Really makes you think

Really makes you think

Yeah, it makes me think white genocide is a good thing XXXDDD
t. jews

If you watched the whole thing, you'd know there's shyamalamadingdong at the end.

Haven't read the book, but heard it was pretty good. Movie was entertaining.

Its a really good movie and you should watch it

Movie was fucking great. If you know German you'll piss your pants when he starts talking about current German politicians, and the story does an incredible job of portraying Hitler as a friendly, witty guy that is loyal to his friends and supporters no matter what.

The part where he redpills a woman while discussing racemixing, using dogs as an analogy, is awesome.

he doesn't even look like Hitler

also, they couldn't even put a swastika on his hat? seriously Germany?

The book is infinitly better. The movie intentionally warps Hitler's looks, and his personality for gags

It was awesome. It's just I now remember this one scene where he shoots a woman's dog and plays with it's dead body in the car. Seems way out of character for Hitler, considering he loved animals.

If it weren't for that, I'd say it's almost kino.

He still comes across as a great man, compared to the two other major male characters, one of which is a cowardly, sniveling cuck and the other one is a conniving, sociopathic asskisser with no morals.

I don't even know how either the book or the movie got made because the whole thing is one gigantic, subversive redpill wrapped in a "mockery" of Hitler.

SMBC did it better


I miss Hitler. I miss Europe.

Where's the joke?

I've been told by someone who had read the book previously that the movie ending is darker. Not sure if it's real or not, perhaps some user who has read the book could comment on that.

ITT: the movies Holla Forums don't want you to watch

In all fucking honesty WE DO NEED A HITLER IN EUROPE.
I don't expect him to be successful on his final solution nowadays, neither do I want him to be.
God knows what other people would do with that power once he's out… again… hypothetically, but just throwing all the Syrians refugees and illegals back to their home is enough to fix so much.

i'm not interested in learning the languages of muslim countries tbh

dude metaphysics lmao

We need Hitler 2.0, we need Sam Hyde.

It is
Book cuts out on Hitler waking up in hospital

don't you mean brighter?

Genetics define a (sub)human.

Nah its pretty fucked up to betray your friend and throw your whole carrier and go mad just for a piece of jewish pussy that guilttriped you?
thats pretty sad

In the book, the executive guy is a nervous background character, he has very little importance, and the camera guy is totally different, he is 100% supporting Hitler, he becomes his right hand man and he never gets fired. And the guerilla movie is shot in a totally different way, because Hitler gets his own tv-show and he does all of these stuff and it's his idea