What the fuck is going on, Brits? According to the protected Wikipedia page you're still in the EU.

because they still are

It's apparently a 2 year process to get out. Other countries have started acting like they were never in it though.

It's gonna be a kerfuffle sorting all that EU shit out. Give us a few years.

slidethread and shitpost

It's 2 years after it starts, it hasn't yet.

How the actual fuck does it take 2 years to tell a bunch of pencil pushers to go fuck themselves?


What is Article 50? Britains official declaration of intent to leave? After that the 2 year period starts? So if article 50 is never invoked then you'll never actually leave yea?

That is correct.

So who is in charge of actually invoking Article 50 and why haven't they done it yet?



Theresa May is the one who has the say on article 50 I believe - if I'm not mistaken she was also a member of the Remain camp.

A lot of people in power wanted to remain - I'm sure they'll do whatever they can to drag the process out as long as possible (or try and comprise a Brexit Lite).
I'm not up to date as to why it's such a long process, I'm sure someone from the UK can answer that.

2 years to apply.
3 years for processing.
1 year to find the application.
5 years for deciding.
Got to first point since the referendum is old and doesn't represent the demographic picture anymore.

EU is a birocratic monster on purpose.Similar to SU.

Farage knows, brother.

Bong here, user is correct on all counts.

There's no real reason that they can't invoke article 50 today (except for the purported resulting "catastrophe" to the economy).

Basically they're doing everything they can to drag their heels about it - probably because they expect some sort of happening to occur before they do it, which will nullify it / distract people enough.

Meanwhile we're seeing the beeb pushing out tons of propaganda against Brexit even after the vote (Hate crimes on the increase! Britain becoming an isolated state of racists!)

Even whilst the current government has said that there will be no second referendum, it's really out of their hands if someone else gets in. The labour MP going up against Jeremy Corbyn for leadership of Labour, for example, has made forcing a second referendum a large talking point of his campaign (which starts to make sense when you see the smear campaign against Comrade Corbyn lately, who, for all his faults, has said that we must stand by the referendum results).

Wot? I'll have to report you to the Ministry of Pleasure.

Why don't you just give them the middle finger and change you own fucking laws. What are they gonna do, raise an army and invade?

Double fucking jeopardy. "Muh democracy," what a load of shit. Reminds me of when California voted to outlaw homosexuality lol, obviously that little vote was ignored by the buttfuckers in chief

Imagine how much bother its going to be for the countries who joined the Euro currency to leave?

Done plenty of times by the EU. Ireland voted against the Lisbon Treaty for example, a few years ago. They made them vote again to get the correct result.

It's bullshit to even the most casual observer, but (almost) half of britbongs can't see what's right in front of their own faces.

Fuck I just gave myself flashbacks to the War Between the States

gg Britain. When Brussels burns London to the ground, you'll be remembered as the racist state and the war was fought over Britain abusing Syrian refugees

All of this is wrong.
The contract says that after triggering Article 50 you have to wrappedup your business in two years.

At lot of you illiterate faggots seem to think the two years clause is a fixed timeframe, when in reality it just states that a member isn't allowed to drag it on for longer than two years.

In theory the UK can immediately leave if they wrapped up all outstanding debts after triggering Article 50, there's nothing stoipping them.

Also the EU has several times asked them to fucking trigger Article 50 already but alas, the bongs still didn't do it.
That might be because all member of the leave-camp immediately fucked off instead of taking responsibility and seeing this through to the end.

The fuck are you on about? This responsibility falls to the PM - Theresa May. It has nothing to do with "all member of the leave camp immediately fucking off instead of taking responsibility."

You just sound like a butthurt remainer.

UK government. EU doesn't have to do shit until they get a formal notification. To be a bit fair to them, once it's invoked UK's negotiating position becomes a bit weaker.
Because rivers made with the blood of politicians aren't a thing. In theory, article 50 is not strictly necessary, the bongs could just repeal the 1972 European Communities Act but that's really unlikely.

What I think is going to happen is more referendums until britbongs get it right, importing tanned bongs in the meantime.

She's said she's not doing it this year.

That's what the UK is supposed to do. That's the entire point of Article 50.
If the UK would trigger Article 50 they would be OBLIGATED to do it by EU law within two years.
There is nobody to blame but the UK goverment.

