do you want to be an ugly girl's friend?
Do you want to be an ugly girl's friend?
Other urls found in this thread:
Only if I get to put my dick in you.
you're not ugly, rozelli. well maybe only one time, and that was in pic related
Yeah Im really ashamed of that pic. That's why will work to save up money so I can buy better dresses
Will you become my cute white girlfriend and continue the white race with me?
go to bed, gamiola, it's half three in the am, what are you doing?
Basically every Holla Forumsack's dream
I was going but I wanted to shitpost asap meh idk if I leave the thread will probably die when I wake up
Why aren't you pregnant with a nigger yet?
I thought I wasn't supposed to be white
Why pol in particular?
Record a vocaroo so I can hear your shit voice.
Say, "nigger faggot".
Holla Forums hangs out on Holla Forums as they can't stand their own board and they're pedos. So there's a lot of Holla Forums angst here.
you stole my dubs. gamoto. Why do you need to shitpost? Sleep is very important, Rozelli
you are the niggers, user
Holla Forums is number one feminist think tank on the internet
please fuck me Jewess
You gonna play with yourself on camera this time? Everyone is waiting…
Eat your shit on camera
vagina proof or you are boy
Dirty whore, please play with yourself and record it.
stop being neu
if you love it so much, you should give up your asshole for it. It is the only sensible course of action at this juncture
I know her, her bf is an Albanian baker and her mother got killed by her gay dad. Her dad was the first documented HIV patient in Greece and then died of a pozload eventually.
who wrote that, Aristophanes or Euripides? I forget
Shut it down the goym knows
hi bb show vagene pls
vagene now
wait, seriously? I thought that user just came up with a stereotypical Greek nightmare
Rozelli, how do you function? wtf
I'm too excited to read the thread right meow but I just want to express my deepest admiration and lust towards Rozelli.
(I would lick the insides of her rectum and berry my face in her pussy) If I didn't already have a gf I swear to god I would dox her for the sole purpose of meeting/marrying/impregnating. There is no hotter fuck baby that Rozelli.
Prove me wrong.
You can't.
Protip nigga.
Your beta is showing.
I was joking
Omg Ohhhhh tenkkk ya user
Please sew something you can be proud of.
show ur vagina please and play with it
So what's this thread about?
Rozellit, it is my birthday, please show armpits.
About a girl that comes to the shit dumpster of the internet to show her vagene
Post an ass pic roz
rozelli show armpits
well I wasn't joking about anal-izing yourself for us, tbqhfam
Are you gainfully employed?
made me kek
rozzi be lookin hot af damn I saved that shit (Ik i'm a cuck)
o damn accidentally had my name up, welp, time to get cockfucked
hey, that tooth is dead and is going to fall out just fyi
nah thats bullshit it's in
stop being this way, user. Eat more red meat, raise your cholesterol levels and produce more TEST for yourself
Rozelli, I'm srsly. You need to perform Greek up itt.
Nibba I am literally weaponized autism
Spread asshole or gtfo
succ the benis
I will paypal you 1000€ if you cut of an ear or a finger and stream it.
that sounds fucking awesome ROZZI PLEASE DO THAT SHIT
animal control gonna suck your chode nibba
Its tits or gtfo but for dirty kike woman its asshole or gtfo since every jew has fucked up titties
Sharpie in pooper with time stamp
lmao says the nibba that can't even pay a penny for his debts for his respec for women
What's like being poor?
idk because I never had to go to a fucking white american walmart to buy some gay shit
meep meep jew girls bleed money tbh
It's been dead for years
Sry goys I'm getting sleepy
Sleep tight and if you ever need some Shekels, I will gladly pay you for to mutilate yourself.
What dod I have to do to get an armpit picture, but goodnight. Try to meet me in your dreams.
As you go to sleep, imagine I'm French kissing you (I look kind of like Patrick Stewart;-)
Sweet dreams, angel
i-is the gas getting to you
You're cute.
ffs sake you white knighting fgt
She is just fucking messy, and have sagged tits. but she looks like the average plain jane, and I like that.
no, and stop posting threads like this bitch ffs, wth is wrong with you? and fuck all of you white knight cucks kys
There's this girl who posts on 8ch and is as she says fairly unattractive, but not so unattractive she gets an overwhelmingly negative response. Unattractive enough that a reasonable portion of the board doesn't care one way or the other. But normal looking and autistic enough that some of the guys here think they actually have a shot.
She posts nudes, but I think intentionally makes them as unappealing as possible. Her face isn't totally hideous, but she chooses to make unattractive expressions. Her tits are okay in a totally average plain kind of way, and the rest of her body is just flabby enough to be at least a point below average.
