Why? Fucking…
Why? Fucking…
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Because Trump can't be allowed the nuclear codes. Were America almost any other country, I'd argue strongly against voting, but at the least Hillary is a dog on a leash; global elites know nuclear war is the end of everyone, and won't let her pull the trigger. Trump seems to be a rabid dog, a wild card, who I wouldn't trust with the keys to my car, let alone with the ability to end all life on Earth on a whim.
Ideally, of course, some circumstance occurs where Trump ends up not being the GOP candidate (most likely a coup at the convention), but if we accept the fact that Trump will be on the ticket, he can't be allowed to win.
Personally, I'm in a swing state, so this is something I've had to consider for this election.
That doesn't seem to be taken out of context at all.
Just drop him like a bad habit.
He's served his purpose already. Don't fool yourself into thinking there's something magical about Sanders that made people support him, his support came from dissatisfaction with the status quo, which still exists even if Bernie's sold out.
Not an American, but I were you I would not vote for Hillary, I just wouldn't vote or just go to Jill Stein.
If Trump becomes president you will suffer for 4 years, but then the DNC will collapse and will be taken over by the Sanders faction.Plus the Republicans will be completely be discredited when he collapses under the weight of his absurd promises. A Hillary potus is potentially harmful for the Mid-East an will potentially exacerbate the differences, probably leading to violence within the US.
This. If Trump wins, the Republicans will control every branch of government. The dems will collapse and be replaced by Sanderistas, who will have the perfect setup from the Republicans who will have been setting the country on fire (perhaps literally). It'll be the death rattle of the American right in the same way that the Nazis scared Germany away from fascism.
FINALLY. I was wondering when these reformists would shut up, but here it is, straight from the horses mouth!
He's a retard who got spooked by le Tromp iz Hitler meme. In the end he's just a filthy liberal.
He's also a fucking cuck, and I have to put emphasis on this. The BLM "incident" is one thing, but to willingly suck up to the very person who actively cheated you out of your campaign and antagonized your supporters, is actually downright sickening.
And I don't want to hear any stupid apologism like "oh he just said probably", he could have at least stayed silent about the matter instead of kissing the person who stabbed him from behind. He knows his supporters fucking hate $hillary. He's obviously seen the polling data showing how many of them would vote for something else. You can't argue he isn't trying to 'convert' them.
are you insane?
inb4 polyps start masturbating all over this thread
So Bernie agrees with Chomsky. Big deal.
Watch Bernie's "Where We Go From Here" speech here:
He's shifting focus to the local elections. He's not going to waste a ton of effort shilling for Clinton.
This isn't plebbit, you can take your empty platitudes and liberal fear mongering back that way. If she had an (R) next to her name instead of (D), with the same exact background and record, you idiots would be in overdrive against her, using the exact same talking points, except they'd be more believable.
No, you're a dog on the DNC leash
Republicans held every branch of government when Bush took office. It was the same exact porky masturbation as it is now. Your doomsday scenario is laughable. Everything will be the same as usual because they're both the same.
one post too late
respectable dubs
Heil Hitlery, goyim!
Yeah, remember 8 years ago when Obama was getting "unfairly treated" by the evil media? It was just a stunt to mobilize supporters, and now the same thing is happening to Trumpcucks.
Are y'all actually surprised? Literally anybody who lives in reality could have told you that he would be behind Hillary.
Also, not going to happen. Most likely the Dems will go even more centrist like they did when Bill was elected.
Everyone on this board should prefer Hillary over Trump for a very simple reason: a Trump presidency would force us under a tent with the liberals in opposition to Trump. A Hillary presidency allows us to further distance ourselves from liberals.
I didn't vote when it was Romney vs Obama. The R or D has nothing to do with it. I'm just really scared of nuclear war, and Trump is drastically more likely to cause it than any other candidate since probably Reagan.
they can't beat the demographics. young voters are overwhelmingly socdem. Bernie is kicking off a decade-long fight to turn the Dems into a socdem party, and he has generational warfare on his side. on top of that, we are reaching a turning point in history, and when modern automation begins destroying millions of jobs, it will be impossible to maintain the current political system.
This is some next-level identity politics. How about you fucking vote for whoever the better candidate is?
id prefer hillary over trump, but i cant bring myself to actually vote for her.
