Does anyone use Windows 10? I am being serious, not just trying to shitpost. How is it? Can I turn off the spying?
Does anyone use Windows 10? I am being serious, not just trying to shitpost. How is it? Can I turn off the spying?
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Only some of it, and only if you use the correct edition, and only as long as you trust them because verifying that it's really no longer spying is tough.
I don't recommend it. Why do you want to use it?
Skype. It never works on my laptop on linux but I need to use it. I figure I can always use a vm for linux.
Have you tried the old "regular" version, the newer web-based version, and running Skype in Wine?
If none of that works out, maybe run Windows XP in a VM, just for Skype.
Why use linux in a vm instead of windows in a vm?
can't you use the windows version using wine?
Also, what's your distro? If you're using something like Manjaro OpenRC it's worth trying if it works on a more conventional distro like Ubuntu first.
I have been using ubuntu on my laptop.
Because I can do web dev on windows easily and use skype and run linux in vm.
I've used Linux as a daily driver for over 10 years. I switched to Windows 10 because that's what came with my gaming laptop. It's actually quite nice. It does come with a shocking amount of privacy-invading "features", like a keylogger and a screenshot stealer (is this sub7 or windows??) most of which can be turned off very easily from the "Privacy" app.
Also, GNU/Windows is a thing now. Windows 10 runs Ubuntu Bash natively with the Windows Subsystem for Linux:
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
if youre using linux and not using archlinux youre doing it wrong
Using it, but not proud of it -- I tried re-installing everything with Windows 7 less than a month ago, and things got so messed up I went back out of convenience/functionality's sake.
There's other threads I read earlier today on this board that explain the privacy (and other) problems with Windows 10 that I won't try to expand on and leave it to you to go read.
Just install GNU/Linux ya douche. What's your problem?
Why the fuck would you use that pile of shit?
Don't you know where you are?
You don't belong here kiddo, how about you take your proprietary software desires elsewhere.
If there is any version of windows that shouldn't be higher then windows 7.
There are lots of good linux programs that replace the bloated mess and disgusting mess that is skype.
I'm dual-booting Windows with Linux, faggots, just would like to be able to play some of the Steam games I have and there's a couple other things from time to time.. I fucking hate Wangblows 10, can you not read between lines
oh and fuck off faggots for attacking me for trying to help this user.. you could have shit anywhere but it had to be here
Stop playing games and do something productive.
Like get Windows 10 off my hard drive, thanks anons, will get right on that and am being completely sincere
At LEAST use Windows 7.
You can block spying easily if you block every Windows software/service in the firewall, and download updates manually from with any non-Windows software.
Note: make sure you turn off dnscache service (or better: use dnscrypt) so DNS request will not be made by svchost.
To actually turn it off, follow Microsoft Security Guidance
+Random info
Windows has a separate "Secure Kernel", which is responsible for cryptography, secure key storage etc. Along with TPM this design allows storing sensitive information in a place which is not accessible for drivers. Windows 10 is the only OS which protects you against shitty drivers.
linus torvalds protect me from shitty drivers
This is what windrones actually believe.
This is what Ubundrones actually believe.
Dude, wtf. I mean wtf. Wtf man. WTF.
i've always used Windows, i know it spies on me, and i wouldn't do anything that the FBI would be suspicious of with this OS. But unfortunately any linux DE/WMs makes me feel claustrophobic as fuck. Awesome, I3, Gnome, KDE, Unity, etc.
I wouldn't mind using Linux on a i.e Laptop if i had one though. And i also wouldn't mind not using anything graphical at all, even though i can't ditch the Windows UI, i quite enjoy sometimes to play around with putty connected to a local Linux VM with tmux and vim.
Windows 10 has a habit of resetting your privacy settings every major update every once in a while, so keep that in mind.
What about XFCE? I find that it's pretty close to that oldschool WinXP look, comfy shit.
And not only just your privacy settings.
