I came from 4chain about 2 months ago because I got permbanned for posting jailbait on Holla Forums. I've come here almost daily for the past 2 months and I never knew there was an end goal with all the pedo spam. The cute little girl spam really go to me and I'm saying this unsarcastically bexause it really did break my conditioning.
The final nail in the coffin was when I made a fake instagram profile pretending to be a 10 year old boy just to befriend lolis. Not just that but I watched a 38 minute video of a loli q and a. Pic related is loli.
I don't know how to break this "fetish" because I still like women my age and it is possible. Please help me.
Other urls found in this thread:
yeah, no
yeh you're fucked op
Nice dubs, but you have got no trole-fu whatsoever.
That is horrible bait, user.
she legitimately has 38 minute Q&A video
also who has that trap conditioning greentwxt from 2016 Holla Forums
I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here: Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?
they premaban you for posting jailbait now? kek
not anymore im 22 and i find girls over 15-16 used up goods. let alone my own age.
They ban you for saying nigger now, no joke.
because fuck you its more enjoyable than shitposting and replying to you. I would watch a loli for 3 hours on livestream and not get board.
Compared to you my puckered anus has more important things to say.
lol triggered
Op here.
You think this is fucking bait?
user, you don't know how reality works, do you?
youre a fucking creep
post more CD to trigger this faggot
Next thing you know, you would have over 2TB of lolis vids, buy several hard drives and set yourself a nice raid configuration.
good god i love this place. i can't tell if people are joking around or not and that's why i choose to stay here.
I want 40min of Maisie.
Please share the video.
this is not a drill
go back to lg tbh
how about no?
aha faggot
no proof. fake news
how do you know?
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Yeah because the FBI would warn you by leaving evidence that they're using the site as a honeypot, it just conveniently went down for long enough to change server locations and then came back up like nothing even happened.
Nothing suspicious about that at all its not like one of the most popular CP sites was a honeypot for 11 months and nobody knew about it until just recently or anything like that nope we're all completely safe nobody be cautious at all that would be silly.
he has none
there is no CP and if you post so much as a legal image with a single nipple, it's removed within 5 minutes. try harder
Good on ya, pedos.
4chan is run the same way yet they admit to sending tips to the FBI for posters they ban for CP.
Your CP posts don't have to stay up for it to be a honeypot.
Cat's name is wuwu or something.
yes, for people who post CP. but virtually every web site these days is spying on you in one way or another anyways
is that 240p, nigga?
Give me a break dude. I'm new to all of this and it was streamed on IG.
best to just assume everything is a honeypot and talk about pedo stuff from behind 7 proxies.
Is there a higher quality version out there?
nothing illegal, nothing to hide
You thought I was serious? I was only pretending to be retarded.
Be patient. I have autism!
maisie is not lewd
get that shit out of here, in not fucking gay faggot
Tell that to my boner.
user, i just fell in love
i know you are, but what am i?
a sicko
beanpoles are qt, tbh
enncrypt("Sir, you're not alone. We have a CIA support group for agents like you who turned to shit.", 9000)
Me neither. You can't be this new, can you?
this nigga has like 5 pesonalities get some help dude
How do you know? Are you
so cute
i said she's cute. i didn't say i was sexually attracted to her. stop projecting
t. closet pedo
(checking these dub dubs)
says the fag posting in the several dozen midget threads
im not but it is the same two pedos spamming pedo threads. is that not obvious to you?
That would make it only me and another user. I don't think so mate.
how come like 10 posters can affect the whole board?
Must be the coolest posters of them all.
right now it is ox and you. im not sure who you are, maybe !lll
im not a mod and i would never moderate or volunteer for this shit hole of a board. ive actually been trying to get pedos to stop posting for a few days but no cigar.
oh, you're that special faggot. i remember you shilling your "stop pedo posting" bullshit yesterday
not officer ox btw
I've seen that ox being mentioned somewhere but not the other one. As I don't know who they are I can't tell you if they're me or not.