It is fairly concerning that they'll just invoke article 50 'later'. How long has it been since the vote took place and Cameron fell flat on his face?
May should have set an example by invoking it on her first day in office - to delay something so big is extremely suspicious. I know there were a tonne of millennials out who felt they had been cheated by the elderly voters and thought their vote should be void 'as they'll be dead soon'. Maybe they'll give it a few years after 'struggling with paperwork' and have another vote after the demographics have changed by a few percentage.
I saw so many actors from G.o.T shilling hard for Remain, kinda sucks when you know young folk will follow their lead without thinking

We dont even need to mess about with this article 50.
Just stop paying them the fees to be a member. Then our membership ends automatically.

Make it known that we will reciprocate any trade barriers such as import duty.

Sounds to me like bongs are using a legal loophole.

They need two years to refine their jewing and subverting of the public's wishes.

True enough but there's literally zero chance of Corbyn winning the next election, he can't even keep half his party in check with him.

London has the highest concentration of niggers and mud in the country, if they burn it down that's 60% of the remain voters gone. they'd essentially be doing our job for us.

Quite likely, though I really think they'd have their work cut out for them. Leave was a strong grassroots movement and aside from retarded millennials, every other remain voter I've spoken to doesn't like the idea of a second referendum because they can respect the result.

That's my point - his likely successor has outright said that a second referendum is his plan.

The UK. The EU couldn't kick them out even if they wanted at the moment.

Because they don't actually want to.

Also to be fair the UK has a much better leverage in negotiations as long as they don't invoke it.

For your sake, I hope article 50 gets invoked soon - without any added compromises along the way. Hopefully as things tend to get worse throughout Europe, more of those who voted remain might rethink their choice.

Even as a non-Brit I have noticed quite a few hit pieces on Corbyn, who was the shining light of a few British media companies.

Ah, well I still think it's mighty unlikely that Labour would win anyway regardless of who's at the helm. They're too divided between Blairites and shit-tier commies to cohere enough into something electable.

It's hilarious that they think another vote might go in their favour, there was a lot of fence sitting people who didn't vote who were a hair off going for Leave that would actually turn up in a new vote.

If they get whipped even harder will they stop being such faggots do you think?



Does Corbyn even have a chance to keep the leadership?

Tbh i was really surprised when they elected an old school communist instead of some liberal progressive cunt.

They are, and the women in charge(top kek,) keeps renigging and redefining things for the worse while stringing them along with talk about how the people have spoken so will do what they say while not doing so and further solidifying that they don't.

Possibly - if the aforementioned MP takes over from Corbyn I could realistically see the next election becoming a one-issue election - 2nd referendum or not?

Corbyn has announced his support for the referendum result (despite being a remainer). That was really his death-knell. I'm quite confident that they will try to make the main issue of the next election EU-centric one way or another.

Corbyn is a snippy prick, he doesn't connect with the public and half of his own party want him gone. He's not as utterly unelectable as Milliband was but the public largely regard him as a janitor/mad/not a serious contender for PM.

Doesn't really matter, the 'left' such as it was (actually they were right-centrist) is on life support in this country. They abdicated their ideals with Blair and have run on fumes since the grinning prick left to con Yank businessmen out of megabux.

The unelected Scot fucked our gold and then they sputtered to a halt with Milliband because he was essentially a marionette in charge of a haemorrhaging ship. Now they've got the fringe guy in (on the sideways notion that he sticks to his principles) and it'll likely cause a party split if he gets booted.

If that happens the left's share of the electorate is shattered into too many shards to pose a serious threat to the tories for the forseeable future.

It's in the interests of both the British and the EU elites.

Read this
Read this
Read this
Read this

Im sick of the 'it takes two years' disinfo the MSM is trying to pull.
Read Article 50. Two years is tje deadline.

This is a Jewish demoralisation campaigh whilst they search for a way to reverse the vote.

why did you do this?

The electorate had no say in May taking over from Cameron. A change in party leadership (and thus who is invited to become PM by HMQ) between general elections is an internal party matter. And, thanks to fixed term parliaments, it's not until 2020 that people can decide whether they want her in power.