No, a Hillary presidency would legitimize the status quo and pacify people angry at the establishment because any criticism of her will be shut down because "First Wimmin President" and "it was her or Trump."
Liberalism is and always will be a cancer on the left. Look at how many people protested Bush's foreign interventions VS how many people protested Obama's interventions.
Trump doesn't care about NATO and doesn't care about Russian intervention in Syria. How is he more likely to create a nuclear war than Obama, who has spent his whole presidency expanding NATO, antagonizing Russia, and destroying Syria?
some people simply cant afford a trump presidency. i will not support someone who has threatened to deport 11.5 million people because muh borders.
Because he's an unpredictable hothead. Govt isn't stupid. They know how to toe the line; antagonizing Russia, when tension is relatively low, is good for the Obama and Putin; riles up the population to support them. But both know that actual conflict will be the end of both sides, and know to back down before things get that hot.
I don't think Trump will stop before things get too hot. If we take him at his word, he probably wont.
Ya people always forget China, the fact that it's economy is going down and the fact that america's debt is owned by china.
like an obama presidency did? stfu idiot
Someone put together a supercut of all the times Sanders said he respected Hillary, said he wouldn't run against her, said he would support her if he won, along with Jeff Weaver and his wife saying similar things this month.
Just to stop the non-stop idiocy of people thinking Sanders is some heroic independent. If you don't see Sanders being the millennial representative for the Killary campaign stop and actually look at Sanders' actual record beyond Sanders support sites. A relunctant endorsement is still an endorsement and he gave reserved endorsements to Bill Clinton BOTH FUCKING TIMES.
*if she won
Trump is just another centrists, he will be a blundering bufoon, but by the end of his presidency the Dems will have gained the house.
Also he cannot pull a Bush and declare wars when he specifically campaigned on a neo-con agenda. The US is in deep debt as it anyway. The thing is like said we aren't in 1993, nor in 2000, legit chaos is just around the corner. It is better to discredit the neo-fascists Trumpites WITHIN parliamentary democracy, than fight them outside it.
Another positive about the Trump presidency is that will shake the foundations of the American Empire. The American Empire as the gatekeeper of global capital will end, as it will prove that people have legitimately lost faith in globalization.
The chaos of a fight between establishment vs Trump neo-fascism will give ground for the Left to seize power and shift the narrative to class based politics.
I understand your point, but sometimes sacrifices have to made.
Plus I doubt the US has the capability to deport that many people, and deportations on such a scale could trigger an armed mini-civil war in California.
Well color me shocked OP
obama has deported over 2 million in his term. Hillary would deport more. Neither of them will ever get NEARLY the same level of protest and resistance that Trump would.
kek, so much denial and salt in this thread.
This makes sense in principle, but the long term executive staff would be babysitting Trump and would stop him if he tried to initiate global thermonuclear war. The NSA, CIA, etc, hold far more power than the President; J. Edgar Hoover was basically POTUS in regards to domestic social policy.
You have to go back
If you think a Trump presidency is a good idea you're stupid. Bush brought radicals back to the center and Trump would do the same.
If you're in a purple state vote Clinton or Sanders and if you're not vote Stein.
a social democrat being all about big talk but doing jack shit as the result?
wow, what a big suprise.
even less of a suprise is how suprised some of you guys are, especially the anarkiddies. you never learn. if there's one constant thing to rely on, it's you being naive.
probably bc the Communist Party told him to or they'll kill him like Vince Foster
Which is why the real Left should never legitimize mainstream politics with their votes.
A vote towards pro-capitalist parties and pro-capitalist candidates only makes them stronger.
And as I said before we aren't in 1993,2000, or 2008 , the situation has changed, the two big parties have been completely discredited. A centrist is unlikely because the situation of the US working class has also changed, and capital has become more aggressive, with things like the TPP being more dangerous to them than Trump will ever be.
Voting for the enemy that was so vehemently hated by this entire board. Priceless.
Have fun with Meme Saltysuck then
Face it your revolution won't happen in the military industrial capital of the world, the only way is everyone. A Sanders or Stein vote is entryism and a Clinton vote is just strategic so we can continue entering gradually. And if you don't think Clinton would be accerationist u stupid
Put down your shitty principles and look at what's best for the country.
What is considered best for the country varies from individual to individual. If the only defense you have for your ideology is "I'm the only right one," then you're already doomed to fail.
