Reminder to not use a small font when programming


I think your eyes get destroyed for staring at the screen for too long and programming in the dark. I don't know if font size has anything to do with it. Could be wrong.

There is a proven connection between small fonts and eye damage

Did you use Proggy Tiny?

It's not the font size. Your eyes have to strain harder to see smaller fonts, and over time, you lose your ability to do so.

It was years after I finished university that I an eye exam revealed I had an astigmatism, which my optometrist explained as something my ocular system used to compensate for, but in my twenties had lessened. Getting glasses late in life was like exiting the matrix... suddenly everything looked hyper realistic.

OP you should get some computer glasses, which help your eyes relax more while using a computer screen. If you opt for fancy lens coatings (oy vey they're expensive), you can get some which block out some blue light, which is the most straining to your eyes.

Just use a smaller font then to avoid strain

Let me clarify that. Small fonts aren't causing the damage to your eyes, they're the marker by which you can see use to notice degradation.

I've read about short term fatigue but not permanent eye damage. Any source on that?

Fucking psychosomatic bullshit stop.

getting old is no fun



I'm seriously considering buying some of these special computer screen glasses to see if they help any. The vision getting worse I can deal with but the constant twitching is getting annoying.

Go to an eye doctor.

You should look at something far away every hour or so.


I'm in front of computer screens for more than 8 hrs a day so obviously my eyes got fucked and I started to have to wear glasses. I used to get really bad eye strain headaches until I got glasses that filter out a portion of the Blue light. You can get it as part of a regular eyeglass perspiration but it's a little spendy but worth it imo

Instead of special glasses that filter out the blue light, wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to simply have the screen emit less blue light? Like redshift already does, I always turn it on when natural sunlight fades away.

potential to be broscience


Why can't you just get a film that you put over your screen, instead of wearing stupid computer glasses and looking retarded?


The glasses look normal, only difference is that if you look carefully, you'll see a tinge of blue light reflecting off them.

Oh and putting a film over my monitor, absolutely disgusting.

To relax your eye muscles.

reading this chan in any browser other than Links gives me eye strain

thanks (((CSS)))

If you think this is bad, you should look at endchan.

that's what you get for playing vidya and jerking off all day

also underage please go

My I rarely play vidya and I jerk off once every other day, meanwhile I'm programming almost non-stop.


It helps to use dark themes for everything. My browser has dark theme, browser dev tools, all of my editors, my O/S window manager. I would be blind by now without it.

just install and set up f.lux™

I have a pair of Gunnar... and they're pretty much a 100 bucks wasted. For the same price you could buy a BenQ monitor with functionalities similar to f.lux but integrated within the display

Sorry kid, I'm pretty sure this isn't a LARP convention

I'm not sure which bit you don't believe, either way believe what you want I don't particularly care.

Flux is for sleep rhythms, lens protection is for all day computer use.