Are you new here?
if im special for trying to get dysnomia to delete this board or have him step down as bo then so be it.
you guys have too many memes for me to keep up with. is ox actually leo? or is that another one of your in jokes because its not even slightly humorous if theres no context.
"Ox" is a new namefag from /lg/. i believe is he's european, possible german due to his use of spurdo and general kc memes.
!LLLLLL or whatever is a tripfag whos very active and will often match spammers with little girl spam. not sure what the child's name is but he really likes one to shill a specific one.
that makes no sense.
no my naive friend, i am not.
so you're a resident data miner. good to know
You know a lot about pedos for a newfriend.
You forgot ¯\_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯
I think they take shifts and he's angry about being transfered.
no im just annoyed at what this place has been reduced to and instead of putting it out of its misery dysnomia has prolonged its suffering. he needs a reality check asap.
im not going to waste my time measuring dicks with you. call me names some more because that is all you can do.
some memes need to die
You're too far gone user. You've already broke the conditioning.
Then you did measure dicks with me, officer.
Come on now, you know you have to go log in to the emoji server and fish out a few smileys and spray them around.
How do you spell obvious?
He's already got a 38 minute video of a loli doing non lewd things but soon that will manifest into something darker. The seed has already been planted by the pedos and he is legitimately fucked.
Halfchan will ban now for posting anyone under 18. Before they wouldn't even take it down until it hit post limits.
Not true. I pedo-post there bare IP masterrace sometimes, in order to trigger people. Of course, the images & memes are entirely non-lewd and I don't get banned.
pic related
hell, i would get all library, Starbucks, mcdonalds ips banned in my area by zhenya posting on halfchan. I should do that and not bare ip at home and cant vpn post either.
i'm b& for posting the gif of keira knightley topless scene from the movie "the hole", even tho it's entirely legal, streamed into my living room courtesy of netflix. she was 16 at the time of filming
What the fuck.
legal, but against board rules, m8
Good for Hollywood, goof enough for me tbh
Nipples trigger a lot of people.
Worse Than Terrorism
I haven't seen it. Please post that legal part you're talking about.
such shit, amirite? b& for posting child pornography that's neither a child nor pornographic
she was 16? Im affraid im goint to need citation on that one
google, my friend. she was 16 at the time of filming. thora birch was under 18 when she filmed that tit scene for american beauty. but it's not pornography. it's "nudity" and therefore legal
Holy shit. So the Jews can do it, but not us? I see you
ahahaha. now you're starting to see how the world really works, user
never change Holla Forums
If we had IDs, we'd see that OP is a (1) and Done tbh
OP should also realize here why there's nothing wrong with him. it's completely natural to be attracted to loli and her big sister ephebe. kiked laws are why we think it's wrong
trying to push cynicism and pessimism as a forced 'meme'?
you can stop any fucking time.
or he's just shilling as per usual.
Do you think child models know that pedos are beating it to their non lewd videos and just getting off to the sound of ttheir voices?
The models i dont think they know. But they´re parents do, and they are perfectly fine with it
only some of them
is that even possible? audiosexual or something
yup that's pretty accurate
What do you think? Was he just a dumb fuck for using a peer to peer service to get this shit?
He was anti-HW, SJW leftist.
But he may actually have believed that what he was downloading was legal, as it says in the document. They didn't believe his story. He was torrenting LS models, in part.
I listened to a 15 minute version of that mp4 on jewtube. Fucking kill me.
Do I even want to ask what LS models are?
Two words: loli asmr
I know that's 5 but work with me here.
A lot of the LS images posted on chans are tame and look like standered non-nude modeling. Later on the in the sets, they get naked and do sexual poses that is legally CP (lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area).
Was a softcore CP studio based in Ukraine. The leader never went to jail because none of the parents pressed charges. (They only used female photographers, required parents to be on set, etc)
why live? sad.jpg
inb4 ban
Most of it's stupid. Dressing up as batman, superman, aliens, sirens, cowboys, pirates, etc.
LS-Magazine is the only detect sets because of normal outfits.
only have a few images from 04 to 07. nothing much
why not?
this is the shit the neogaf mod went to jail for??