Essentially she's a female version of that morbidly obese old guy with the pock marks on his cheeks that wears women's clothes. God I hate that guy.
You're aware the girl you posted is possibly the biggest bitch and whore to post herself online, right?
Feeling's mutual buddy
You have a very cute voice, Rozelli. I also don't think you're ugly, you just look like a normal everyday girl. I'm usually not attracted to normal girls but because you shitpost on Holla Forums it arouses me strangely.
Could you please record yourself reading this speech by Carbasan-Onec? I know it's long (the full speech is even longer tho) but it would make my day.
nah i just save random shit for reaction images
*sigh* Saged.
Why is she not moved out of her parents house yet? Last time she said she has to move out because they are sick of her shit. I'm thinking it's because she cant find one guy that would let her leech off them because she wont even fuck them. Imagine the guy that takes her in, some massive whiteknight that has to put up with her drain on his life and know shes flirting/acting retarded to other whiteknights online. The only way he would see her nude is by looking when she posted online even. Rozelli has a shit understanding of how this world works and is not willing to change that and cant even camwhore correctly.
Rozelli make webm of you pushing a dildo out of ur cunt using your vegana muscles
Fuck of kike
I'd like to be your friend.
Yeaaaaaaaas tenk
I'd like to see the soles of your feet please, thanks!
Wait a second, why does she think she's ugly?
god damn feet people, there are so many better places to show >.>
Are you greek?
Ελληνίδα είσαι ρε πουτανάκι;
Ye unfortunately
Idk man
Είσαι στην Αθήνα/Πειραιά; I want to smell you. Pls
What does your hair look like if you let it down and its not wet?
lets see the cute bum!
Nuuu mgtow4lifu reee
Nice! Moar! Got to be more.
Fuck you gays. I'm the only greek in here so I'm the chosen one.
Όξω πούστηδες.
Noice, ty.
Ur really not thtt bad lookng tbh, but u keep making thise retarded faces on most if ur pics and u have legit autism xDdd
We need to fuck to preserve my Aryan Greek genes.
Σε παρακαλώ πολυ πολυ πολυ.
Rozelli can you read this than? It's from a pasta that's really long, I wish you'd read the whole thing but it's even longer than what that faggot wanted you to read…
You promised a bunch of threads ago to some day take a picture of you crawling into your oven for me. Can you please make today the day?
lol jk your tits are probably fucking gross
malakes, tbh
someone's jelly. cute.
Μίλα καλά τα ελληνικά η ψόφα, tbh
of what, mounopano?
my Grenglish is beyond your comprehension. You cannot even hope to get on my level
grenglish? I think they are called greeklish.
It turns out, all you Albanians can only learn a few swear words in greek. Sad!
Δεν θα γίνεις Έλληνας ποτέ αλβανέ κτλ κτλ
what are you doing, user? toplel
kek, wtf
Oh Lawd the spacing! Think of the children.
Nice isn't it?
Πες τι είσαι τελικά ρε φιλε.
I don't want to be friends with a 3DPD
if you continue to do this, you will incur a Doric Corner Conflict. That is neither harmonious, nor is it, in fact, 'gangster'
nope :^)
nigger, if you fell from your balcony, chances are you'd land on some high-heeled theomouno; why you itt with unpatriotic OP? She won't even put sharpie in pooper, I mean what's up w that?
Tbh my οικογένεια, I like weird autistic girls plus her feetsies are kinda cute.
If I land on some normie θεόμουνο she'll probably want to marry and have like a gaffilion kids together. Fuck that. Weird autistic gfs ftw.
Utsukushii tbh
She become neet because of this
Fuck now that I see it. I see the difference. Rozelli is ugly compared to that. What happened to this bitch?
Her tits are terrible and her body is shit.
Greek tbh
Lovely, that's better than the shower shot.
Έχεις πουλί μήπως;
Judging by filenames it's not her.
Ηρέμησε εσύ τρελέ.
Very nice, keep em coming, sugar.
Leave this world (kys)
the interesting part about jew tits is that unlike other women tits, they don't produce milk, they're too cheap for that.
Long-Distance Erection achievement unlocked!
I could cum on this face tbh
Can we please get a close up of your armpits, please!
tell us about your dad
Thanks, it is perfect.
You're pretty cute. If you came here for attention you came to the right place. Will you be Holla Forums's girlfriend?
Bumping for more feet. Can you photo your soles while on your knees?
You should paint your toenails, post pics.
I'll like to be your friend.
I sent a message to your social media account.
lets talk about jewey things.
(You) no ugly
We've already had this thread u greek schmuck
Can I bury my face in your fart box?