XFCE is one of the DE i find the most comfy and functionally sane, but i can't manage to customize it right for my liking to use it permanently.
Does it run Google Foxfire?
what "productivity" could you possibly get up to on a computer nerd
You could make apps and sell them.
Being a jew does not automatically equal productivity.
So nothing on a computer is productivity? You're like me m8. Let's EMP bomb the world!
I don't and will never again.
Frustrating experience
In theory you can turn off.
Some security researchers have found that even when deactivate in the GUI it still does work in the background and send packets.
In theory you can turn off.
Some security researchers have found that even when deactivate in the GUI it still does work in the background and send packets.
Where is the place where windows 10 protect users about itself ?
Unlike the common sense Microsoft doesn't say to not execute what you can't verify.
This is like security 101.
You are like the retarded people who say
Does it ever occur to you people that since you can't read or modify the source code that Microsoft has put a simple line that
For any X software ?
How gullible can you fucking be ?
Works fine for me, I always use the latest release version of operating systems so for Windows that's currently 10. In terms of stability and bugfixes it seems to follow the trend, it's better than the previous version, all the style changes and shit like that never phases me, I couldn't care less if they changed the style of the start menu or window decorations, I seriously don't know why people focus on that shit when it doesn't matter at all when compared with new features and new fixes.
In relation to spying, I plead the "nothing to hide" defense, which works for me but may not work for everyone, you'll have to look into that one yourself, I'm sure it's doable.
no. why would I use some product which claims to be trendy but is actually only in use because Microsoft pushes it hard, and has no benefit over Windows 7 or XP aside from being loaded with consumer crap and yet another pointless UI redesign? Did you also fall for Windows 8?
It can run any browser,
How good is the new POSIX layer? I can't even remember all the names they used to use but I remember IRIX leaving more to be desired. Non-MS stuff got pretty good after some time, Cygwin is still terrible but msys2 is really easy to work with and interoperates well with the Windows shell and other Windows applications.
Is it worth replacing msys2 with Microsoft's subsystem? Can it run X11?
Oops I meant Interix and SUA
If it's not worth migrating now, it will be. The compatibility layer is translating syscalls rather than userspace libraries, the result being full ELF64 binary compatibility. Fixing even one syscall results in a ton of compatibility improvement. The current version is basically complete for CLI. GUI/X11 is not officially supported (yet) but some people have gotten basic stuff working (or so I've heard). Microsoft is focusing on developer tools right now. I've already deleted my VirtualBox Linux VMs and replaced them with WSL processes. It's fucking amazing.
Neat, something to look forward to. I might experiment with it in a vm.
This is great to hear, when writing software I feel like I spend 1/3rd of my time using posix tools on Windows, another 3rd in ssh connected to a BSD box, and the remaining 3rd is just using utilities natively that aren't even Windows exclusive (like firefox, et al.). For development I really have no purpose in using Windows, I'm only stuck with it for my daily driver as a desktop user, it's alright in that regard. Also I am a manbaby that still enjoys video games and doesn't have vt-d capable hardware yet.
OP here. I re-installed Windows 10 on my laptop and everything is great. The touchpad works properly again, it was wonky on Linux. I will just linux in a vm from now on. I mostly do web dev so the operating system is not so important.
Pretty sure web dev is easier on Linux.
I use windows 7 but I hear windows 10 enterprise ltsb is alright, what are people's thoughts on windows 10 enterprise ltsb?
I use it at work and on my gaming PC it actually lets you disable all telemetry unlike 'normal' windows.
Only 1/4 of my Steam library is supported on Linux i would need at least 3/4 to have ports before i stopped using windows.
Skype is for idiots, don't use it.
Its a solid Windows OS. I have no complaints. You can even run Linux applications natively now on it through Window Subsystem for Linux, including X11 applications although you need a third party X11 client for those.