You're retarded beyond words. Bush brought classcucked conservatives back to the center, Obama brought classcucked liberals back to the center. Your conservative-liberal false dichotomy is lost here, we're not liberals who parrot the line of "evil conservative extremists." They're both the same to us, they're both classcucked pawns of capitalists, there's very little substantial difference between liberals and conservatives other than one wants higher taxes one wants lower taxes, it's all irrelevant shit flinging.
The only "radical" here is your radical stupidity in thinking anybody is going to buy into this Hillary is the lesser of two evils meme.
But what do we do? There's no more candidates that support the Socialist platform.
this election is about establishment v change. trump is that change. rearranging party politics will be a good thing. if the Dems win then Trump goes away and the Republicunts (and neocons) can reestablish control of the party.
stop being stupid. trump is the chaos candidate. vote trump
If Sanders can't be trusted to uphold his ideals of fighting against the Washington establishment, then who do we trust?
In both scenarios the DNC loses, it's just that one is it's immediate complete collapse, while the other is gradualist.
However if Hillary does get elected reforming the Democratic party will be virtually impossible and Sanders will eventually get buried.
No, American leftists should not legitimize Trump with their votes this gives more power to him and the Repubs. If he wins, good for us. If he loses, then we need new tactics. Probably a new OWS, only more focused this time around.
Who cares? Sanders always sucked, the only good thing he did was help introduce class politics to Americans, now that he's served that purpose he can fuck off. And voting for Clinton isn't even necessarily bad, as long as you don't let yourself be fooled into thinking she's a good candidate. She's better for the left than Trump, anyone who thinks otherwise is a polyp or a retard who would have thought Hitler becoming chancellor was good for the left.
In the wide arc of history, Hitler served as a poster child for fascism, which in turn transformed Germany and Europe in general into being less fascist as a result.
But she was the epitome of everything that was wrong with D.C. The big bank donors, the changing positions to gain votes, why should we vote for either of these "candidates?"
why the fuck is this legal
Fox News has argued in court that they are under no obligation to tell the truth.
Why not?
Retardation: the post
If you ever thought anything short of revolution was the answer you were lying to yourself at best, a stooge at worst.
Voting for Trump would only make him more powerful, we don't want him to be powerful, we just want him to be elected with only just a slight majority.
Do you actually believe there's literally a button on the president's desk that instantly fires nukes? The chain of command and the decision making involved in a fucking airstrike, let alone a nuclear missile, is fucking ridiculous.
Man, they went mining DEEP for that quote.
Holy shit, that is so fucking scummy.
We're on the verge of Clinton being elected, not some Trump landslide.
Chomsky is an overrated old hack.
Holy shit, you can't make this stuff up.
cucked again leftist faggots hows that donated money going
im not surprised, as Bernie's campaign unwound he seemed to just repeat empty platitudes. Not sure if he even cared to win.
Trump is a buffoon but liberal faggots getting hysterical about him make me want him to win.
u wot m8
Neocons are the exact opposite of rightist radicals and are a thousand times worse. They are so obsessed with the status quo that they will kill literally millions of people to maintain it.
I don't understand why Trump is considered worse. So they are both porkies with terrible credentia, right?
But Shillary has the entire machine behind her, while Trump is basically an individual and nobody really knows what the fuck he's on about. Shillary would be like Bush - He had Cheney, he had Rumsfeld, he had practically everyone line up behind him and they were steering him like a puppet.
Trump is such a question mark there are even GOPturds who would rather back Shillary because they simply don't know how to handle them. So let's say Trump gets into a twitter war with some middle-eastern nation and decides to invade, which apparently libtards think is a serious possibility - Why would anyone say "Yes Mr. President, we shall do it immediately :)"? Looks like a bunch of nonsense to me. The president isn't a "God Emperor" who can do whatever he wants.
all ITT
Go back to whatever glory hole you crawled out of, faggot.
that never happened.
Why faggots believe that all germans were fascists back then?
toppy kekerino, pray to le keke god for trump to cuck my kikes up
It'd just keep things just about where they are.
You can stop trusting SocDems advocate the "Scandinavian model" for a start.
Holy fuck the Hillary shills are amazing
Why are any of you surprised? Are you new? Did you not follow the election from the beginning?
From the get-go he said he'd support whoever the Democratic nominee was. I you didn't already know this, you have not been swindled but you have been ignorant.