>realizing they were on libre for free :_:
They get naked and do softcore poses that focous on their vagaina later on in the sets. It's illegal then.
A lot of people downloaded LS torrent without realising this, so I sorta believe his claim he didn't know it was illegal. He even tried to delete the files after finishing his torrent according the court documents.
Still. Youd think a mod on a popular internet forum would know not to download that shit off a fucking torrent.
Stupid outfits..
yeah, but if that's real fur, then it's an expensive outfit
It's not illegal unless you post an actual illegal image from the set. But it doesn't matter if it's technically illegal or not, mods can do whatever they want here. Jim deletes some of the tamest instagram pictures for DOST.
test ;)
Do these girls actually get fully naked? You can practically see her vag as it is… where it creases inward into the camel toe part.
Yes, and they do softcore porn poses. No actual masturbation or anything.
you're using a little bit too much imagination there, user.
they're always disappointing
probably because child nudity is taboo, you expect it to be better than the legal stuff, but it's pretty much not.
Candydoll is better anyway
test successful
need better ones
don't really see the appeal, tbh. No really attractive girls to be found with LS. At least CD has a few
LS had over 1000 models.
that many?. Still, most are probably average looking
What a clever way to issue a challenge.
i kekked IRL, user
No challenge, just based on the faces I've seen so far. If you must post anything, just crop it to show only faces. No need to get banned
amri0x court document if you want to read
They charged him with legal nudist images too, but were dropped since it was legal. He's expected to take a please bragain for the LS images and
that video definitely sounds like CP. I don't think the images should be but I'm not a lawfag
what it sounds like is a victimless crime.
LS images is a text-book example of "lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person", the models are being posed with spread legs and sexual positions, with the focus on the genitals. Nudity without the focus of genitals is legal.
the best argument would be it helps turn people into raging pedos
but i don't know if there is any evidence
this I believe.
though is right. the spread legs with vagina showing is obviously beyond just 'natural' posing or nudity and is clearly not art or legal, like it or not
was banned for posting this
Thats only outside of Holla Forums.
Correct you have to be raped as a child to become a pedo.
Wait thats a real shirt?? lol and damn shes cute.
Indeed it's a real shirt and she is cute.
I just wanna hug and kiss her.
Back to >>>/younglove/ faggot.
*blocks op's path*
What do fam?
i got permabanned for posting Instagram models. legal normie shit. and ive appealed like 3 fucking times and keep getting rejected. i even created a temp email and asked them to email me any demands they have or atleast any fucking reason as to why i was permabanned for legal posts, and they rejected the appeal and didn't email me anything. the mods on 4chan are a bunch of emotional nerds. the "i like 2d lolis but u like real little girls u are fucked up!" type.
thats why i phonepost lewd pics now
phonepost? they werent even fucking lewd tho. i just cant stand the level of disrespect. i created a temp fucking email and they ignored me. i didnt even asked to be unbanned from every board, i said "if all else fails, can you ATLEAST unban me from Holla Forums and not Holla Forums." nup.
8/v/ is better tbh
A seahorse?
i already gotten several vpns, phone networks and a dynamic home ips banned. If you have a dynamic ip, you can configure your router to change your ip and be sure to clear the cache and cookies too.
cant even test the waters and see where the line is on 4chan. once ur permabanned ur always permabanned.
i can do that whenever i want. but i need to have my BARE ORIGINAL IP released. im not gonna give the fuck up.
i dont even fucking like 4chan much. i honestly prefer Holla Forums. but Holla Forums gets so fucking dead sometimes. sometimes i see a stupid normie on 4chan and want to roast them, then i forget i was banned.
Ban evading to shitpost on halfcuck is easy af. Where you been? Also no point in posting lolis there anymore, they have too many janis and mods unlike here.
