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Ok I might be a little delayed posting by like 5-10 mins
Previous Threads:
Back Issues
Ok I might be a little delayed posting by like 5-10 mins
Ok so Titans and Teen Titans is not up yet which sucks, Also why is Jon not in the Teen Titans yet or he should at least be in a arc and make supersons worlds finest
Action Comics #970
Detective Comics #947
Poor Tim.
One step forward two steps back.
The Flash #13
Wonder woman #13
Oh gee Captain Cold why don't you remove that stupid glasses when walking in public? Of course that moron found out about your identity.
Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #11
Deathstroke #9
Batgirl #6
Hellblazer #5
Is this a reference to JLU?
eh it would be cool if it was intended.
All-Star Batman #5
Isn't Jason from the Nightwing comic?
Is it wrong i expected Poison Ivy to make out with Batgirl?
Ok boys I have to go out now, I will finish when I come back
Best character ever
I know it's comic logic but I still question the writer idea about a KGB agent roaming around American cities while wearing a gimp suit, thigh high shoes and weapon arm prosthesis.
You can always see a shit artist a mile away. No, that's to degrading to the artist. The person who draws pictures in a comic book in this DC comic book is shit.
It was the 80's. Colossus had thigh highs back then as well.
But his get up was more like a circus performer.
Because Damien is a little shit. You just know that if Jon ever asks to be in the Teen Titans, he's already got a snide comeback thought up about Jon not being a teenager yet.
I hope this is all part of some scheme on Superman's part to get Luthor out of trouble.
So close, Tim. So close…
I wonder what he saw?
>Then I guess we gotta take care of the kids.
Okay, that got a small laugh out of me.
Well, I'm certainly not complaining.
Admittedly, I'm not all that familiar with Deathstroke's original backstory. Is this something new for Slade, or…?
…The upcoming Batgirl annual where she teams up with Supergirl is going to be a massive disappointment, isn't it?
Okay, that's not a bad note to end on.
List of titles remaining to be storytimed this week:
Looking forward to when you get back, Rebirth-user, and thanks for keeping up the good work.
Ok I am back now will start posting again soon
Blue Beetle #4
Batman Beyond #3
Is it me or did Blue Beetles transformation look like a sailor moon transformation?
Pic fuckin related
It's new alright. So far everything with Slade was taken from the original comic but twisted it for modern times.
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2
Vigilante: Southland #3
Super Powers #2
Supergirl Being Super #1
Mother Panic #2
Ok so that's everything this week aside from Teen Titans and Titans because they are not up yet, will post them tomorrow, till then I am going to go read both of them because they are right next to me ;)
Clearly Doctor Manhattan
That's some horseshit, but we'll see where it goes.
If Maxwell Lorde fucks her up, I'm gonna have a shit fit, as that means he'd outsmart Batman
ok bois get in here TT and Titans soon
Titans #6
Teen Titans #3
This is sort of off topic but I did not go pick up my comics in a couple months I had had a nice chat with the guy scanning my stuff Took a long time because he had to manually put in price reduction because I had not been there in so long the comics they were holding on for me went to back issues so I got 60% off but and this is not news to anyone DC is fucking killing it with sales over marvel and he was telling me that super man #10 and #11 and the holiday special were fucking flying off the shelves in a day they were all gone, this does not really have a point but it seems Jon and supersons are going to be fucking huge which is nice.
also by extension he said superman is doing so fucking well there, also he almost made me REEEEE so hard by saying he likes the n52 superman design over post-crisis
I guess that means we can look forward to a Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes story arc when they eventually get around to Legion Rebirth, then.
Eh, there's no accounting for people's shit taste, I suppose. Or was he saying that he preferred the New52 Superman's suit over Post-Crisis Superman's Rebirth outfit?
Ok he preferred (which is the same as rebirths) over the post crisis one (undies)
you poor soul
..I think I know why we aren't getting any Legion or Booster Gold series. The Blue Wang is rewriting the future.
Jon….I'm liking you better and better.
This keeps getting better and better (and that off hand mention of Booster is always nice)
He seems a bit more male then Clark Kent was at that age lol
I only buy good stuff man, like the Superman Golden Age omnibus(es?)
For those who care I will be posting the first arc of Batman and Robin tonight and the rest later in prep for super sons, it has the same creative team as Superman by the way.
Happy New Year!
I'll be looking forward to this.
yeah, I am pretty hyped for this series, I wish Beast boy raven star fire and cyborg were with them though.
Fuck Cyborg. Raven, BB, and Slutfire are busy with Damien.
I get that but I like the New Teen Titans roster a lot but that could be nostalgia, like if we had new raven over old raven that would be cool but the original is better
Happy New Year to you too
This is a test please ignore /dcrg/
ok boys please let this thread die, I know it still has a lot of bamps left but I realised I had forgot the subject line which means that who would have to scroll through the catalog to find it and not just ctrl + f to find it so I will be making a new one