So why don't pedos like adults that look like kids?
What's the real reason.
So why don't pedos like adults that look like kids?
What's the real reason.
Pedos have minds and dicks of a 6 yo
Hebophile here, despite being in my preferred age range she looks too young for my taste.
My perfect woman is one that constantly gets asked for ID at 24 (18yo drinking age here).
Puberty ruins their minds as well as their bodies, so a woman that looks like a child only fixes half the problem.
they are afraid of adults, primarily. the attraction to kids arises from a power dynamic which alleviates their fear of being negatively judged by adults.
Whered you get your armchair psychology degree?
The girl on the right has really fucked up teeth.
got a jav id for that video there?
Who said i dont?
Why don't adults have a nurturing instinct towards adults that look like kids?
so really you are attracted to the mentally impaired? Someone you can "own"
okay how about this
I've asked myself that very question a thousand times.
t. pedo
used goods
Unrelated to hebe but I would love to fuck a qt midget.
No I'm attracted to someone who isn't a hormonal nutcase that goes batshit once every month and has constant mood swings in between going batshit, and thats just including the aspects that effect all women.
Don't even get me started on the way women typically treat men these days, even the normalfags are starting to get sick of it.
It's just not the same.
what about a 30yo who constantly gets asked for ID? pic related
i'd fuck her raw, tbh
3rd pic is near perfection.
emily is near perfection, tbh
you just want someone to train
girls want to be trained, tbh
I don't want a slut thats been through miles of dick with countless partners and thus can no longer be satisfied with any one partner and will drop me the second she can trade up just like she dropped the last guy for me if thats what you mean.
I'm 18-ish
So what it's really about is ownership of her pussy, ownership of her mind. If shes never known anyone else, she'll never leave. If she's young enough, she won't question anything, she'll just adapt to suit you.
Like a pet.
she sounds like a cartoon character in her videos.
No its about having a monogamous relationship which is best suited to raising a family which doesn't exist in the modern society in which women go through puberty and then spend nearly a decade fucking whoever they want in a hormonal craze before they're even legally allowed to marry and by that point they're so ruined by multiple partners that no monogamous relationship they'll be in will ever last so they're destined to be unfulfilled for their entire lives until they die surrounded by all their cats which then proceed to eat them.
There are other options, like searching for religious types. But you specifically chose kids, which means you want to have someone you can mould in the image you want.
fucking faggot
Id rather have a child that looks like an adult, than an adult that looks like a child
full house get. i'm checking the shit outta these digits
older looking lg > younger looking lady
so you view women as pets then. What happens when she passes the use by?
You try searching for a woman whos waiting until marriage to have sex in this day and age, and I bet once you do it will just end up being some slut thats lying to you because her being a virgin is what you want to hear and you're her newest meal ticket.
shes also pretty bonkers
no, you're projecting your view of women as pets onto me. they're partners & companions, but not equals.
so above pets then
not that user, but that was what my first wife did. after the divorce she used that exact phrase. told me i was her "meal ticket out of her hometown"
you don't say? wow. this really made me think
Its stories like these that for a brief moment make me glad I'm an exclusive pedo and that my dick will never lead me into a trap like that
that is until I remember that my dick is trying to lead me into an even more dangerous trap that I have to fight every single day until I die
Only non-pedos think there's such a thing as a woman that looks like a loli.
Amazing. Even 14-ish, were it legal, goodness.
3d girls have teh cooties famalam
This tbh, only the asians can somewhat pull it off from a distance like the OP because their facial features don't change for 40 years and then they instantly turn into gollum. But underneath those schoolgirl clothes horrors await.
kek. you mean like pic related?
Yeah pretty much, hard to pinpoint how old an asian is because of that but their bodies still can't be convincingly loli-like after puberty if you ask me.
Just all the stubble alone would be a huge turnoff to me, you can never get back that silky smooth skin after the hair starts growing.
yeah, i have no clue how old the girl in your pic is. she might be 12, and she might be 42, or anywhere in between. can't tell
there is waxing you know, electrolysis
sauce plz>>7500377
the website name for the dvd is in the pic
Why not just fuck a man, theres estrogen injections you know.
