I am German and everywhere I look and see, my countrymen are statist authoritarian as fuck. It's either a casual toned down keynesian, interventionist or a collectivist socialist economy.
The worst thing is honestly the memes and with that I mean the phrases you hear. The most popular and widespread is "Wir schaffen das." But they are also countless other examples.
I feel a bit depressed that it seems like common German culture entails to accept axioms like the Goverment should be able to regulate free speech (often gets justified by saying that free speech is different from hate speech), regulate the economy, etc.
We have to pay 2/3 of our income to the state (yes I am including social services as taxes, because it fucking is).
On the same time we Germans and especially people who emigrate have a "fuck you" attitude to a lot of common German cultural characteristics. Probably less political, but still. In their case it's probably that a lot of us are really fucking autistic and it's true, we are.
Nothing wrong with this. Don't post, let alone make threads, until you lurk at least a year.
Caleb Adams
Its because the highly regulated and militaristic culture that founded Germany was the Prussians. Germanys location and history guareentees it will never have a libertarian type society. Also stop shilling for american style democracy everywhere FBI im onto you.
Xavier Martin
Austin Turner
Yea, just end it. It's over for you.
Mason Nelson
So you agree with me politically? :D
Oh, but this goes way back.
I am sorry, haven't you read? 2/3 of your income, burger!!!
Please tell me what my country is like. Please Burger.
Landon Taylor
Reminder that this is a highly autistic faggot "nationalist libertarian" that used to shit up Deutsch/pol/ and constantly tried to find male Holla Forumsacks to fuck his ass "no homo"
Sage and report for low effort blog thread
Gabriel Peterson
I have lived in Germany, and the social consequences from breaking the PC-norm is so big, that everybody only say safe stuff in public.
The intention with this totalitarian policy is to make you think are more alone than you are in reality. .
Jeremiah Harris
First of all, I am not a faggot. I don't want anyone to fuck my ass.
And I don't really want to meet y'all tbh. Deutsch/pol/ is full of autistic weaboo nazi faggots, who especially like to fap to yuri stuff. As a self-insert I guess.
Fuck you, deers are cute!
Aaron Butler
Sure you don't. You aren't just massively butthurt because everyone was disgusted by your proven faggotry.
This is blatantly proven false by the kind of thread you chose to create.
Justin Moore
Am I reading this right? You want me, a normal heterosexual man to be a faggot?
Why bro? I want to fuck women.
Jayden Johnson
Cry more faggot, lots of us are still holding strong despite being more and more marginalized everyday. You have what 80 million Germans, how many are non Germans lets make it extremely high and say 40% is not German, that is 32 million vs 48 million. Try living in a country where you are less than 10% of the population and declining fast.
You have no right too be defeatist when we are not.
Evan Lopez
Adrian Baker
Fuck off fag
Owen Baker
I was criticising the German "Ordnungskultur", you stupid adorable little colonial Dutchy.
Connor Gomez
I never said hand. That is all in your homoerotic brain.
Luke Sanchez
It has great weather you should come.
How the fuck did you interpret that.
Jokes on you I have mostly German blood with only one dutch grossomi. Get what your saying its late as fuck here, was trying too discourage you from being defeatist. Sterkte met die negers
Charles Jenkins
Consider those shadilay trips checked.
Come home, Bruder. If 1/64 germans from russia can do it, so can you. Mitteldeutschland (ex-GDR) is still going strong.
We shall take south africa back in time and remove bantu.
Mason Parker
Kill yourself lolberg.
Julian White
"Coming home" for work in December hopefully you start removing kebab and I can earn my place fighting along side my brüders or at least have some fun.
Andrew Reyes
Stand firm.
Nicholas Howard
Pls no bully KC
Adrian Myers
I'm in the process of learning German in the hopes you guys uncuck yourselves and I can visit my father's homeland (my mother is Sicilian, basically a crispy version of pasta-niggers).
Should I even bother learning German if faggots like you just complain? There were literally just threads about mini-riots in Germany and you're here posting on a finnish knitting forum?
Jayden Thomas
We have been through worse. We will.
Oliver Lopez
I see what you're doing. You're comparing today's government to the NSDAP.
Michael Gray
Just remember, OP. Germany now is still not as bad as it was after WWI so have hope and maybe find a new guy from Austria.
Jace Martin
sure is "black pill" in here latest poll numbers must have alarmed the shills
Jaxson Gutierrez
Great, I hope you don't end up in a too pozzed up place. Bautzen was hopefully just the beginning. youtube.com/watch?v=xemNJPhkQmo
Just ignore those defeatist cunts and shills, lad.
Absolutely despicable. What the hell was the matter with perfidious albion.
Cameron Nguyen
Pure kanker thread
Cameron Hill
whatcha doin there rabbi?
Jaxon Phillips
Embrace me tightly, then go pretend to be an open borders advocate in a Refugee Camp.
Give out lots of hugs and don't forget to pickup the imaginary soap.
Anthony Walker
German people are inferior. All Nordic peoples are. They're too group-driven and too empathetic to the point of self-destruction. They seem to lack individual thought processes and the ability to deviate from group-think. Their ability to create is great, but useless in defending their downfalls. I'm glad I'm only half German and half of Polish and Irish stock. It's probably the reason why I'm not a self-loathing piece of filth, yet I still test above 95% of the people in my state.
Parker Gomez
Just imagine if that hardcore ideological powerhouse were met with even the tiniest bit of physical force. These people are pathetic… When the killing starts they're last half a day.
Leo Lee
Yo fuck this nigger
And fuck this nigger too
You have to hang on OP. Things can't last like this. There will be a breaking point.
Tyler Fisher
They were concentration camps you fuck. Everyone in South Africa and modern-day Rhodesia was starving, the interned didn't get it any better or worse than the Rhodesian farmers or British soldiers. They were starving because supply lines were attacked by Boer soldiers. Sound familiar? The allies did the same fucking shit with Germany.
Benjamin White
Can confirm. I grew up in Amerika from birth, too. Not everyone is inclined to order, and Deutschfags especially are.
Jack Mitchell
Jesus Christ you are stupid. You may be half-German, but you think like a stupid racist slav.
From just reading your post I can guess that you are stupid as fuck.
Henry Sanders
Is that you tumblr?
Michael Gray
I'll fantasize about their screams while fapping.
Angel Walker
Well, you're going to be a part of the Caliphate, so your libertardianism is certainly out the window.