We need to start fucking each other until we all turn into the same shade of brown. Only then the world will be free of hate and know peace.
Take the Mulatto Pill
I'd fuck her tbh
big if true
Yeah until one disease comes and wipes out everyone
That thing is hideous
here's what the actual average american will look like
Because Niggers are peaceful.
Just delete white people already tbh
Here's what the actual average american will look like.
they will just be niggers, not mixed niggers
white 3DPD aren't having children, not breeding with niggers
Were they born with makeup?
as dark as I'll go. not for having kids though
I agree. Jews and mudskins should race mix. inb4 jews that can climb over the concentration camp walls and out run the ss
Nigger noses are a turn off for me.
This. The one in OP doesn't have the nog nose.
if the western world turns all liberal leftist brown white/black/latin mixture … then my prediction is ww3 will happen when the western shit brown world starts criticizing and wanting to force china/japan/vietnam/& many of the other asian countries to mix and starts in on the racism card towards asia … asians and their cultures don't play that mixing shit , they will gladly die before being forced to mix with spics and niggers
Very bad shitposts. Shitposts should be filled with half-truths, truths with twisted conclusions, and a learned delicacy of implied insults.
yeah, no
you seem like a genuine meme scholar
wherre is the full one? i saw one of those with many more faces but think i lost it
dont feel like shitposting anymore of these have a few more for now
Actually, as you can see from the pic, the world is trending towards whiteness. In 200 more years, only white genes will prevail.
Seig Heil
big if true
>>>Holla Forums
hi where are burger
/brit/ has been busy i see
Requesting more Amerimutt memes
Me too
Left believes in a cunt god and in defending herself, her land and her family, by the barrel of a gun if necessary.
Right believes in a cunt god and in imposing that god and her religious doctrine onto anyone who believes differently, by the barrel of a gun if need be.
I don't need to explain to you which one is a threat to the freedom of others.
Wrong answer. Both of them are virtue signalling axe wound jews trying to gain the attention of men.
No, they're both like you described the right and so are you.
I plan to be dead by 2050, so I don’t give a shit what people look like then.