If you want a girl that won't talk back, why not just get a doll
Nobody said they wanted that
When dolls have wet pussies and sufficient AI to enjoy sex then we'll talk
Plastic surgery is definitely huge among asians but they still stay naturally young looking for a long ass time. Thats not to say every asian is attractive though obviously.
u seem uncomfy white whore xDD
half right, try again
looking young isnt enough. Nobody wants an ugly loli
Nobody wants an ugly anything, it doesn't matter who you are or what you like.
wow you are bad as those guys that think roasties have their pussies blown out by too many cocks.
a lie is a lie, user. what's there to dispute?
you mean you have deep and meaningful converstations to kids other than get on my cock?
im not here to convince people who live in incel echochambers, sorry. You live in the age of the internet, you choose to be ignorant. Not my job.
Where did you come from and how did you end up here?
The pic she is making a weird facial expression.
She's still better than all these gooks whose thumbnails I have to keep hiding getting dumped in this thread.
I mean sufficient to be aware of the situation and actually desire sex
i.e. sentience
wrong again, but youre getting warmer
t. pedo
Wow what an astute observation how did you manage to come to that conclusion?
…but I do like exactly that.
Umm you arent really wrong, but look what thread you are on
you will never have a healthly relationship with anyone, because that's all they are to you.
then you aren't a pedo are you, because you aren't exclusively attracted to children.
There are plenty of adults that have the small size and resemble 10 year olds.
health is overrated.
No thats all a robot thats designed to be fucked and enjoy it would be to me, a little girl is a real human bean.
yes he is. he's strawmanning like a mother fucker. you're greentext is accurate tho
The fuck is wrong with keeping women as pets?
The vast majority of pedos are non-exclusive and therefore inferior to us exclusive master race
My grandfather didn't have any beard until 34.
I come from a long Czech lineage of people who retain youthfulness their whole lives and still have hair that hasn't gone gray when they are 70+.
some wamen get hurt feefees if you dont pretend they are equal/superior
whiteknights are trained to protect female feefees above all else, including morality, ethics, human life, and national security
The chads took the good ones, now they are left with trying to convince little kids that fucking them is a good idea.
That's all their is to it.
Pretty sad.
…but I fap to CP lots and appreciate cute 9 year old lolis riding the cock.
Are you sure I can't be a pedo just because I'm also attracted to adults?
smart strategy tbh
Judging by the pictures it looks like the chads took the strippers and whores and I'm okay with that.
nah you're just a wannabe. you can go your whole life sleeping with women and not feel like you're missing out.
i mean thats nice i guess… but idk why you are telling me that. Are you looking for a boyfriend?
when you go shooting up a place, make sure you do a dissertation on the women cp stuff, it would really help people observe the psyche.
I'm not a desperate thirsty beta like whatever that dudes name was so I'm not about to murder people because im mad about my blueballs, also what the hell is "women cp stuff"?
In the past convicted Pedophiles were castrated and then sent back into the community.
Then they were caught penetrating children with various implements, which suggested a theory that pedophiles aren't interested in children in a primal sexual sense, but want them more as a sociopathic plaything.
Or that sexual urges come from the mind and not the genitals.
elliot rodger
to any young betas reading this: just wait a few years. There are lots of desperate single moms, and also young girls with daddy issues, that will have sex with any normalish middle-age man. Dont throw your life away in anger. Also dont spend all your money to attract/keep a woman
Just hang in there, it gets better as you get older
what were eunuchs for $500
I'm sure you've inadvertently created some new mass murderers, good job.
Same reason hetero men don't like traps.
Same reason people who like pilsner don't like drinking urine.
Illusion is not reality.
Just because A looks like B does not mean that A *is* B.
yeah, fuck right off
Well I don't know about greg but you're responsible for all the blood on those poor betas hands that you drove to murder suicide by showing them the travesty that is modern day women.
again, fuck right off
Well if you didn't go off spouting how horrible women are then he wouldn't have killed all those women and then himself, why'd you have to do it?
i'd fuck a trap until i saw the dick
whats your methodology for weeding out pedo traps?
I advised not to spend all your money on a woman. Your own survival has to come first. But I think for most betas, a few dinners and movies is a fair tread for blowjobs and pussy.