I do, the telemetry doesn't bother me in the slightest, I could turn it off easily if I wanted to though since I have the Education edition
These bait threads attract shills like teenage girls to justin bieber, innit.
Why does windows 10 UI feel faster than Linux? Is it because the video drivers are slow on linux? Mouse lag? Everything is fairly snappy on Windows 10.
I'm testing it on a laptop at the moment. I'm using a copy of the enterprise version from last year's build. I used msmg toolkit to remove the bloatware and most of the telemetry packages to create a custom iso to install.
Removing cortana breaks file search but using classic start brings its own search function. For telemetry, most of it was removed but Wireshark shows me that whenever you use the settings app, it tries to contact ms and I'm trying to figure out which process triggers that.
Aside from that, Wireshark shows no other crazy attempts to leak information like that infamous webm from previous builds.
Because you're a gay
Imma assume your question is serious...
you get spied on no matter what OS you use. using linux to avoid spying is just pretending. using tor is just pretending.
in the US, your ISP keeps tracks your activity for several months; the US govt outline is to maintain activity records for at least 3 months, and preferably 6+ months
and your cell phone company does the same thing. every,,,,,,, single,,,,,,, thing that you do on your cell phone is recorded and kept for several months
and other governments of many first-world countries do it too
as for linux--none of the popular distros can be run "anonymously" as they are
to do that is rather complicated and there's no quick-and-easy software that installs normally that will accomplish that
My question is if you can keep it from installing anything against your will. I've read about it reinstalling drivers it thinks you should have if you ever try to change them, and always installing drivers on its own in the background. Not sure how true it all is.
I'd just like virtual desktops that aren't glitchy as fuck, and better scaling on high resolutions.
Using GNU/Linux isn't a moot point though. Just because American Three-Letter Agencies can see what you're doing doesn't mean that Microsoft and its advertising partners need to. Just because you can't blind all eyes while using an internet-connected computer doesn't make it a fools' errand to blind many eyes.
Even if I didn't have privacy-invading features it wouldn't be a slam dunk. Mine you, I only used it during the beta and right after release, but I can't imagine it's gotten better since. There's two control panels -- the classic one and the Metro one -- and Microsoft has gone out of their way to forward as many things to the Metro one. And not just forwarded from the classic Control Panel, but also from shit like compmgmt.msc. I couldn't find a way to change a user password without going through the Metro Control Panel. Having your settings split like that fucking sucks. They brought the Start Menu back, but it's garbage and the live tiles only exist to shove ads in your face. Every Windows 10 computer comes with fucking Candy Crush now. Trying to remove all of the Metro bullshit is like pulling teeth while herding cats, especially since it's all redownloaded once you're forced to update (and you will be forced to update.) Some shit, like the dumb toasts for changing volume and shit, will either have fallbacks or won't if you disable them, depending on the time, update level, weather, and how many chickens you've sacrificed to Steve Ballmer. Did I mention that big patches that you're forced to download fracture the already tentative documentation on how to do fucking anything in Windows that's housed in a million third-party sites online? You have, at least, the threshold updates, the initial release, the Anniversary Update, and the Creators Update, with more fracturing yet to come. Sure, it makes Microsoft's day easy, because they support "Windows 10", but trying to diagnose any issue because a game of which Windows 10, and what things do and do not work between various version of Windows 10.
What a load of bullshit.
Every time I remove one of the built in apps it just reinstalls itself
I tried using it. It fucked itself shortly after installation, specifically when I tried to wake it from hibernation.
I just want to say user your level of autism is off the charts. I've enjoyed watching you camp Holla Forums for a solid week saging every thread and offering nothing of value. I hope soon that people will stop giving you attention. This will be the last time I do for sure. I do wonder how pathetic you life must be for this to be the highlight of your day.
On Windows you don't turn off the spying, you embrace it as a feature.
Monitor your operating system's internet usage and put a stop to anything that isn't approved by you.
Programs like TCPview or Resmon may be useful.