Holla Forums needs fresh recruits to keep our numbers up. ive spied on halfcucks lands a few times and see some genuine channers with potential, sadly lost and wasting away. our army ccould use these bois. but i cant contact them without vpns and shit, but my principles are too strong.
i only shill on 4cuck and thats only every few months if there is a little girl threads, age of consent threads, pedobear anything related, those are the posters and lurkers that do not bring shit with them
Their too old now.
they're*. god. fix your fucking self u illiterate scum
should take the place out.
itll get nuked and your shill will be worthless and pointless.
implying that you're a symptom of America's failing education system
ratboi moderator always nuking threads
where u from lad?
exactly only the privileged few will get gets to escape the degenerate shit and to a board full of cute midgets for a change.
oiiiiiii FELLOW south american. from Uruguay. we both have spain in our blood, we arent filthy niggers or natives like the rest.
that makes sense.
you should lurk lg.
Don't lurk there actually post
they call me
lea when i post there. have a look at the previous pgt.
Stop acting like lea then
my intentions were clear from the very beginning yet they choose to be childish (get it) and fallback to namecalling call. all ive shown them is respect, fair enough theyre paranoid but im only trying to empower them. would lea empower the pedos? I dont believe they would.
Hay muchos que hablan español pero soy chicano de estados unidos. Soy un trip de /lg/ pero solamente a veses publicó allí cuando ay discusiones. I am nastya poster but I don't have a name to call myself.
Pic related :)
Windows 10 isn't an ideal operating system
It's the only os I have other than phoneposting ya creepin.
Is op kill?
Just bored
It was probably never about paranoia but if you want to link your posts here from that thread i can help you to understand
link to the video please. spoonfeed me.
i really hate when i find new videos and the guy never gives the loli a proper facial. in fact you never even see the guys finish!
they just keep jerking off by their own hand (stupid) or have the loli keep sucking them for a godawful time (talking 8+ minutes of just sucking with no stopping and lots of saliva) then the video just cuts off with no ending.
a facial? a creampie? not even a snippet showing that she swallowed it? Pure bollocks
knowing someone has a lg at their disposal but is using her for all the wrong purposes is fucking INFURIATING
discussion about nipples?
i remember what i said.
i am just very observant and like i said previously have a lot of down time during most of my days.
what else could it be though?
vols tifi pleas3.
Oh i see now you're the crazy stalker that likes Hebe's
how sad for the little lonely pedo :(
Pedos… who can blame them?
maybe a little but arent we all.
ye i probably give off that vibe.
their bodies are great but theyre more suspictible to degeneracy. lolis are in essence are pure but their bodies lack form and shape which is the only reason why i dont find lolis sexually attractive. however the definition of hebe is slowly changing due to children going through puberty at earlier age which isnt good for hebephiles because having a 12 yo gf is hard enough but when you have to justify dating a 9 yo well thats when things getting '"tricky.''
uh yes. condition her into a relationship from a young age and that way she will never have free will.
LS is what the Neogaf mod got nabbed for.
I hate pedos tbh
reddit rulz
Good luck OP you fucking faggot.
she's 10 years old you sick fuck
Thank you kind soul but I already downloaded a few days ago.
I already knew the video was there but SJWtime was down when those requests was made.
And OP was a faggot as usual.
Pedos make me sick. There's nothing sexual about kids. How the fuck can you find this sexy?
I have fetishes myself, but kids? How? I just don't get it.
Np but I believe OP is just a shill.
you probably never had a little girl look at you with a look of lust and try to touch your penis. you probably never had a little girl tease you with her feet or touch your leg in a sexual way. you probably never had a little wanting to kiss you. this experiences all made me a pedo. and also looking at lolicon
try sugar kait
kids sexualize themselves, tbh
if you buy them a smartphone and not monitor their activities then they'll be livestreaming themselves bating which is hot af but still. someday we'll have kids and we need to prepare for the worst because kids are naturally curious.
What did she make? I have to know!
im having some impure thoughts right now.
pedos … can you blame them?
i mean that's illegal but why does it feel so right?
loving a child isn't illegal. it's encouraged. having sex with one, well… how can something so right be so wrong?
id like to just hug her and never let her go. id happily be a wagecuck for the rest of my life just so i can provide for that loli. is it wrong for me to want this?
absolutely not. nurture and provide like no other user can
I think Maisie is already a coalburner :(
which maisie are you talking about, user?