I mentioned young girls with daddy issues. You dont have to be a stud to get one, you only need to be older and seem stable/normal enough
That doesnt bother me tbh. I think Earth is overpopulated. As long as my gf and I arent killed, its whatever
they don't have a chance in hell
the granny vag if nothing else
If we based any demographic off their criminals then we'd all be retarded lowlives.
now its time for me to turn it back around on you
That just makes it look like a tranny vag instead of a granny vag tbh
Thought crimes don't exist yet thankfully so no pedophiles aren't criminals.
gotcha, its actually just a normal vag, nice try talking out your ass though
are you sure thats not a dude because that vag looks all sorts of fucked up
lol lots of pedos are dads/grandpas that diddle their daughters and/or sodomize their sons
I was/am pedo-ish and currently have a girlfriend. Shes not super hot or anything but shes good enough for me, and as a bonus she likes to rp as a little girl. She even initiated it, I never had to bring up the subject. Thats what daddy issues can do for you
pretty sure
this is what the average pedo looks like tbh
That pussy is an abomination, if you think thats normal then I pity you friend.
Hes missing the mustache. Look at the sex offender registry website for your area if you think thats a flase stereotype
I guess its also stereotype that white people are nazis too then, gotta avoid that prison rape somehow.
facts are facts. demographics are real, user. but they're racist, so we toss them out the window when writing laws
Have you looked at a sex offendr registry? It is pretty accurate to say mustaches are common among pedos.
Also you are committing a logical fallacy.
"Most pedos have mustaches" does not mean "most men with mustaches are pedos"
"Most nazis are white" does not mean "Most whites are nazis"
"All dogs are animals" does not mean "all animals are dogs"
Have you ever considered that sex offenders and pedophiles are different things?
That just means men with mustaches are unfairly targeted.
No, you idiot. Little girls HATE facial hair. That's why there's no such thing as a man with a mustache in a consensual relationship with a child.
top kek, user. just putting your retardation on display for everyone today, are you?
You didn't say you were omnipotent, if you know theres never been a man with a mustache in a consensual relationship with a child then you must know where I put my fucking car keys.
Help me out lord.
Exhibit A. Observe the lack of facial hair.
Ok wait that wasn't a good example. Exhibit B. No mustache.
So you admit you havent looked at the registry then. Because if you had actually checked, you would know it tells you which offenders were charged with child molestation or child porn
Most of the offenders are regular rapists or got busted with hookers. These guys often have a beard or are shaven. The pedos on the registry usually have a stache. Not always, of course
It takes so little effort to go on a website and type a zipcode. Doent even have to be your zip code. But you wee too lazy to even do that, and now you look stupid
Okay let me try and break this down real simple for you.
Theres rapists, and then theres normalfags like you.
With me so far?
Now theres sex offenders, and then theres pedophiles like me.
Little girls (and adult women) like men that look like their dads. If daddy has a duck dynasty beard, she will associate beards with protection and affection.
You arent even saying anything I disagree with. I dont know what you are trying to prove here. I am aware that not all pedophiles are criminals. I am aware that not all sex offenders are pedophiles. You still havent argued against my premise that MOST, NOT ALL pedos have a mustache. And you still havent looked at a damn Megans Law website.
Are you just butthurt because you are a clean-shaven pedo and you want to be represented? Maybe take Logic 101 before continuing to reply.
Is your argument that only pedophiles with mustaches get caught, and therefore the sex offender registry is not a valid sample pool?
My argument is that criminals can't be applied to a wider demographic of people, and that you just assume most pedophiles are sex offenders based on nothing.
False. I am aware that many pedophiles do not act on their urges, and many that do act are never caught.
Okay. Why not? Does being a criminal make one more likely to grow a mustache?
Being a criminal effects a whole load of things, criminals tend to have lower IQs for example. Any study done on criminals can't be attributed to a wider demographic of people because they don't represent those people.
If you're aware that most pedophiles aren't sex offenders then why do you claim that most pedophiles have mustaches based solely off the sex offender registry?
I am not trying to pretend that my statement "most pedophiles have mustaches" is a certain fact. My point was that the stereotype has a basis in reality, and is not just an invention of Hollywood and the media.
Would you feel better if I said "it is likely that most pedophiles have mustaches"?