Wireshark and Fiddler as well.
This connection turned out to be updates to the windows store according to fiddler.
No. Install gentoo.
To expand on this, windows and most linux distros are classified as a C level of security for the Dept of Defense criteria for OS security. Some linux distros can get a B rank if they implement Mandatory access control, which windows only employs Discretionary control. Which is why you'll see the military use Windows for administrative tasks, but not for other uses. If MS implemented MAC, then it would be used more on military machines.
I use Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB
I can confirm that my games run faster on a fresh install of that, than on a fresh install of Windows 7
bretty gud, just werks.
not sure about that, i never do or save anything that would be compromising/send me to jail on windows.
sensitive data/work => Linux
Open your web browser and navigate to
www, or and download the .iso of your choice. Next, insert a blank DVD into your machine's optical drive, and proceed to burn the .iso you downloaded to the disc. When the burning is done, re-insert the disc and reboot your PC. Follow the instructions as they appear on-screen.
How was time traveling?
full pleb
>It broke my bios a couple times wat
As far as windows goes it's nice when it works. I have the home edition and the above has been my experience with it but I wouldn't be surprised if professional or enterprise versions are less mind boggling retarded. I just wanted to play games and do some light productivity kill me
Yes. Haven't had any issues so far.
That sucks... never heard of anybody having even one of these issues, with the exception of updates resetting a lot of settings back to default values. If you upgraded from a previous version of Windows, try reinstalling from scratch. Other than that, you might have hardware issues.
More likely that your EFI partition is fucked up. Definitely reformat and start from scratch.
That's because the people affected are using software that changes file and protocol associations in a nonstandard, incorrect manner, therefore Windows doesn't recognize that as valid and resets to default values.
Nope. If you disable all phone-home features in the Privacy app, the perform a major O/S update (such as the Creator's Update which recently rolled out) you'll notice than many of the Privacy settings are reset to their default values. This is by design; it's not a by-product of meddling. The reasoning is that Windows 10 is not software, but a service (this is literally what MS says about Win 10).
I was talking about file and protocol types set to 3rd-party software being reset to defaults. And the privacy settings being reset are likely due to upgrades being full installations and Windows Setup not being 100% compatible with the new stuff since its last major overhaul was from XP to Vista.
That shit is super annoying too.
Shows how shit their code is too. Instead of changing the old API into a no-op, they actively monitor the settings and reset them to default if changed.
But the problem is not the old API, it's programmers of 3rd-party software coming up with their own custom methods of setting associations in a way that hooks with the API and expecting them to not break later on.
Windows is the partician operating system.
Most likely, it's software that doesn't follow these rules that gets affected by the upgrades.
There's also this.
.... to what end? productivity for productivity's sake? profit for what purpose?
my man... say you sell the fruits of your labor ... what leisurely use will you get out of it?
you do not think entertainment like gaming can be productive? you do not think challenging games, while also being entertainment, can be productive in developing problem solving?, puzzle solving skills?
entertainment is important, people who only work burn out before they reach 30... iv seen it
you cant blame someone for wanting an OS that fosters the users privacy while is also able to run badass game engines
I've been using W10 with no trouble. Used W10 Privacy to rip out the unnecessary shit, check occasionally to see if some update or other reactivated the telemetry but that hasn't happened yet
For what purpose? Just install windows 7.
I use LTSB 1607 on my laptop. I tried all the powersaving techniques for Linux but couldn't get it to what W10 ltsb achieved. I mean, I could live with it but ltsb is bearable with the reduced bloat.
I don't believe playing video games can ever be productive. You don't produce practical things by playing video games.
developing skills isnt productive?
leaning new skills isnt productive?
you need a balance of work and relaxation
im not talking about some farmvile braindead excuse for a game, im talking about actual skilled games with a learning curve, you can learn things without even realizing it. why do you think VR is such a good learning aid for immersive educational games
you are defining "video games" with a narrow perspective