do is run a Logistics company :(
I want our Future Fash tropical utopia back
what movie
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
i have been imitating his expression when i'm taking something into consideration.
it has potential to trigger faggots and if this behavior spreads somehow, it will only do us good.
Midgets in clown suits.
I want this to be a meme so bad I will pay top dollar for OC.
It worked for the government. it can work for us.
How about no, weebfaggot?
fuck off furfag
I second this idea
It's working already!
Inglorious Basterds. It's revenge porn for Jews, but being a Tarantino movie it has good acting and dialogue, so it has some choice clips.
Why does a Jew jew?
What the fuck is she cooking?
It looks like eggs because I can clearly see the yolk but the eggwhites look like a mix of rice and pancake batter.
ban was lifted, looks like it was bad idea.
This movie had the probably unintended effect of making me view Germany in a sympathetic light. I get that the West has been conditioned for decades to view the killing and maiming of Nazis as deserved and good. When I saw IB though, I couldn't help but feel like the Germans looked brave and honorable, while the American Jews looked like the monsters that the Germans are usually portrayed to be.
True. Tarantino's style had the possibly-unintended effect of making the Jewish American spec ops squad look like a bunch of fucking psychopaths. I couldn't help but feel bad for the main Nazi antagonist (can't remember his name now) when he had the swastika brutally carved into his forehead with a knife. I think Tarantino might have intended to show both sides as utterly psychotic killers, which is a good start for the likes of Hollywood.
Have you guys actually ever read this before because I cannot believe our once darling Pepe is having his name dragged through the mud
User ban was lifted, after 4 hours want to 'correct the record' faggot?
guys, guys, you should look at the comments!!
some are pretty top tier
people are blaming the mainstream media for creating the so called "alt right" hahahaha
In a way they did, they didn't listen to anyone sharing our views for probably 20 years at least. Our ideas were driven underground and turned up in the internet in places like this, where the the backlash was planned. Neocons and progressives didn't represent us so now they have Trump and a green frog and a sense of apprehension about what exactly the green frog means.
The economist endorsed Cameron in the last election. Says everything about them.
remember how fast Cameron left politics ( was fired ) after he failed to kill Brexit. totally drop shipped in there and then extracted when fubar)