We're the end of the line

The cumulation of the struggles of our ancestors have led us to this point in time. The future existence of our peoples is in our hands and our hands alone. We're facing the greatest threat our peoples have ever faced, our ancestors as hardened as they were never faced a threat the magnitude we are now facing. We have to be the Greeks at Thermopolyae, the Franks at Toures and the Germans and Polish at Vienna. And all other hopeless causes our ancestors fought for.

We will either surpass our ancestors in greatness or we will be the last of our lineages and wiped out of existence. We will either be revered or condemned. We are fortunate to be born for the greatest struggles our peoples have ever faced.

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Gypsies aren't white.


Romanians aren't Roma there is a massive difference you filthy kike.

he was agreeing with you, you demented twit.

No dude, seriously, the gypsies will steal copper wiring out of your fucking doorbells and shit, they'll send their dirty children to beg at your door, and will threaten you with a knife if you slam the door in the dirty little shit's face. Speaking from personal fucking experience.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot weather the storm".

The warrior roars in reply, "I am the storm".

Be the warrior

You mean mistakes? They started over 250 years ago

Gypsies are scum but Romanians are not gypsies.

That's true. Gypsies are a people without a homeland, who go around shitting up everyone else's nations. They're like pre-Israel jews.