He's not going to go out of his way to shill for Hillary. He's shifting his efforts to building grassroots at the local levels.
By voting for Hillary and betraying his own supporters who are anti-Hillary.
non sequitur
Stating fact is Holla Forums now?
No. It literally does not follow. You must be ignorant because he stated he'd support whoever became the nominee. Yours and my feelings of dislike for him not being the nominee are immaterial.
He's owning up to his statement. And that's admirable even if you or I don't like the meaning of the statement. In fact that's why he became popular in the first place because of perceived genuineness.
People vote for him because he was supposed to be anti-Hillary.
If his "perceived genuineness" means he votes for Hillary, what's the goddamn point? They could support Hillary from the start and spared the cash.
Final post from me because this is finished and there's not point in going in a circle.
You were clearly ignorant of his position on the matter. And now you're very emotional over the matter for him following through with what he said he'd do because it conflicts with your feelings.
Look, I don't like it either. I and others weren't all that enthused with him running as a Democrat for as well. But we knew what we were getting into when we began supporting him and understood why he's done what he's done.
Bernie voting for Hillary conflicts with not only my feelings but my interests as well.
Bernie has failed in both the political stage and even in his own fanbase.
Op's statement is objectively true when viewed through a theoretical lens.
The socialist notion of the bourgeois and the alt-right notion of zionist globalist elites are actually quite similar. Though the former is built on objective material factors and the latter on subjective idealism, they intuitively agree for most practical purposes.
Trump is under such heavy fire from the political establishment, academia and news media - cynical agents of class rule and useful idiots - because he represents a serious challenge to their interests. Granted, it's not a challenge in the form of well-actualized socialist revolution, and he may be every bit an opportunist as Sanders, but he's far less ineffectual; his policies do make sense and stand to benefit a lot of everyday people within the context of where we are right now.
The muslim question is some dirty laundry even generally anti-idpol comrades are leery of airing.
Yep, just a hop and a skip and jump over millions of corpses and the complete destruction of Europe was needed.
You people are trapped in some next level political oblivion here.
Bruh he's losing in Texas anyway.
Sanders flipped on resolute principles, into the trash with him.
Including him there are at least 5 choices, two of which are hugely unpopular front runners.
Trump, Hillary, Johnson, Stein and Bernie.
If I was a voter that was basically hinging on a novelty aspect like their gender and wanted the first female president I'd rather vote for one that will be less likely to frog march to the oval office and choose Stein.
Same with conservatives that can't stomach Trump, vote Johnson instead.
You don't have to vote for hated candidates that have tons of baggage, the biggest trick the establishment is pulling is trying to make you think there are only two choices.
Well that's verifiably false
So, when the democrat candidate wil be officially chosen?
What has sanders flipped on that is so important?
Hillary will have sanders and his thugs pushing her to the left and will respond. Trump just calls protesters loosers and dummies and doesn't give a shit.
Nice dream world you cooked up there to justify voting for the money queen.
Reminder that putting the right in power is our best bet right now.
They will inevitably fail, and it helps if it's clearly the capitalists in charge.
Fucking CNN
I now am convinced to vote Trump.
Because he will get everyone in the world nuked and we can die peacefully.
I thought you lads were better than this
Hillary's "correctors" keep saying this, and the rest of us don't even know what they're babbling about. It's very transparent fear mongering. when their own neocon candidate has a history of trying to light the world on fire, and, yet, this is the tact they are going with.
I believe Hillary will begin to sink in the polls simply for this reason, her team is so completely out of touch with public perception of her. It's the equivalent Nazis campaigning on the opposition being anti-semitic.
Whoever could have seen this coming?
The only Google result I could find for such a case was this link: snopes.com
Why aren't you accelerationists? It's fun, come try.
Still not quite giving in, I guess.
No he's completely voting for her, he's just realizing that if he votes for her all his supporters will realize he's sold out.
So he's trying to distinguish "voting for" and "endorsing".
Kind of like Bill Clinton tried to distinguish "blow job" and "sexual relations".
…. and no one is buying either mans bullshit.
go home CTR
I don't know what that is and I'm puzzled by your comment.
"I look forward to meeting with [Clinton] in the near future to see how we can work together to defeat Donald Trump and to create a government which represents all of us and not just the 1 percent"
Is "yes" to complicated for you?