Of course we will never round up all pedophiles and take a facial hair census, but I am making an estimation based on the data available to me. It's not perfect but I think its mostly good enough.
Stick to the fat balding neckbeard stereotype, sure its just as baseless but at least its already been established.
it's not even remotely good enough, tard
Maybe not good enough to be the vasis of a eugenics program, but it is more than good enough for shitposting on an imageboard. Was this whole argument caused by you feeling persecuted?
The mustache pedo meme was around in the 1980s. The word "neckbeard" was coined fairly recently.
is literally what you said. you're fucking retarded.
that wasn't the user you were arguing with, also anything is good enough for shitposting on an imageboard. Literal pictures of shit are good enough for shitposting on imageboards.
you have to go back
You first, I'll be right behind you I promise.
Its better than anything you've come up with. Which makes you worse than useless.
You are like Sweden, withholding the rapist demographics statistics because it is "useless data" and "you cant apply criminals to the general public." lol what a loser
a steaming pile of shit is more than nothing. it's still a steaming pile of shit.
A steaming pile of shit can grow plants to feed people. If I am shit, you are cancer
cling to your mustache theory, then. I'll just keep mine shaved.
you can't extract demographic data from a steaming pile of shit. you can study cancer cells and potentially discover a cure that saves lives.
And there we have it. You DO feel personally attacked by my hypothesis.
Bitch I'm not clinging to anything. I don't even have any stake in this. I have no kids to protect, and I'm not a child abuser trying to avoid punishment… I don't give a shit tbh. You are taking this way more seriously than I am. I think that is clear for all anons to see at this point.
1. There are plenty of scientists out there studying stool samples
2. Cancer is useful because we can use it to find a cure… for cancer. Noice circular reasoning there Bub
So that means you're taking this even remotely seriously. Since you didn't get it the first time, I'll explain again why you're wrong. It is absurd to use a personal grooming behavior as a measure, since the moment it becomes a stereotype, everyone who has one will just shave it.
Because they almost never actually look and act like kids.
Nope. Are gay men gay because they are afraid of women?
But I don't want a girl that won't talk back. Dolls are illegal in some country.
What is the link to this sex offender registry website that is being discussed?
what if a young girl at 10 has already been "ruined" by other pedos? then what?
why isn't she married to the first one, tbh?
because she was in that cp porno you liked? Could be any reason
People might think less harshly of pedophilia in general if that's what it looked like. But most pedophiles are unattractive creeps that seem to always fit the stereotype
Who's this?
midgets do not look like children.
She hasn't been blacked/burned coal, right? Right?
not to my knowledge
Fucking retard
please tell me this is b8. the irony is so thick you can cut it with a knife
Who do you think the target demographic for this porn is?
People don't do this.
Too bad I don't find Asians attractive
depends what state you live in. just google "sex offender registry [your state here]"
Target demographic is male, age 18-55, single. I'm sure your assertion is that they're also pedophile, but targeting youthfulness is not the same as creating pedophilia fantasy.
What is it with anons that have gfs acting like their shit doesn't stink?
I always thought pedos liked a child's physique more than there mentality which is relatively less disturbing, but I was wrong.
It's a cross-wiring of the nurture and arousal centers of the brain. An adult with the body of a child does not active nurturing instincts in pedophiles, which is why arousal doesn't get activated either.
I am a pedo and I like them but there's not enough of them and they don't make porn if they speak English. :(
So you find it better to be more attracted to the type of personality/mentality that hates men, has self-entitlement up the ass, can do no wrong, blames everyone else for all their problems, wants nothing but the top 1% of men while wanting all men to want them AND who ride the cock carousel?
I find THAT to be highly disturbing!!
What makes it all the fucking worse is… she's only 13!!!
Daaaamn I would fuck the shit out of her.
It varies like most sexual preferences. For example, if I asserted that ALL gays liked being on top or that ALL gays liked muscular men or that ALL gays only want sex, then I would probably be strongly refuted by the gay community. Certainly there may be some, or even a significant majority that fit into these categories, but by no means ALL. Likewise, pedos are not a homogeneous group with uniformly matching desires and preferences. Sadly it's been a very long time since a good, quality study has been published regarding the preferences of non-clinical pedos so we can't even tell what they generally like.
Pedos prefer children.
It's not that difficult, really!