What's with all the faggot foot fetish cucks ITT?
sure. Hit me up with your number
You seem to like have an inferiority complex or something, you're not that' ugly, and you seem to purposefully take pics at bad (downwards) angles.
for example you look fine here
anyways sage for literally whore, of attention
also pic rel
you know how when someone who's good at art says they're terrible? she's basically that. attention whore
Does it bother (You)? We're waiting for her to deliver some more for pic related!
End yaself ;)
This is what Anne Frank would be like in modern times if she had not practiced self immolation because girls her age did not want to show her their tits.
Please make a video of yourself trying on clothes cx
yes! skirts, dresses, nylons like in but home. remember to dress with camera behind you so we can see your curves. and more feet pics. and kissy faces. waiting for op to deliver.
u know, not rly. I dont wanna be a pretty girls friend either. I wanna fuck pretty girls, not be friendzoned and what do u have to offer, if its not even an eye-candy?
Is our gal here yet today?
Probably sleeping
Well I'll keep this thread open til she comes back tonight
It's 11 pm in Greece
She's out getting fucked by refugee tyrones, it's friday
She is a virgin with proofs
Where is our lady?!
She sleeps, it's 1 am
this you cucks
The only ugly thing about you is the weird faces that you make in literally every picture.
Then wake her up.
I'm in another country tbh fam
This. What is she doing sleeping when she has autistic neckbeards to entertain?
Please post more of this position
Tbh not really.
Just jump in the oven already and stop wasting everyone's time.
bruh thats my fucking body only with a smaller chest
Who the fuck is this retarded chick, Someone should lock her up in a mental assylum, Secondly why is she so very ugly. Lastly any pussy pics of her?
This place is disappointing and filled with losers and reddit fags, hopefully it or the guy posing as this camwhore will die soon
OP we need you back and sexy rn or this thread will go to hell, god help us!
this whole thread
you thicc
You aren't ugly, you are a beautiful and young woman. I could easily fall for you, and I'd be delighted to woo you and show you just how special you are.
Your eyes alone are enough to draw me in like a moth to a flame. I bet you have a charming smile too, and your whimsical sense of humour and the absurd is a rare quality that just makes you shine all the brighter.
If we lived near to one another, I'd invite you to play squash, and afterwards we could have a small pastry and a warm drink to go with it.
Are you fucking stupid or something?
There is a timestamp in the OP post.
God, I fucking hate this place sometimes.
op you still there? you're really cute. can I add you on on social media?
Is this the girl from happy birthday adolf Hitler?
Hey kikess. Which came first? Ranch, or, cool ranch?
No, you're thinking of Evalion.
You are the problem.
What is this
and this
and this
Friend? no.
Personal cum dumpster? Verily.
Where is she?
meep meep what a cute autist tbh
rondom bump
Look at all these cucks drooling over some 3dpd and shes not even a midget. The kikes must go
What. The. Fuck.
Fuck off scatfag
i dont really care what my friends look like, its not like im ever going to be obligated to pretend im attracted to my friends. and if they cant handle a little honesty they probably wouldnt be my friend.
whoa wait, you got some sexy midgets you wanna share?
if so, I'd love to befriend with that girl
get a life
its not that simple
Omg tenk ya goys
If you want more attention you got to post more pictures. Feet for me. And stop it with the silly faces.
Do you have stockings, Rozelli?
degenerate feetfag please leave
Fuck you, feet are amazing.
Scatfags out
This thread needs moar scat
even more degenerate. how did you jump straight to that conclusion? are you projecting?
Eveyone who doesn't love female feet is obviously a scatfag.
Follow me on twater
would dick, even if crazy
Close your fucking curtains woman!
What's it like to have crippling autism?
To make weird faces and sounds all day?
would facial tbh
Welp that's enough internet for me today.
don take that tongue out unless you indent to use it also fuck you.
Lain poster? Is that you?
Seems loke a lain poster tbh
If so, sign up to be a vol at Holla Forums!
Dysnomia will love you long time!
Let's be friends
tits look huge.
what are you doing in that dump, are you looking for a refugee to enrich you?
Why do you have a dildo, if you don't use it all the way?
Maybe she uses it in the ass?
I think we've found the female jaden smith.
They deserve it for being the typical attention seeking whore with self esteem issues that says "omg im so ugly" in hopes of a white knight rushing to the rescue to assure her that shes not.
I'm sorry that you feel you're ugly. Average really. But most people are around average so don't sweat it. the internet and the hyper publicity of celebs has really skewed the perception of where average falls on the scale.
post more n00ds or FACK OFF
Buy Guilty Gear XX accent core on steam it's the best fighting game ever made and you are cute enough to deserve good taste, untermensch Jewess of quality.