The Maisie everyone in this thread is talking about.
she will grow up evntually and crave cock. will you love her then?
if its my cock then sure. im not really into incest but i can give it the old college try
You know she's 10 right?
which means she is already craving cock
my point is she will eventually grow up. user just wants something cute to cuddle with and take care but she will not stay that way. and who knows if the relationship wont go stale and she will become a roastie
Banned for the same reason around Election time last year. Came here and never looked back.
i stopped getting the message "you can appeal this ban in 30 days" and now i've got the message "you may not appeal this ban again". so whoever gets my IP afterwards, you're welcome
girls are born craving cock
Nothing good/bad lasts.
newfags can't into ben evasion
Wouldn't that undermine the entire statement that one cannot *become* a pedophile (cf. the argument that says pedophilia is inborn and natural)?
liberals can't logic, user. so it's ok. there's no contradiction. because feelings
Also hi Ellen where the fuck you been?
this hurt my feelings
Look OP ask yourself a few questions.
Is she cute?
How old is she?
Is she really worth throwing awat rest of your life away?
Doesn't matter what you answered to the first two questions because the third question is the most important.
Redditers don't get triggered by my spelling mistakes and autism. Thanks.
I find it supremely ironic that man who apparently spent a good portion of time berating MAPs for consuming child porn should find himself in the hot seat for committing the same crime, even with such a lame excuse. I feel no sympathy for people like that.
Like I've made a point to mention before, I'm not a regular on /8/chan, nor am I a self-described member of the Chan subculture. I come here to talk with other minor-attracted people from time to time and occasionally dispel rumors and myths pertaining thereof. Beyond that, I'm a total outsider, so I fall in and out of regular usage.
Dysnomia was right everyone here is a child predator and no matter how obvious the bait is people will still fall for it.
You know, I often ask myself how some people can find what they do attractive: I know there are people out there, for example, who get off to playing with human excrement. Now, I don't claim to comprehend that fetish, because I don't, honestly. Moreover, there are men out there who like other, bigger, burlier men—men with toned abs called "bears" within the gay scene. Again, I don't get the sex appeal there. Both sexually mature men and feces are disgusting to me from a romantic prospective. I'd rather be celibate than have anything to do with either of those things, frankly.
Essentially, I don't try to understand why they're attracted to what they are, but instead I simply learn to accept that that's what gets them going and try not to judge them for it. The same concept applies to to children, I believe. We're not breaking any laws just by existing, or by expressing our taste for said children, so let us be even if you don't agree with our sexual inclination.
Aww I enjoy antis getting btfo tbh
ever since i was young i always liked feet.
I'm not sure how you made that leap?
There's no leaping here. You always shutdown antis and it's entertaining.
I feel like I'm on tumblr.
I just respond in a simple, no nonsense way. I don't intend to invalidate anyone—not usually, anyway. Maybe contest their way of thinking, but not outright make them feel inferior or anything of that sort.
I'm not sure whether that's good or bad, really: Tumblr is full on self-aggrandizing pricks and young people who just love making the local non-offending, anti-reform ("anti-contact") crowd feel horrible for the audaciousness of existing, which I think is, of course, outrageous. On the other hand, the folks here tend to be antisocial and outright autistic in the literal sense, so I'm not sure who's worse concerning my kind.
It's the way you write. It's tumblr tier. Also stop talking to yourself.
I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
Also, what?
bad. fuck off back to tumblr and stay there.
I don't come from Tumblr, though.
u dun goofed
u wot m8?
I am going to back trace this thread on all of you.
gl faggot because every last one of us are behind 7 proxies.
The majority are wanting the pedos to go away.
So what, if my 12-yo daughter is sexually active? it's her body!
Jim will never succeed. He needs to ban all VPNs and proxies like 4chan does. If he wants to deal with the problem indefinitely. If he never does that, he is wasting his time with permabans.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
greetly get doxed faggot, you do it for free pig.